HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-06, Page 19littaiSDAY,`MOMBER Gith, 11,056 THE GODERICILSIGNALSIAlt ttOACYZIW 4a-e4Zf4g15M'KC'eArkf.4eke4C-Z-AZ-WZ-Z1.V,Ilirc4%4--Afke4ib.W-41VgkiqTWsif.irikKClk Grant Assessment Cuts rikw" sANTA sAysio_ • 1 PACS Gladden His Christmas with Forsyth Men's' Furnishing zczitzteazzatztztzztztztatztztztz-geti:ctlizrztztetlEz.ttatztEtztze.,txeztzztezawcovocizzagietezzivagbahrztircE=Itorctzciriaciwc,:ac.) tZtZtaFeatat.Ci A Forsyth Shirt is in good taste—Choose your gift from these smart styled garments. White, checks, stripes and plain colors. 4.95-5.95 7.,tez.". teat 2r..72tC.K.71:frat MEC-MEV Hundreds of Ties to choose from. The finest selection in years. 1.00 to 2.50 A fine. selection of Sport Shirts. Colors and designs that are the. last word in smartness. 5.95 6.95 7.95 Tztat=Twatztxmeduts.,itematgatetztltvato,,arm...a.Fi.mztzamomuctloctamtztamo(3-wa-oz.cn, tt trl Give him Forsyth Pyjamas. They'll delight–him with their smart styles and colors. Personalize his gift with a White InitialedScarf. Scarf. Handsome Cuff Links and Tie Bars, boxed in beautiful jeweler's cases,. Priced from 2.50 Pridham's Men's Wear •`" • Christmas Of Former Years Has Traditions Many charming customs involv- ing gifts to children prevailed over the centuries in various parts of Europe. Of course the one with which we are most familiar is Santa 'Claus. About the beginning of the fourth century St. Nicholas was a Bishop in Lycia. All through the middle ages this legandary figure was very popular with girls who had 'matrimonial ambitions. During his lifetime he was report- ed to be very wealthy and his emblem became three purses or wsoatoamoz,Tomw,.. Make 4 three golden balls. In olden times these- emblemswere proudly dis- played by wealthy Italians but now, as you know, they are the sign of a pawnshop. St. Nicholas, hom- er, did not operate a loan office, but gave his money away secretly to those who rwere in need—the poor, and young girls whose future happiness hung in the balance for want of a dowry. His interest was primarily in young folks, par- ticularly young boys. In conse- of his gifts in secret it quence lavg-temr.,.%-tak, lata ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS • SHOPPING . . SEE OUR WIDE VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS GIFTWRAP AND CHRISTMAS PAPETERIES CHRISTMAS SERVIETT9 GAMES BOOKS CHINA and numerpus other gift items. FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT: SELECT ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PICTURES—THEY ARE SURE TO PLEASE, SHOP EARLY , — SHOP TODAY 7erftertntrztemktetttettecteMMICMCCVMMottataMittagt.14MCzttrzegttct came about that all 'gpfts from un- known sources were ascribed to this saint. Thus the custom de- veloped, for parents at his festival, which was December 6, to tell the children that the gifts came from him.• The name Santa Claus is an American contribution to the lan- guage of Christmas. lit is of course; a eorruption of St. Nicholas. The custom was brought to America by the early Dutch colonists who as- sociated it with Christmas instead of December 6. It was also in America that the conception of St. Nicholas changed from the lean, ascetic saint in clerical robes to the fat, jolly, rosy-cheeked old fellow with whom we are all so familiar. Likewise, thanks to the Norweg- ians, the Bishop's grey horse has changed to reindeer and sleigh which can magically glide over the roofs of houses as easily as on a snowbound road. There are many suggestions as to the original purpose of bringing sprays or boughs into the house at the time of Winter festivities—one thing is certain, this was not done merely fbr decorative purposes as is likely to be the case today. For example,, the, r Imans at the Kalends or New ear presented people with green ,branChes for good luck. The growing season in southern Alberta is usually about three weeks longer than in neighboring localities because of the warm Chinook winds common to the area. Meeter,„„yeretertegmesttsreMItat==t4XteleiVeltrentteeeCill,MCCITCM.7:740.170VV,====tenMOMPVC.....WCItte'tel CIGARETTES All Brandg TOBACCOS — CIGARS — BOX CANDY See our wide selection of PIPES, WALLETS, ELE1CTRIC SHAVERS, RAZORS, TABLE LIGHTERS and many other attractive items that are F77 Vi sure to please. i GODERICK, NEWS- STAND . • Dennis lincher Proprietor ti t,r7 t,1 E.,,,,-rtrzt,t,:mTzr.f.tvirctlz!.!