HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-17, Page 3••••"•••••••••••••••••••••a• WIRMOSOAX, JANUARY 17t1z, 1957 THJ CODER CB SIGN ,.. • .40.4.;.40•;•,:k • A' •ii...'••• • 'V.-. • '0 •• • •• • '•••, • •• • • • PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th 1957 ° New Low Prices! for frying roasting or broiling LEAN MEATY PORK Ib 49c FANCY QUALITY lb 23 c VEGETABLES MILD and MELLOW – CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'Clock Coffee iibbag 95C 3-6 bag 219 So Easy To Prepare! A&P FROZEN French Fried Potatoes 3c Monarch 2 9 -oz, pkgs 3 DEEP CUT SPECIALS! Reg. Price 2 for 59c—SAVE 4c 1-113pkgs e ''-'44"4-ftitidal4o: -Grade MartirSeediessza-Size Res.. Price .2. rpija,2,5SAYI 3c EFRUIT 1 fei45i Toliet Tissue 35 Reg, Price 37c—SAVE 4c. Corn Relish 15 -oz btl 33, ,t) California Fancy Gracle—fult of juice • BUTTER PLAT Only ,tt WITH EACH .5 PURCHASE • • Florida No. 1 Grade ORANGES Size 175 Texas, Fresh Green, No. 1 Grade spiNAc H Washed, ready to cook Texas No. 1 Grade, Snow White CAULIFLO Florida No. 1 Grade Pascal Large Heads CELERY STALKS Sweet Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Finest for Eating DELKIOUS APPLES Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Finest "for Cooking 55 -lb cello bag C doz 35c and Crisp NORTHERN SPY Apples A&P High Chiality Canned Foods!' CHOICE QUALITY. CREAM .TYLE • 0 2O -oz tins, A&P CHOla *QUALITY 2,0 -oz tin 33c J CHOICE QUALITY 0 HALVES &P eache 24.0z tin 2 cello bags 29c each 35c 2O29C 3-11, cello bag 35c 3 -Ib cello bag 3 5c Buy With Coni donee Why Pay More? SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER 16oz jar 29, Iona (Pectin Added) SYaWbOrrY, in.49c Ion / (ijoetin 'Added) • (HERRY. JAM 24,210 43c Iona ttin Arldod) PLUM .JAM imtant Pawdaced O!Jin MiIk A&P MILK 24 -oz jar 33c t2lb 04 rolls - Ana Page Homogenized Peanut Butter Jane Parker Reg. Price 33c—SAVE 4c 16 -oz jar 29 BAKERY SPECIALS! Raisin Pie J lne• Parker Jelly R Reg. Price 49c—SAVE 1qc each 39c Reg. Price 33c—SAVE 4c Jane- Parker Reg. Price (i each Loaf 19c—SAVE 5c 3 aisin ; .14"r ll 2 16 -in loaves Jane P‘rker Reg. Price 29c pkg—SAVE 9c Vatmeai Cookies ••••••=on•somes.•••••.•••••••, pkgs EXTRA SPECIAZI ItiSTANT INO RINGS pkgs c Regular 2 for 25c SAVE Sc OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT nittAt ATi.tc & ripA MP?NY LAIL • • MRS. J. H. KINKEAD • PAM NORTH STREET WA. FOR' 1957 On. Thur4day evening la...st the secret.ry, MX*. W. ktocvelii; pram , ladie73 a tbe IN'oritt 'Street W,A, ‘seeretary, Mr, It. Arewer; puma, thor annual pot-lua fee sup -M 04ary Bchnn; flower VOW' Per. Over 00 rokeinber$ enjoyed a mttee, Mrs. F. Ovei holt, Mrs, A. Jit. delicious buffet iitipr. While OF JIamil444, Mrs, J. Wrren, Mrs, joyini; tea, Mi5s Built Westbrook, (Aticales Maw ipapbotkage commit - accompanied by lVt. Mary Dch- te. Mrs. Go krt X-JIughmi, 'anon, favored the gro.ip wni “ communion committee, c,lo, • Mill, Mrs. IL Price, Airs, 11, LaUrp Mr. G. conduted Tomer; iNunieillpils, Mrs. the devotionar porio, wih, Per- er, Wor-ieu, sr-, Mrs tained Ole duties of officers Miller, iMi so (ratie Robertson, Mrs, and members for the conking year. A. .R. &Ott Wks. F. Verses of Scripture were read by Group leadersae: Aprons,10.1. Mi.,. A. jIainicn, Xrd. II. Barker T. McLean, MrsJ. McLeod? Mxei. offered prayer.Earl 'WestbrOok, .M*.. J. toner,; The business meeting' followed, knitting and children,'s) wear. WS. conducted by Mrs ifls, Oho wel- Carlton Worse% M. IL You; corned everyone, including the new niiseellaeou, Mrs. Wa1ko4 anivistdr and his family. 