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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-10, Page 8
Ir.A4 WORT' .iae,►wslls sltli"+al *;- ;WI ;41110. Iii -iii '! s"is 1111.7 E EVI$IOI REPAIRS TO Alt MAKES. Csomplete, work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV 'AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE-- ANY ERVICE =ANY MAIM. MacDonald Electric Goderich Phone 23 38t1 BUSINESS . DIREgTOR1P CHIROPRACTIC hiduction Service At North SL dor Revt E. A. Eustace The I ee€seitY a the eengregatie a to. leber tag 11er anith the minieter, 4;ti0i Qui it was a Pentner h p; with G -o wltli, the Midi ter. Rev, Mn. Watt warned treat sal, ugly con- gregation ttterc is veto execs them as du&rent ela ees of peal 1e, only one ella,seeth se who pea their shouideee to the 7-IWO/I in and out aFf 4 -ease= to • fzuether the work of the: church. Folloyeing the serynee there was a reception in the church basement attended ley members of the eofa- gregatao#t and ministers off either denominations . in the town. Re- eeivirn:g with Rev. and Mrs. Eustace were Mr. land Mu'. A. R. Scott and Ml', and Mrs. Geo: Parsons.; Chair- WAS haimwas air. G. C. Gardiner. Speak- ingon behalf , of the Goderich Ministerial. Association wan • Re K. E eSA n si- J GeYir l f S can Chua h. A program of music was also heard. Speaking on be - ,half of the O eiad Board of North Street United Church was Mr. C. M. Robertson. A social hour arranged by the Woman's Association, , followed. 'Lunch was served from a prettily appointed table, centre& with a silver bowl of pink snapdragons, and candelabra with lighted pink tapers. • The main body of North Street United Church was filled to capa- city .Sunday morning for the first service conducted here by Rev. Mr. Eustacc. >imiduetet as minister of Nora Street Ueiteel Church at a speeral s Vtei,' Friday evening w? s Rev. E. A.Eustace; LA-, forllierly min- ister Of WesleyUnitcd Church, Penybrolse, Ontario. The induction service was con- 'ducted by Rev. •J. T. White, of L0ndesboro. 11lIr. Norman Alex- ander rood the Scripture. Rev. Peter Renner, of Baylielti, led in. prayer and brought greetings from Presbytery. A solo was sungb Miss Marilyn Smith, In addressing the new minister, the duty outlined •I3"ev. Mz'. W'hi'te lof a inn' hLs inter in his study. in his pulpit • el iia the homes of out "It parnshl Hers. He pointed is ho y . trust to guard and guide the souls of men." In the address to the congrega- tion, Rev. G. D. Watt, minister of Dungannon United Church, told of HERBERT Il. SUCH, DX. Doctor of Chiropratic Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a. 1. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to ,;, p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 pan. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy ®t.t ce. -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. �t A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33 Hamilton St. House 343W Goderich A. J. `Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE -- CASUALTY Get Insuired — Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. • Stiles Ambulance bie Roi4a- -_ m !. #,ntwhere ,, Anytime S99r_ a e w 77 Montreal St., Goderich BACKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the timelatake Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 THE GODERICH SIGNAIATAR ire SchooI Sections In ;Ashfield et Up Their Own . Trustees' Boards Five • seho; . sections sin Ashfield O Township have again •set urd �%t rttstees' Meards tat oonduet, the affairs of the respeetive school sections. This system has; net been operative since the Ashfield Town- ship School Area Caine itatQ being, over ten years ago. Meetings were held in all five sections recently ° on the statutory date for the holding of %tett rate- payers meetings. A three-man, Hogan; w fined Xti and trau,stse.ee boardwas yetuPlu i