HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-12-06, Page 2(Sdruti 'tgrntttar HURON COUNTY'S FOl'EMOST WYMRLY established 1040. in its 109th year of publication. Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited eaaoscriptioia Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United States, $4.01. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71 Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Out -of -Town Representative: CW-N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 3,J55—Lareese circulation of any anewepaper published in Huron County—Over 3,000 azraber of Cariodian Weekly Newspapers Assodatior<n. Member of Ontario V oeLtly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau Of Circolotiona. GEO. L. ELLIS, goiter and Publisher. THE GOODRICH SIGNAL -STAR •THURSDAY, IDh)CENIB,1':R 6th, 1956 ®AY'S UNIC PAL ELECTfON The old- from the standpoint of years of and the • Ilew"--- insofar as municipal experience is coneernede will forth part of tht picture which Goderich ratepayers wdl see on Monday, in unieipal election Clay. In the mayoralty emit est, Nlavor .1. E. IEluckills elaitns some 2:1 years of activity 111 tnllnit.mat life. His ollpom,°nt, Reeve .1. 11. Iirahain, says he has been engaged in 1m111Lleipal affairs ft,r about IS years, part of these (`olborne 'Township Coun,'il before con1i11v Goderich. These men have a combined total of 41 years of public service during W11 th time they both have given of their hest tit the tnunici- tt't pal:t t het lett\ t' tet'! \ t'tl l:lnel► here i11 this Slat' ilii' statements by t'iit'll tit ill tet' t'ailtlldiltt•• ttir tilt' ofllce ttf mayor. 11t. IIg these seeking t'Ulllleil seats are f,tmt' lie\\ ,o„111 •1'5 all young noel. A tai' as vv c knitvv . nent' of them has had previous Tnuitic i1i sp'rit•rl,•e But there is nothing Down Memory's Lane 45 Years Argo W. 1'roudfoot, Liberal, and Rev. second and Earl Elliott, who was second in the race for six seats. Joseph Elliott, Conservative, bat- A winter fleet of 16 freighters tled it out in Centre Huron as the was expected here. provincial elections neared. The H[olmesville cheese factory In Toronto, Justice Sutherland made an order for the winding up of the Doty Engine Works Co. Ltd., at Goderich. A bank claimed to ''• o;.� be a creditor in the sum of $96,163. i �w"a w ti The town of Goderich held a the former employees. A serious water shortage was being enperienneed by district farm- ers. The shortage was caused by reels of dry weather and little snow. Beryl Sanderson, daughter of Mr. and Lars. Harry' Sanderson, won the second Carter scholarship in competition with other Huron County secondary school students. o 0- -o The Northwest Terititories prob- ably contain every mineral known to man except those formed by was purchased by the Carnation surface action in a tropical Co. Ltd., which planned to retain elimate. $33.000 first mortgage on the plant. The steamersSicKinstry, Neeb- ing and Kaininistiquia prepared -to winter at Goderich. Thegold and silver medals don- ated 'try Victor Lauriston, of Chatham, were presented to Muriel Galt and Ruby Stoddart, vyho ob- tained the highest marks in high school entrance examinations. !Ile- the present tit start getting that expel-- Miss Skimings, "the poetess of it'11,'t• atl,1 Vt,' wt'lt'tt1110 tllt'111 as t'antlidatt's. Huron,” suffered a fractured thigh Sone- ,tf 1}: 111 ;u'.ltotniti tet ht' electet1 on '�[on bone when she fell on St. Patrick's 'treet. (ley 25 Years Ago With what may he a testing year ahead in Goderich trimmed Seaforth 20-0 the lite et' the I1IUtlleipallty, ratepayers are in what was believed to have been y drool to take it personal interest in the election 1 inthe thisfirst partrugbof Huroncontest Counteverplayed y. ,t11Ait,mlay and exercise their delnoeratie A 'fire of mysterious origin de- 1'rallchist'_ stroyed the barn of Neil McAdam in the south end of the town. Six horses, one cow, a sow and a litter of pigs were lost in the blaze. It was the fourth fire in this neighborhood within a matter ttf ourninilleipalities at nomination tithe." of a few weeks. The town made an unsuccessful _mother commonly misused word is "oleo- attempt to dispose of the West tion" when "vote" or "poll'' is meant. It may street skating rink at a tax sale. be proposed that the ('ount•il be returned with !There were no bids large enough out opposit ion toe" save