HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-15, Page 9TIRDAY, NOV. lu - ams 19 p. 0 0r •',47. OUT ON A LIMB WITH BiLL. SMILEY; Sooner or later, someone is going to realize that we Canadians possess the znosst deadly weapon in the world. Our leaders haven't tumbl- ed to it yet but I have, and I'mwilling, in the ,face of the threats of war these days, to let them in on i't. ✓J 0 G It is a weapon that makes atomic warfare Cloak like stone -age stuff. R shlitttens people physically. it wrecks them mentally .and morally. The only question is, 'have -Canada's leaders enough ruthlessness to un- leash it on the world? If they had, it would be only a matter of time until all wars and threats of wars were nen E'Ki tOnt. Q � I'm a'cfereiang, are =tutcCe, to The rill. A.5 1 bit here talriniat; otit this message with shaky fla gars, nose dripping a eteady a•ceorE,pana- rz<r.ent, arty duty aiternatel• wracked by hot lushes and ehil1�s, I can't help 'thinking it's a shame to let suet aio v l v o us weapon go to wa:�te. All our ,P iwould r nie Minister �/otald have to do is round up a dozen Canadians who are suffering from The Flu. He could find theca, at any tune of year, in any numbers, in +any town or city. Prat thein on a 'plane ,and .;send them on state visits to MOSCOW, Washington,. lion - don, Peking,Cairo, or_ any other trouble spo. Let them mingle freely at diplomatic coek hail parties. , I'll 'guaran:t=ee that within six months, 90 per cent of the people in the world would have The Mu. ,War would cease. International strife'woilld end. Everybody would be too busy with The. Flu. 0 0 0 0 Personally, I'd rather be hit by a hydrogen bomb than by The Flu. With the former, you can only be blown :to bits or shrivelled to cin- ders once. With the latter, you die a thousand deaths, a couple 1, i Vim" CE COMPQn'y ,S'URAN MAD Off/CE 'W4TER100.0NTAR/0 Slice /889 EBB ROSS SAYS: The Dominion Coronet Is more than a life Insurance Po_ licy. It's a 20 - year savings plan that guarantees your family all the deposits you have made, PLUS the face value of the Policy, PLUS the dividends left with the Policy, . if you die before 65. Phone me for details. E. M. ROSS Representative Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 IT'S A CLAY PIPE CINCH An end to this "lead pipe cinch" business! Because that curious -looking object up t here is an unizlaze(1, vitrified clay pipe -house drain more than .5001) \ ears old . . . and still in perfect con- dition. This "was no surprise to us because, like present d.tV,A'itrifi('d Clay Pipe, it was acid and alkali prod, with , ,;t+:i`l('((' resistail('(' to aily, chemical ti(,tl. Specify- the hest, most durable house drain of ell, Vitrified Clay Pipe. CANADA VITRIFIED PRODUCTS LIMITED ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO Alli ti'i' ee .a year,0 for th?o A ,cod epidemic of , The Flu would ravish the Russians.ciao wyy dysentry decimated the Diggers cit the Dardanelles in World War I. Oaai't you see those Russian art ou+likt s reeling dround fevers, runny rio es and ha�•elt;niag coughs, trying to cope with oo-M- rnuraism. We'd have them on the kneesbefore you could sad? "Dnepropetrovsk." 0 K: 3 0 0 When you have The Ru you're not interested in fighting +anybody. In the first place, you'd so weal you can't lick your lips. In the second, you don't went slaughter, ya:u want s rnpthr. 0 You imay think all this is a bit fanciful, but I knew. This rweek 1 haven't even had the strength or the inclinotione to fight with my Wife. Instead of walking around me, my • kids just push me out of the way. When I was chang- ing the goldfish, I was so weak 1. nearly went tdat on my back, when he eve a fp in my hoed. That's the physical • aspect. But the physchological effect- is even more shattering. You go around in a cloud of utter depression. You develop a deep and bitter hatred of everybody: your family, whose members are quite unconcerned about the fact that you're practic- ally dying; Fluless friends whose idea of 'sy'mpathy is to tell you about the'terrible dose of Flu they had last spring; doctors, Who tell vou the thing to do is to go to bed for a few days, when it's all you can do to get to bed at nights. 