=!litCr.t.rtztretZttC-c,tivrz,zt.ttatze.melctr-extisltvtit=m="t±t.7.-1.77.tatctzrzr,zrz6 Carton $2.99 Christmas Visits Started In 1540 In 1540 when a plague was rag- ing in Switzerland, 12 pious men of Rheinfelden formed a brotle, hood to pray for St. Sebastian's aid, and to nurse the sick and bury the dead. Pestilence in medieval times was ascribed to evil spirits in water so the Brotherhood of St. Sabastian visited each of the town's seven fountains, praying and singing hymns at each stop. They still continue this custom, but only on Christmas eve. For this ritual the 12 brothers are dressed in black, with black silk top hats. At every fountain they gather around the lantern bearer and sing a medieval song. The march begins at the Frosch weide fountain where the lantern is supposed to have started three centuries ago. From debutante to doWager, thig year's fashion choice for even- ing is chiffon. in 17 Of 25 Cases HerHEY, ,SANTA... YL, cl Decisions in 25 assessment ap-0 peals were announced when Gado, rich iCourt of Revision held its second 1950 WIting ha the Tom Hall on November 23. Eight o the appeals were dismdsseds, bat reductions were granted to the ether applicants. Ceuncillor C. chairman of the• Court of gevlsion, presided. Other members present were Mayor J. E. Hackins, Deputy - Reeve E. C. Fisher and Councillors James Donnelly and Prank Skelton. Also in. attendance 'yew IL IL Jessop, town assessor, and A. A. Alexander, county assepor. The largest assessment reduc- tions were awarded Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Co Ltd., which recently removed some old buildings from its pro- perty. The firan's building assessment was reduced $12,775 and business assessment was cut $1(1,950. The court confirmed the fallowing total assessments for the company: and $4,900, buildings $249,525 and busi- ness $75,925. Moses 'Martin told the caurt he had completed a new dwelling on Warren street this year and. had received an assessment notice which stated he would be taxed. from July 1, 1956. He said he did not occupy the house until Novem- ber, so the court agreed to write off four months' taxes, amounting to $54.17. The ibusiness as:essment of $35(1 on Richard Campbell's garage on St. David street was struck off the 1956 asse.ssment As the company is no longer en- gaged in manufacturing, the busi- ness assessment of Herco Sales Co. was reduced from 60( per cent to 35 per cent. The assessment of $2,575 was cut to $1,500. The 'building assessment of Joseph Burke, at lots 32 Huron road and 12 Mary street, was re- duced $150. The 'court confirmed an ,assessment of $1,275 on the Miss Rose Aitken's land assess- ment was reduced by $100 to $350. The court granted a reduction of $25 to Robert E. Allin an lots pt. 286 Picton and p't. 337 Britannia. The land assessment was confirm- ed at $150. James Anstay's business assess- ment of $100 was struck aff the 1956 roll. The court dismissed appeals entered by Mr. and Mrs. George Raechler in connection with pro- perties an Pioton, Park and the Square. The assessment of Mr. and Mrs. John ditesveld's buildings, pt. D, Maitland road, 'was reduced by $250 to $700. Roy Breckenridge's, appeal for a reduction in business assessment 71V,F1, 4 air 4 went on lots 617 and 540, Maitland, was reduced to $100. Robert W. Clark was unsuccess- ful in his appeal against the assess plea on his property, lot 90, North street. The court reduced the assess- ment of William Craigie's property on East street by $125. The build- ings are now assessed at $2,650. The •appeal of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crawford against the as- sessment on lot 1134, Palmerston, was dismissed. Assessment of Gordon Glousher's building on South street was cut by $100. Miss 'Helen M. Johnston was granted a reduction of $200 in the assessment of her property on Elgin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. EA -lest Little were Letter to Editor Editor, Signal -Star. Sir, ---"Those awful hills and funny one-way Vidges!" We heard this express:on used many times and the thought expressed in other words by a large number of tourists visiting at the Magl during the past summer. We, who have always lived here, are not alarmed by "those awful hilis"but to tourists travelling them for the first time at night they are often quite terrifying. The two bottleneck bridges, 'less than 1,i mile apart, are a nuisance