HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-10, Page 5litSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1067 MlNAK*I-11R7'10 quiet wedding took plave gaturday at the Damintge, 0f the Pentecostal Church, Fergus, when leorena May Bradt, only daughter of Mrs, Lola Houston: and the late William Bradt, wasmarried to Forman Joni Minaker, youngest Dail of Mrs. Ethel liiinaker and the Fate George ' Alhraker. The ` wed.`. ding ceremony "was solemnized by the gx'oom'a brother, rev, llow- t Mlfaker, formerly of Goderieh. The bride diose a treetWien til pawn of (rink mesh over p+ to etawith a fingertip veil trim- med With Spink rosebutth and: bril- liants. She. wore .matc=hing acces- sories, with a shoulder corsage of pink rosebuds and maidenhair fern, The br desmairi: Mrs, Ero Beeehl,er, eh Se a oink r.nen, stree length to and light blue aeces, Norio, with a siiauder corsage of white carnations and ostrich £ca- ther. The groom's ,brother„ ,Alton Minaker, .of Fergus,was best rrlau. , Tait -bxx e" another wore. a. blue. crepe 6treet-length gess with matching accessories and shoulder corsage ,of pink carnations. The gi ollre$ another ther . Cl),..? given crepe dress with matching aeces-. s rie o s anda shotder corsage of white carnations. After the wedding ceremony, ca quiet reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Min. aker in Fergus. 'he young couple will reside in'G.otiericlt. THE Q RJC SIGNAL -STAR D n "T• GEORGE'S CHURCH- Jaet, •13, 1st Sunday after Epiphany. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. e 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHQOL AND BIBLE CLASS. o11 cage MORNING PRAYER and SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery)' 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR M.S. D.ta Rector MR. J. F STEPHENS, M.A., Organist, and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United .Chur. ch SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M... MORNING WORSHIP. "A Kingdom of Priests." Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP. "The White Light of Truth." REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B4., Minister MRS. J. A. SNIDER, Music Director. Knox. Presbyterian Churc REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAit-JViinister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. Intermediate and Senior Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sacrament of The Lord's Supper. (Nurter1 and Junior Conore a4tion.) 7 p.m. EVENING ,WoRSl( :.:ese ., -� r,- crafmsrit�f Preparatory Service, Friday, January 11, at 8 p.m. A Friendly Welcome Awaits. You l COME TO CI4URCH THIS SUNDAY. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 'ELGIN' -AVE. AT WAYERLOO STREET SUNDAY ---10 a.m. .SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a:nr: -MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.ni. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 8 p.m. PASTOR R.J.'GReEEN GODERICH' BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, 10 a.m. SVPJDAY SCHOOL. 11 amt. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. Junior''Congregation. 7 p.m. AN HOUR WITH THE BIBLE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., Q.D. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Minister Organist Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. 11 a.rM WO.. ia• GOD AND FIND YOURSELF Bible School and Adult Bible Cly s. ,P "A YEAR OF PRAYER. 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church follows Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union rogfiar standee after Bible School. MirIistsr—Rev. Stanley A; Moate, B,A., B.D. Music Director --..Mr. Frank Bissett .Goc erich Corr unity Concert Association PRESENTS * PARSONS & POOLE FAMOUS CANADIAN PIANO' DUO GOZEEYGN 3/STRICT ,JiOLLE IAT .A DIFOE IVI Monday;Jan, 14,1957 AT 6-30 110.41000“0461000 410010.40000 Soldiers of Canada's U.N. Emergency Force we're the first U.N. troops to tour historical sites of Egypt. Here,,, in the valley of the Nile near Cairo, the Canadians get their first look at the famed Great Sphinx of Giza. The Pyramid, in background, among the Seven Wonders of the World, is more than 460 feet high and 5,000 years old. *USED CARS1 SHEPPARDTO_N SHEPPARDTON, JAN. 7 Mr. .