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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-06, Page 10
VTR GO ERICH KONA' • Deeves, Harrison Battle For eeveship Goderich Township r.: • (Signal,Star Staff) As a member of the county .,.AGN, Dec. 1. Goderich Equalization Committee, the reeve Township nominations, held in the spent fuer days touring the eeeencia chambers of the Clinton county. He said he was of the Town Hall, Friday afternoon, saw opinion that the county has a fair u record number of people on equalization set-up. hand to hear the 1956 etruncillors This past spring, work on the import to the taxpa'yens. W. A. Goderich Township roads was de- ]flaaeke, a former reeve of the layed due to flash -flood, which township, served as chairman. played havoc with the roads, ac - On behalf of Clinton's mayor, cording to Deeves. "We lost a 13- W. J. Miller, Deputy-,�. eeve Nelson year-old, that is a relatively new W. Trewartha, who s himself a bridge, serious damage was done taxpayer in Goderic Township, to antler bridge, and drains were (bi light greetings from the town also damaged," he said. In all of Clinton, "G-oderich T oWnsisip some $10,000 to $12,000 was spent certainly 'must be prospering," said ons road repairs in the year. The Mr. Trevvertha, adding that an of- year will be closed off with an ficial of the recent Canada Savings est'mated surplus, however, of Wield issue related that over $1,000. $30,000 was purchased by Goderich ! In closing, Reeve Deeves told the Township residents, this fall—"and taxpayers that they should be very there must have been almost as proud of the new county court much snore purchased by individ- house at Goderich,--that it is a uals through their Own banks." credit to the people of Huron Reporting on the year's activities County. In reply to a question, of the Huron County Council, asked by a ratepayer, Deeves said Reeve John Deeves told of the that the balance of the court extensive repairs made on county house debt, that of $180,000 will roads and bridges throughout the be paid off in the next three years. whole of the county, particularly The town of Goderich has given the Brussels bridge. "In all, the the county council excellent sup - Good Roads Committee used up be- port with the whole pe 1 ct s ch tween- $700,000 and $800,000," he as the cleaning up said. Reeve Deeves told the town- surrounding the building, and ship taxpayers they were going to i many other items as important," he well off with all roads leading ; stated Deeves. into the township permanently James Stirling, a former reeve black -topped. of the township, asked the reeve He remarked that with a new set- + just how much blacktopping cost. up at the Huron County Home at He was told that it was approxim- Clinton-that of all departments ately $22,000 per mile—that is cold being under the supervision of the mix. Mr. Deeves told of the ad- su erintendent, Harvey Johnston, vantages of hot mix as explained a former warden of Huron County, by the county engineer, and of the that operations there are running fact that a plant was suggested for Bauch more smoothly than in the the county. past. "There are 92 residents at Congratulates Clinton the home, many of whom are bed Wilmer Harrison, a candidate patients—which is costing much for the reeveship, who was a 1956 reI I councillor, congratulated the town Touching briefly on the Child- of Clinton on the successfulrenov- ren's Aid Society and the Library atiotis to the town hall. RePorting on the township roads, Harrison said that a considerable amount of money had been spent on the Blue Board, Mr. Deeves said that they both are branching out. "Our Historic Committee has made an addition to the county museum, and with alnisost 12,000 paid admissions to the museum, this department is almost self- supporting." Hospital Charge Goderich Township residents would have been forced to pay a surcharge of $1.50 per day, at the ' Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Godericn, had riot the township council agreed to give the hospital board the requested grant of $4,300, reported the reeve. "This amount was bated on the number of Goderich Township resi- dents who used the hospital in the last `five-year period," he said, adding that the two mill rate ne<•es-4 sitated by the $4,300 grant, will be -on fior a two ear per nd far lax- 1'y' Y 'p payers. • Vote .Monday) Goderich Township ratepay- ers will bio to the palls on Monday ta) veto for a reeve. The two men Teeming f©r the post are John W. ;eaves and Wilmer Harrison. Fou; •men were nominated far council as follows: K. C. Mereaer,W. J. Forbes. C. H. atirlinseeand C. Wilson, The first throe even qualified but C. Wilson withdrew his name._ As a result, Merner, Forbes and Stirling are in by adcla,m- ation. However, another nem- ination meeting has to be held to nominate a fourth council- lpr due to Wilson withdrawing his mime. The school trustees given an acclamation are Everett Mc- llwain and George Potter. now for the navy addition amount to $427,000 --including a provincial