HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-24, Page 9� ff ' iUBSDA`S ', MA WA1W Mkt IOW TUE GaDERICII SIGNAL -STAR NOW is the time to see about INSULATION BUILT-IN BR#R-R! ` Thr:re's really no need to shiver in those sub -zero temperatures. INSULATE NOW with quality materials from GODERICH MANUFACTURING CUPBOARDS PAG MINI � REMODELLI AVOID THE SPRING RUSH BY HAVING REPAIRS AND REMODELLING DONE NOW! You'll get speed', a 11 cent service. ' We '11 be glad to help you select the right materials. FOR RAPID DELIVERY OF ALL c LTD. YOU CAN HAVE .THAT DREAM HOME EASIER THAN YOU THINK! Make your home comfortable, save fuel and add to Make your present house into a dream home by remodelling YOUR NEEDS PHONE 61 with the latest materials. You'll be amazed at the the value of your home. ASK us for free estimates. ► difference. Ask us for plans. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•N••••••••••••oow•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••i•e•••emeoese•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • NEWS OF AUBUR AUBURN, Jan. '22. --Women's In- stitute.,—The January meeting of the Women's Institute was held 'in the Orange. Hall with the first vice- president, Mrs. George Millian, in charge. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips presided at the piano. The roll call was answered by naming your favorite shrub. The minutes were read by the ` secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig who also read thank you notes from those who had received Christmas boxes. Plans were made to celebrate the diamond annivers- ary of, the organization of the W.T. of Ontario and the convener of historical research, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, will present the topic on this history. Plans were also made to sponsor a Garden Club this spring if enough girls are interested. 1t was decided to hold an auction sale at the February 'meeting with Mrs. George Millian and Mrs.' George Hamilton as auctioneers. Mrs. Fred Ross gave a short talk on the motto, "It won't help your crop to sit on the fence and count your neighbor's weeds." A duet, "Juanita" was sung by Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and Miss Sadie Garter. The -subject for the day was Horticulture, .taken by Mrs, •.-..Charles -Straughan_.-ave -spoke. ,on.J the beatiutification of our parks and homes and also methods of saving our ornamental trees and shrubs. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt conducted a shamrock contest. Winners >Swere Mrs. Harry !Watson and Miss Sadie Carter. The hostesses for this meeting were Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Fred Moss, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. United Chu Sunday School Rev. R. Hiltz (presided dor the an- nual meeting of the United Church Sunday School recently, held in the basement of the church. The secretary, Miss Gladys McClinchey gave the report for 1956 stating the school had met 46,times with an average attendance of 10.2. Mrs. John Moulden presented the fol- lowing slate of officers for 1957: Superintendent, Mr. Charles Scott; assistants, Mr. Arthur Speigelrberg, Mr. William Straughan; secretary, Miss Gladys MeClinchey; assistant, Miss Marlene Easom; treasurer and literature, Arthur S+peigelbei•g, Mrs'. Ted Mills; temperance secre- taries, Rev. R. Hiltz, Harold Web- ster;.;mu:sic, Miss Margaret A. Jack- son, Mrs. Norman Wightman; Bis sionary committee, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs, Leonard Archambault, Miss Ruth Millian. Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Dougall; social committee, Mrs. Everett Taylor, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Ted Mills, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Charles Millialn; diplomas, Mrs. Oliver Anderson; nursery, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Ted East; beginners girls, Mrs. Charles Millian, Miss Margaret R. Jackson; -primary "•girls, -Miss -Elia M-utch, 1Vfrs. Jaak Armstrong; primary bay+s,rMr ..W 11iam _ s.Cyaig,..1i4 , Lloyd MdClineheg>•; sunshine, Mrs Bert Craig, Mrs. John Durnin; ex- plorers; --Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Worthy Young; good will, Mrs. Fred Toll,. Mrs. Harold Webster; junior boys, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mr. Len. Archambault; senior boys, Mr: Keith Arthur, Mr. Harold Webster; junior Biblelass, R`ev. R. Hiltz, Mrs. Earl Wigthtman; -_ista�rt,--��.