HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-03, Page 7CAM A#1A1I 011JEK f Curtails wee once -the nape of New er the British North Axe - .Act .the provinces ,and ',municipalities may not levy /*bid tom of taution? Ville Right Din. Arthur Mei+hen ',served, as Frio Minister xf Canada in, what year? 5Clfet year the federal government gr*41I SERVICE ,t0 tsl �rbtooldl' lit,'the ten emend i�ollversaent , 'IN% . $1,5 billion, 3, FOR NORTH STREET tax• 1. 'What is _nw Brutish 4»1 umbia. 4. In MO. 2. At the time off the 1951 census 14.7 .per cent were not native-born. Foreign vountries ineitased their sales in the Ca i:Wien market' by 26 per cent lin the hr* ;eight 'Months at 1�9]'56y compared to the same period in 105. . -r t Ilii I. 'OW 'frJ ....1I ..ai 1r-16--".. rr r It. 3nir\ w ► 7 P► AA 7iw* K ', f11! f w4 'S•' Ail a I i "4,W1.." 4111rwiliPM0111-4, .11101.1,1110:1.7111.., L'JgotC APPLIANCES ?'oow FRiGI LSA lRE ,2au.2A. FOR SALES d 58RVICE GODERICH vwtlwSQUARE •• ttP,444a, 586 The induction service for Rev, • A. Fustave, will be held at North Street 'United Church Friday evening at eight u'elock. It wilt be conducted f y Rev. J. T. White, B.A., of Lendesbero. Minister of Wesley limited Chuid, Pembroke Ontario, since 1 , Rev. Mr. Fustaoe was, named ',minister of North Street United, rhureh several ..mei s ago with his ministry to, eonunenee. arcJame 1, OM. Previ+ to being at Pembr4rke, he *as minister of the United Chuxeh at Orono, Ontario. • ,tiiv"e: of Andrew, Alberta, be is a -gra ale in arts and theology ef the 'United College, University of of a xitoba. After his .graduation he sensed. at various 'points in, Western Granada and 'Northern Ontario. Rev. Mr. Oust lee'' first serviee at North Street ' Vnit4d, Church will be on Sand*, janum 6. At the eomclusien of .the, Sunday morning serviee, Rev. (Ixarles. R. 'Durrant, who has served as chili- ister since the departure . oof Rev. H . A. Diekinsen,,,wiel Mrs, .Durrant were .Jwnered: Speaking on be- half .. of the. congregation, Dr. R. W. Hughes,. paid tribute. to the ,fine ministry Rev. ,;Mr. , D'urrant; had given the congregation during the past 'three months. A bouquet of roses was presented' to Mrs. Dur- rant 'by Mrs. 'GeorgeEllis, on be- half of the congregation. A. retired minister, .Rev. 4 Mr. Durrant, and Mrs. 1urrarit, plan to return to their holne° in London. At the morning service solos were , sung bY'-'; ISS anth Dock- stader and Fred Moss. At .the evening service there was a duet HOT ASHES 'START FIRE When'Goderich lreuien put QUI a blaze 'in a rear rooms at the hone Of 'Stanley Iiryan, Blake street,, Sat- urday morning, they averted what might easily have been a disastrous fire. The - fid is believed to have started from hot aslhes ina box vuhiclh hadbeen placed in the rear of the ,house. ° tail h nn 4)31eSiat 14:.r Toga nd TOMOrrOW 'HERE I$ HOPE. HE P.AHD HEAi.lNG" .1. HEADQUARTERS FOR' IIEAI.Th1, now different the her itals bI today from the "houses i refuge" .. of a few *centuries ago. The or. iginal concept of such .institutions was nothing more than an asstimed obligation ,of the church to care for the wayfarer*, the homeless, the sick and the ittliraaned, 14f edi l' seienoe in the early hospitals if it existed at all,was secondary to the faith 'and love bestowed `upon ' the helpless by "religious 'leaders. 'recently, recently these voluntary, non-profit institutions were depend- ent solely upon pi ivate charity for their existenee and were origin- ally sponsored •for the isolation of the hopelessly x11, and dying. But the progress of medical science was not to be denied and from their somewhat clouded beginning our modern hospitals emerged. How some hospitals -began is graphically illustrated by Benjamin Franklin who wrote about the in- ception of the now famous Pen- nsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. To cquote Franklin: " ..1.751 the manager rented a 'house for 40 Pounds a year, spent 150 poends, for repairs, hired a nurse or maid at 10 pounds a year, appointim,. Dr. Thomas Bond and his brother Dr. P,hinias Bond, and Dr. Lloyd Zachary as attendant staff, wi'thQlit pay and admitted their first two patients, one sick and the other, Crazy," Canada's ,frst hospital: was open- ed in Quebec, in 1639. It was originated by the French Order of,, Saint, Augustine and called L'Hotel Dieu de Quebec. Today there are over .832 public general and 196 public special hospitals in, Canada servingCanadians with the ' best health care available. Today hospitals are used for a four fold purpose, the care of the sick, public and professional edu- cation, the Conduct of research, and preventive medicine. This they are doing with distinction as they have come to bib regarded in the eyes of the rich and poor alike as headquarters for health. Vero Three uric h Buy Scouter have l taustoOAStier #i .e been accepted to intend the world ;iamiborte o1 cunt► 111 Ean,rilaad thio summer. They are; 13x11 lfaysoni !as ri Arthur lt'eachy and John Symonds. , Deans tali for leaving abut July; 14 for En,leud and returning about the midge of August, llayvm belongs to Goderieh 2nd troop -while I eaelry and Sync emits are members of the GodericA Sal -troop. Tiley attended the jant- boree last summer at Niagararoxi• ,therLake. 