not only to tourists but also to local residbnts. One Toronto man said it was a disgrace to Ontario as well es to the locality. He said &hat we ought to take a look at the way money was being pour- ed out in millions around Toronto for cloyerleafs, overhead bridges and super highways. The cost of one cloverleaf would straighten the road, build a new bridge and re-sunface a good many miles of highway. Were we not part of Ontario and paid taxes for better roads? Why didn't we demand oirr share of road improvement? What was the matter with our members of parliament and Much more along the same line. These bridges and hills were good enough in the days of horse - travel but today, in the eyes 'of visitors, they are very uncompli- mentary to the spirit of enterprise in this locality. Many accidents have occurred on these hills and bridges. ,Most retently, two were reported in one week -end on the "Dangerous Curving Road to Saltford." It is fortunate that with the many ac- cidents on these hills there have been no fatalities. We suggest that our enterprising town council should take the initiative in organ- izing support from the surrounding localities and interested organiz- ations and insist' through our members of parliament that the Department of Highways ,cease , their dilly-dallying policy on this glaringly needed construction. Surely we will not have to wait until some fatality- arouses public opinion to a point that will force the issue. W. MIME CiArrroN, yours Truly, r - - y9tri ow slippers from ROSS Shoo Shop? Everett R.R. 2, elle.' rich, was re-elected ,president the Oaderich Township Federation of Agriculture at their annual ?meeting. Frank Yeo Is vieepresident. School section directors are Ira - Da= Longmire, James A. McMillan, Ndward Grigg, Mervyn Lobb, Ray Cox, William); Porter, Fraser Stirl- ing, John Grigg, George Potter and Norman Wright. Other direc- tors are: hogs, Alfred Warner (al- ternate, W. Longinire); poultry, Harold Tyndall; cream, Bob Welsh; beef, 'Dick Porter; lady, Mrs. Ed- ward Grigg. Alulitors appointed for 1956 and 1957 are Bob Stirling and Warren Zurbrigg, successful in obkairting a $500 cut in building assessment The court confirmed assessments of $200 for land and $2,500 for the building. The assessment of J. L. Mac - Donald's garage, Brock Street, was reduced by $150 to $50. Assess- ments of $1,200 on the buildings and $300 on the land were con- firmed by th.e court. Mr. Mac - Donald's business assessment was reduced by $100. W. W. Prest's $700 business 'as- sessnient was struck off the rolls since he had moved from his Ham- ilton street office to a new -location. Miss C. Reynolds appeal againist the assessment on her Caledonia property was dismissed. Since the barn has been removed from the bat, Miss Clara Stothers' building assessment was reduced by $100. The court agreed to a $200 re- duction in the assessment of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stott's Oxford street property. The building at sessrnent was confirmed at $2,625. The court dismisseci the appeal of Sunset Resorts Ltd., which had contended its assessment was too high in relation to the mimber of months the property is used. The following amounts were written off the tax rolls: 1055, R. C. Hays, pt. /054-1062, Caledonia, $3159; $31.59; /956, Kinsmen Club, park prpperty, $23.97; 1956, Joseph .Burke, lots 32 Huron and /2 Mary, The court also authorized a few oeisiensa-eonnetiojvith charges against properties for pro- jects carried out under the Local Improvement Act, trn Pi ti EVERYONE LOVES SLIPPERS for CHRISTMAS! We have slippers galore to put all the family on easy feet. See the very popular SLFPPER SOX too. WISE SANTAS will also check our wide range of quality Winter Boots and Galoshes ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND SIZES. COME IN,, LOOK AROUND! --- Ross Shoe Shop FOEUALfl1t --tiEtb.)% -48 ,tmestectworittectrov • .2 .77 ft.,. • :rmfrOA, Santa's waiting for you at WORSELL'S HARDWARE with these Gift Suggestions FULL LINE OP PYREX WARE 'CLEAR AND COLORED TOYS AND WAGONS TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS PUCKS AND HOCKEY STICKS HAND TOO SUNSHINE TRICYCLES RTMOTRIC MONS, KETTLES, TOASTERS STAINLESS STEEL 'CUTLERY CARVING (SETS ROAST PANS STEEL TAPES SUPREME ALUMINUM SUNBEAM MIXMASTEES FLASHLIGHtS POOKET KNIVES HUNTING KNIVES CHRISTMAS TREE rams AND STANDS RSELL $ THE SQUARE PHONE 283 Goderich