-..gbh , . •,.. , . cradle rolY •'giA • "` liftesug Mrs. Alvin Plunkett. Rev. R. Hiltz closed the meeting with prayer. Rev. R. A. Carson, of Paisley, Pinkerton and Cargill Anglican Churches, was guest speaker last Sunday at St. Mark's Church when he administered the rites of Holy' Communion. The organist, Mrs. Frank Nesbitt, was assisted in thes music by a 12 -member choir. Mr. and Mrs. M. Osmond and daughters, of Toronto, visited with her mother, Mrs. William T. Robi- son and Mr. Robison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell and Michael, of Dresden, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, at the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow. Alan and Dennis, of Brussels, visit- ed on Saturday With Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Ernest Patterson, of Goderich, visited last Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly visited friends in Palmerston on Saturday. Mr. William Haggitt, Donna and Rose Marie visited on Sunday with his sister, tMr,, Eppie- -Carrick, of Goderich. Mr, .:anal Mrs, QtAnt Raithby and family, of rCollingwooti, visited his father, ;Mr. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Raithby, John and Harold " and other relatives. this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney on the arrival of their baby daughter in Goderich hospital. A sister for Larry and Paul. Mr. Oscar Ament won the prize at the lucky draw held 'last Satur- day 'evening at Gordon Taylor's WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" GLENAFTON MILESTONE V.G. IS THE LEADING HONOUR LIST SIRE FOR 1956 IN CANADA with seven of his daughters winning eight places in the honour list. No other bull has had as many as seven daughters in the honour list since 1941. 1956 HONOUR LIST PRODUCERS ELMCROFT MONOGRAM DUKE Monogram. Duke Dutchland A. Musselman, Elmira, Ont. Speedside fluke Topsy L. D. Witmer & Sons, Preston Perrinholm R. A. Dora W. R. Perrin, Ayr GLENAFTON MILESTONE Gra•haven Milestone Mona W. K. MacLeod, Disraeli, Que. Susan Alice Milestone I. Bechtel, Hespeler Friary Farm Milestone Prescilla D. G. Gething, Orton Barnholm Linda Milestone J. A. Barn, Stratford Airvue 'Rag Apple Carmen F. M. Snyder, Waterloo Flo -Mar Milestone Verla Pabst B. Oliver, Branchton Lulu Dewdrop Milestone F. L. Smith & Son, Brownsville BY WATERLOO Milk Sr.4 21299 UNIT SIRES Fst • BCA 669 2X (3) 173 148 Jr.4 20947 828 2X (11) 177 (2) 190 Jr.3 17365 720 2X 163 (5) 184 Jr.4 22283 878 3X 165 (4) 177 Sr.3 20524 738 2X (4) 185 181 Jr.3 20349 811 2X (2) 191 (3) 207 Jr.2 13803 723 2X 133 (2) 190 Jr.2 17358 651 2X (2) 173 177 Sr.2 (305) 12847 577 2X - 136 (3) 166 Jr.2 (305) 12929 553 2X 146 (5) 17Q SEILING WING DOUBLE Meadowbrae Wing Rose Sr.2 16841 Q. D. Whale, Alma Blair Wing Double Pitricia Sr.2 (305) 12702 Ira M. Good, Blair • MacDONALD RAG, LE AJAX Dickieloolme MEI; "-Apple J. H. Gillespie, salt 9 (305) 19,833 737 2X 158 568 2X (1) 189 135 (4) 1'65 650 2X t4►) 170 PLEASE NOTE: The numbers in brackets indicate their standing in class. For congratulations to the people who made these records. high production with gond tirpe, ma the bulls we have ki serrv8ce, 1 -AIRY For service or more information, call coilect:---�- CLINTON HU 2-3441 feitween 7:30 and 10 A.M. Week'Days 1:30 and 9:30 A.M. Sundays and Holidays. 152 OR BEEP. 1 i11iamxr Farxrpey, chief sanitary in eetax.,o gurQu C ltntyo.l<iealtU.Tn.rt,,.y bs seen. s�valtresir?u a cup to determine the number of bacteria present. Regular) checks are madeatall eating establishments in Huron .County. Inspections represent just one phase of the health unit program, which as directed by Dr. R. M. Ald is, MOH. store. A reception washeld on Monday evening in the Dungannon Agricul- ture Hall to honor our newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Orval. McPhee. Mrs. ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Jan. 21.—Mr. Mau- rice -`Bowler has teturiit I to his' Kenneth Scott read the address and work in Toronto after recovering Mr. Robert McPhee presented, the from his recent illness. couple with a purse of money. Dancing was enjoyed. Our local ho&ey players were beaten last week when they met the players on the.13th. Those playing were ThomaCunningham, George `'Haggitt, Harold Bromley, Bob Canter, Ken and Bill Patter- son, Alvin Deer, Donald Plunkett, Bill Brown, Bob 'Pitblado and Ken. Haggitt. We welcome -Mr. and 'Mrs. John Maize, newlyweds, who moved into their new. home -last Wednesday Hollowing their wedding trip to the United States. Hurrah For The Thaw! — This district is enjoying the pleasures of the January thaw this week after below zero temperatures all last week. Much displeasure was suffered when the mercury dipped to 10 and 15 degrees below zero, resulting in frozen 'waterpipes and stalledmotors. The storm on Sun- day afternoon blocked the Auburn - Blyth county road so service had to be cancelled ato Knox Presby- terian Church when Rev. I). J. Lane was unable :top get to the village. 83rd Birthday.—Mr. James Mc- Whinney celebrated his 83rd birth- day last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler where he, has .made his home for the lakt 20 years. He has been confin- ed to his bed for the last nirie mo,riths. He was the son of the lartd William (McWhinney and Mary Dustow and lived for many years on a 'farm at Port Albert. 