HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-13, Page 3• r T Mrs, �. ,1 Pridharn Heads WAS. Of i o a i gyp. A� * *Me �Q Christmas meeting a; North Street W.,M.S. was 'held in the Sunday School room .ef the church on Tuesday afternoons of last week -•-_avftlr: -fi Rend dent, Mrs. l . Pridbann, oectpied the char. Mrs. Pridham reported on the bales and contents sent out for overseas relief: A get well Christ- mas card signed by. a number of the tanners is being sent to a f ,naer member, Mrs. Hethering- ton, who is a patient in the Wing - ,ham hospital. The devotional period was an charge of Mrs. Chas. darker. The Christmas program, as outlined iu the November Missionary Monthly, was followed with a table of Jlgbt- nandieS depletingthe i rii Uelds of South Ea,it Asia, A ineSS, age ftroan sash a the foreign fields riV4.1 head by tine following ladies, twlith Mrs. t. J. 'Ward, as leader: I'S. W. Hem Mrs. J. Wise ' is,S G. Strang, Mrs. sats Westbrook, Mrs. Sperling. and Webb. ichristinas cams Were acing throughout the +meeting with ifs. C. Barter Singing one as a solo, fiolUO ing ;which Mrs. Barker L ave a abort talk on the second, chapter of the hem study hook on Burma. A Chr etm ass carg1 sok , was sung- by only Stiles.Wenty seven ealls'. ora at* arta shut-ins were reported. At the nose of the meeting a aoeia1 half hour, "during' Which Christmas cake and cookies avere served, was enjoyed by all. • The following is the slate of officers 1£o ' 1957 as real by Mrs. P. W. 'Currie: Honorary ipresident, Mrs. Fustace; past president, Mrs. H. Turner; president, Mxs. E. J. Pridham; 1st vice-president, Mrs. D. D. Mooney; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. A. L. Cole; 3rd vice-president, N►e,�..e. �III AT THE AIR•CONDITIONED -•-� GODER�ICH First Showing 7.30 p.m. Second Showing 9.30 p.m. Nowa Playing -Jeff Chandler and Tim Hovey in "THE TOY TIGER." -Color. Mon., Tues. and Wed., -- Kurt Kaszner, Jack Sarnas and Marcel Dalio The drama of Dienbienphu re-enacted as four parachutists, of varying backgrounds, become heroes. "JUMP INTO HELL" Thur., Fri. and Sat. - Lex Barker, Mara Corday and Stephen McNally A stage robbery in Arizona sets the stage for a political clean "The Man Brom Bitter Ridge" In Technicolor. Coming -OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -"THE SWAN" - Grace Kelly and Alec Guinness and in January: -"THE KING AND I"-"PARDNER,S' -'THE PROUD ONES." ..A......NM••Ne,N�NINi�eile,1Nl,elN11000Ne,N memmtal Goderich News Stand Dennis A. Fincher, Proprietor HAVE PIPES OIGARS TO BAGUIO POUCHES --- TABLE LIGHTERS ELECTRIC SHAVERS "nmEx" WATCHES FLASH BULBS-- (611RIS'IIMAS WRAPPED) SHAVING BRUSHES imemp.: MEM/ SPECIAL GIFT SUGGESTION -A neat little parcel el 1,2 of 50 cigarettes and a smart lighter for only$1.79 Your Guarantee of Freshness -All cigarettes, tobaccos and cigars bought direct from -the manufacturers, GQDEIIWII SIGNAL -STAR CounciiToIdl oMiningo e io • From ,Property Owners Commenting on the new rock ofneaa1 board, signed the offer. salt ,rani development herd Pitfilion Received M os J. E. tHeceins told `''Nown A triplebarrelled Pe'titz on fronSt. Peters CVV L some property owners in the south A Council. that he.. -understands a shaft west section ofodericlr was re .. 1 s Plans Mtn -Gifts t will be sunk "almost immediate' .'" ferrcd.to the next,; Counei�1 meeting alt company n were owu fb0r +dis isatin. . �c�r ��r��s� _ the h Frid A harbor on ay lay The Ipeti-tro asked that. Council The Decemlber mn�eting of 6t. out sites for fthe, necessary build- (1) consider the street lighting Peter's C.W.L, was . held in e, ,ings, said the mayor. problem in the' area, (2) consider school on Wednesday evening el Council filed n letter from W. R. changing the name of Internationa- ool k T e,i en g Spence, vicepresident end general el line td, Lake View avenue, as last week. . he president, . t, Mrs. manager of Sifto Salt Ltd., Mon- suggested in a previous '4ppliea- J. P. Slierratt, occupied the chair tr al. Mr. Spence wrote: tion front area. residents, and (3) and thanked everyone who helped "Our lease agreement with the change Bich°street to Sunset drive snake the. Christmas Fair such an De+partmrent covering the area has and open Warren street through outstanding suede,s.