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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-31, Page 3
THU9fI D..Y, J rTU X aL5t, 1957 THE GODERICII SIGNAIrSTAR PUC Considers MOH Recommendation To Add Fluorine . To Local Water Goderich Public Utilities Com- mission is considering a recom- mendation that .fluorine be added to the town'$ water supply. The proposal was made by Dr. R. M. Allis, MOH and directtrr of Huron County Health Unit, in a letter 'tat the commission. The commission currently is consider- ing construction of a new water °gelantt. Dr. Aldis suggested that the cost Waef fluoridation a:quipment would not be lange in relation to the total cost atf the proposed new water plant. The cost of operating the fluoridation program, afrer the equipment has been - inetalled; would be about seven cents per capita per year, he estimated. Fluoridation would result in a' great improvement in dental health, said Dr. Aldis. He noted that 1,100 Canadian and United States communities now fluoridate their water with successful results. Questions about fluoridation are answered in an article by Dr. Wes- ley J. Dunn elsewhere in this issue of The Signal -Star. Dr. Dunn is • editor of 'the Journal of the Can- adian Dental Asec iartivn:' In his letter to the least PUC, Drs Aldis tom limeted it on the "improved. quality and quantity" of tale water distributed to local consumers. He suggested fluorida- tion would snake it that much better. There discussion of l d w little sc 1� 6Sio the -proposal at the co emission /sleeting, but it was agreed to give the matter careful study .for pos- sible inc+arperaitien in ,plans for the new plant. Answering Your ouestions n Water Fluoridation Mission Bard Head Is Charlene Cook The Mission Band of Victoria Street United Church held its elec- tion recently. The following of- ficers were.installed by Mrs. Frank Wilson, president of the Woman's Missionary Society: president, Charlene Cook; secretary, Allison Ryan; treasurer, Jahn Williams. „ _"'r - 1 l -9111111F.,11114/ ori ►M\ """TTI . ' .t Lap 4141`a♦ -1 ■ ►1111•1.1'111 ICJ �'VVE C0 QUALITY <' WE LINTHAVE RL INS / THATg REALLY A S�'©CK BELIEVE Fl7V,� TNg7S 14/14ERE FRIENDS, fr Rf k/E SHINE,RAys R APPLI4NdcES Branch Agentfor CNR Money Orders flJotc APPLIANCES tic' ?'out,FRIC�IDAIRE �ec+.Q� • FOR SALES d SERVICE GODERICH uwt/wSQUARE •• 'Now, 586 Now that Dr. R. M. Aldis, MOH, . raised. It would 'be futile for me* has recommended ,fluoridation of and extremely time consuming for Goderioh's hatter supply, many citizens will be asking questions as to just what is involved in such a program. Following is a condens- ation .of 'an article written on the subject by Dr. Wesley J. Dunn, editor of the Journal of the Can- adian Dental Associations. The article sets forth the advent - .ages off fluoridation, and examines some of the arguments against it. Here is what Dr. Dunn says: Fluoridation of community water supplies is nothing more or less than an' extension of a natural procees through an adjustment of the concentration of the element fluorine in water to a level of one 'part fluoride to each one million parts of water. The adjustment of a fluoride to this level does not in any way alter the taste, color or odor of the water. Fluoridation is a scientifically proven procedure whereby it is possible to reduce by approximate- ly two-thirds the incidence of de- cay in the teeth -Qf children born and raised in areas where fluoride is ideally present. This protection extends into adult life as well. Tooth decay is a disease which the substance is poisonous. undermines health, a fact which Sodium fluoride to be a success - is often overlooked: Commenting ful rat poison must be present to in Health Magazine several months the extent of well over 1,000 parts ago the general director of the per million. Ata concentration of Health League of Canada said: "In one part per • million the fluoride all the fuss and fury over fluoride- is not present in sufficient concen- tion and its possible if mythical tration to be remotely considered dangers, the importance of tooth a poison. decay itself, as a menace to health, It is significant, I think, to real - has been largely forgotten. ize that the amount of sodium • • PHONE THEPARK 1150 • --- GODERICH • Now—In Cinemascope—"The Proud Ones"—Virginia Mayo and Robert Ryan. - MON., TUES. and WED.