-210.- _`7._g rand Mrs. iter Black and family IN USED cAlis and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fritzley, Gode= 'Too i xza tiei tintaliy kt i u'_ % w -tom e ladies` sister, Mrs. N. Hoy, Mr. Hoy and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAvoy and son of St. Catharines, spent New Year's holiday week -end with Mrs. McAvoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs Bert Bogie. Mr. Ralph Foster motored ' to Toronto New Year's for -Barbara and Philip who spent the holiday at the home oftheir uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Crawford, London, arfd ' Dougie spent New Year's with Mrs. Crawford's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Belgrave. We are pleased to report Mrs. Wm. Brown returned home Satter - deal? Then it .will pay you to 'see of r large selection first. Listed, below are just seven of the many fine—buy& -- AU the ifalowing cars are re -conditioned and ,guaranteed. 53 Mkt/ROLFT1' COACH 53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 52 PONTIAC SEDAN 51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 49 FORD -TUDOR 47 MERCURY COACH 46 RO.DF/It SErDAN Hurry to GODERICH MOTORS Ford -Monarch Dealer ' South Sit. Phone 83 -2 For All 'Your Job -Painting Needs GET 1 OUR NEW I I PRICES ON 1 JOB PRINTING 1 DONE 1 THE PLEASINGLY 1 WITH NEWLY INSTALLED 1 1 MODERN TYPE 'HE SIGNAL -STAR day after several days in Goderich hospital. Mrs. Harold McGee and family, of Nile, spent New Year's _ with 1*er- sister, : Mrs. D. Calhoun -and Mr. Calhoun,- _.- . . . Hotel manager to idling em- ployee: '-Why aren't you busy? . . Can't -you 'find 'something to do?" •mployee: "Do I have to find it,'tboE 0 a PAM Mir • ews or > ferieh � thrre fardfr Llr aeouritimit to Siip1CT,IssiG\:-ON, San. 8, ..Miss PoppyMurray. awl I, iazu, of Duh4a4142 IfrizeinVije Servkv. a ., Z yca, The, level last monthwits�ioraIurfnL.,43310nge;orAloL; Wiwi;r-jrQS:at 4e- i7i1khLt?,�i[��� $74 5)a aria Qa1tiii7it.A lower than fY er her prents, i'fr, and Lles.R. .Duni , iiid her ,nt, YAH 7 F Lu' Ha rni a; 'e' Wish Donald Glenn the best of luck in LIS new r,- d trucking _ u, a is b. u �.. n three and three-quar!ter incl ,lower than December, 1855; 38% Mrs. Cord= 5ruglay.Fla' H'tairr ; khan the high a t., luting Ter r , Zber than tlxe IastDecember. u December. . QrTdp ,�3d!iran c"140 C yistra g4e4- 4HYi)p .1V TeC,hrecently purchased ton. the yaw4cy113re Z4tit. Leu marl xatare `oo ctr?9 with his trrather, Oliver oh.frhmFoyd.Hodgcs'ipi,itnersilip Mel e at (Wu,- Wang ax. qtetty.good, rraie your dau3hter has misled me." ctlo�eto, Hod Arnow after ember since, 1860, a7 22.1:4 inches Glenn. on had &igen m the array: for the: act three years returning. in Nov limber iron a year spent with, he occupational army in West ermany. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Glenn, 'Mr. Arthur Thompson; who had fractured hio" leg Iast fall, was re= leased from Goderikli hospital re- cently and returned to the family. home in the village with his sister Mabel who had been with lien' sister, Mrs.. Tillie Kitson, of Kin - tail, . Mrs. Tillie Steele, of Goderieh, is a visitor at . the home • of her brother, .Mr. Thomas Rivett. Mrs. Matthew Shackleton was a Yuletide visitor with her aged aunt, Mrs. Theresa Cornelius, at the Huron County Home at Clin- ton Mrs. Alex Sillib has returned to the home of her daughter. Mrs. Orville Free, after a visit with her son. Harvey Sillib, of Blyth. We are pleased