The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-24, Page 10"AGE TEN 211E GODMICI1 SIGNAL -SAAR Wednesday (soon Bs deaditne for Classified Act Five lines or Ness, 50c; 10c for each additional lino 25c extra for ©f box number. 541;1 AY, JANUARY 41th, 2951. Classified Adi on CASH BASIS. Marjo of 25g extra W sds not paid by SATURDAY NQO4 of Week f publiciA rn' IA. For Sale (General) 11B Real Estate 4 WANTEo.-sLai;TENcs OF PRO PERTIES for sale. No charge FOR T B Sl 'BUY IN USED appliances, see SHORE AP- PLIA.NCES, on the Square. Your Er,1gidaire Dealer. Branch agent ler CNR money orders. -1Ztf ABY BUDGIES 7.0a; Blew Cages, seed and pet supplies; gold fish and supplies. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. C -18tf Hygienic supplies (rubber guud' meilecl postpaiu in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- Oles 25c; 24 samples $1,00: an !Il Order Dept. T -5J. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCAS- IONS. Seasonal pot plants from our own greenhouse. Flowers telegraphed anywhere. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone -1811 105. 'SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR USED _electric washers, ranges and refrigerators. Bargain buys. M.ac- DONAL.D ELECTRIC, Britannia road. Your Genera, Electric Ap- pliance dealer. Phone 235. I9t1 SEVERAL SECOND HAND TV sets, 17 and 21 inch, all with HURON TOW - HAROLD W. SHORE REAL eSTATE BROKER Duplex - Good Location In an excellent location, situated on spacious grounds, here is all the privacy of an individual home plus a good incon.e from a com- pletely self-contained apartment in the same building. Each apart- ment contains two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. This property is in first-class state of repairs. Down payment as low as $3,500. Seven Room, -Zed a rick In an excellent north side loca- tion, you will be amazed at the terms available on this home. There is a completely modernized kitchen, dining room, living room, four bedrooms and three-piece r bathroom. Inquire about this home today. FARMS 85 Acres ---On Highway 21 Located Only five miles'south of Goderich, on which there is a six•rooni house and large bank barn. Land is all workable. Low down payment and good terms on balance. 280 Acres -Near Port Albert is farm is for sale on a "best rebuilt t,iarantee. Th Goderich Phone 1344M. 43t1 repairs but the land which is prac-1ER INSTALLATION, P.O. Box 602, offer" basis. Buildings need some to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS,Rea l Estate Broktir, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf kVANTED.•--LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -39tf 3. Agents Wanted L OCAL, RAWLEIC H BUSINESS AVAILABLE. Start immedi- ately. Selling experience helpful but not required. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars. RAWLEIGH'S DEP'T'. A-216-251, Montreal, P.Q. -4 OUR BUSLNESS IS ONE OF THE best! You can be a part of it by becoming one of our agents. Don't wait any longer. Write to- day for details. FAMILEX, Dept. 28, Station C, Montreal. -4 .EARN FROM $50 TO $75 PER week in working for yourself and start with a $20.00 investment. Sell from door to door 225 well- known and guaranteed products. Substantial discount. Two Specials each month. _ Big profits. JITO: DEPT. C, 5130 St. Hubert, Mon- treal. 4 • tically all workable is very pro- :'CHUMMER CHICKS SINCE 1939. ductive. Submit your offer im- Formerly Moiikton "Extra Pro- fit" Chides. We specialize in egg production breeds only: Suss X Red; Red X Suss; Red X Rock; Rhode Island Reds; Leghorns; Leg- horn' Crosses. Free delivery. SGLIU'MM.ER'S HATCHERIES, Lin- wood. Agent, STANLEY MrcGRAT- TEN, Phone 3008 Carlow. -Ztf F°'1 YOUR SEWING NEEDS we have printed flannelette and dress print remnants at 39c yard. Regular piece goods at 10% reduction for this week -end. THE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. 