the cost of an elect ion.'' ; toover cove;$1500. the rink's tax arrears of But being returned without opposition is 111 Reporting to Huron County itself an election—we save, not the cost of an Council, Ian McLeod, agricultural reaced election, but the cost of taking a vote or poll. 115r entaand tive�sixl boys ohe n cd ountyy However, we have been using these im- farms during the. year. Wages proper phrases so long that the most earnest were $20 monthly, with board, for men and purist must despair of our ever discarding $10 monthly for boys. i A2 a Goderich Town ship nomin- them. Instead of saving, properly, "The Coun- ! anion meeting, Reeve W. Haacke .oil was elected without opposition (or without said he favored a 10 per cent cut a p011)," we "shall go on repeating the expres- - in ,the salaries of county officials stun, '`elected by acclamation," and instead of > 15 Years Ago voters saying "All officers were elected Without a ! Only ot of Gadeh's 2,000 eligible vvers went too the polls vote" we shall until the end of time cling to on election day. All members of the improper phraseology, "We have no elee- the previous year's Council were re-,eleoted, ,, tCouncillor D. D. Moon - tion this year beeause everybody was returned ey headed the poll. - hy acclamation." The YWCA proposed to open a hostess camp at Port Albert. It was intended as a place where airmen's girl friends couldawait thein in comfort. Goderich entered a hockey team in an OHA intermediate "B" group with clubs from Clinton, Seaforth, Elmira, Waterloo and Milverton. ) Five carloads of nratteria,-•ehief .ly s 1;:- vEd _moi e , ...., T. The firm had orders for 54 snow rollers for use at airports. - e W. H. Bryans, of Goderich, was elected tpresident when Huron County teachers formed a unit in connection with the Public School Men Teachers' Federation of On- tario. 10 Years Ago In East Wawanosh Township, Reeve J. D. Beecroft was challeng- ed by Noonan McDowell. Coun- cillors were returned by acclam- ation- George C. Ginn and James R. Stirling qualified for the reeveship in Goderich Township, and six qualified for the four council seats. New faces in Town Council were Clayton Edward, who headed the ORDS MISUSE 'We agree with The Landolt Free Press on the frequent misuse of the word "acclamation.'' When there•is only one nominee for some office at nomination time it i, said that -o-and-So was "elected by acclamation," or when all ofliees are filled without opposition, '.The en- tire Council vas returned by acclamation..'. "Let's not delude ourselves about accla- mations,,' writes the editor of the London paper. "Genuine cases are rare. What we call acclamations are, in almost, all rases, simp- ly the result of apathy on the part of those who should be concerned with•their own affairs. So -and -So gets back into office because no one can be bothered to run against him, x x Turn to Webster and you will find that ' acclamation' implies a degree of enthusiastic approval 'by the populace—an element quite lacking in most EDITORIAL We cannot give our readers any advice for their stock transactions, but we can recom- mend !Gh.tistnias T.B. seals as .a, good bu This is Safe Driving Week, December 1 to 7, and motorists are urged to make a record week for freedom from accident. And if this objec- tive is reached, there is no reason why the other 51 weeks of the twelvemonth cannot be equally safe. a ., The statisticians dig up some queer facts. They tell us that Canadians in 1954 ate 24.4 -. NOTES dozen eggs apiece. In 1955 they dropped the .4 and made it the even 24 dozen each. Some tt j must .k ye,, rissod the breakfast • • . . It is still too early to decide what history will say about the Anglo-French expedition to the Suez, but for the present at least this writer has concluded that where the project 'went- wrong was in not being sufficiently pre- pared to take control of the entire canal before any opposition could stop it. CUT OUR FUEL COST RIGHT NOW! YOU H;'OW? can heat an extra room with waste now going up the chimney without adding to your present fuel cost. by installing a JAIC heating unit. ON HEAT REOLAIMER on your present ON DISPLAY NOW AND BEING DEMONSTRATED EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING AT 168, THE SQUARE UP TO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Ton can not afford to miss this demonstration, tested- and proven in many ho Don't forget the date and pEa e. I WE WILL ALSO HAVE ON D'IBPLA`'Y ALL OUR ALM DOORS, WINDOWS, RAILINGS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ETC. II KOMES LTD. • 'OW !it EEDY'S Benmillerr CGIT Candle Light. Vesper Service BIDNVITIA1 R, Dec. 3.