HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-20, Page 5pub- Lina, Ater Port elsli, She five 600,. Irby THURSDAY, 1)*C. 20th, MO BENMILLER UNITED WMS AND WA NAME OFFICERS FOR 1957 'L e animal uic ting ef the Ml' .M,S. and W.A. ro.t f eenniller United Chur'Ieii was held in the Sunday School room, of the thumb. 31re. Stewart .presitlerit ,of the W.M.S., presided t for the meeting. She was. 4.3sistec1 try Mss, Ar Baxter ,and 3Irs, Tr T. Pfrrmmer. 'Me Allocation for the year had been <met and the amount forward ed to Presbyterial treasurer. Thd work epnvener gave a°report on bales and, blankets sent to le* q axterS inToronto. Aire. Stewart t « gave ars interesting talk on. the Arctic as turd in the book "Archi- bald of the Arctic," by the late Bishop Flemhrg., A, Trap o thanks was tendered Mrs. 'Stewart and her executive for their very efficient work during the past year. The. slate :of of sic ers for 1057 was read by tlie nominating ,committee as follows: 'past president, Mr's. fed . Moore president, Mrs. J. Sto marl;; vice-president, Mrs. IL Bear; ee retary4reasurer, Mrs. Ar Straughan; Christian citizett Ship and temperance,. Mrs. Fr T. Mint- neer; in t- e r; Christian stewardship, Mee. M. Duret;, community friendship, Mrs. Fran'klirt, (Mitchell; literature sec etary,Trs. Ben Straughau; supply 'secretary, Miss A. Baxter; Baby Band leader's, Mrs, L Fisher, Mes: A. Fisher; Mission Band lead- ers, Mrs. N. Durst, Mrs. E. Vislier; organists; Mrs; Ben, ' Straughan, Mrso:- JT. Feagait, auditors.„ Macs. R. Jewell, Mrs. A. Maskell. The.. nominating conunittee, of the W.A. read the slate of officers for the coming year as follol +fs: past president,' Mrs. Ben Strau'gh- an; president, Mrs. Norma Hazlifilt 1st vice-president, .Mrs. Miifred Durst; 2nd vice-president, Miss Buelah Long; • secretary, Mrs. Garvin Young; treasurer, Mrs. 1. Mitchell; literature secretary, Mrs. urkey Bingo. LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, Dec. 22 O JACKPOT OF $70.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN '56 CALLS. lid GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. \ ADMISSION 50o. Tite:Ntt to mt.* Fe T. refilunner. After the eep'ert,4 of nominating g committee hal been reed end vot- ed en, ,, Rev. Mr. M©rte !coAidiiCted the installation ver inoiires for both soexetie.s. Mra. N. llazimtt tool: the clivi; for, the W.A. nicotine. whieh im- mediately followed the ine'tallattion service. Rill call was enewe-eel by a. don- I 'ation for the veneer cupboard. The treasnreese report was read and ' adopted- showing good balanee oil hand. Tho secretary's report was interesting, giving the year's liz blights. Vorrespendenee and "thank you note's were read.° Reports of differen ` Cortintitteee were givens: 'cancer and 'three grQt1':Ps of _W.A. A comittee of Mrs; F. .Allin and Miss Buela1i Long ev4a appointed toioe.k after the •;hristmas �kruxes . for sank and shut-ins. Mrs. Elmer Fisher was appoint- convener of committee to look after supplying aChristmas box for a needy' family, A vote of -thanks was tendered, 'Nes. Hazlett and her executive lior their efficient work. of ,the_r.pa.st year. A Christ- mas iynui and •bencdictian brought the meeting th a close after which a social half hour was.. spent. • o. o n ENGINEERS HOLD MEET Willi - THE GODERICH SIGNAI STAR • About 25 engineer officers off lake -boats- held a meeting at the Bedford Hotel on Thursday even- ing. • They make up the executive of the Great Lakes and.OEastern distriet ofi•.the National Association of Marine Engineers of Canada Incorporated. Presiding ._at the meeting was Mr. GeormJ. Ellis, of Port Arthur, Ontario, the dis- trict president. • 0 0 Total mineral production in the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories in 1955 was almost 38 million idollars. 