4x GOOD COB, CORN DELIVERED in seven ton loads. Also dry shelled corn, 7 to 18 ton loads, de- livered subject to your approval. MARSH' TRANSPORT, Axkona. Phone 32-- 3-6x ATELLOW NET EVENING DRESS,. sThe � ..WOTri..... ce'. • yxliCii�3, 188. mediately. LISTINGS AN INQUIRIES VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street Goderich IN- CLOSE TO SQUARE, , ONE OF the best built homes in Gode- rich, double living room, dining room, three 'bedrooms, low down payment. Located in west part of town, close to the lake, newly built three bedroom bungalow, full price $7200. BIG -4 CHICKS FOR. ALL MAR- KETS. If its''" eggs remember' its the January -March pullets that produce on the Qrade A Large marke6, This l arehery has been favorably kno+wh io poultrykeepers for a Generation. Standard breeds, crosses, -and sPpe T51 1t1eer Ames In -Cross and Pilch White Rocks. Ask now for pricelist, we are agents here. RYAN- & SON, (ode -- rich. Phone 345. ALD GREEN EVENING gown, size 14. No reasonable offer refused. MRS. E. BENTLEY, 4 Britannia road. ()NE LARGE QT,TEB'EC HEATER phone 1231 4t Very modern one floor new home, exceptional reasonably priced. On the outskirts of Goderich, inviesapareMent hor:ie with ten •acres .land,_ -'barn- and henhouse,, We have anice list of farms for sale, also farms for rent. One close to Goderich on highway, good home and large barn Stores. !norm Properties. Cottages. Buying or selling contact - .lel-t JIOSJILE D ° Classified Ads On Cash Basis 5 lines or less 50c Each additional line, 10c Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication there is an /extra charge of 25c per adver= tisement for bookkeepin expenses. 1. Help Wanted ,IIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANT- ED at once to assist. with housekeeping duties in home of elderly woman (part time). Good wages. Write ,BOX 70, SIGNAL - STAR. 4x .1 Two small apartments for rent,1 Kingston street. Each has living room,, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate - Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. I)RACTICAL NURSE FOR NURS- LNG home. Phone 1593 or write P.O. BOX 929, Goderich. -2 STENOGRAPHER. .CAPABLE OF taking shorthand and typing, a 1 s o bookkeeping. --.,r FRED C. KALBFLEISOH, Zurich, Ont. -3-4 WAr [CRESS WANTED. APPLY BEDFORD HOTEL. -3 CLERK, PREFERABLY 50-65, with some store,.experience, to work 40 -hour week, including three nights.. State 'wages required. BOX. 72, SIGNAL -STAR. -4 FURNISHED COTTAGE, HEAT- ED, one bedrucm. Phone 664 or call at OVERHOLT GROCERIES, Iluron road. -50tf STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED for local office. Knowledge of shorthandExcellent employee benefits. Please address enquiries stating qualifications to BOX 71, SIGNAL -TAR. -4 WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF household with four l Ire i, for three or four we *hire Real Estate Broker ,.. rare^ :A away= Pekr�. ,>4 ,, 73, 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich I SIGNAL TAR. -4-5 Phone 1108. (''O'NTRA'OR IN THE GODE- RICH AREA 111. easier YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a tioor pol- isher and vacuum ',leaner from SHORE APPLIANCE. , on the Square -35tf MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE Small cement block building on South street, $2,500.00, suitable for a sinall busiees's; Fright be convert - ?d to dwelling. . SMITH-UORONA CASH REGIS -1 One of the most modern ranch - TER, like new; for garage or style bungalows, in an excellent, service station use. Phone 985 W 4, newly developed area in west end Goderich. 4x of town, one block from the h ke. The dwelling is of first-class style throughout, with attached two -car 1 AWCETT K I 'I' C II E N OIL range, in good condition; Duo i garage. There are two largeBOX 69, STGNAL bed • Therm ,spice neater. Phone 224 rooms, large living room and , 1 •- •.nnnintorl kitrhPn din - HEATED APARTMENT, TWO rooms, comfortably furnished; good location, immediate posses- sion. Agent, MISS MARY B. HOWE, 10 Sit. Vincent street, phone 213. -47tf Three-room, self-contained apart- ment, with two -(piece bath. $20.00 per month, available immediately. HAROLD W. SHORT: Real Estate Broker _ 38 Hamilton 'St. Phone 76o (anytime) THREE-ROOM HEATED APART- MENT, hydro su•ppiied, partly furnished. 102 St: George's Cres- cent, phone 754. -42tf 10. Briefs THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with bath, newly decorated, unfurnished, heavy wired, self-con- tained. Apply GOLDIE SMITH, East street. 2x Order Shall furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf Our samples of picture mould- iiag are now on display at Chas. Larder's Paint Shop, East street. Orders may be lett there for fram- ing, MacLaren's Studio. -16ti SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE, all conveniences, oil heated, frig, electric stove. garage. Avail- ble •• January 26. MRS. KE LIN, Maple Leaf Cabins. 