to know that Mrs H. L. Jennings is home from •hospital and much improved in ealth. Master Robert S+herfood, with his lucky ticket at the Nile school concert, won a fine 20 pound turkey. Corporal Leo Langevin, Mrs. Langevin and baby, Lorrie 1 arse, returned to St. P,otrice, Que , after visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Stingel. Others visiting at the holiday were Franklin 'Stingel, Churchill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell, Douglas, Ronald and Rose- mary, of Bradford. United Church W.M.S. -- The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Elliott ons January 4, with 14 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Clifford Crozier, the new president, called the meeting to order. Mrs. Harvey Anderson led the devotional taken from the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Melvin Reed accompanied for the• 'hymns. Mrs. John Ryan was pre- senteei with a Iife membership by Mrs. George Hodges, the past pre- sident, on behalf of the .W.M.S. members. Mrs. Reed was appoint- ed to _ order World Day of Prayer leaflets for March 8. Encopraging reports were given . by all the secretaries and the treasurer. The amount of - 424(.48 was sent Bead s. -Thank you - cards were,.read by Mrs,... _ceCil .� Mrs. !ohn Finnigan gave the topic on Itorea. Mrs. Elliott served cookies and Christmas cake. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp, Douglas and Dianne, of tBlyrth, were Mr. and Mrs. Otto BRECKENRIDGE HARDWAR FB Wintertime k Bargain Time at Breeitenri'ct e' a Look at h sugstantial savings we're offering: today!' Bbt burly as stock is limited. SPECIAL SALE OF BROOMS REG. $1.35 NOW 98c STURDY REG.. 51.00 DELUXE REG. 82.59 DIST DUST49 m.° MOPS MOPS EXTRA HEAVY RUBBER i CHROME* ON COPPER DOOR MATS TEA KETTLES RfG: $3.10QZ.49 REG. SALE 5 $5420 SPECIAL •P ALL M T4J "RID-JID"` REG. $11.00 IRONING TABIES SPECIAL $9,49 "REXDALE" NO. 8 GUARANTEED SPRING STEEL HAND SAWS REG. $2.50 " NOW $1.98 HAVE 'YOU ,SEEN THE SENSATIONAL NEW "SNOW -BOY" Put an end to back -breaking snow shovelling. Come in ands see the 1957 "Snow -Boy," as compact and easy to handle as ower Jaem moor ..rIIittn,aartris tr.:v,.•,-: ..a .r: �:, ... arr,`,=ti 1 E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE ORMANDY JEWELLERY EARANCE SAL A NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS: In order for any business to continuously stock a complete selection of merchandise in the latest styles and with the newest scientific advancements, It is necessary from time to time to hold clearances of lines with limited turn -over. We have come, to such a time and therefore offer you these outstanding reductions in order to have the space and capital to re -stock for the coming season the merchandise you will want to see in our store. Therefore starting Thursday, ,January 10, and continuing until the end of January, our complete stock dill be on sale with reductions up to 40%. Of course, diamonds and famous bomb china dinnerware patterns never go out of style. and will not be on sale. All sale merchandise fully guaranteed as usual. LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES up to 40% OFF -Si liner Holloware 25% OFF SUNBEAM FRYING PAN $14.95 RONEEG..$22.ONLY95 LADIES, AND GENTS' JEWELLERY 25% OFF 4 I An Sales Final � No Refunds or Exchanjos EELADIES' AND GENTS° RINGS25%OFF ClownDoll FR(Over Three Feet High). WITH A PURCHASE OF Silver Fla $5.00 OR MORE. ear ONE TO A CUSTOMER WHILE upo0 C THEY LAST.OFF BULOVA RADIOS 25% OFF RHINESTONE EARRINGS 59c EA 2 PR. $1.00 -1 NO BOXES. SUNBEAM -JUNIOR MIXER $16.95 REG. $24.95 ONLY ONLY 1"111.111111 16 AND 2d PIECE aillillir Breakfast Sets NUMEROUS i I I AS USUAL 3 3 I/3 % OFF` MANYREDUCTIONSTOOSPECIAL BUDGET TERMS NUMEROUS TO LIST AS USUAL na• AmiminnimminigoimalliNIft RPANOY JEWELLERY PHONE 835 GODERICK THE SQUAT! n 46, �:A