0 0 o Just think of what would happen if the Russians •got hating each other like that. They're an excit- able, though melancholy people. First thing vou know. they'd be shooting each 'other off like flies, from sheer hatred, or dropping dead from 'depression. Beauty of the whole plan is that there is no counter: weapon. or even a defence for The Flu. With the same hideous malevolence, it seeks our high and low, rich and poor. No bomb shelter is deep enough to avoid it. v This little plan for world peace is . offered to Mr. St. Laurent and the boys for nothing. I don't even wanta knighthood, 'though it's the 'sensible and inexpensive pro- position they've ever had. All I want is to get rid of my Flu. 0 0 --o HAVE 'YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR SUBSCRIPTION • (NHE I I DRINK LOTS') OF ENERGY -GIVING ANDREW DAIRY MILK, YM ALWAYS]..1 FULL OF PEP! 171 Q J- THE. .00DERICH SIGN'AL-STAR Back In Court In Twelve Hours;. Given Four Months „Less than 12 hourS qtr he re- ceived suspended 4eatenco for fighting, Kenneth Palmason, of North Bay, landed back in trouble again. Magistrate D. E. Holmes, who gave hang "a break" before, this time sentenced hang tq four months in jail plus six months in- definite. Appearing in court last week, Palmason was convicted of theft of a roll of bilis from Louie Ther- riauit,. of Goderich. Paii'ivason originally was charged with rob- bery, but the magistrate ;had .some doubt as to whether' or not this was technically correct, so the charge was changed to theft. On another charge of causing a dis- turbance .in oonneotion with the same igcidemt, Palmason was given one month con ijrrent, In testimony g1 Mn in court the previous wwetic, Therriault said he missed the roltls of bills, worth $100 to $110, after a scuffle with Palmas= +o4 the Square on Octo- ber 25. The accused kept grabbing for his pants and ripped one of his pockets off, claimed Therriault. The pocket contained the bills. Pahnason's defence was that he had picked up the roll of bilis off the street after Therriault left +to change his torn trousers. He said he had grabbed at Therri•ault'r pants in self defence because the complainant had a head -lock on him. Themagistrate noted that Palmason had gotten into this trouble less than 12 hours after he was given suspended sentence for fighting at a dance hall. a few miles south of Goderich. Ironic- ally, it ronically,it was revealed that Yalma�.,n had planked to leave Goderich the day after he. was given suspended sentence. 1 - OiY behalf of Palmason, defence counsel James Donnelly suggeled that the man probably did not realize his actions would be viewed as seriously as they had been Street brawls in the northland. where Palmason comes fi;orn, :ire considerably more common than in Gaderieh, suggested Mr. Donnelly.. ___.cr� Square - Battlers 0 Sent To "Cooler" "I think we have to do some- thing more than amere fine to stop this nonsense on the Square," said Magistrate D. E. Holmes as he sentenced two local youths to two weeks in jail for causing a disturb- ance. Convicted were Gerald J. Spain and Richard E. Littlechild. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays said that the pair `(put on a show" on the Square early Sunday morning. November 4. Both •had been drink- inanndd uie to "blowsi afsi4er- aTrnsulting language was used, Other than .a "shiner' worn.,. blr Spain, very little physical damage was done. CANADIAN QUEEN TO CHICAGO -- Sheila Anderson, 17 -year-old Orangevi"1• le high school senior, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Anderson, Glenn Cross, Ontario, has been chosen to represent Can- ada in the International Shorthorn Lassie QueenContest at the annual Live Stock E ositi•on in Chicago, November 23 +through December 1 :,- ,-. 'Choose from the BIGGEST most BEAUTIFUL and VARIED dis flay of Christma,,_ Cards -•We have *Gin, In many a year FEARED THREAT OF "BEAT UP" Men .he appeared before Il cgis- trate a+. R. Holmes nes lasst week to anger a eliarge of obstructing Juustiee, Dalten kxoryee, of Gaderieh, elected trial by a judge at the neat higher court. He ,.s now scheduled to appear :before Jude Frank Ping - 14341 here on November 26. At the preliminary hearing, za 1$year-old «,nderich boy testified that he had failed to answer a strranaosis to appear as a witness in an earlier case because, he said, he had been threatened by Boyce. "He told ire when 1 came up in court to keep my mouth shut," the jrtvenile told ' lViagistrate Holmes. "I thought ,maybe I would get beat up." Asked who he thought would teat hun up, the youth replied, "The 'gang." He said that the gang included Dalton Boyce and some other youths. All of them had been in- volved in an earlier mix-up in which one car was bumped off the toad after being chased by two other autos. The juvenile was a passenger in the car which was bumped. When -cabled to testify in a case of criminal negligence which arose out sof the crash, he failed to ap- pear. Instead, it was learned, he had left town ori a