The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-06, Page 7THURSDAY, DECZMEMZ Gtb, 11.956 THU GODURIO4 SIGNALSTAR ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Sunday, Dee. 9 --2nd Sunday in Advent;' 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. • 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.1., Rech }'r MR. J. I. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster am again soliciting year support at the polis on Monday for Reeve For 1957 JOHN W. DEEVES THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. North Street United Church SUNDAY, DEC. 9. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. ANNUAL WHITE GIFT SERVICE. Junior Congregation and Nursery. ' 7, p.m. C.G.I.T, VESPER SERVICE. REV. CHAS. R. DURRANT, Minister MRS. J. A. SNIDER, Music Director. c", .roux zes gtEYLakC urcl� Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.I:,O., Minister Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon, "Working and Watching." (Nursery and Junior Congregation will meet as usual.) 7 p.m. C.G.I.T. Candlelighting Service. Victoria Street' United Church 10 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL. 11 a.m. Pre -Christmas (2): "GOD'S CREATIVE MINORITY." 7 p.m. Special WHITE GIFT - Service, auspices of the Sunday School. Pageant: "THE FIRST CHRISTMAS` AND TO -DAY." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church 'after Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. Minister—Rev. Stanley A. Moote, B.A., B.D. Music Director—Mr. Frank Bissett rt To the EIecloirs of Goderich Township After serving for five years on the Township Council, am now a candidate for the reeveship. Since it is impossible to call on you all personally, t wish to take this opportunity to solicit your continued support and influence. VOTE WILMER HARRISON FOR REEVE ON DECEMBER 10. -48 GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children taken care of during this service). 7 p.m. "THE HOTEL FIRE." Monday, 4 p.m. Junior Choir. 7.30 p.m. Choir and Young People's Meeting. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Thursday and Friday, 7 p.m. Explorers, Boys and Girls. This Friday, December 7, 2.30 p.m., the Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Minister Organist BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Elgin Ave., At Waterloo Street. "THE GODERICH EVANGELISTIC CENTRE" Sunday -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study, Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's Service. (DECEMBER 14—ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM). "A Hearty Welcome Awaits You." PASTOR, R. J. GREEN. • ]Witigoo,XC{iP}x'•:84 {LCJ :. }:•"t• n.:. .+�r�+..0000nr:�. - ...--.. {• .. .... . t•: •::}•:�.: � iw,v:ir: Citi :i:}•r ;5;;' yrn+':ti+�rtw'krv..�nv'hi`r$.4"`i.Src,•.S ., C } Monarch Richelieu Phaeton Sedan KINO * SIZEoutsideand inside! �fgger all oven _. B/gger all through! j NEW, LONGER 122" WHEELBASE FOR M A TRULY BIG -CAR RIDE COMPLETELY NEW BODY -4" LOWER, ROAD V TO ROOF, WITH 2" MORE HEADROOM 3" MORE LEG, HIP AND SHOULDER ROOM M FOR STRETCH -OUT LUXURY COMFORT DESIGNED FOR TOMORROW—OVER 24% MORE V GLASS AREA FOR WIDER, SAFER VISIBILITY ALL-NEW MASTER KEYBOARD CONTROL FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ALL-NEW AIR -BORNE RIDE INTRODUCES V NEW COMFORT AND SAFETY KING-SIZE V-8 POWER WITH FULL -ACTION 1I RESPONSE AND IMPROVED ECONOMY TWO SERIES OF FINE CARS— V LUXURIOUS RICHELIEU AND LUCERNE ON DISPLAY NOW This is the year of complete change in Monarch. Look at the distinctive fluted rear fenders --the unique V -angle tail. lights. This is design for tomorrow, blazing a new trail for other fine cars to follow. There's new Master Keyboard Control that starts the engine,' releases the brake, selects drive, low, neutral, gnd reverse for the smoothest automatic driving yet. This is the longest, widest Monarch of all time—with a completely new body. And bumper to bumper, road to roof it's fired with the spirit', of the future! Come—see for yourself! (Certain feaftfreo illuotrated or mentioned aro "Standard" on oom r odcia. optional at ortra coot on When.) Your RAW-Mona/oh dealer Invites you to SEE IT 1 SIZE IT uJP, South Street GODERICH MOTORS Phone 83 ti 0 FORD -MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE Pressing Need For IidustriaI Promotion Hers "If there is anything that Mode• rich needs this year, it is industrial promotion. So said 1D' ;p uty-Reeevo E. C • Fisher, speaking at last •night% municipal affairs meeting of Gode- rich Junior Chamber of Gonnner e. Mi'. 'Fisher will be the towes reeve in 1957 by acclamation. ' His re- marks about the need for new in- dustries were echoed by other speakers, ,most of them candidates for local municipal offices. "Over 200 men go out of Gode- rich every morning to work," stat- ed Mr. Fisher. "With the rising taxation, the forthcoming water- works project and our road pro- gram, it takes money. And - you can't get money from empty pay envelopes." Councillor James Donnelly, who received an acclamation to the post of deputy -reeve for11957, said that there has been a definite improve- ment in the town's industrial pro- motion program in the last few years. "Mainly through the efforts of Mr. Hluckins and Frank Skelton, we -have been sending periodic delegations to Toronto to keep our name before influential people there," said