HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-20, Page 15THE 00D Ike of eeeni- much rimier Bat $1.111- aybe You Haven t p Your Mind. CANDY (in goy .holletair WALLETS "CIGARS, PIPES TOBACCO POUCHES ELECTRIC, SHAVERS 17.$43,LE LIGHTERS "TIMEX" waTctiss FLASH BULBS On hollOal' SHAVING BR'USHES ALSO 'GAMES AND MANY MORE ITEMS FOR LAST MINUTE SKIPPERS. KIDDIES' et These Last Minute Suggestions Help You FF KENWOOD U1TS Stedman#4)c to $ Stores ,0,4 THE SQUARE GODIRI FOR LAST *NUTS CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS, WE HAVE A, Wide' Selection SPECIAL. IDEA --A neat little parcel of 50 cigarettes, and a smart lighter for only GODERICH NEWS STAND DENNIS A. FINCHER., Proprietor. oa SizeL to 7 years. ALSO SEASON'S ciftEETINGS FROM Anderson's Book Centre GODERICH 33 EAST STREET KIDDIES' KENWOOD COATS 1 Sizes 7 to 9 years. of Gifts. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. • DROP IN AND HAVE OUR STAPF HELP YOU SELECT Ive RIGHT GIFT FOR 'THAT specjAt, FRIEND. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. • iLsztew,,tzseizerzertWitstsrigleccettnwgigtzig-tmgrztr,„-Nr.cxpougtvgivect 111111111.1011111, GOOD STYLING AND lgTRACTIVE COLORS Skelton's ppliances i& playing Santa Claus! AT F. E. HIBBERT & SON GODERICH Yes, it's trye! The difference 1:?etween- the_ regular -price ,.and Skelton's\special ,pirice is our gift to you! Wily not take aCktantage of -these ,S,peCial Christmas Buys of famous appliances. REG. SPECIAL PRICE PRICE ALL -METAL CHROVIUM Price Sunbeam MIX1VLASTER Junior SANDWICH TOASTER Stwe $2.00 , $24.05 $18.95 8.95 6.95 Hi -Lo IRONING Table (adjustablo 17-.95 Save $5.00 Has been judged outstanding on its form, function', origin.' ality, goal value and cow! sumer acceptance by the _National Industrial Design Uses any to miter. , - steam for heavy fabrics, REG. PRICE 19..5° less For light). , SUItheatni Save $4.00 STAINLESS STEEL WASHER TWO-TONE &WM/FINISH $37.4EX1RA VALUE $50 miNimum Double tubs, one inside the other. 6 -minute. wash- ing' action. 4 -part ball bearing methanism. In- destructible cast iron safety wringer. 6 -year., guatantee. All -white or colour choice. 22.95 Deluxe TOASTER (automatic) " 19.95 Save $5.00 Automatic Coffee PERCOLATOR 13.95 Save $4.00 Seabri-eze RECORD PLAYER 25.95 (complete with amplifier and speaker—. four speeds). You save $4.00 12.9 18.95 14.95 9.95 21.95 TOTAL EXTRAS NO MONEY DOWN—TERMS TO SUIT YOU—COME IN AND SEE US, LOADS OF OTHER 'GIFT SUGGESTIONS, Too, AT 0, SKEL 47' 0 N r J 4 West St. Goderich lb ORDER YOUR TIIGODERICH DISTRICT E STI TE BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED FO$ CHRISTMAS arripbellis Drug Store (By Linda Brecidenridge) The holiday spirit seems to have touched the school. Christmas scenes have been painted on the N'irinclows in several rooms by the Home Ecoporrik students. Wreaths and signs of Merry Christmas also were inaae by students for each classroom door. Exam les of gift wrappings 411 the tro y case to help. those (who are havi g difficul- ties in this matter Every morning the, entire stud- ent body assembles in the gymnas- ium for 30 minutes .of carol sing- ing under the direction of Mr. Tucker. The Students' Council has been preparing for Christmas, boo. Seliool cards have been sold dur- ing, the noon hours and a movie, plus three 'cartoons, have been ob- tained for Friday afternoon. These movies have been popular in the past. No Clivistmas can go ,by without a dance and this year's is on De- cember 21st with 4aneing from to decorate the loin um 'in the !Christmas theme. ttitientg Arc reminded that outsi ers require invitations to iaain 'admittance to the dances. The 4tuant who sp6a- ‘Sionsitle tkor his or her condiict at the dances. 'Invitations tan be obtained from the office and the naties will be entered into, a guest book. Mr. Boyce is away this week due to ill health. We hope he recovers soon to enjoy the Christ- a.s holidays and is able to return to school in the new year. To all my, readers I wisl a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Victoria ynited Willing Workers (Mrs. Frank Horton was elected president when' the Willing Work- ers held their' annual meeting in, Victoria Street United Church on Decemb6r 12, Other "officers elected were: hon- orary president, Mrs. Neil IticKin• non; past president, Mrs. Vernon Smith; vice-president, Mrs. 