HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-15, Page 7a & HMSDAy, NOV. 15th,- 1950 Choose Your New CASHMERE, ORLON OR BOTANY Cardigans or Pullovers from the large assortment of fall and winter garments now showing at the New Sweater Bar AT F. E. HIBBERT & SON'S GODERICH -45 Miss Lillian -,McLean of London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Ismay' McLean. Miss Jane Graham, of . Toronto, spent The week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. J. M. Graham and John. ST.- GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, 'NOV. 18 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAW i, D.D., Rector ., MR, P. -STEPHENS, 79[,A.. Organist and ChIkirtniotiot THE UNITED CHURCH QF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, -MOV. 18 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THE RECURRING FIGURE." Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 sp.m. "WHAT SHALL 1 DO?'r REV. CHAS. R, D(IRRANT, Minister MRS. J. A. SNIDER, Music Director. nux laresbuterian Ip.x c} Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C,M. Minister Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. SERMON—"A More Excellent Way." (Text: 1st Cor. 12:31) (Nursery and Junior Congregation will meet as usual.) 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Victoria Street UnitedChurch "Fellowship Awaits You" 10 a.m. Graded BibleSchool. Beginners to Adults. 11 a.m. "A Home -Spun Setf'Made Creed." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller's Service after Sunday School. 3 p.m.' Union's Service after Sunday, School. Minister—Rev. Stanley A. Moots, B.A., B.D. Music Director—Mr. Frank Bissett GODERICH BAPTIST .,CHURCH MONTREAL STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Classes for ail ages. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children taken care of during this service). 7 p.m. "WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD?" Monday, 4 p.m. Junior Choir. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Thursday and Friday, 7 p.m. Explorers, Boys and Girls. / Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Minister Organist BETHEL' PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE "THE GODERICH EVANGELISTIC CENTRE" ELGIN AVE.' AT WATERLOO SUNDAY -40 a.m.---SUNDAY SCHOOL. 4,11 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP. • 7.30 p.m.—EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. TUES:' AY AND FRIDAY SERVICES AT 8 P. M. " A,HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor -LR. J. ween. THE GOJ E ICI SIG AL -STAR 0. Public Notice T WoMJi.FN'S SERVICE COM - MIME of ,the Godes i c h. Braneh od the Canadian Cancer Society wish to announee their room in the Town Hall will be open to the public each Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. Anyone who wishes information about the func- tions of this society, please feel free to visit at than time. k�+ I ANNUAL FALL IiIERE- FOR1D, sale at the Clinton Fair Barns, Tursday,' Noven er 22nd, at=' 1.30 sha11p: 10 (hills;` six 4 - calves;; 19 females. All bulls eligible for 25% Government bonus. x-46 21. Business Notice SID BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP for custom cabinet garbing, furniture repair and kitchen cup- boards. Sharpening of all types of saws and other cutting applian ees. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1.234. 45x if'iARPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING and plumbing. Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Car- low 1108. -19tf DOSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE phone 1415, formerly oc- cupied by White Auto vv reekers General repairs to all makes of cars and tractors. Arc and acety- lene welding. Farm trade a specialty. -34tf MACHINE AND GENERAL RE- PAIR. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LISTER, Maitland road. 39-42xtf FURNITURE REPAIR — RE MODELLING — RE -FINISHING —RE -UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK PHONE 1200 OR 892. 39-42x FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, ,CUSTOM, low mileage, excellent condi tion, must.`Nsell. PHONE 15444" after 6 p.m. 45x :FOR 'ARTLFICIAL • -- ZION' _.TION' itifi r n tioir pi' serv2co from ail bu'ceda of cattle, phone 'the WATERLOO CAVE 'BREED- ING BR. - ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton &IU 2-340 'between' 7.30 and 0 30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able ---top duality at low cost. -17tf pINANOING AND LOANS AT ▪ lower cost on new and late anode] used cars and trucks a tl new farm machinery. HAROLD W. 