% not yet been. finalized, but we are to the present International line. ' Miss Helen McCarthy. ticket con - 'hopeful that some objections rais- Signature. in the petition, inelud- vener, gave u financial report of ed by t'he' Department of Public ed John Riinmer, Ernest Sole, the Christmas Fair. 'Money was Works will be ironed out shortly Stewart Knight, Walter and M. voted for the children's treat at the and the document executed." Rathlburn, Mr. and Mfrs. W. 3. Christmas concert and to other Mm. Snee added, "We shall be Berry, Chris Brownlee, G. P. Cling- thistime; and presentations made at very h.. sy to provide you with an, L. M. Cliugan, 1 . Leamen, J. , also to the veterans of extracts from the agreement cover- C. Banter and Myrtle Banter. Westminster Hospital, Our Lady's ing the roadway access to the north Council received two' damage Missionaries; these confined to hos- pier and to the forfeiture of the claims against the town,'and these vital and the infirm who are to be lease if We are not in production were referred to an incur remembered. insurance cern- A ,number of suggestions were within three years." ' pany for adjustment. A letter Town Council reetnitly cancelled from Goderich Motors stated that made as to the immediate disposal its lease on some harbor land a tree limb had fallen on one of of theCentennial Seals which owned by the federal government. its vehicles. The Fashion Shoppe haveseen 'distributed throughout oughoutvthe This action 'was taken so the salt asked consideration for damage to DioceseC:W.L. .. London hr year. The company could take over the lease, vitrolite on the front of the store thereby facilitating the new min- when town employees were repair- ing development. ing the sidewalk this fall. After checking over actual ex- The mayor was authorized to Pendituxes to date, S. H. Blake, proclaim December 26, Boxing town clerk and treasurer, said that Day, a civic holiday. the town should finish the year Said Mayor Huckins, ,"Council without a deficit. The t'own's 1956 has one more regular meeting at , budget is $493,012. • which I will make recomiRnenda- An offer from the official board tions and commendations, includ- of North Street United Church. ing one in regard bo our loyal to buy a right-of-way through the staff." MacKay Hall property, was re• Praising the co-operation of the ferred to finance eommnittee for town staff "from the clerk-treas- a recommendation at the • next, urer on down," the mayor gave meeting. notice that he will recommend a The i1 card enclosed a cheque for review of their salaries. $500, based in $20 per foot for 25 o o 0 feet. Purchase .of the right-of-way would provide a driveway from Nelson street to the Church pro- perty. Glen Gardiner, secretary of the Mrs. W. Moorhead; 4th vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. E. DoCkstader; re- cording secretary, Miss G. Strang; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. Dustow; Christian stewardship sec- t retary, Mrs. W. D. Worthy; press secretary, ,Mire. R. Sparling; treas- urer, Mrs. H. Turner; Missionary Monthly secretaries, Mrs. R. j. Howard, Mrs. J. C. Ross; comMun- ity friendship secretary, Mrs. E. , Westbrook; Christian citizenship and temperance, Mrs. C. M. Robert- son; literature secretary, Mrs. G. Atkey; associate members secre- tarz---Mrs. G. ,Mathieson; pianist, Mrs. J. C..Ross; assistant pianist, Mrs. J. A. Snider. Have THE OTHER SIDE The dispensers of alcoholic cheer spend millions in advertising. They seek to convince readers and list- eners that "to indulge in the mel- low camaraderie of good friends, hearty hosts and benevolent spirts is in the great American tradition." One U.S. community struck back last year. • Their leader was an A.A. Paid advertisements gave a graphic word picture of THE OTHER SIDE. "We wish we had a picture of some df the people you see in would not be a picture they *mild dare to print. It would be a picture of 3 mil- lion alcoholics. It would be a picture of 3 million problem drink- ! ers, most of them on the way to alcoholism. It would be a picture of 10,000 to 15,000 mangled bodies -the 20 to 40% of the accidents on our highways each year in which alcohol is involved... It -would Inelittle flie stories you LiiVagi'.oninI;snatsla. and Check -Up A routine precaution to ensure your contin- ued good health. For free literature write Goderich Branch of Canadian Cancer Society FRED ST'URDY CHAIRMAN OF EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE NOW SAVE moRE LOW OPERATING COSTS L. NEW LOW INSTALLED PRICES instail clean, Comfortable, automatic heat in youi borne ?JIM a new Etat° co • sCOMPLEIELY INSTALLED MI DELCO-NEAT CALL U5 FOR A FREE HEATING ESTIMATE Product of 09nOtall .PROfotai GERALD GINGERICH Sales irst. Service Heating, Lighting, Plumbing. Electrical Repairing. Motor Ratrinding. ZURICH, ONT. Phone 34 (collect). 