—in place of the regular church service the Benmiller C.G.I.T. con -ducted their annual €hristmas Candle Lighting Vesper Service, under the direc- tion of their leaders, Mrs. F. Mc- Michael and Mrs. K. Fisher. The service was led by Carol Allin. Scripture passages were read by Chrystal Straughan and a LUCKY LU DO Food THURSDAY, DE/M 1 `t 611, t prayer was read Iby Martha de Groot. The story, "Beautiful is the Child," was read by Krone Pfrimmer. The elton', ably assist_ ed by some of U rion C.G.1.T., sang "What Child is This." The three candle Lighters were Joyce Blake, Beyerly! anw✓n.lan andEleanor Durst. Ushering were Beverly .Bowman and Barbara Durst. The church was appropriately decorated throughout in a Christ- mas theme for the spacial service. The group's next activity will be it's regular `"carol singing" to shut- ins. prior to Chriiinanas. at EEDY'S Fresh Produce LUCKY DOLLAR STORE FANCY McINTOSH APPLES S(INKIST ORANGES size 220's 6 -qt. basket 79c 2 doz. 83c LIBBY'S QUALITY PRODUCTS LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS 15 o=• 2 for 35c 6 f 51.00 „'it FANCY LIBBY'S MIXED VEGETABLES 15 a=• 2foic33c LIBBvs SLICED BEETS ' 20 oz. 2 for 35c LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI & MEAT is. -2 for 39c LIBBY'S ROSEDALE TOMATO- JUICE _ -. 1.4n,29c . .. nY BOILED 'DINNER 15 oz. tin 25t MAPL LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT 12 oz36c CLARK'S Store �}."i-�yi��i•N-yyit�'tl] -I.Y� R�.I�Ut.�l .1^..S�VSV�..17'41�.iTe.J DOLL PREMIUM S , EAUTIFUL 54 tai b9 -PULLAN DOLL $3.49 c�a WITH $5.00 ORDER. An ideal gift at a big 1-1 100aDaDrODLIDIZZIDOLL'IDIDTJ t` r� saving. DESSERT PEARS ROSE BRAND PICKLES APEX TID BIT PINEAPPLE OLD DUTCH CLEANSER AYLMER FANCY PUMPKIN KING'S CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES CLOVER LEAF FANCY SOLID WHITE TUNA HEREFORD CORNED BEEF SUPREME BRAND WHITE BEANS 20 oz. 16 oz. jar 15 oz. tin 28 oz. • 2f0r33c 31c 21t 2 for 27< 2 for 37c 27c 41c 28 oz. tins 7oz. • 12 oz. tin 39c 16 oi. cello / for 31c • BEANSWITH PORK 20 oz. tin 39c GREEN GIANT NIBLETS - CORN 14 oz. tins 2 for 33e, 12 for 1.95 HABITANT A SVU KRAFT MINIATURE targe 28 oz. 3for47C A MARSHMALLOWS 7 oz .pkg. 29c FROZEN FOOD ITEMS BIRDSEYE GREEN PEAS BiRDSEYE 12 oz. pkg. 25c PERCH FILLETS lb 35c - •_ New iss-' We offer and recommend $15,000,000 EATON REALTY C°".= - "Y' (Incorporated under the laws of Canada) .51/4% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, Series 1, 1956 Trust Deed To be dated December 15, 1956 To mature December 15, 1976 A copy of the official offering circular will be supplied promptly upon request. Ian the opinion of our Counsel, these Bonds will be investments in which the Canadian and Briitishtlnsur. ance Companies Act, Part III, states that a company registered under it may invest its funds or any portion thereof. Price: 98 and accrued interest We, as principals. offer these Bonds, subject to prior sale and change in price if, as and when issued by The T. Eaton Realty Company, Limited and accepted by us, subject to the arpprovaLeiptgal matters on our behalf by Messrs. Lash, Lash & Pringle, Toronto, who will rely, as to matters of title to the specifically mortgaged premises, on the opinion of Counsel for the Realty Company, Messrs. Mason, Foulds, Arnup, Walter & Weir, Toronto, who in turn may rely, in the case of_ provinces other than Ontario, on the opinions of the Realty Coehipany's solicitors in such provinces. Subscriptions will be received subject to rejection orallotment in whole or in part and the right is reserved to close the subscription books without notice. it is expected that interim Bonds of the Realty Company (in bearer form only), later exchangeable without charge for definitive Bonds (in any authorized form), will be available for delivery in Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg on or about December 18, 1956. DOMINION SECURITIES GRP?4. LIMITED D.temIxer, 1956 TORONTO HALIFAX SA INT JOHN OTTAWA LONDON Established 1901 MONTREAL NEW YORK LONDON, ENGLAND QUEBEC WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA ILiTCHENER HAMILTON BRANTFORD BOSTON PHILADELPHIA 1