'Gordon Crawford; • secretary, Mrs. Robt. Ante; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Craig; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Diinglas Cruickshank; pianist, Mrs. J. Merialh; dev4tional leaders, Miss E. Bamford, Mrs. E. Buehler; nursery superintendent, airs. D. VaDilu.ring the meeting, it 'vies re - Mrs. Evelyn Carroll Gets Fifth Term As Head Legion ladies Auxiliary of -, --- . - - * 1-- -. - The Ladies' Legion Auxiliary "an's ,Carnp Niagara -on -the -Lake, met in the Legion home on Tues- War Memorial Children's Hospital, day of last week when the regular The Canadian Legion, Cancer So - monthly 'meeting was fellowed by .ciety, Hospital Auxili,ary,- Booster a Christmas party. There were 31 rne-mbers Present. was conducted by 1VIrs Olive Mc After the opening ceremonies, roll ! Donald. They are: pres.ident, Mrs-. call, minutes and reports a short Evelyn Carroll (acclamation for a business session was conducted by the president, Mrs. Evelyn Can•oll. I fifth term); 1st vice-president, Mrs. Dose Hill; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Seventeen applications were read Dorothy Watson; treasurer, ,Mrs. and accepted. Isabel Knee,shaw (fifth term ac - It was 4iecided to send six wool- clamation); assistant treasurer, len ,satin -bound blankets to West- Mrs. -Norma Kingswell; recording- minster HospitGaval a.n3tLtw_roo on:of thin! secretary, Mrs. Margaret Young; News of Dungannon DUNGANNON; Dec. 17., ---Merry Christmas to all! Gerald ,Walter, Goderich Town- ship, spent last week -end with his friend, Jiminy Blake. ° dYlr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Wayne were recent visitors with Mr, and M.rS. Bill Reed, Wingham. 'Mrs. James Sproule returned last week after spending a month with members of her family: Bill Sproule, Mrs. Ben Mugford and Mrs. Frank Garniss. Unfortunately, she had to spend one week in Toronto East General Hospital but is feel- ing better now. Gordon Maize did' very well, 'ging -won-Aimee lovely -Christams" cakes totalling 20 pounds, at a Lueknow -grocery store- latelyi- Mrs. Abner Morris had members of her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris, Benmiller, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Christilaw, Nile, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mugford, of London, with her at the week -end. Mr. Robert Stoners, having suf- ficiently recovered from hia oper- ation at .Wingham hospital, return- ed home last week. White -Gift Sunday was observed at the United Church Sunday School last Sunday morning. The C.G.I.T. Vesper Service with candle lighting ceremony was ob- served Sunday night in the.United Church. Carols were sung and the Finnigan, leader, was assisted4y Crozier gave the'iarY.-:,-.7 rag:11W .Alton and Pauline Anderson re- ceived the offering. Jewel Reed, Marion Mole and Janette Mole were the candle-lighterS. S.S. Concert. — The United Church Sunday School concert was held on Friday evening. Faye Pearson gave -a "Welcome recite - Ilion at the beginning. Other reci- fations from Mrs. Herb Finnigan's class were. given by Sharon Smyth, Nancy Smyth, Mary- Lou Henry 1165Pltal: ''r-baYearel.rs, rrsc,Crifia'Zies.11C'tadViain4a*1:41-1.' Legion` Olympicgraining plan. Mrs. Dorothy Weber; pianist, Mrs. . The next meeting will take the Lorna Payne; executive members, form of a pot -luck supper with the Mrs . Margaret Adam, Mrs. Alice 17 new members tnvited to attend Anstay ,and Mrs„. Charles Cadman. and to be initiated during a short After the closing ceremonies, a meeting, following the supper. delightful lunch was served by a Niuncrous cards and, parcels are committee convened by Mrs. Marg - being sent to 13oderich -and district afet Adam and an exchange of men in %he service, and branch gifts was enjoyed with Mrs. Dor- and auxiliary members who are othy Weber acting ai mistress of ill or shut-in during ne Christmas ceremonies. 