Councillor Donnelly. He added, "I think the latest ven- ture of the Jaycees was an erninent success and will become an annual event—that is, 'See Goderich Day'." Mayor J. E. Huckins said, that if re-elected, he will insist on com- pletion of the planning and zoning by-law now being prepared for Goderich. Under present condi tions, he pointed out, if a man con- structs an expensive home, there is nothing to stop his neighbor from erecting a chicken coop right next to it. Noting that there are some younger )nen running for the 1957 Council, Mayor Huckins said he hoped this would ,be the start of a trend. Joseph Allaire, a former Co'un'cfil member who is seeking office again, said 'he would like to be appointed chairman of the indus- trial committee if elected. He had held that post when he served on Council before. Peter S. MacEwan, a newcomer to municipal affairs, pointed out that he has had considerable ex- perience in industrial promotion-. He is second vice-president of Mid - Western Ontario Development As- sociation and was chairman of the "See 'Goderich Day" project. "I have been -amazed how Coun- cil, year after year, remains almost thesame," said W. A. Tipple, ex- plaining his reasons for decidingto seek a .Council seat, Though hat'- ing no -previous Cotineiraperience, h e said, 'I do have the experience • .oi knouring •whit ind ctry s•o ., and wants in Goderich •from my awn company's experience in Gode- rich." Mr. Tipple has been a mennber of the local planning board for the past year. Another newcomer, J. A. Wilkin-' son, warned that citizens, while concentrating on securing new in- dustries, must not forget about the pants that are here now. The older industries need a -boost now and then, too, he said. Councillor John Vincent, seek- ing re-election, said he felt his experience as a stationery engin- eer should prove of some value to the 1957 Council when it considers plans for the proposed new water plant. Neil Veatch was - chairman for the municipal affiirs night. Enter -1 tainment was provided by. the Auburnettes. o— 0 0 TONS' OF GRAIN SPILLED WHEN BIG TRUCK CRASHES Tons of grain were spilled into the ditch when a driverless tractor - trailer rolled out of control on highway 8, near Holmesviile, Thursday of last week. The huge vehicle:' carrying a load of grain from Goderich to Harriston, 'had been parked just over the grade leading down to Halmos/411e. When the 'motor burned out, driver Lloyd Ferguson, of Harriston, left to hitch -hike into Clinton to call the truck's owner, Harold Newman, of Harriston. While the driver was away, the vehicle apparently jumped out of gear, said Provincial Constable Ross Ball's, of Goderich, who in- vestigated. The truck rolled down the highway for nearly 1,000 feet before winding up on its side in a ditch. Most of the grain was spilled into the ditch. Men worked nearly all day Fri- day to bag up the grain. There was only about $75 damage to the truck. 0 0 0 PTA BINGO WINNERS The 'Bingo, spon'so' d by St. Peter's PTA, hold din. Tuesdaiy night in the Canadian Legion Hall was well attended. Ten games were played as well as four special games. The winners were Mrs. Austin Hartman, Reg. Williamson, Barry Kinahan, Mrs. Paul Bedard, Mrs. Reg. Williamson and Mns. Notrah Parker. U. OF W.O. CAPTAIN Miss Joanne Castle, of Clinton, has again been chosen captain bf the basketball team at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Miss Castle, who 'holds down, first base in 'the Goderich Dodgers fastball team, is in her fourth year at Western in physical and health education. on o-- — -0 --0 MRS. M. BANNISTER WINS Results of the' recent invitation bowling tournament at Walkert show that Mrs. Marilyn Bannister, of Goderich, was the tap bowler in the ladies' class. She scored 194, 224 and 304 for a triple of 722. Three Goderich teams ,were among the 202 entries in the week - enc') tournament. Joe Baker, of Goderich, won a light.et•,, ,which was the hidden score pfize Azz. PZIZ,(41()N5 HAVING CL4131; against the estate of 'Margaret Jane ltinv, late of the Village of Auburn, in the Court` of Huron, Spicer, rvrho died on or , about the filth day of November, 1950, are required (Co ale the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 12th day of Decem- ber, 1956, as after that date the assets 'ef the estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County Of uron, this 21st day of Novem- ber, 14356. HAY'S and PREST, arristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, 464, Solicitors for the Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Andrew Purves Holmes, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired Fanner, who died on or about the 26th day of Novem- ber, 1956, are required to file the samewith full particulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of December, 195Q, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 3rd day of December, 1956. HAYS and PREST, Barristers, etc., 48-50- Goderich, Ontario. 20. Public Notice THE WOMEN'S SERVICE COM- MITTF.E of the Goderich Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society wish to announce their room in the Town 'Hall will be open to the public each Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. Anyone who wishes information about the func- tions of this society, please feel free to visit at that time. -43-47 21. Business Notice �ID BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP for custom cabinet making, urniture .repair and kitchen cup- oards. Sharpening of all types of saws and other cutting applian- ces. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 45x FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. -17t1 CARPENTRY. B UIUDfNG, RE - 1 IOI3DI LIN3 and plumbing, Epps', _pumps and water; Softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc- MICHAEL,"*G4%e. ieit ` VIVO1t'e- Chi," low 1108. - -19t1 ROSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE (hone 1415, formerly oc- cupied by White Auto Wreckers General repairs to 'all makes of cars and tractors. Arc and acety- lene welding. Farm trade a specialty. -34t1 STEWART—•MATHIESON ,Mrs. George Mathieson announces the marriage of her daughter, Katherine Marx Louise, to Mr. James Cearney Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, of Hamilton. The marriage was solemnized in Victoria Avenue United Church parsonage, Chat- ham, on Saturday, October 27, by the Rev. Frederick John Roberts. o n n 'Vfr, and Mrs. A. G. Kerr visited in Toronto at the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kerr. SIFIE D ADS y LIV NVI G AND LOANS AT flower east on .new and date model used cam's and trueks atna? um farm machinery. HAROLD W. SII9RB, 33 lldmniltou street ilci�esi47ti FOR ALL i'OUR IlNSUTIAI`NC " COVERAGE Whether it is P h FIRE AUTO LIAR'L SIGN P1 OPLRRTY FLOA'ria$ HOSPITALIZATION or AOC U ENT and SICKNESS at Lowest' Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 760 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. -11tf MOVING—GENET L CARTAGE ED. JEFFREY. -48t1 FOR YOUR AUTO, FLRE, WIND LIABILITY, ACCIDENT AND SICKNEStS INSURANCE see GEO. TURTON, Co-operative Insurance Representative, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone Carlowi79, 79, collect. May be contacted at Amis Motors Satur- day afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. -30tI Guaranteed radio service. WILE REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 ''A.R.MERS ! ! I CAN PAVE your manure yard and lane, etc., to stand weight of heaviest tractor. Use your own 'material field stone; also do other work. Would consider hourly or daily wage. C. H. HOMAR, 246 Huron road, opposite store. Phone 1066W, Goderich. • 48-49x MACHINE AND GENERAL RE- PAIR. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LIS'I'EK, Maitland road. 39-42xt.f SKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials moved — rentals. Wort fully guaranteed for one year HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street. Goderich, phone 1344M. -34t1 i', 11) ' Till IOLSERJNG, - .Iramiltont sti.eet, I t'tiy year experlenco. We leave coverings of alfl k1nd3 and colo ;i to suit YOU .fltrnttltaie. Q'iio>terfield, ,soffls,: Maims, etc., correctly done. Meng 11Ql ifi''V'. T t �� r` [fir (7•'tp 'w�'K�' L'k'•<T tiara I�R;NLJ). HHt)CK* A, �., and' fliZ aro skates a •specialty',. lev3ilawlso f rant in; , prompt sax' vice. =MIS .A'(ITO AND . RICYCLU SUPPLY, Ozone 2 , We g tree. :47 ,NT CHIMNEY EWES, Use are ehiefC etiernirai c iurute ' cleaner to eliminate soot and, kale from your stove and pipes. No Ansa, ' no odor. For sale at ,CORNISE1 U -;EC'. RIC, West street, 'rod'eri�h. 411 -Mir •S IS TIM WORD! SAWS, electric' saws 1ivestoelc clipper plates, household eutlezy, e'te., sharpened. We'll -experienced, World War I Vet. 246 iituroxi road, opppsite store. C. II. 110MAX 4849x 22,, Lost and Found ,sM'ALL GREEN PLASTIC 'WAL- LET lost in Stedrnan's Store on Saturday last, containing $10. Finder please phone 787W. Re- ward. 411x COLLIE PUP ABOUT FOUR months old, answers to "Kim," last in v'icin'ity of Square. Finder please contact SALVATION ARMY Olee IOER, phone 704W. 481c 23. Used Cars 1947 DODGE* COUPE, EXCEL- LENT condition, good tires, completely winterized, radio, heat- er, $375. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, phone 234. -48 1950 STUDEBAKER STARLIGHT coupe,. new tires and bat- tery, in good condition, $400. Phone 1329J. - -47 1950 VAUXHALL SEDAN, $300. MRS. J. BICKNELL, Mait- land road. Car may be seen at GODERICH MOTORS, South street. ' 48 Waterloo CatHe Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" One of our -slogans seT We invite you to cR'eck on the quality of calves sired bi our beef bulls. You will see that they are better than average for quality, feed conversion and will make good herd replace- ments or beef. This means more money in your pockets which in actu- ality will make for better living from these better cattle. Grade or purebred, Dairy or Beef, or Crossbreeding, you can do no better than to breed., your females artificially to our bulls, be your herd large or small. Our rates are modest. For service or more information, Call collect to: Clinton Hu 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 10 A.M, week days 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. Sundays and holidays. The conception rate will average the same as with natural service where a sure breeding bull is used. BE A CONSIDERATE CAR DRIVER DURING -THE BUSY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONTH OF DECEMBER. * • * Remember-Pedesttians want to observe Christmas, too, free from any injuries as a result of a car' accident. * • At - Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt Limited. :///2/7-f • BREWERS SINCE MB