'SHORE. 30 ! anailton street, Goderich. -4711 MOVING 01' CARTAGE. • 1. JE. Y. . -4 t1 FO YOUR AUTO, FOIE, WIND LIABILITY, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE see GEO. TURTON, Co-operative Insurance Representative, R.R. 5,',Goderich, phone Carlow 179, collect. May be contacted at Samis Mugs Satur- day afternoons from 2 t9 4 o'clock. -30trf Guaranteed radio service. WJLF REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., plumped and cleared with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given with- out obligation, LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring 6, Brussels. 38-45x QICIL ED TV AERIAL SERVICE. Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials moved — rentals. Worh fully guaranteed for one year HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf E I D'S UPHOLSTERING, 59 Hamilton street. Thirty years experience. We have coverings of at kinds and colors to. suit your furniture. Chesterfield, sofas, chair. etc„ correctly done. Phone 1102Vh. -36t f 23. Used Cars 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR, EX- CELLENT condition, new motor, 4 new tires. Phone 1062, 1 evenings. 45-6 .. TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or • ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. -11ti T1Y'US FOR — WASHIER SERVICE 54 TWO TONE CHEV. TWO DOOR, heater, snow tires, mot- or in good condition. PHONE 1485W. 45x 1945 AUSTIN COACH IN GOOD condition. .Model A40. Ca11 1413M. 45 TJSED CARS - 54. Chev.- 219 Tudor, 2 tone, low :l Imijoge, :9ne owner car. 1 .o' unev. 'thti Sedate- law mileage: new tires and ode* owner. j 53 Chest Coach, 150 model, 2 -tone paint. Priced to sell. 52 Chev Coach, 150 series, recent- ly overhauled. 0t Chev Sedan* 210 series, custom radio, seat covers -and good clean finish. 50 Chev Coach, new paint job and reliable transportation. 50 Obey Sedan, 210, mechanically perfect and new paint. 49 Ghev Coach, 150, priced to sell. 46 Chev Sedan, make us an offer USED TRACTORS - 47 Ford -Ferguson, step-up trans- mission, completely overhauled, good tires. 47 Ford -Ferguson, good second trac- tor. 46 Massey -Harris model 81, 2 ,plow tractor. - ANY MAKE i ANY MODEL. SKELTON'S APPLIANCES West St. GODERICII MOTORS LTI). Phone 89W Forc•Sales and Service. —45' PHONE 83 SOUTH ST. ALL patrons of Holmesville Receiving Station for CARNATION CO., LTD., are -extended an invitation to be present at the ANNUAL MEETING Holmesville Concentrated Milk Producers Association AGRICULTURAL OFFICE BOARD ROOM, CLINTON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 AT 8.30 P.M. SHARP GUEST SPEAKER: A. V. Cormack, President of the Ontario Farmers' Union. Election of Officers will be held. Lunch will bo provided. EDGAR RATHWELL President ROBERT WELSH Secretary -Treasurer -45 RUBBER FOOTWEAR Lowest Prices on Highest Quality Goods CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' GALOSHES from $299p ROSS SHOE SHOP "FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY" -45 Crn Personais Mr. arid Mrs. 'Harry Sutton, lI t. ty and Kenneth, and Mrs, G. Wjg- gins, of Toronto, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ice Cmiford, West street. . • Mrs. Graham Salkeld, of Isham Sask., spew 4last week with ht sister-in-law,,s. - Irtrine� Igunter and _ Mr. Hnntrer. - Mr. Willi Elland, Roches- ter. Alta., visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hunter, Mar- ket street. Miss Berva L�.11isu, of Carlow, visi- ted i'mr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Caul Houston last week -end. Mr, and Mm. Charles Moore at- tended the funeral on Wednesday at Port Colborne of Mrs. Moore's cousin, Mrs. (Michael Litron. Mr. Joseph Finn, mock street, is in Detroit at present. He atten- ded the 'funeral last Saturday of his sister-in-law, Mrs. William Finn, for rly Lettie Mellvarne. . NIr. Jim Redditt, of Imperial Oil Public Relations, Toronto, and children, visited at the week -end with his aunt, Miss Lilias MaeVic- ar, Hi -racks street. Week -end guests with Mrs. A. C. Hunter were her daughter, Mrs. S. N. Oliver, 'of Toronto, and her son, Mr. 'Cplin Hunter, of Dart- mouth N.S. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pollock, Al- vin McAllister, of Goderieh, Mrs. Robert McAllister, Mrs. Carl Sow- erby, Goderich Township, and Miss Marion Cadwell, Grand Bend, mot- ored to Detroit on Sunday of last week and on Monday attended the funeral of Charley Fahrney, whose widow is the former Olive Mc- Allister. - Mrs. J. W. Moore is leaving this week 'to spend the next few months with her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Lo+tridge, in Detroit. Clyde Carter, of the advertising staff of the London Free Press, a Goderich boy who began his news- paper career with the Goderich Signal, has completed 25 years with the Free Press, and at the staff' dinner of the London paper at Hotel London last Saturday was honored with the presentation of a gold' watch. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cousins and Douglas spent the week -end in Toronto with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnston. Week -end guests with Miss C. McClinton, Keays street were her brother, Dr. Jas. McClinton of Tim- mins and his daughter, Patricia, who is attending MacDonald Hall, Guelph. DUNGANNON DUNG ON, Noy, a — Jura. Omar--Brooles visited- - jn e.George_ town recenitly, . -„ tiers. n. yzgeraiOE 1tias nett - t4P spenct the winter months with -her niece, Mrs. Arthur Speigieburg, of. Auburn. Mrs. Joe Cobb, of Limerick, Sask., who has been -spending a week with her sisters here, return- ed home, accompanied by Mrs. R. Gardner who intends to remain with her for the winter months. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H Stothers on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner and sen Lane, and Mrs. W. G. Hunter, all of Zion. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh McWhitin:ey were the former's uncle, and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Corrigan and thier aunt, Mrs. Mina Wilson, all of Shawville, Quebec. -Mrs. Omar Brooks spent Friday in Mitchell with her parents, I)r and Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Nellie Stewart visited friends in Kittche,,ner. Mrs. Cecil Blake and her mo- ther, Mrs: S. J. Kilpatrick, called on Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mrs. T. Anderson, of Zion and Lucknow, on Saturday. • Mrs. Durnin Philips, Mrs. Irvine Henry and Mrs. George Stewart, of St. Helens, called on friends in Lucknow and Kincardine on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. W. Cranston, Mrs. H. Alton and ,Mrs. H. Stothers attended the banquet at Clinton on Tuesday evening, sponsored by the Huron' Progressive Conserv- ative Association. Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, MP for Hamilton, ad- dressed the large gathering. Oth- ers who took part In the program were L. E. Cardiff, MP for Huron, Tom Pryde, MPP for Huron, John Hanna, MPP, of Wingham, and Mrs. Dorothy Downing, of Toronto. `Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, Am- berley, spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Jonn Chisholm. Mrs. Annie King, of the Bolter nursing home, Lu'cknow, visited on Thursday with her friend, Mrs.. Bert Jones. Bert Marsh, of Petersburg, was a guest of his sister, ,Mrs. B. Jones on Sunday. Mrs. W. -Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mole visited on Sunday with Jaynes McWhinney and Mrs. M. Graham, of Auburn. St. Paul's Guild.—St. Paul's " Lad- ies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Black. Plans were discus- sed regarding the coming card parties and the .Christmas party. Mrs. Ben Mole and Mrs. Bob Mole assisted the hostess with' tea. HOLMESVILLE HOLN1ESVILLE, Nov. 13 ----Mr. Bert Trewartha is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is arming along nicely, following surgery last Saturday. Rev. G. Eagle of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, will be serest speaker at the Holmesville United Church, on Sunday, Novem- ber 18th. Sgt. L. E. Morton has gone north on a hunting trip. , li0 o n FM- results, try a classified ad i 'nethe. Signal -Star. 4 SWIVEL BASE + 20 TUBES - 4 TONE CiITROIi * . TWIN SPAKERS - There's nothing in 21" TV to match the magnificent "Sorento" ultra modern, rich grained calsinotry. WAS $439 '. NOW Make this a Christmas for the whole family. Just $10 down AND $14 PER MONTH OTHER 21" MODELS AS LOW AS $1439 AERIALS AS LOW AS $6050 79 HAMILTON ST. f 90 DAYS FREE SERV # 90 DAYS WAR'RAN;TY f 1 YEAR PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE (By Linda B The annual commencement exer- cises were held Friday of last week. On Monday, an assembly was ]held to oommeiiaonate Remem- brance Day. Before the programa coirnmeneed, Pauline Hill explained fio th-e students 'what a year book is, what its purpose is and out- lined the cover contest. The stage was decorated with three crosses, to represent the rows of crosses, and two wreaths_ . in _ rnernoay, pf these - I'who- gave their lives in; -tie ,tears. .RtEb W d . Ma'nrice reckenridge) Another football season has end- ed with Clinton winning the group championship. In Seaforth, after a fine :game, Goderich was victor- ious 1-0. 