da..h r r i t r: +e ik'1Com � 1 � dndepti in o eiso �t l to r .i a° . rr s f+i' �'a nta f e� n �Tice . asnre may pPo ed by officials ecretary�tresa tarerr Irani among epee of the 'United Lurch o of - way : to a car •driven by R1eit o V�V CAR HITS DEER A deer fiad to be destroyed after it stepped in the path of a car driven by Rill MacDonal ormer Gotlerich hockey player, on high- way 8,- near..J3h1mesville, last weak { There was less than $10Q damage tp MacDonald's auto, said Ontario Provincial Police. The injured deer was dispatched by a game warden, Roy Bellinger, of Clinton. FORMER AREA . i MINISTER DIES Funeral se'rvi for Rev. Clarence C. Washington, .70, who died Exi., day ail' a result a �inrluries, waS held in Auburn United, Churg, Monday. .The; service was condtct,. 411111112: LUCKNOW CAR DRIVER .FINED The law, as Magl trate H. %, lollies, i terp is � it, does not oblige motartsts' to iaok both ways before crossing unmarked ounttry, intersections A inotoriat is rc utred r'by 1 , to look 'to right toy unake certain nothingis corking front that direction beore ,he proeel ds, $o said the ,magistrate 'in dis- losing sof' the case of Connie' agan. oo 'R.R. 3,. Luel now. who. oPPew'ed , in court here last Thurs- day. aIMZ vonburt accident which * ear driven by Rubinson w in collision' with it wregon 'loaded with Christmas trees. ,Tlw wagon was beinghauled by *x'al ter', driven Eby Ulan Bat - in when /the Ecol inion occurred OA the Tenth concession rich 'pawt> ip on December James Donnelly conducted detente. A scandal: is something �b to be bad to bed. themselves, or a searretary-teas; urer WAY i}be a 1t pointed' in. addition Canada. Burial. was at, Bolton, to the threesome. north of Toronto, The five sclipois revertingg to the A, tortrier h air�nan Of f Hutt old syatetn are Zinn, Belffa t, S.S. preArbytery, Mr. Washington served 't No. 10, Crewe and S.S. do. 6. as Minister r of Auburn U } d The new trustee' boards officially Olturjr,froin 1950 until he retired assumed their new duties on bora ' the ' active ministry last January 1. summer. Hkev"er, at the request Elevota schools, including 12 Classroom, remain in the Town ship Area. There as the probabil- ity that• some land owners within a triu�is�tee •section}, may, make ap- plication. to ,have there land tax,.., able on the basis of the Area levy says The Lucknow Sentinel. Any such applications would be, submitted to the Township Couneeil' for approval or otherwise. The following trustee appoint. ments were made at last week's.' meetings: Belfast School At S.S. No. 13, Ashfield (Belfast School) trustees . appointed are .Blake Alton, Jack --Irwin and George Henry. Wm. 'Rutherford was named„ secretary -treasurer. Zion Section G. B. CLANCY Optometrist—Optician (succe� le, ors to the optometrist) L. For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD JAGIESON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business- insurance. usiness.insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. C. F. CHAPMAN ' General Insurance Fire Automobile, Casualty Real estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w ED'W'ARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J Clinton. Charge moderate and satis- faction goaranteed.o 4 F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST ° Phone 1100 for appointment SQUA"' E GODERICH CEMTERY P MEMORIALS' Tv. Pryde'& Son BXPTER � oet t Representativtt �; ALX SMITH /�� T ta,OPFRCCH•1' Elgin Ave. ; Phone 1 It iakey toI1ey to malt: good gasoline „ ~Gasoline quality has risen-ti;emendeausly in t ie past few years. Two gallons of today's gasoline do the work of three in the '20s. 4 Finding new techniques to make these improved gasolines, and new equipment to put these techniques to work, has cost a lot of money. Imperial, with by far Canada's most extensive oil research facilities, has spent 2Q million 'dollirs