1'le fol- lovvod his father's footsteps and worked as carpenter in Goderich and vicinity in his early life. His wife passed away about 25 years ago. We wish this gentleman many more years of improved* health. Former Minister Passes.—Word was received here of the death of Rev. C. Anderson at Brantford last week in his 84th year. He was a retiree- 'Baptist minister w h o preached in the Auburn Baptist iOhurdch some years ago. He was retired after 54 years in Ontario pulpits. Surviving besides his widow are two daughters, five sons, 23 grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. This community was saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Stan- ley Johnston who passed away on Monday evening at his home. Further particulars next week as ,funeral arrangements have not been completed. The Number ,Niners of S.S. No. 9, Hullett, Farm Forum, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Verway with ll members present. Their topic for discussion was "Is Parity ton, Mrs. Fd. Lawson, Mrs_ Herbert Income Enough?" . GGovier, Mrs. Robert )..Phillips, Mr. Horticultural, Annual Meeting.— Arthur Youngblut, Mrs. Wes. e annual ltneeting of the Auburn Radnorck. Mts. Ed. Davies gave nticultural Society was held inl an informative address on the care thOrange Hall with the presi-11 of ihrcuseplants and gift plants, dent, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, pre- i She demonstrated the proper siding. 'Lhe program commenced l method of planting African violets with a short address by the presi- and told the proper care of glox dent who thanked everyone who sodas. begoni€as and many hat -house had assisted her during the year. plants. A solo was sung by Mrs. Minutes Were read by Mrs. lllobert'• W. Rradnoelt, and a Mew Year's J. Phillips In the absence of the l';reading was given by Mrs. Ilert secretary, Mrs, Donald Fowler. (Craig. A social hour was, enjoyed The flndncial statement for 19lf at the close. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Colin Howes who were recently married. Many years of happiness is 'wished them from their many friends. Miss Sadie Johnston, R.N., has returned home from Goderich hos- pital;where she was nursing Frank MacKenzie, who is making favor- able. recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Rinze Wiersma and family, of Oshawa, spent the week- end at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van de Ley. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Campbell visited friends in Detroit recently, Mrs. I)un•can Simpson has been in London for a few day's where her mother, Mrs. Carruthers, of I.urknow, is confined to hospital. KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Jan. 21.—Mrs. Yemen and son Billie, of Wing - ham, were .recent visitors at the ,home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Mc- Kenzie. Mr, AifeKenzie is, still in Goderich hospital but is recover- ing satisfactorily. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marinus 'w•Miltenberg, of R.R. 1, Lucknow, upon the birth of a son on January 16 in Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital, Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs, James Reichart. of Detroit, have been visiting with Mrs. Jerry Dalton for the past week. Mr. Dalton is a patient in the hospital in God-eri.i, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moran, of Lon- don, Joseph Murphy, of Toronto, Peter Van Osch, Arnold Marsman and Douglas Frayne, of London, spent the week -end here. was read by the treasurer, Ed. Davies. Mrs. Bert Craig, first vicepresident, presided for the election of officers and Miss Elma Match Was secretary for the meet- ing. The 1957 officers are:' Honor- ary president, Mrs. W. T. Robison; past president, Mrs. Arthur Grange; president, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; first viee-president, MTs. Bert Craig; second vice-president, Mrs. Kenneth Scott; third vice- president, Mrs. Dunccan MacKay; secretary, Miss Elma Mitch; treas urer and corresponding secretary,* Mrs. Ed. Davies; pianist. Mrs. It. J. Phillips; • directors, Mrs. Herbert Mogridge, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Wil- liam T. Robison, Mrs. John Hous - Mrs. II DUNGANNON PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Jan. 22.