2'tf EATER, FURNISHED 'A, 'ARS'- MENT, suitable for couple. Electric frig, electric stove, hot water, use of laundry and electric washer, facilities paid. Phone /380. Pictutt Framing:- Good selec-„e tion of mouldings and picture glass. Also' framed prints. MacLaren's Studio (At Clinton Studio Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). -38tf RELIGIOUS GOODS: Rosaries, rayer Books, Missals, Crucifixes, e c. MacLAREN'S STUDIOS - G derich and Clinton. • 46 Wilson's Delivery Service, agent for ,Bruce Dry Cleaners. Free pick- up '• ad delivery. Phone 1177W, mor Ings. -4Otf Ar 'st Supplies. Winsor and Newton's Oils. MacLaren's Studio. -38tf Worthwhile savings on - all our many special sale items: China dinnerware, silver plated 'flatware, watches, rings; crystal steneware, odd china items and gift items of all types. An extra special on all regular $1.00 necklets, earrings, ,br.celets, now only 59c. FILSING- EiR'S JEWELRY AND GIFTS. -3-5 I;'O"UR-ROOM APARTMENT, newly decorated. Available February' 1. -,,. A7;p1y , 0.�12IF'V'S J 2p : ,olstein cows fresh and --du MEAT 'MARKET ?. - . b,4reshen irt,Fefbruary and March; THRE'E-ROOM UNFURNISHED1 6 Holstein heifers, 2 years old, apartment, gr; and floor, three fresh and due to freshen shortly; bath, immediate nnccpccilln number of open Holstein heifers. TE WS -CASH. , COLIN .BELORE, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. IRIODGIDS.-In loving memory of our parents, David E. Rodges mho passed away January 12, 1, and Laura Jean Rodges who passed away January 24, 1556. Nothing can ever take mai The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance (keep them near. --Sadly missed by their family. 11. Auction Sales MoGRAW —In loving memory of a. - dear mother who passed away January 23rd, 1952. Resting Where no shadows fall, In ,perfect' peace she waits us all; Our God will link the broken chain, As one by one we Meet again. -Ever remembered by the family. -4 AUCTION SALE AT McLEL- LAND Sale Barn, Bervie, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 at 2 o'clock Springing and fresh Holstein cows and heiiers;- a_few :backward ,els and cowse a number of calves -ii idiu-g' li2ellolsteineheife celves from one barn; 6 yearling heifers. -4 S±TF WARW.P.-in loving memory of e dear mother and grandmother, Mary Ann Stewart, who passed away January 23, 1955. Many a lonely heartache, Often e silent tear; But always a beautiful memory of,, one we _loved so dear. --Aiways remembered by family. -4 COMPLETE DISPERSAL,. AUC- '-' sale of high grade..Hol= stein --caws and heifers at Hensall Sa1c s Barn, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 at 1.30 p.m. Ab,• 15. Cards of Thanks piece with a small truck and eome cash mRS. J. H. ROBERTSON, 34 Wel- for F.! ack can earn a good income lington street, phone 325R. . handling and inetalling our Pro- 34x ducts. SEAFORTH CONCRETE -- --- PRODUCTS, Bo 245, Seat ort h WO THREE-ROOM UNFURN- Phone 740. -4-7 ISHED, heated apartments on STENOGRAPHER, wiTFI GOO -D the Square, second floor, hot watdr 12. heating by oil, three -1.'1M bath in Wanted 4 - RHYNAS.---(Mr. Clarence I. Rhynas wishes to thank those who sent 'floral tributes and especially those who Sent him messages of sympathy in the bereavement of his sister. -4 WEIR. -Mrs. Peter Weir would like to take this opportunity to thank her many friends Who sent her gifts, flowers and cards while she was a patienPin the hospital. She iwould especially like to thank Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Dr, A. H. Taylor, bhe nurses and staff of the hospita. Your kin.dneess was greatly appreciated. 4x .shorthand, as secretary to Presi- each apartment. Phone 90 Of 32Zs. dent of well-known manufacturer. -2tf 1 Modern office, pleasant working conditions, varied and interesting duties, employee benefits, etc. Top salary to experien.ced girl Kindly give full details in to 29A East street, g 5,45 G. Wa ted 1-'1•AST IRON SLNIC WITH RIGHT- room, small office; heat by a Gen- "' HAND drain board, complete eral Motors Delco -Heat oil furnace. with swing spout tap, $35. Phone Dwelling is on a very lovely lot. ED. VINCENT, 1413M. -4 Shown by appointment only. -t isED .11/1 ASSEY-HARRIS 81 Lakefront properties :n Gode- . 'I-) 'tractor; used MasseysHarris 22 rich. tractor; two and four-wheel used MALCOLM MATHERS spreaders; Gehl hammer mill; 46 West St. Phone 115W Strunk chain saws; Purina chows. Insurance Agent Real Estate rokee GEORGE WRAITH, Waterloo __- 3,I -M Farm Machinery, Purina Feeds. Phone 1285, Montreal street, Goclerich. SPECIAL IN NATURAL COLliR n'd striped towels, 18 x 36, 74c pair; 20 x.38, 84c pair at THE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. 