— • "BEHIND the, HIGH WALL" A:pr 6.,.. v araen, a ir`rongl,y -cahvicted prisoner and the warden's 1 • paraplegic wife are the central characters in an inter- esting crime -drama. SYLVIA SIDNEY, TOM TULLY and BETTY LYNN • THURS., FRI. AND SAT.— Student Prices Suspended for this • = attraction_ Debra Paget, Richard Egan, Neville Brand and introducing • • ELVIS PRESLEY • 3 SINGING—In his first motion picture appearance—a story of ' • Civil War events. • "LOVE ME TENDER" •• I- - in- Cinemascope and Color. : Coming—"The • Court_Martial .of Billy Mitchel-l"—with Gary• Cooper. AIR-CONDITIONED • AT • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• you to answer the countless asser- tions directed against fluoridation. We have heard that fluoridation a 5� i istic unconstitutional, is oc 1 a colnmunieft .plot to poison the y opulation, fluoride is a rat poison, it hardens bones,' weakens will power, produces holes• in the skull, allergies, cancer and kidney dis- ease." We have heard that "put• ting fluorides in the driiiin4 water supply is mass medication, it's regimentation, it's. ineffective, it amounts to criminal insanity." Poisons Let me refer to poisons. We have an apparent paradox of strychnine being a deadly poison and yet we find some physicians administering it to some of their patients. Another example: sod- ium chloride or common table salt is a biological necessity but still in great quantities has long been a suicide instrument of Choice 'in China. As you readily can perceive we cannot truthfully apply the epithet poison to any suibstance (or the term non-poisonous for that mat- ter) unless we are prepared to state the concentration in which The important thing about tooth decay is that it is a diseasewhich destroys teeth and it is a rather grim experience for the human who has to go through life minus a large part of ,he machinery with which nature provided him to pre- C pare food for digestion. Following nearly three, years of study and discussio, Brantford be- Of Motorist, 82 came the first cityin Canada to add fluoride to its water supply in June,• 1945. The Concentration of An inquest will be held Febru- one to 1.2 parts per million has ary 12 into the death of Arthur been 'maintained continuously Anderson, 82, of R.R. 2, Hensel!, since that time. The control cities in a traffic accident near Bruce were Stratford, with 1.3 parts per field Friday. million fluoride occurring frorp , underground depo fibs,• and Sarnia, Provincial Constables Alex I}wad with negligible amount, in its dle and Robert Sims, of Goderich car. was thrown into a water -filled g detachment investigated the two- ditch. In the second car, Mr. and bins. Arnold Makins and their two small children received head and shoulder injuries, and minor abras-_i ions: They ,were admitted Ise ('lin- • ton hospital. TSIe" car`s -golf id-od• -sisililsesInte r'c-_ i.'_ t ion of county' roac 3 and the! second concession of Stanley Town I ship, one and one-quarter mile west of..,Brucefield. The inquest will be held salt Town Hall. fluoride necessary to fluoridate one gallon of water equals in weight about one 1 35th of an aspirin •tablet. o o -o rash Takes Life etailed Report Of County Farm Operations In '56 4 surplus of $2,713.17 on the 1956 operations of the Huron Couri- ty Home Farm was announced when Huron County Council met in Goderich recently. The farm's operations, as reported by Super- intendent Harvey C. Johnston, are detailed below: REVENUE Milk Hogs Cattle, Eggs Poultry Farm Produce her farm sales Threshing. Gasoline tax refund Total Income EXPENDIT[TRES $3.648 (t4 2.180.75 252.00 Wages Hogs Poultry Feed Poultry Cattle Ilogs Fertilizers seed Gasoline and ail Boars} for farm help Repairs Buildings Equipment Travelling Al- lowance 185.00 Veterinary 193.00 Light and power .120.00 Water 99.80 Insurance 54.48 Dairy supplies 30.00 Miscellaneous 574.35 and $ 6,228.96 5,898,73 1,480.20 1,104.09 892.33 802.30 Cadi Varns Motorists Must Report, Any .Damage To Trees, Shrubs, Poles The driaer of any 've0iclaa tlzat- darnages a tree, shrub or Fele is required to report the matter to the