grant of $120,000, a Huron County grant of $35,000, the town of Goderich, $125,000, the surround- ing townships, $30,000, while avail- able funds amount to $117,000. "Furnishings and equipment will cost a lot of money, but funds are being collected from. individuals and organizations. To •date, we have received six of these, for $1,000 each. The Boardintends to complete the construction., and to furnish and equip as funds become available," reported Mr. Harrison. W. J. Forbes, a member of the township council for the past two years, who was nominated for the 1957 reeveship 'as well es a coun- cillor, said that as Mr. Harrison has had more years of experience on the council, 'he felt that he would not interfere --and that if he de- cided to qualify as reeve against Harrison and Deeves, it would necessitate another nomination- for Water Beach road—but that the councillors. 40 to 45 cottages on the road had The Mill Rate an assessment of $45,000. What was once the township pound has been sold and there has been a house moved onto the lot, he said. As the township representative on the Hospital Board at Goderich, Mr. Harrison told of the progress of the new addition, which will cost approximately $423,841. "The footings are laid; the elevator shaft is being constructed, but steel ordered six months has not ar- rived as yet. It is expected that Construction will be completed by October next year. The townships from which patients come are Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich, Hul- lett. Hay, Stanley, -East Wawanosh Wawanosh, said. West s .aHyl t Total amount of funds on hand "The raise in the township mill rate was caused by the grant to the Goderich Hospital --but we didn't want the people who required hos- dim/ping of garbage along the roads, ro spite of the fact that the township now has a dtnnip. In closing, Mr. Forbes soil that the only thing the council can do today is to see that it gets value for its money—which is a difficult thing to do. He pointed out an error in the treasurer's statement, where in pay roll No. 7, Murray Forbes` (his son) was credited with receiv- ing $509.59,—this should have read $3.09. As relief officer on the council in 1956, Kenneth C. Mtrrner related that Hauch criticism was received for relief given for k family of six from March •until June, but that the council's Assistance has been of great help to the head of the family, and that now he is doing very well on his own. He said that there is another family, not residing in the township, which is on relief, but that he fent the coun- cil was doing the right thing about it. Complaining that the .:.township roads are bad for cutting weeds an, Mr. Merner blamed this con- dition on the fact that the tele- phone poles, when cut off, were not cut even with the ground. "Although our road expenditures were high this year—it was fortun- ate that we did not use calcium," he remarked, adding that when all was told he felt that the council did remarkably' well, with what was kn the treasury. Car Trailers Grant H. 'Stirling, reporting an his year's activities on the council told the large number of taxpayers that trailers are here to stay—and "we might first as last get used to totem." Referring to the trailer camp set ,tsp this year in the township, he felt that it was a proper place for them. "We had some trouble with fire protection arrangements -- fees, are $625 — which seems like a loot of money— yet very little when compared with the coverage it gives." `He felt that the trouble the council had experienced with fire calls being made to the wrong fire depart- ment, would be over now that cards were printed for the various corners of the township, advising residents which of the three fire departments they were to call in pitalization, to have to pay a sur- case of •fire. He supported W. charge," said Mr. Forbes. Feeling Forbes in his bid for widening of that the township has "a long way roads. In reply to a question, Mr. to go" with its roads, he recom- Stirling said that the township re - mended the widening of the roads, ceives a 50 per cent grant on road although in the west end of the maintenance, and 80 per cent on township hills and gulleys will road construction. make this difficulty Two approaches4. .trustee on this past year's to railway tracks in the township are dangerous, and he suggested some action on theca. "Taxes are high—and they will be --because people want better roads. We school area board, Everett Mc- Elwain, said Xhat operating on 10 to 11 mills, the board has been "doing pretty well." - Paying teachers $3,000 annual sally is don't want the type of roads we no. ,out of the way inraaraischo.t5, .. -011e-heats at all, said the t had 20 years ago,,' he :said, He r'astee,.,e-h 'a b lane to prohibit the, enc ffu-naces have, been +tefarn su�g'es-ted y nservices 111141111011011,..44l vtd. Viie% te, . j. YOU WILL sE SURE TO FIND A GIFT TO SUIT EVERYONE SHOPPING LIST. FOR HER -- 44 A REVLON FUTURAMA LIPSTICK and CASE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS $1.75 and