boat. Under cross examination by de- fence counsel, James Donnelly, the juvenile admitted he had left 'town partly for another reason, which did not involve Boyce. He also admitted he hid told a friend `hat , his reason for leaving town was 'to visit a relative. "The case will stand or fall on the credibility of the witness," suggested Mr. Donnelly. At the conclusion of the preliminary en- quiry, Dalton Boyce was committed for trial at the next higher court. His brother, Edward Boyce, who was charged with carrying a dan- gerous weapon, was placed on sus- pended sentence by Magistrate Holmes. He was ordered to pay court costs and post $200 recog- nizance for two years. . Edward Boyce had been charged, along with another Goterich_ youth; 'with using broken" beer IRON CJRT4; CilgiSfi F 414 t iire;ate . other melt at a cd3 ee i Dun.pnnon on October 29, Iu cagy the prcvlo i wweli, the other youth 444 -hccu Gent enc . dip one neat`is a �l,, pl.ul 12 rnai h3 Indtflnite, for 'l if part Afters' calidering, the proba'iun officer's report, Mag1- te. Holmes decided that sward layeo ;had {been more of. "a follower" and bad not aunatloted any trouble liim elx. roc X W elieee cart 4t, Spendthrifts bum it, B3nkers Bankerslend it, Woos* jrend 7Y, Forgers fake i4, +, t4ke„i1, 14 ng leo.ve it, Heil re- ceivc ft, Thrifty .we .Rlef& ie- �rWve ite lz�+binex'., +�elze ii, •(6'Eea. e x', (ambler' /05e it I VOU US1 IT. da* The Huron County. CounciF will meet in the Council Chambers, Oourt House, Goderiolit, on Monday, November 19, 1956 at 2.00 P.M. All accounts and notices of d .,,;utatio,,s sho ►° -d be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November '17th, 1956, at 12 noon. A. H. ERSKINE, CLERK, COUNTY OF HURON. -41-45 APPLIANCES 7�o�,.r,FRIGI DAME .?1�,, FOR SALES d SERVICE GODERICH vw,-tlwSQUARE •• V40.44 586 11,00 ro� DAIRY • FOR'Your Foumoin Fgvourite r " • VISIT Our /ce Gram ear SHE A iI�ERR Et2.�ELF FSM STOREY PACE SME US TO ARE SHE I�/pWT° mast ERr SISisri PLACE . I'PAYS. TOSHOO -4r 4 SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by CNR Nen who think of tomorrow practice moderation today LOW FARES EVERY SAfitIRDAY {TO AND INCL. DEC. 1S Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. Allenford Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora F'erjus. Georgetown Goderich Guelph EXCURSION FARES PROM: $4.75 Hanover $4.30 Palmerston 4.30 Harriaton 3.75 Southampton 3.70 Sarnia 5.85 Stratford 2AS Strathroy 3.60 Walkerton 4.00 Watford 5.20 Winghana 4.75 Wyoming Brampton 4.15 Ingersoll 4.75.Kincardine 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Listowel 1.20 Mitchell 5.05 Paisley 1L90 Owen Sound 0- FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS $3.40 5.90 6.55 3.45 5.20 4.60 5.75 4.75 6.20 • 85 Y-4-41 1 - We confess a sneaking respect for one resourceful gentleman who fooled the Commie. ,Iheit by Morally dubious ni•'ans. Seems he would load hiOOhollow aluminum artificial leg,with can- dy, coffee and nklons in West Berlin, then whisk mer the bor- . der into Fast Berlin in his motorized wheel chair. He made a neat profit - until the hare gendarmes ultimately with tin, More and more businesses fromartilicial limps to shipbuild- ing - similarly iind alun+uiunl a saluahle ;rid to sales and pro- fits. Further major eypai„ion of Atcan's smelters in both Quebec and B.C. is aimed to satisfy the continued increasing- demand for the Tight metal. ALUMINUM CAMPANY, OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) Pay old bills today... sleep better tonight Often ,a .Loan from HFC -can -help -preserve, o wjpeace of mind. You can borrow from .HFC_,nAv it s, and repay your loan on A businesslike, budgeted basis. .. �.., w: �, „ .., When the need for money arises, more,people come to HFC than any other company• in its field. Loans -are made promptly, in privacy, on terms you approve. You can borrow with confidence from I -IFC --Canada's only consumer fi nance company backed by 78 years experience ! 4 SAMPLE TABLE CASH YOU RECEIVE $105.75 308.38 610.68• 756.56 MONTHLY PAYMENTS $10.00 24.00 27.00 40.00 NUMBER OF MONTHS 12 15 24 24 HOIJSEIIti Canada's 'first and foremost consumer finance company I:.AffCE B. F. Bedford, Manager 35 West Street, sbcond floor, phone 1 501 GODERICH, ONT. ROD THE DEALER AND BRAND YOU WANT! When you want to buy a nationally known product, here', how to find a dealer in o hurry. In the cone of Paint, fret turrn to the "P" section of tho MOW PTT and look for "Flint Dealers -- Retail". non find tion familiar trade marl( and select the dealer of your choice. LOOK FOR THE FAMILIAR "TRADE MARKS°' IN THE ,E 'OW',; S