48-51 slain, of 'homes broken, of children brutally treated. n The eviden e for these things appears unde the headlines of the very papers which print the ads which tell you "beer belongs", "ies polite and respectable to drink", `it marks you as a man of distinc- tion". It is a picture the alcohol busi- ness is afraid to advertise. This advt. sponsored by The Huron County Temperance Federa fro tion. sale of these seals is imperative as the proceeds are to be used for the construction of the Sacred Heart Junior Seminary at Dela- ware. 0 OBITUARY % OWING ANNIVIIII$AlltY M. and Mrs. Julia S. Hennde -son, 14214_ Whiteerala,avenue, DatrOit, celebrated their 54th we 11r .cm niversa¢9ry 'wwithr�Qelatinees w has been Mr, l%aader rt :i s been a resident of Detroit for 57 Years, and wi fF, formerthe �}.,L� tittle Morrow', of Gedcarr:�,-aa, iG'iia 50 years. Mrs.ilenderson followed the, pRnmbing .and building eat�ine~s. Ile is an inmorau member of the A.F.L., of }which he has been a member 'ler 43 yearn, Since e he retired 14 yeanno, �aiI %r = son and his ,wife spend their sum:. niers et their Goderich home. Elva McCabe Is Head Of Saltford Community Club The annual banquet of the San- ford .Community Club was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn last Thursday with 28 members present. The tables were "Christmasy," with miniature trees, and red tap6rs silver holders. After dinner, the guests retired to the spacious living rogm for a brief business meeting Florence Maskell announced the new slate of officers tar 1957 as 101104VS: past president, Doris Hamilton; presi- dent, Elva McCabe; 1st vice-presi- dent, Margaret Jewell; 2nd vice- npresident, Annie Lamb; secretary, Enid Jewell; assistant secretary, Anne Montgomery; treasurer, Mabel Mo'Lean; flower and card fund, Emma Westlake; cancer rep- resentative, Annie Lamb; visiting committee, Eva Clement, Emma Westlake; entertainment, Anne 1.4inklater, Mona Clement, Cleta Marriott, Mamie Glazier; work com- mittee, Doris Hamilton, Anne Montgomery, Eva Clement, Gertie Kuik, Helen Jenkins. The president -presented Mary Williains with. a gift in token of the club's affection and gratitude, (Mr. and Mrs. Williams having pre- viously celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary). Cards were en- joyed with six tables in play. The high score went to Mrs. Margaret Jewell, sr., and low score to Mary With all in g festive mood, the exchange of gifts were drawn from a gaily trimmed Christmas tree. Then everyone joined in singing carols, with Mabel iMeLean and Elva McCabe at the piano. ' Mrs. Gordon Kaitting obliged the ladies by .singing two solos. With the singing a The Queen, the party was brought to a close. 0 Five hundred and eighty-nine miles of the Alaska Highway are in the Yukon Territory. NOBLE B. SMITH Noble B. Smith, a former Gode- rich resident who was active in the development of Hollywood, California, died on November 24. Funeral service was conducted 'by Pierce Bros. Hallywoo4 Mortuary, in Hollywood Memorial Park Chap- el on November 27 at 2 p.m. A real estate broker and con- tractor, Mr. Smith belonged to the Los Angeles Realty Board. • He had been a member of Hollywood Pres- byterian Church since 1912. While in Goderich, Air. Smith and his bro- ther had conducted a dry goods business in the location now oc- cupied by Geo. W. Schaefer & Sons. Mr. Smith is survived' by his widow, the former Florence E. Mc- taren. A BETTER LOAF ' OF BREAD AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE ore WE STAND ElETWEEN YOU AND LOW! MacEWAN INSURANCE AENCY Phone 230 43A West St. Goderich 7tf SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORONTO by CNR LOW FARES E Tickets good Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora Fergus Georgetown Guelph VERY Si,tTURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC. 15) going apd returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: $4.75 Hanover 4,30 Harriston • 4,35 Ingersoll 415 Kincaraine 2.4s Kitchener 145 Listowelf 1.20 Mitchell 5.05 Paisley 1.90 Owen Sound $4.30 Palmerston $3.40 3.75 Southampton 5.90 3.70 Sarnia 6.55 5.85 Stratford 2.45 Strathroy 3.60 Vlialkerton 4.00 Watford 5.20 Winiiham 4.75 Wyoming Brtimpton 3.45 5.30 4.60 5.75 4.75 6.20 85 CONCERN FELT ABOUT YPE OF BUILDING MIGHT REPLACE BURNED DOWN HOTEL Losses, totalled $42,250 in blazes eUler John Vincent, O user in fought by (Mer eh e fepart. ; Walkout tared, that ata rte appre; h 1hrry l evane, owner sl the ruined hotel, to *weal* 144 inteuaiens as regards cleaning u Mayor Il'ue s said h ms from the lire mnaroita%rs office wale» ed to topple . the 'brick walls .off into the street. When the mayor and penutvReeve E. C. Fisher r ,ent during the past years how Cannel wan mid friday. y� arnthe-r-1 east item in -the total was about .moi p� represent- ing the estimate '-property loss inn. i . t woek's spectacular British la- ehenge Hotel fire. • ° Fare (Chief J. J. j10 a :h report- ed that the brigade answered 69 tank oreeet rin to this, . tear, alae„ inc/uding four rural tails,: damage Ito the newer ennentt during the year. There were 10 ac- tual fires and 15 practices, and the brigade held 12 meetnfgs. Total pa oU wa' $3,030, but this does note elude $198 (which will be paid tQ firemen and volunteer helpers for host time as a result a the hotel fire. Members of Council expressed concern as to what sort of a build- ing may be erected when the ruins of the hotel are cleaned up. A Pplanning and'zoning by-1aW, 'to regulate building, is needed urg- ently in Goderich, it was suggested by Mayor 3. E. Huckins and others. When the planning board was salewalk, the agreed to knock the walls inward. "I doubt tiat the authorities wilt allow it Ito he tonehed until after the inquest," said the 'mayor fit regoild to the question of when ithAt debris will be cleared. Should town erapkoyees upon, to help clean (up, Mr. Levine,' has stated that he will reimburse the town, said Mayor Illlekins. Outstanding ecomuner credit averaged about $700 per Canadiala family in November, nearly 20 per MEI mentioned, Councillor Frank Wal- kom wondered if it was defimet. "I think they have almost ceased to function," oommented the mayor. Councillor Walkon4 "They were supposed to have something con- crete by the first of July, 1 be- lieve." Mayor Huckins: "S omebody could come in, purchase that site and put up a quonset hut. It is just another indication that some form of regulated planning should be adopted by the town." Progress Report The planning body should sub- mit a progress report to Council, suggested Mayor Huckins. If their work' has not been completed, it should be 'finished as soon as pos- sible, he felt. "I might say the fire marshal was very concerned about it him- self," said the mayor. "He was very unhappy about our building code." Representatives of the fire mar- shal's office have been in town to investigate last week's fatal blaze. On1Friday, they left for Meaford in connection with an enquiry there, said •Mayor Huckins. Councillor Walkom and others expressed hope that the ruins will be cleaned up soon so that the fence can be remcnied and the side- walk opened to pedestrians again. Following a suggestion by Conn- DAIPAY. 14 IV THE TOP DRAWER SECRET OF OUR SURPLUS ENERGY IS MILK FROM ANV1ZEW DAIRY • TV nkananaatalnaZinesannareneireannitene • IF YOU CARE ENOUGH TO GIVE THE FINEST, THEN YOU WILL WANT TO SEE OUR WONDERFUL ARRAY OP HIGHEST QUALITY JEWELLERY AND PER- "Heritage" and "Blue Bird" DIAMOND RINGS Sheaffer Pens and Desk Sets FINE WATCHES REG. BELL EV/3.P., <fitC-tnzateteztar.I.C-cOVetetatsatniontennne, city [71 A 'wide Weather Instruments . Electric Razors "1847 Rogers" aild "Community" SILVERWARE JEWELLER 32 EAST ST. PHONE 123 -qa-eacakatztaterztoztammtaActammfoTztacmmamm/ct.watatatataramtamuat=tr.. emir SELECTED St1.1,1iTic.1/1„,c TREES at IVAN'S FRUIT MARKET K I NGSTON STREET PHONES Store 1571 House 730W FLOWERS at for cut the holiday season prices. Make yoor Christmas heidthy Imply., -,6vith our hountiful supply of fresh fruits POCK T