Up Chantilly and Quelque Fleurs PERFUME ar)d COLOGNE $1.75.nd up FABERGE Perfumes and Colognes $1.75 !nd YARDLEY Soaps, Colognes ana Gift Sets $1.50 HAIR BRUSHES and COMB, BRUSH and MIRROR SETS Attractively Packaged up up LADIES' BILLFOLDS $3,50 uP "Old Spice" and "Friendship Garden' Colognes and Gift Sets $175 up FOR HIM-- HNE GRAIN BUXTON BILLFOLDS . KEY CASES averaging about $l6aL0 With those heated by other then ' autolnatic systems, caretaking ser- vices have cest $250. It costs an average of $223 to heat a school with oil, and after calling for tend. ere (a request made by several tax. payers), for oil, the board now buys it sbout a cent and a half cheaper than formierly. Ile amounts to about a $60 a year saving, he Oil Heating A question from the audience asked whether the oil was being purchaeed from a Goderich Town- ship taxpayer, to which McIlwain replied— `no." "It's your money we are spending, and if it is your own (business, then one could jolly - well suit himself." As the result of a deputation requesting that a secondary means of exit be made in each school, this has been done at an extpenditure of about $126 each. A further question asked was whether the school area pub- lishes a financial statement, to which the trustee answered that one is issued in March of each year. "le is (the duty of the board to provide goodeiccotnmodation for the teachers and the pupils—and' besides this (we are supplying ma- terial tfor tile schools—for which we receive a 42 per cent grant, For the man with no family going to echool this probably wouldn't be so goo•d," he remarked. In dos- ing, Mr. McIlwain told the taee payers of the "utmost co-operation the school area board received from the township council during the year—such as grading, level- ling, cutting of weeds, etc. "One does hear of a little dissension in other tolvsnships, between town- ehip councils and school boards, but certainly not in ours." Harry Oakes, nominated for the school area board, said he had much interest in the school board, particulatly as he has two child- ren attending school. Neither Charles C. Wilson, nom- inated eor council nor George lhat ter, a nominee for school area board, were present at the meet- ing Reeve of Stanley Township, Har- vey Coleman, brought greetings from his township—and he saki that *rem his experience at county:, council with Reeve 1),eeves that the reeve needed to be com 0 MED BEFORE WEIGHING Grade A' Over Ready 2 to 3-111 averages For frying, roasting or broiling • Giblets removed Ib MINCED BEEF 1ENERS HADDOCK --FILLTS DEEP CUT SPEC/ALS! Extra Lean Ib Maple Leaf 1 -lb collo pkg Skinless JEWEL SHORTENING LIBBY'S BEANS s Dtap Brown Reg, Price 2 for Save 4c E3pkgs25C 's • ce Dole Fancy eac.a�_ Red: -Price 43c 28-oi tin C Savo 40 Reg. Price 29c 1.41 pkg 27C Sava 2,2 33c '- 15 -oz tins29C 33c .bar qc Jane Parker Cinnamon FRESN FRWTS & VEGETABLES Florida Marsh, Seedless, No. 't Grade, Size _96. ,A. inerrsita eir $1.25 4 Please him with . am our wid selection of Yardley, $1.50 u a Gift Set of Men's Toilletriesfr Old Spice' or Bachelor Sets from KODAK CAMERAS SHEAFFER PENS and PENCILS FCIR THE LITTLE ONES—Como In and look over our choice of packaged SOAPS and NOVELTIES to please the, small set. When you care enough to send the very best — Stand C UTT'S CHRISTMAS CAR S, from our wide variety of boxed and goose cards. "6MLLES AND CHUCKLES" CHOCOLATES. C41 ristmas wrapped In 1 lb., 2 lb. and 4 lb. boxes Dunlop's Drug St re Phone 1 J. C. MARRIOTT PHM. Rexall Drugs We Deliver .California Fancy Navel RANGES kartiliffiERN SPY APPLES Fresh Green Huron County Farm Report With snow falling on sever,a1 days last week, Huron County is now in the throes of winter County and township snow plows have been out; some farm lanes are already impassable. Township nominatior meetings held to date have been for the TflOst part poorly attended. On the other hend, over 200 farmers at- tended the annual meeting of the Huron County Federateop of Agri- culture, held on Wednesday, November 23. New Crop Size 220 dozen 4 sc 6 -qt basket 75c BREAKFAST ROLLS Reg. Price 290 PKG 27e SAVE 2c Jane Parker RAISIN COOKIES Reg. Price 29c pkg. 2 10 -oz pkgs .9 c SAVE 9c Jane Parke?K PUMPKIN pj flea. Price 49c ,ntPa.. arc SA \1 4c Jarp Parker, JELLY ROLL Reg. Price 330 each 2 9 c SAVE 4c iii(Aals SPROUTS JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE 31), rin! 2449 ANN_ PAGE FRUIT CAKE 1-6 5 9c 2415 4_6219 *2 5c FOOD IS -THE IDEAL GIFT! A&P Save up to 40c INSTANT COFRE 2-ari jar , 5 3c 6 -oz jarli .41 Now, right before the holidays, your AesP makes it easy for you to send "just what they wanted" to friends who would appreciate a gift of food. AeGP is making available gilt certificates in $1 and $5 denominations redeemable in tny Food Store in Canada. BUY YOUR GIFT, CERTIFICATES NOW_ 01t641 AltANT1 1 ROYAL ABBEY 22K—Gold Decorated 41 s With each s5 purchase at your A & P food Store cia rn eit it Mg MI 44 104 Si ON OM STORE HOURS OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS it, ° UNTIL 9 P.M. Pricers Effective unti7