'Reports Mr. I). 11), Moony, Ws.. William of the various secretaries weoorhead; bakin„ Mrs. J. cook heard, indicating a record break- Mrs. Robert ing Year. Mnythank-you notes Nominating committee are: Atr, were read +from the amt -in folks N. Miller, My. G. Gardiner, Miss who received Christmas treats. Grace Robert01). Audition are At Mrs: ruins thanked everyone for and ars. Willissn MOOrhed, their splendid co-operation during XVS. Kinkead ,spke briefiy„ ex her two years of office, expressed pressing it an hOnOr to be close* her pleasure at working with the as leader of this rou. The eon- 40 different committees and asked the gregatienal zneetitg, viiga is -sante =tiring help be given the he held Friday Fcbruar riew president. 1, at 8 o'cock, was dise s. Walkom, convener of the Mrs. Kinkead (tvas aPOntedW.A. I .$ nating committee, read the representative to the official ,board, new slate of officers, who were call- There will be an executive -Meet- ed forward and addressed by Rev. in g at Mrs. Kinkead's home. us. - A. E. Eutace. After the service of ThursdaY'afternon, JWIllharY 17, at induction, Rev. Mr. Eustace spoke two o'clock. a few words of appreciation and On motion of Mrs. Kng,well, the 113aged all to do their utmost to- meeting was adjourned. Mr. Wm. ward the important work of the kead closed with prayer. • W.A. 0 0 0 New officers for 195/ are as The book which most fascinates follows: Past president, Mrs. any executive is his volume of George Ellis; president, Mrs. J. H. business. Kinkead; .1st vice-president, Mrs. William Moorhead. 2nd vice-presi- dent, Ms. Georoe Mathie,son; ard vice-president, Mrs. A. R. Harlin - ton; recording secretary, Mrs. J. McLeod; assistant recording secre- tary, Mrs. A. Cole; treasurer, Mr& L. Westbrook; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Charles Adams; corresponding LEARN AND LIVE Leacn to recognize the 7 danger signals ttrtai MAYimean cancer. For free literature write '6derihiwiich • eq.. Latiadian Canckr Society FRED stOitby CHAIRMAN OF EDUCATIONAL COM MITTEE 111111111111111111110111111111111.111111111111111, IN ADDITION TO OUR TV SERVICING 0041001111141101100000114100111 WE SERVICE AND REPAIR ALL TYPES OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES. — 0 — NEW AND USED TELEVISIONS FOR SALE . LES. 1 1.. CHAPMANII tiiiiii, ii:64 ii-k•gigin--- -g- .. • I G LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, Jan. 19 JAOKPOT OF $80.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN N CALLS 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. WE STAND 1RETWEEN YOU AND LOSS! lilacEWAN "INSURANCE -AGENCY Phone 23,0 43A West $t. Goderich 7tE ----7-- 110001111000411111666,0040111080041060416611111041100609111,61111111411111110061W, AT T E AIR-CONDITIONED PARK GODERICH1 PHONE 1150 Now—"Tho Shepherd of the 1-fills"—Techroloolor—with Wayne. All Weertes.l.anti 'y 21-26.—No advance in our reguOar adonssion p Rodger's & Hammersein's sensati nal musicl sccess. "THE KING AND 1" In Cinornascope and De Luxe Color. — Acellimed by audiences arid critics everywhere as the picture of e year! An even greater success on the screen thaB d ng it. lengthy stage run. Starring—YUL BRVNNER as the King of Siam and DEBORAH KERR as governess to bit 0116Becien, OWING TO LENGTH OF THIS PRODUCTION SECOND SI-M*2- MM WILL START AT 9.45 EACH NIGHT. Coming—"A01 That WOVOiN Ake—Rach Hudson onclJaa Wyman. 0.0.011411**04100.41000000•01100000414.0601iositimalk.to~ • -•••-•-• .1, • • '