authorities, even if the damage .appears light. A reminder to this effect was issued by Magistrate D. E. Holmes in court at Goderich last week. The magistrate said that this par- ticular be so ✓ maynot lawt known as other traffic rules. Hefined Frederick It Vincent vehicle which !err load. -been driv w ing, the caras not impounded rby late magistrate. Pleading guilty to impaired driving, Harry Thomas of Ra. 1,` (odericii, was rise sed the minimum 'fine oft and costs or 10 days. A ear driven by "orwelil was on the wrong sideof the road when it coed with another e vehicle on Victoria street on the night of December 22, said 43rawn 21, 04 Goderich, $10 and costs, or Attorney II. Glenn Nays. Damage three days, for failing. to report totalled 'about $60. an accident in which a pole had Leo Dykstra, 17, of li..R. 2, Clin- been damaged by his vehicle. ton, was fined $10 and costs, or Awaiting to evidence, the ac- five.. days, for driving without a cident occurred along the county permit. ' road, south of Dungannon, or} The youth, who has been a resi- Christmas Day. Mr. Vincent told dent of Canada for one and a half police he "dozed off." years, gaveProvincial Constable Douglas Ronald Kerr, of R.R. •41, A. Twaddle the impression that he Dungannon, was fined $25 and thought he had to be able to drive costs, or two weeks in jail, for before he could obtain a license. driving while under suspension. Elderly Joshua Summers, who To Crack town had been booked on a vagrancy Commenting on the case, the charge byClinton Police, Was magistrate said; "This is stheer placed on suspended sentence after stupidity for a boy whose license he promised to leave for Ofwen has been lifted to go driving in Sound right away. 384.16 clear view around the Square in o-------o-----o Goderich. The making of toys in Canada VA =um The Wabana iron mi. on Titter Bell &ion. The eitditern prosaic; to, Newfoundland is world's lflt<',i~;,cl subt erUneau iron mine. 1 5 "I am going to go harder on 23322. €i'5has, since the Second World these boys who drive when their ! gone ahead in such strides $ 17,148.:42 license }s suspended," he added. today it is a $40.000,000 a The magistrate noted, with =Ills- t industry', appointment, that "There are too many of these boys who think a license suspension is nothing." 1,530.65 1,006.67 450.79 1,496.98 1,047.25 417.50 329.74 817.65 In many cases, the mag}sirate said, the only effect a license sus- pension had was that •the suspend- ed driver kept a sharper look -out for police. Since there was insufficient evid- ence as to the ownership of the War, that year IX ADDITION','TO OUR SoLimmetimentall SFS.vitm AND �EPAIIC AT,x.'.TltFF,S QR FkEtY'i1LONIO. EQUIPMENT AND AFPLTAkiGEfa. _ p a NEW AND. iJsED, TE LE VIS ION FOR SALE T SES. V CHAPMAN Phone 154 104 Elgin E. 2 e WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 • at 2.3t0 p.m. The public ar'e cordially invited. REV. R. G. MacMILLi iN, President. Total Expen- ditures xpen- ditures 14,435.25 Surplus for year 2.713.17 water supply. car crash in which Anderson died • Now after sten years tooth decay and four other persons were in in Brantford; in the, six- to- el-mil .year old group, the • chil h11 'W iril Anderson, who was alone in- his have received iluoridat'ed water are you interested in a PROFITABLE BUSINESS Of YOUR .OWN? 4 w also .tee * -1` eyes =tea : < ha e - been reduced by approximately pooeo•A•o•Oe®••••c••®••••, Lucknow Deposits It may be of interest for you to know that many communities in Canada-, e. fluoride in ,the desir- able or than required amounts occurring .,from under- , ground deposits. While we know wEsTINGHous E at least. 