0 • AT BIREC K EN RIDGE • HARDWARE 3 Floors—Laaen with Gifts " 1NOVO EVCO M-'�'r+ A-'wvY'+�Y .OMMI *7e iT�V"a tate• t�WzVP�wt�. tette a TOYLAND ONO ENTIRE FLOOR LOADED WITH TOYS. BRING THE CHILDRENAND WATCH THEIR PEYES DANCE' IT'S THE GREATEST EVER! Electrical Appliances SMALL AND LARGE Power Tools AND MANY OTHER GIFT IDEAS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! COME IN AND COMPARE .OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ! r�u�t�t"rp,�t�,a��t°�t�ttUt�e;"'��"�t�t�-E�.•CC����"t�t�, ��► Breckenridg&s Chilstmas.T Eve Sale STARTING, AT 6 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE, WE WILL GiVE A 10%Q ,DISCOUNT ON ALL UNSOLD MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE. THE ONLY ARTICLES NOT AFFECTED WILL BE GOODS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED AT SPECIAL DiSCOUNT PRICES. Christmas Draw will be made of 9 p.m. Christmas Eve. Two valuable prizes. ayO1.1 • Chi► , tyt o s' K!m+lC! t to emt eztztv.'"tit 1-:""tt m tttitwtzt 't. t Breck�n ri dge TO OHR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, k THANK YOU FOR MAKING THiS THE GREATEST YEAR IN OUR HISTORY. WE WISH EVERYONE A MERRY, CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY 1957. 4.3 OUT ON A. LIMB' WITH WL.L* SMILEY on of the Most . 'frustrating, r frightening but £aseinating hebbiee 1 have is doing the quizecee in 1 women's 4inagazines. I;0,. 0 You know the kind 1 mean; They ask you questi{ na, • you =ewer "yes" or `;`no," and you are auto - u atieally classified as an alcoholic, a philanderer, or q lazy bum. At t least I am. Every time •I see a new • qua, hope:. flutters &role in any breast, like a dove tied, by one leg. "Tins tine," 1 think "by gallies, I'en :goin«g to get a pass mark." lL it down with pencil, carefully lick the point, and do my best to consider each one as honestlyz as possible. As a .matter of fact, I just finish- ed one in a magazine> The head- ing says: "Test yourself. to see of you're a dull, husband. Answer yes or no." Well, I could have saved a lot of time if I'd just an- swered "yes" right away. * 0 0 0 ., It's_ the way the silly things- are worded. First qusetion asks: Did you tell your wife, at least once this week, "I love you.sweetheart?" Now, isn't that ridiculous? Maybe some young idiot` who has beets married for two weeks told his wife that this week, but I'll pick you 20 married ruen at random, and if one of thein said that to •a ,and this week, it was somebody e15 's wife. * 0 * Second , question: When she dresses up for you, do you notice it and tell hes', "You look beautiful to me" In the first place women don't dress up 'for :their husbands, they dress up for other women. In the second place, that foolish remark implies that while she lab'ks good to me, she' might not look so hot to others. In the third, an emphatic "wow!" and a .well - executed Ieer means a lot more to her, at. a time like that, than such Grade' 8 sentiments. O 0 0 * Third question: When you come home from work, do you ask her, "What kind of a day did you have?" Answer: I do not. I'm afraid she'll tell one. Besides, I want to telt-. 1er.....how.--tough1.hings- May tate day. be merry,with ypu'� Th ' tin ,-our. k-�m st ,g`oli �'t �aiiday _rock or � That , ix ee questions. ere get it are six in this quiz: I sneak a formal. *fay not. ��et us peek at thei+bottom. It says: Each question 'IsSould be answered "YES." I am now batting .000. I� quit. I am a dull husband. ,�,$nat�. Ill bet It I'm note- ikeas the 'danie (and it must have been a dame) Who composed those questions. 