4x ITSED COLEMAN FLOOR FURN- ' ACE; also oil space heater, and one -combination coal and . electric stove. E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE. -4 OIL -SPACE HEATER, 5500 BTU, " with two berrels and' piping, "' in excellent condition, $37.50 Apply 150 Eldon street. -4 ADY'S FULL-LENGTH BROWN 2 fur coat, size 14-16. flared back, excellent condititm, $25 00. Phone 1464 -mornings and evenings. 4x 4 four -piece bath, three bed- rooms and modern kitchen, oil furnace, large landscaped lot. garage. Only one year old. Apply D. COWAN, 148 Warren street. 1OTTAGE, TWO BEDROOMS, oil furnace, garage, extra lot. For further partic-ulars write BOX 74, SIGNAL -STAR. 4x 2. Real Estate Wanted ISTINGS AND ENQUIRIES -IN- VITED. for residential or sum- de .ner homes: business properties. HEATED SELF CONTAINED PETER S. MacEWAN 43A West St. Goderich Phoves '230 - 459 STORE ON NORTH SIDE OF Square, 20 feed, frontage. Ap- ply J. A. CAMPBELL at Campbell's rug Store, phone 90. r -3ff S3/LALL HOUSE HOT WA R possession. Apply AHL'S SHO OW114) STORE, East street. -2t SECTIONAL OAK BOOKCASES wanted. Phone 616 or 71. 4tf< OLD HORSES WANTO0 AT 31/2c lb., and dead cattle at value. if dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MIN•K RANCH, phone col - 1111111110 ITIMEE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, share bath, private -,entrance, $25 per month. Phone 819. RON GLAZIER. 2- x 7. To Rent Two HOMES --ONE A MOST DE- -A SIRABLE, well -furnished house in Goderich, available February 11 near schools and stores. Also an equally attractive unfurnished house. Call 1102W during business hours, or 315R at other times. 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Godfrey, RJR. 3, Auburn, wish to announce the engagement of tineir daughter, Gail Este, to David Bruce Living- ston, son, of Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston, of -Seal -Girth. The mar- riage will take :place early in COLBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" WEEK.END FEATURE: Pumpkin Spice Cakes ea. 40c . Soo our window display and learn how you may be a winner - FREE BIRIHDAY CAKE OWEN AWAY EVERY DAY. Open Wedneiday Afternoons and Saturdays 'Til 9 p.m. ALL •ItA• QNS HAVING ,CLAIMS ag lust the Estate a Catherine Jane Morgan of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Widow, (who died on or about the 13th. daY of November, 1956, are required to file -the same with full particulars iwith the undersigned on or bef, ore the 31st day of Janu- arY, 1951, AS ',atter fthet date the assets -of the Estate <will be distributed. -Dated this 9th da3r a -January, 1957. J. KENNETH HUN'rER. Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS eev against, the estate of Murdock (Bert) MacDonald, late of the Town of Goderich,,'- in the County of Huron, Mariner, who 'died on or about the Znd day of January, 1957, are required! to file the same _with full particalars with the under- signed by the 2nd day 'of February, 1957, as after that date the assets -of the estate will te distributed.. of ,Hura, this. 9th day of Januarer, 3-5- Solicitors for the Estate. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ale estate .of Elizabeth Hick, late of the ToWnship of Godefich, in the Caunty of Huron, widoW, who 'died on or about the 5th day of January', 1957, are required to file the 'same 'with full particulars with the under- signed by the 2nd day of February, 1957, as after that date the assets of ‘rtlie estate will be 'distributetL of Ilueon,plielpthday of January, Goderich, wish to announce the I HAYS and PREST, engagement of • their youngest dau-ghter, \Tilde Marie, to Rear - wood Beverlyd.White, son of Mrs. Irene White and the late Kcal: - wood White, of Goderich. The marriage will take place February -44tsee.4 - Street United -003nire.h. 4x FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be accepted until 12.00 noon, Wednesday, January 30th, 1957, by the undersigned trustee, for the assets of FRED 0. FORD Seed and Grain Dealer OLINTON, ONTARIO Said assets include fully equip- ped. grain elevator and supply of grain; also a store with equipment an,d Stook. \kV be at the Fred 0. Ford store Isaac street, in Clinton, from CLEAN, ROOMY APARTMENT, liir;AarrapgtarrleatS May be made then wu-y 25th, a.9,57, with inventory. conveniently situated, furnish - to view the aseets and to learn ed and heated. Phone 570. 