over the past ten years on research alone. Imperial spent 65 million in the same period 'direckon new equipment to improve gasoline quality. It's costing -more and store money to make the gasolines require4 by today's more powerful cars. iMPER,LbOL LIMBED Airatentiglizo Illtt wt. Are S.S. No. 5, Ashfield (Zion sec- tion) has named Jim Hunter, chair- man; Harvey Ritchie and Wm. G. Hunter as trustees for three, two and Bone year terms respectively. The meeting appointed Wm. Helm” as secretary -treasurer. Zion Section, after petitioning last spring to withdraw from the Ashfield School Area, later voted . to transport the children of that section to Lueknow Public School. This plan went into effect iln September and Zion school was not re -opened. S.S: No. 10 Ashfield Trustees appointed . at S.S. No. 10, Ashfield (Scotts School) on Wednesday • were Leo Courtney, three years; Gordon Jonston, two years and Ewart Jaieson, for one year. The chairman and secre- tary had not been appointed when this was written. S.S. No. 1.6 Ashfield In the Crewe section, S.S. No. 1 16, Ashfield, the following appoint,- ments were made: Lorne Hasty, three years; Don Paquette, two years; Warren Zinn, one year. Appointment of the chairman and...secretary-.treaSureL....Was_ .pend- Vander Hoek, of Ripley. Vander Hoek said ; he was going south on the AAuberley-14uckJevit it��o n ��� Vehicle i 'eh e when v t road e left side' y. Hogan's' auto at an intersection. `here were no :stop - )signs at.the corner, When W. M. Prost, defence coun- sel," suggested t Vander Hoek had .f ailed to look both ways be- fore ero$ssing, the' magistrate .sold that line of argument was not correct. "All he,('hander Hoek) is re- quired to do is, to look and make t certain there is no ear coming hisfront right," declared Magis- trate Holmes. The magistrate, said be personal- ly felt there should be some sort of warsing sign at all such inter- sections. But he pointed. out that he has no. erhoiee:� but to go along i with the present law until it is r •changed by the elected represent- atives of the people. 4e icl1 youth, C. ttobinson, 201 was acquitted • of '�hnrge of failing to yield the right of .way. The charge had been laid after Ian kEV. C. C. WASHINGTON of Huron Presbytery, he. agreed to take over as supply minister for the Ashfield circuit churches of Zion, Hackett's and Blake's. Mr. Washington and his wife, Olive, 68, were injured in a two - ear collision at Wroxeter on Box- ing' Day. Both were taken to. Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. •Washington's contrition is termed "satisfactory" by hospital author- ities. Mr. Washington was admitted to hospital following the crash, with a fractured pelvis, fractured jaw and suffering severe ;shock. He - had been uricoriscidus much of the time.. Mr. and Mrs. Washington had spent Christmas in Toronto at the 11mi ofelr daughter, Mrs. , ). - . •�"�'q.,.° `<�":_,Se oo( Thomas �Hoti%tl1i' ': 'Pbey were on Ratepayers f S•S• -No, 6, Asn -'l Their' `•way �v vrsi� `'w=��fAlzer field (Fourth Concession School) met at the schoolhouse and ap- pointed " the following trustees, Ross Eedy, Ivan Rivett and Nelson Pierson. Mr. Eedy will act as chairman and Mr. Rivett was named secre- tarry-treasurer. TIE HURON COUNTY ZOUNCI will meet in the{ouncil Chamber COURT •HOUSE, GQDERICH; •All accounts;"rtotices of deputations, must be In the i of the County Ct.rk not later than Saturday, January 12, 1 ,c11.01ilator AMP OBITUARY, ,MRS. FRED LIVERMORE Funeral service for Mrs. Fred Livermore, 80, was conducted by Rev. H. C. Wilson in the Beattie funeral home, Clinton, on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment was in Clin- ton cemetery. MTS. Livermore, who died in Clinton Public Hospital last Thurs- day, was the former Edith Jane Trouse, daughter of the' late Mr. and Mrs. Luke Trouse. She was born in Clinton and lived there all her life: During the Second World War,, she . was very active in Red Shield work. She was an adherent of Wesley -Willis United Church. Surviving are four sons, Earl, of Stratford, and Percy, 'Clarence and Norman, all of Clinton; and three daughters, ' Mrs. W. Burton and rs. Viola Lampman, both of Clin- ton, and Mrs. Donald Bissett, of Goderich. daughter, Mrs. Glen Eagle", wife of the Rev. Glen Eagle, minister of Clinton United Church. Mr. 