0 0 ' * 0 Another gnfzz in the same maga- zine proved beyond doubt that I am "highly over -sensitive and per- haps in need of guidanee.". There are ;certainly times when I need guidance, but I know, on the oft - repeated assurances of the Old Lady, that Pm as sensitive as -'an old rubber boot. • T 0 And that's the way the quizzes go -'with me. Read one on alcohol- ism and I discover my modest glass before dinner will have me on skid row very -shortly. Try one on cigarettes and learn my lungs are coated with a half-inch of tar, lung cancer is imminent, and I'm not long for this world. ready for you now — beaufifuthr fresh, spotlessly clean, carefully pressed! Then -.you can just slip into it with., no-ast«miriute wor- ries. GODERICH DRY CLEANERS WEST S'T.o.: ,I22 C. P. LOWERY, PROP. • blessings 'Of the first Christmas be yours to cherish now and alwarad * When I :honestly answer a quiz on what kind of a father I am, It turns out I have about as .much parental sense as a male muske- loXge, and my kids are destined for the' juvenile courts. Do I ven- ture -a whirl at a quizz on how at- tractive I am to women, it is re- vealed that T have the same effect .on them as a plate of cold tripe. O * * 0- - When a quizz queries me on my handiness aroutnd the home, the score shows that I should be living in a cave. And when it's headed:, 'What Do Your Children Know About Sex?, I'm stumped. I've never asked them. O 0 {t 0 After answering a lot of quizzes .conscientiously, I've come to ) he conclusion that the questions are loaded, and that the only person who could get a passing grade would be an utter ,imbecile or a barefaced liar. O 0 * a Say, here's one that looks kind of interesting. Hand ane that pen- cil,Mother. Let's see. • First ques- tion: When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife? 0 0---b— 0 ardware TOYS GiFTS PLUMBING - HEATING ON THE SWUARC AT NORTH ST. ° PHONE 13S ST15LES FUNERAL HOME tee.. ...ee'-etr.rettergeeeet'enteleereet Huron County Farm Report By A. S. Bolton, Asst. Ag. Rep. Fifteen applications have gone in from Huron County for the winter short Bourse at the Ontario Agr'ileulturalCollage. Fall meet- ings and banquets of farm organ- izatioils have been well attended. Christi as concerts and parties are new 'the order of the day in rural communities. Christmas turkeys are irk plenti- ful` supply' wiWegrowers receiving 60e per pountPrfek small birds and 50e per pound lbr- lenge birds. A Myth arra grower shipped 4,000 turkeys to Northern Ontario last week. Compared to , pre-war the Can- adian factory e n lowee worke, o the avenge, thirteen e)er .cent fever hours per week, earns -mate then three times ,as uaany dollar's. 7k . • PRI DHAM'S MEN'S WEAR May this joyays Christmas season bring ;you all the gifts of Happiness, Peace and Friendship. D*IIViNG COURSE 'lions it a cer has ries been de- livered, yet, ,cmc classroom my etriiction IsL) > altea(.'ee been given in Cm"? Iii i i'tiit L driver 'tan, aft'An (!f')!!(;,211-,ID ri1 PAM eud*d Luring Littembeir illations but 6w U resume able Me hoii , dy t .r Tinr y uc tuplio sfy 40* .milled in the oour.C. Through a kited aut /sob& er, a new, czar 'wil;, be able for actual .road ick, early next sear CHRISTMAS WITH 'COMPLIMENTS TO.OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIEND, Saints Coal D« J ALAN o' DISTklai,ITOR$ OF TEXACO ,GASOI ONE AND FUEL OILS. - (With happy memories of many pleasant friendships, we extend our sin- cerest wishes for a joyous,Chlristmas to all. JOHN JEFFERY & SON PLANING MILL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES the spirit of Christmas—goodwill to all men —is the guiding force as mankind and let us rededicate ourselves to the a better world --a world feflecting the faith that is Christmas, with its eternal message of Peace on Earth, a 01