4x the conditions elf sale. The highest or any tender not' necessarily accepted. FRED 0. KIIVIE, Trustee, 312 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario, Telephone 3-4322. 4 engagement -of their daughter, Joyce, Ann, to Donald Lawrence Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert George Sanderson, Godte rich. The marriage will take place' Saturday, February 23; at 3 p.m., St, John's United Church, Strat- ford, Ontario. -4 NPARTMENT. APPLY BRAD- LEY & SON, Hamilton street. -4 SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT, " private entrance, heated. - 84 Arthur street, at Waterloo. 4x THREE-ROOM APARTMENT -1` vacant; (heated, hot water. Ap- ply 179 Lighthouse street, Gode- I-PeUSE ON CORNER CAM13RIA road and Elgin avenue, pos.., session after Februery 2. MAIT- LAND DRIVER, R.R. 1, Goderich, phone 656W2. -4 apartment, two bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room, kitc'hen and bath; second floor. 1n Qsobec stree. Phone 200W; after 5 p.m. 1014J -4t1 are som SAMIS MOTORS nice buys in used c rs at Sa is Motors right now. fo mention some 55 OLDS SeDAN. 53 MCI( SSDAtd 53 alE-V 2 -DOOR DELIIAKE 52 ClIWYSLER SC -CAN cif Them: 51 PONTIAC TUDOR 47 PONTOAC 47 C1-IEV TUDOR COACH Avad ha /Trucks. 49 VORD HALF.TON TRUCK, 9. Com ng en Goderich Pavilion, dancing. every Saturday night, Don Downs and his orchestra. -1-5 The Order of the Eastern Star will hold a "500" and euchre card. party in the Masonic Hall on Fri- day, January 30, 8 p.m. Prizes and lun•ch. Admission .90c. Everybody welcome. -4-5 The - religious film "King of KLgs" et St. George's Parish Hall, sponsored by St. George's Girls' Auxiliary. Tea served. Adults Everyone welcome. -3-4 Euchre anti "500" card party at the Orange Hall, Hamilton street, Thursday evening, January 24, at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. The draw for the lace table Cloth which is sponsored 199- the Ahmeek Chapter, LODE, has 'been postponed until the month of May. -4 The annual Valentine Ten of the North Street Evening Auxiliary will be held on Wednesday after- noon, February 12. -4 18. Births Goderich, Ontario, 3-5-. Solicitors for the Estate. BROWN. - At Private Patients' • Pavilion, Toronto General Hos- pital, Toronto, on January 14, 1957,, to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown, (nee Mildred Costello), a daughter, Cather;ne Frances. CHAMNEY.-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Gacierich, on January 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. GOrdon Chaniney, Auburn, a daughter. VARLOW.-,At Alexandra Hospital, ,Goderich, on January 21, 1957, to Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Farlow, Goderich, a son, Terrance IMELL1C1C.-At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on January 19, 1957, to Mx. and Mrs. Jack Goderich, a daughter. Grodeitich, on January 20, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes H. Stott, Goderich, a daughter, Nancy VesrALEY.-At St. Thomas General 'Hospital, St.. Thomas, Ontario, on January 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Whaley, St. Thomas (nee Lucy Harrison) a son, John Patrick. 13. Personal -ult. AND MRS. BURTON ROACH A'''. will be at home to their. friends at their home in Lucknow on Saturday, February 2, from 2.30 p.m., an .the o cc a sio n of their 45th wedding anniversary. 4x Last chance to see "Angel Street" in Goderich tonight, Januaty 24, 14. In Memoriam 20. Public Notice AVI-1Y SIMFER THE AGONY OF' TY Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. 4 21. Business Notice - _Use fire chief chemical chim- ney-cienmer to- eliminate soot and scale from your stave and pipes. No fuss, no odor. For sale at CORNISH ELECTRIC, West street, Gederich. -2/t1 VOA ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the -WATERLOO CATTLE BREED-. ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail -- able -top quality at low cost. SID BULLEN'S REPAIR. SHOP "'" for cuStom cabinet making, furniture repair and kitchen cup- boards, Sharpenhig 'of all types of saws and other cutting applian- ces. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 45x Guaranteed radio service. WILE. EtEINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 MOVING -GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. -48t1 ,C,ARPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING and plunibing. Epps' pumps and water softeners; Ing; steer roofing'. FRANK Mc- - 11/11QUEL„...ZpelKeigh,...p.netne _CAE low 1108. -19t1 agi,IFF FOR HUNGARY. ekeran, ;f,".4.have been clear- ed for s ipOireg clothing from Toronto to Europe for distribution in Hungary, through the co-oper-1 ation of the Austrian Red Cross. All Presbyterial organizations can send bales to 100 Sinrcoe street, Toronto, Ontario. Supply Secretary for Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. -4 BOYCE.-In loving memory of our dear father alid grandfather, William James Boyce, who pass- ed away, °January 26, 1956. Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries to break but all in vain,. To have. to love and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow .61 one's heart; The ,a,gars may wipe out many Rut this they wipe out never - The memory et these happy days, When we were all together. e --Always fetembered by daugh- ter Marion, son-in-law Don, and grandchildren, of Winnipeg, Man- ifoba. 4x RoYCE.---In loving memory of a .dear haband and father, Wil- liam James Boyce, who passed -away January 26, 1956. He bade no one his last (farewell, He saiq good-bye to , none; The Heavenly gates were opened A loving voice said, "Come." Those whom we love g� ti But never out of mind; They are 'cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. -,Always remembered by Wife,- kinta, and ehildren, Ted, Dalton, Ilervyn and Lorna. 4,4 Other Clitssified Ads on Page THE WOMEN'S SERVICE COM - Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society wish to annouece their room in the Town Hall will be open to the public each Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. Anyone who wishes information about the func- tions of this society, please feel free to visit at that time. -4 POSS MOTOR' REPAIR SERVICE. General -relitiv,a es of cars At" tractori5rirAre and acety- specialty. -341f ri4) AerialS'iristalled' as low as $49. Aerials moved - rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street. Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf FOR ALL 'YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766. (anytime) NOTICE OF APPLICATION •Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM LEONARD MUGFORD of the Township eof Skephen the County of Huron, in the Pro - Vince of Ontario, a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, will apply to the Parliament of Canada,1 at the present or next (as the case may be) Session thereof, for a Bill af pivorce from his wife, ELIV1A 'MUGFORD, of the City of Londonlin the County of Mid- dlesex, Province of Ontario, on the Ground of Adultery. Dated at London, in the Province of Ontario, the 21st day of January, 1957. WEIR & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors for the Applicant. 19. Notice to Creditors VOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Take notiee that the Administra- trix of the Estate of James Dickson, late of the Town' of Goderich, in the County of Huron, deceased,1 who died on or about the 26th dayi Augtist, A.D., 1956, will distrib- ute the assets of the estate after the 4th day of March, 105'7, having regard only to the claims of credi- tors and others, filed on or before that date with the undersigned Dated at Owen Sound this 21st day of January, A.D., 1957. GEORGE F. GARDNER, 230 Ninth Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix Helen Agnes Prudbam. p EID'S UPHOLSTERING, 59 Hamilton street. Thirty years experience. We have coverings of all kinds and colors to suit your furniture. - Chesterfield, sofas, chairs, etc., correctly done. Phone 1102W. SKA'PES SHARPENED. HOCKEY and figure skates a specialty, lengthwise grinding, prompt ser- vice. BEE'VERS AUTO AND. BICYCLE SUPPLY, phone 295, West street. -47 FURNITURE REPAIR - RE- -" MODELLING - RE ;FINISHING PHONE 4200 OR 892. IN THE ESTATE OIP .1EAN LAWSON, late of Goderich; Ontario, Spinster. Creditors and oblirs having Claims. against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 2nd day oUrebruary, A.D. 1957, after which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed. having regard only to claims that have then been re - THE OANADA 'MUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, Executor by HAYS & PHEW, agitators, Getierich, Ontario. IS THE TIME -FOR °THAT PLUMBING Modernization JOB Special Mid -Winter Prices SERVICE ELECTRIC Pir3OCIE, now and NM VICTOROA