'Washington was born at Blackstock, Ont., son of a !Method- ist minister. He received .his early education in Barrie schools; He attended Victoria tiollege,%1`i'fiversity_ of Tor- onto, where as a :gold medalist in Greek and Hebrew, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree. His first pastoral charge was at Ros a ne ath, near Cobourg. Other changes included: (Baltimore, Ont.; C•ountice, Oat.; Fenelon Falls; Fair- lawar'United. Ohurch, Toronto; for seven years; Central • United Church, Sault Ste. • Marie, Ont.; Wesley United, in Londoh, and Ambles. Suf•vivors include Mrs. Washing - n and two daughterai Mrs. Eagle and Mrs. Thomas. He held several top United Church posts in various presbyter- ies He was, successively; chair- man •of Lindsay Presbytery, Al gbma Presbytery and chairman of the church's Bay of Quinte Confer- ence. He served a tenth, from July, 1954, to June, 1955, as chairman of Huron Presbytery.- ,1E'uneral arrangenienfs were in charge of the Arthur funeral home at Auburn. Htl1GtNNGNtiNr►GN.GNG: IRON CURTAIN tRitsilER The woman headed fora gala evening is the 'woman who al. Ways keeps her clothes flower - fresh with regular dry -clean- ing ... the woman who is al- ways fastidious about thins like_ powder-begrinled ne lines, underarm stains, tell-tale spots. Prompt service, quality work. Mall u8. e GoDE.R.71 DRY CLEANCRS WEg a 7 C 1' ewe, I C. 2. LoWtFtY, POOP. t9 ntdi We confess a sneaking respect for one roresourceful gentleman n tho fooled the Commies --albeit by morally dubious means. Seems he would toad his hollow aluminum artificial leg with can- dy, ctiflbe and nylons in West Berlin, then whisk over the bor- der into East Berlin in his motorized'wheel chair. He made a neat profit —.until the border gendarmes ultimately caught up with him. •More and more businesses-•- ffromartificial limbs to shipbuild- ing — similarly find aluminum a valuable aid to salcs`and pro- fits. Further major expansion of Alean's smelters in both Quebec and B,Ca is aimed to satisfy the eraltinued increasing demand for tho light metal, °• ,ALUMINUM CAMPANV Op CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) L ° sass Takes the — work, out of waxing and polishing ..": :3 -BRUSH COMBINED -WAXER— POLISHER—BUFFER—SCRUBBER WAXER,—POLISHER--BUFFER-4-SCRUBBER WRA1' UP YOUR GIFT PROBLEM NOW AT A WELCOME SAVINGS! ' This British -Built 3 -Brush Floor Polisher offers new convenience and time -saving ease in floor care. No effort, no stooping. The 3 -brush triangular design polishes right into corners, under furniture: Perfectly balanced—easy to guide, no "walking away". Rubb» binigper pre). teats furniture and woodwork. Streamlined styling in -handsome Ivory tip -toe and maroon; 'handy ti oe switch and fingertip control switch for easier operation. Complete waxing -polishing brushes and 3 lambs; , • 0 with 3 waxing-lw es wool bfftng pads. (scrub bru*hss available)- SALE.PRICE • e: •d: � : ,yam•:: ::5:•: Complete with Deluxe:. Tools. • Oversize Vs h.p. motor produces" up to 'twice the suction • Triple Filter system, with -throw -away filter bags 6.D Bev Mia AIv sv Luc l of wit) fan 1V at wit Mrs Mrs Mrs 11 wee gra day fan ats ber 3v ens The beautiful new 1957 MASTER -VAC °gives you the "most wanted" features ... Cast©r Coasfor—Mora Powerful Suction -- Time - 'Saver Tool Clip�+•-- Swivel Top—Triple Filter—tip-Toe Control—Work. Saver Tools and At) raclenfe. 36 (North St. PHONE 69