—First meeting for 1957 of the Ladies' Guild of Christ Church, Port Al- bert, was held at the home of Mrs. Dave Martin with a good attend- ance. Rev. Mr. Jennings opened the meeting with prayer. Reports from the various secretarires were heard indicating a very successful year. An average attendance of 10 members out of a possible 14 were present at the 11 meet- ings in 1956. The roll call was answered at each meeting by some- thing interesting in church work. The bazaar in the fall was a huge success. Talent money was col- lected by unique methods and dis- persed. Several quilts were com- pleted and some custom quilting done. The Canadian floral emblem quilt Won fourth prize in the group section of the Star Weekly quilt contest in 1956 also. The sick and shut-ins were remembered by fruit, - flowers and.,,,eards- ' Mr. Jennings took charge of tire election of officers for 1,957: Hon- orary president, •Mrs:° Jennings; president, Mrs. Agnes Foster; vice- president, Mrs. Edna Petrie; treas- urer, Mrs. Viola Petrie; secretary, Mrs. Agnes Forster; Chancel Guild, Mrs, Viola Petrie, Mrs. Vic Hoy, Mrs. Dave Martin, Mrs. (M, Hodges, Mrs+ Walter Tigert; work commit- tee, Mrs. W. Tigert, Mrs. R. Petrie, Mrs. E. Graham, Mrs. A. Foster; flower and fruit, Mrs. E. Draper, Mrs. Petrie; press and Huron news, Mrs. Forster. Rev. Mr. Jennings commented on the wonderful co- operation of the Guild in 1956 and. closed the meeting . with the bene- diction. Some quilting was done and the hostess .served a dainty lunch. 0 0 0 On the office bulletin board: "Bread is the staff of life, but that is no reason why the life of the staff should be one long loaf," • DUNGANNON, Jan. 21. — Miss Betty Elliott has, as her guest, her cousin, Mrs- Susan, Chu"ter, of Varna, who intends td' .spend some time with her. Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. Andrew were Mr, and Mrs. Keith Machan and children and Mrs. Warren Andrews, all of Auburn. The services in the Anglican and Presbyterian churches on Sunday last were withdrawn because of bad road cp rditions. School has been closed for the past week as the principal, Mrs. Gordon Anderson, has been an the sick list. Mr. Percy Finnigan, of Toronto, visited with relatives this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp, of Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp. DI'NGANNQN, Jan. 22, — Mr and Mrs. Tom Park and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and Valerie Joy, were recent visitor.; with tMlr. and Mrs. George Lawlor, Auburn. - Mrs. Frank Glenn has received word from her son, Bud, who with four other lads, is enjoying a three- week triRto Florida and Cuba. Two other:; in the motor party from this district are Wesley Nivins and Joe Sproule. A dance reception was held Mon- day night in, honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McPhee, of the Auburn district, who were recently mar- ried. She is the former Lily Kerns, of London, England. The groom Ls a member of West Wawa - nosh Township Council. Music was provided for dancing at Dun- gannon Agricultural Hall. _ At lunch time the young couple were read an address of best ''fishes by Mrs. Ken Scott and a purse of Money was presented to the couple by Mr. Bob McPhee on behalf of the many friends who attended. The event had been ,posrtipoped from Friday night due -to the winter storm. Two other bridal dance recep- tions this week are for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maize (nee Mary 'Dough- erty) and for Mr. and (Mrs. Ralph Matthews (nee Doreen Blaok), DONNYBROOK 4 OF YOUR FOOD BUDGET EACH AHD EVERY WEEK: WATCH HIT PARADE TIME MONDAYS der 6 PM CFPL T.V. CIRCLE EIGHT RANCH TWJRSDAYs AT 10 PM CKNX T.V. DONNYBROOK, Jan. 21.—Owing to road conditions, service in Donnybrook Church was not held on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and family, of Kippen, were Sunday -visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and girls. Word was received here at the week -end of the death in Toronto of Mrs, John Cunningham. She was formerly ,Temaeina Wallace, a native of this c ilinumirty- She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Hinton, of Toronto. Mrs. R. Chamney is spending this week at the home of her son, Gordon, in Auburn. In the first six months� lc f 19:r6 farm cash income u Canada was 13 per Bent higher than Icy the cor- responding period of 1955. TPA always niee to "teen an an, pointment on time, if you don't mind waiting. FAIRWAY FOODS, 285 HUGEL AVE. WEST MIDLAND, ONTARIO Please send me hill information on the Fairway Food Plan with absolutely no obligation. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER I have a Home Freezer _1 I do not have a Home Freezer ❑ ••weer• ••ee•eeee®6em•eeeens000 eo®o®ee®eeme•m•• • • • • 0 • 0 s • • • • • • • • `• INTERESTED IN SELF -BETTERMENT? TAKE A SHORT COURSE IN 1. Procedure and Rules Of Order. Ideal training for present and future executives. Ideal training for present and future executives. Effectiver2. Speaking. 13. Instruction in' h0-' e press opinions and views properly. Retail Selling. Improved sent techniques. ATTEND THE LEADERSHIP TRAIN1tN't CURSE OF G D rRIOH JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ,) STARTING ONDAY JAN 28 1 , JAN. ' nom EOONOMIcZ Ram m' OBD coL1,WAJ... BUILDING, BRITANNIA 1OA"T. i2egn tration 7:80 lass. ,Clan Commax reA at 8 p.m. •e••li000•+bb 6•4.6011 6060 10 O 1 r. ;