'Sea'5°Then-annual reports were read and adopted. Dining the term of 1956, donations were made by the Auxiliary to the amount of $3,266.75. These donations includ- ed , those made during the year 1956 to, the Red Cross, Westminster Hospital, London, Huron Pavilion at Westmins, er, The T.B. Vet's HOME BUILDING COURSE TO BE GIVEN AT GDCI and Gussie Culbert. A chorus was sung by the little tots in Mrs, Popp's and Mrs. K. Davtrson's class. Brian Stothers, Jimmy .MeWhinney, Gerald Shackleton, Billy AnclPrson and Paul Eedy, of Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan's class gave recitations. Kathleen Smyth of 'Mrs. Clifford short play, "Christmas Indeed" was enacted by the pupils of Mee, Howard Johnston and. Rev. George Watt's senior dames. Mr. K. K. Dawson was chairman. School Concert. — The annual sehool 'Christmas concert was held on Tuesday last in the Dungannon Pstrish- iialliwith-the largest attend- ance to date. Mr. a. Dawson was choruses the junior room. enter- tained the audience with recita- tions by Donnie Watt, Charles Young, Allan Parks; "Much Ado About China"; "Trimming the Christmas -Tree; a trio, composed of Allan Parks, Charlie Young and Darirde -Watt; "Christmas Shave" by Robert Sherwood, Terry Hodges, Bobby3Eedy, Rickey Parks, Angus - Stinger and Billy Crozier. The senior room numbens followed in- cluding a Barber Shop Trio; choral' recitation; novelty number by Eleanor Reed; a dialogue number; the Blue Skirt Waltz, hy Linda Blake, Sandra Brooks, Joanne Alton, Joyce Culbert, ersonati Mr. and Mrs. Percy Proctor of Detroit, are spending the .holiday season with the former's father' Mr. Wm. Proctor, Gibbons street. Walter Chisholm, son of Mr. *and Mrs. Thomas Chisholm, R.R. 6, Goderich, has -been elected an alderman for the term 1957-58 on the Sault Ste. Marie Connell. Ain „evening course in home building will be conducted this winter again at- Goderich District Collegiate Institute, it is announced by Principal A, R. Scott. - Registrations will be accepted at OKI on Wednesday, January 9, at 7.30 p.m., he states. Classes will be held every Wednesday evening until the end of March. The instructor is R. H. Collie, of Stratford, an inspector un -der the Vetarans' Land Act. 'The course is not restripted to veterans,• anyone with a yEarning to build their own home may enroll. Veterans who do take the course will be entitled to certain special privileges, however. Through a special arrangement between VLA and 'Central Mortgage and Houost„i:g. Corporation, theY will be all to act as their own contractor and build on a small lot, while still qualifying ifor special financial as - As many as 30. persons have en- rolled in the course here in other years. The instructor will cover home building projects Aright from the securing of a site to the paint- ing and landscaping cvf the finished ' SEPARATE SCHOOL MEET, payers hold their annual Meeting next Thursday. The trustees whose terms expire in 1956 but who are eligible for re-eleetion are B. L. Walzak, T. J. Drennan, L. Pitblaclo and W. Kinahan. In the first nine months of the year the United States sold in Can- ada goods to the value of $3,105 million, bought from Canada goods to the value of $2,114 million. "MERRY— CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US TO YOU" STOKELY FANCY HONEY POD P7 SUPREME SWEET PEAS - 15 OZ. 2 TINS 35c Muted Picklet 16 oz Jar 25c MARTIN'S APple Juice 48 27c ri, No. 1.Mixed Nuts Lb 49c BIRD'S EYE FROZEN i5 VICT°RiA• , Orange' Juice 2 Tins 33c0Mixed Candy Huge 59c 2 lb. Bag All Popular Brands FLAT FIFTY 82c CIGARETTES CARTON OF 200 2.99 Red & White Early Riser Blend Lk 97c FFEES Red & White Blend Lb. 1.17 43, ported that substantial money gifts 5 had been. made during the year to the board of stewards of the elmreh, the ,missionarm and -',Main- tenance fund .and itorean ' Arrangements were meide to fill Candy bags in tconnection with the d3 concert !Math was held on 4'i December 10. Pot luck lunch was 1;5,, semd at the conclusion of the business meeting. Snydor's PARTY TIMErc.SUPPLIES Potato Chips Lge. Box 59c Ginger Ale 2 for 35c D°P• Pepperetts Pickled Onions A Variety of Cheeses FRUIT BASKETS 30 UP Victoria St. aoderich