'The province sof, Ontario meas- ures 'nearly eas-ures'nearly a theusai t =ilex from east to west and from north to south. r .;. L d•.,..... .rr . r TO REACH' OF GOOD HEALTH DRINK DE JCIOUS' ANP/EW DAIRY , MILK:( 'the yea ` 1 ` r seic7.lie .: 7-' teinnial of the Diocese of Huron, said lit. Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, in his New Year mess- age. He briefly outlined special celebrations planned to mark_ the event. Bishop Luxton said that 120 years ago, Benjamin Cronyn was preparing to build St. Paul's •Church in the 'heart of the settle- ment of new London. Twenty years later—I857---An- glicans' of the district were plan- ning to (set up the Diocese of Huron with London as the See city and St: Paul's as the Cathedral. During the early summer of next year, he said, pilgrimages are be- ing arranged to six of the historic sites of the Anglican Church in the Huron Diocese. In the fall of 1$57, Bishop Wand, former Bishop of London, will visit the diocese as the personal repre- sentative of the Archbishop of `eery, 131§hop, Wand - will eepeek in• 12 regional 'centres of �... : ale, -+[rift:.'. Other special pians for the an- nual Synod and .Whit Sunday are under way, he said. These Icer AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE -424 ,To hundreds of thousands of Canadian families, the.circled HFC emblem shown here is a symbol of confidence. Ifyou need up to $1000 to solve your money problems, you too may borrow with confidence from HFC—Car ada's first and foremost con- sumer finance company. Phone or visit HFC today. v i ligiz-'i in- he'=churela"' ii$64 and""give our people opportunities for thanksgiving and rededication." 'orations will underline the import - HOUSEHOLD .FINANCE fir i i - - . B. F. Bedford, Manager.„ anager 35 West Street, second floor, phone 1501 GODERICH, ONT. VOLKSWAGEN IS YOUR SIGNAL -STAR.. SUBSCRIPTION PAIDUP IO START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT? TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL CUSTOMERS IN 1956. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN 1957. am happy to report we have a larger staff of trained men to help you efficiently in any of the following yobs: House building and Alterations. Tile and hardwood floors laid and sand Built-in cupboards a specialty. All types of roofing under guarantee. Complete duplexing and modifications. Custom car ports and garages to harmonize with your home. A complete line of interior decorating. (Plywoods—Papering—Painting) FREE ESTIMATES, -PLEASE PHONE OR C'iNTACT CONTRACTOR 175 BROCK ST. GODERICH 104 COUNTRIES,. VOLKK.SWAGEN S SOUND ENGINEERING AND CRAFTSMANSHIP HAVE FOUND ENTHUSIASTIC -ACCLAIM In this ountry i too, Volkswagen hat ;been wholeheartedly ,acc ter : • ° Canadians' who have, always known how to appreciate products of the Orme 'i aa{rty. Set even this ca"r With itis provitrelitsbnity and onictoo features, so ,porticutarly suited to Canadian foe d`tiont, could nOt-htivet achievedaltiazitta ;l ess with out Volkswagen's constant emphasis on highly. efficient service. A - Now. ort the threshold, of a New Year, we of Volkswagen Canada Ltd. Nether with our nation-wide dealer organization, pledge continuous ---.extension -af this; service so.that owning o Volkswagen win brief evvngs satisfaction. to our cultbmOrs in the years ahead. Songstress . Shirley Harmer was recently elected one of the ten best -dressed women in Canada by a -nation-wide poll Of impartial fashion experts. As ; everyone knows, Shirley is the star of CRC - TV's weekly revue "Showtime." This mon con give you >.: °dependable de$ivery of THE w. CHRISTIAN SCrENCII • �,,-. R MONITOR RITUTOtt FOR %T.RAT"FORD DRSYttieT TOI$ON'S ARA UMITED TRA't10111l, ON1i'ARIOa Housewives, businessmen, teachers; and students elf over the world read and doer this international'-: newspaper, pub.. fished rfot4y ireBoston. World. furious for s constructive news stories 6iid penetrating editorials. Special features for Ow whole family. w.r.....u.«wam* .r..o►aml.el.lrer.a ear ens® tiw► Ctwlstidin. Idsnte Monitor Ono tIerwIy St., Mena IS, Mlew Sond yew +wwiltti a ear tits tin* sbesfct+d. ittclOw►d• fled nw Clutch or mon*, order. I year $Ili a d months $e 1 Months !H 13 Ouse of Sea9 ram Millers sig 145Y 1E