35 such communities in An e%clusive Ontario distributor of world-famous Power Mowers, Garden Tillers and Garden Tractors is looking for enthusiastic sales and service representation in this -area. Many of our most successful dealers are -small one or two man operations—some started on i1 part-time basis!. A fast selling initial stock in the vicinity of $500.00 can establish you as a Franchised Dealer! Our complete' line of Lawn and Garden Equipment includes products That are supported, by full patio ads in LIFE Magazine and other powerful advertising on RADIO and TELEVISION! If you 'are interested write today to Box No. 76, Signal -Star, Goderich. • o Ontario alone, here -are a ties of them: Aylmer -1.2 p.p.m.; Dresden CLOTHES DRYER ---2: Essex-- 2 Ingersoll --- 1.8, Lucknow _ • i t1; clown 1.24 lielbotirne 1: S UtarYg� .' y Stral.ford-1.3, and Walkerton --1.5. Water was chosen as the vehicle for the addition of fluoride pre- sumably because water is the major natural source •of the ele- ment. it ha; other obvious advant- ages. It is, fre:n a public health Why freeze to death hanging but standpoint a practical :trid easily your wash? At our low prices you controlled measure requiring little, can have a fully Automatic Dryer if any, public co-operation. eater in your home and forget wash fluoridation may he 'nide available day worries. to large sections of the population at a very reasonable ct., In reference to the engineering aspects of this procedure, Dr.- A. E. Berry, who is director of the Sanitary Engineering Division of the Department of IIealth four the Province of Ontario and a past - president of the American Water Works Association, .has stated the t'oliowing: "The methods foe adding fluoride to the water supply are well established. No unusual dif- ficulty is encountered." The installation of fluoride -feed ing equipment, Dr. Berry continues, is subject to the approval of this deportment in the same way as other changes in a waiter works system. Plans and specifications are submitted with the application thus 'enabling the department to he satisfied with the equipment' and methods of operation. Big Reduction We can sum up our knowledge of., fluoridation very briefly and sing. that with fluoridation we can con fidently predict an approximate two thirds .redurtio••i in the inci- d'nce of tooth decay. We can also stale in very em.elhatic terms that with the most exhaustivq, and ex- tensive research and findings avail- able, not one singlt. deleterious efTecit has ever been demonstrated mrdic•al1 r and further that thi- rlrc-e'lure his received the -unqual- ified endorsation of all the major health organizations on this, eon. tinent. With this vast volume of evil Radio Service once then, one may wonder int all the hullabaloo which has been ; soeseveee©o®©®iDeso# 5000 $179.s0 MODEL CD 100 CUSTOM ONLY $239.95 DROPDOWN HAMILTON ST. FOR A DEMONSTRATI6N. WILF REINHARTS 4. A reputation you -can trust when you borrow To hundreds of thousands of Canadian families, the circled }WC emblem shown here is a symbol of confidence. If you need up to $1000 to solve your Money problems, you too may borrow with confidence from HI+ C--�Canada'n firth and foremost con- sumer finance company. 'Phone o visit HFC today. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R. It, F TCU, -Manager. - A " Wasfloors, Street, second fors, phone i16011 o GODERICH, `V� N+ 0 ING LEGION HALL GODERICH SATULD4kY, o JAOIKPOT 0 $45.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 51 CALLS. lst GAME STARTS AT 8.30 PIT in Hen - AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD 'ST RE -4211 WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND-OSS,!- MatE'WAN -4 Phone 230 43A West St. NtE . AGENCY -7' Goderich 7tf •.• Chevrolet showed the world what stuff champs are made of, right from the start. Chevy's rugged features, proved on the Alaska Highway, are ready to prove to you their unbeatable value. ,. High compression 6's and Short Stroke V8's, %kith horsepower now up.to 210, can do Herculcantasks with ease! Low Cab Forward models outdate the Cab 0 -ver Engine, save you time and effort. - Unit -design cab and body construction — ( hcvrolet cabs and bodies stay tight and solid over milts of bumps. Optional Powermatie transmission, the rcvolurton.iry six -speed automatic makes heavy }larding easier and safer. Sturdy frames and Tong -leaf springs ,-- these brawny chassis components can take it when the going is roughest ... with strength to spare! - Whether your ;oh calls foe fast -working efficiency against tight schedules or big muscles for off -the -road grinds, count on a new Chu% rolet Task -Force truck to do it Netter! NEW TASK -FORCE '57 TRUCKS CZMiB'JM . Hifi/ ROL�T_ CHAMPS OF EVERY WEIGHT CLASS! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE KINGST N STREET PHQCIE 163