'Glare Hannan kicked the ball for a single point. That night the team members held a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Anderson, R:R. 2, Gaderich. The boys would L•ke to th:anj,, Mr. Ogg for 'making the ,party possible, {a�s a--�, fitting end to a aj�}go1�o7�dy,���iff� not R'YM.D1,i47.1r-1r.5 h�'-i. t tooth li season. -. The , gir tay.F1,1 na t . C 0.11 ..41 �tw.i/ .,. `.. P ,y`. �,�- O�M!.M1 � �'. not -so fortunate as the boys. Both teams were beaten, _ffic Junior 21- 12 by Wingham 'and the Seniors 39-14 by Wingham. The champion- ship winners were Seaforth Juniors ant' Cinton Seniors. Due to examinations, there will Abe no "GDCI News" next week. i-crc eu tams; x"e t 'Q[ertrran, Sep: resenting the three armed forces, did the reverse arms to the roll of drums, played by Bob Fowler. Jim Jackson --played the Last Post and Linda Breckenridge represented the nursing profession. Laurine MacDonald led the school in the singing of two 'hymns, for which Douglas Squires played the accom- paniment. The Rev. S. A. ,Moate, of Victoria St. United Church, gave an inspiringaddress. Several army cadets, on behalf of the school, marched in the Remem- brance Day parade on Sunday. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Nev. 1'2. The W.A. or Grace church held their November meeting at the home, of Mrs. Elgin Cox with 15 ladies present. The president, Mrs. G. Manning, had charge of the meet- ing. The roll call was "Sing, Say or Pay" which proved quite amus- ing. Articles were handed in for the bazaar, also holiday bells and mite boxes. Mrs. Bill Cox and Mrs. Will Cox were in charge of the problem. The afternoon was spent in quilting. The December meeting will be held et the home of Mrs. Keith Cox. The Community Club will meet Wednesday, November 21, at the home of Mrs. Reid Torrance. A layman, Earl Hamilton, Wing - ham, will be guest speaker at Grace church next Sunday. Bev. Renner has gone hun'_ing to Nor- thern Ontario, CARLOW CARLOW. Nov. 12.—Mr. Frank Mcllwain returned home from Brantford hos itel on Sunday. Mr. Howard. Feagen is a.b'ut again after his illness., Mr. and Mrs. Stan McGra'tten and Alric attended Memorial pay services in Goderich nn Sunday, then visited with Mrs. Jennie Me- Gratten Various friend, from Seaforlh visited with Mrs. William Doig on Saturday and Sunday. Several men in the district mot- ored to Clinton Town Halllast Thursday night to aiteid a "Hog Producers" meeting there. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Nov. 13 --Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, of Kitchener, is visiting at the home of her son, Roderick, and his family. Mr. Bert Cunningham, of Tor- onto, spent last week -end with his sister, Mrs. Charles Crawford, and Mr. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert were in Albion, Michigan, on Sunday and Monday of this week at the funeral of Mrs. Tigert's mother, Mrs. E. L. Root. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Tigert in the passing of her mother. Some of the cattle are being moved this week off pastures into the stables due to solder weather. There is still considerable plowing to he done. This was held up due to the dry condition of the heavier land in ther=district. Corn picking s frninhed. All root crops have been stored for winter feeding. Taylor's Corner TAYLOR'S CORNER, Nov. 13.— Week-end guests with Mr. and .Mrs. John Westbrook and family were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins, Bill Conder and Miss Bunty Shutt, all of Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder are on a week's vacation visiting rela- , tives at Arthur and Toronto. They will be attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and (Mrs. Len Collyer and Sandra Jean have just' returned from a six -weeks' trip through Michigan and Indiana States. -, My-. Doug Collyer, necomppaanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Simela•ir, of London, visited in Buffalo last week -end. The November Ladies' Aid meet - ng 'was held at the .ht}m$` ..os_ :may R. Walter with a good attendance and candy sale on Friday, 'Novem- ber 18. The hostesses were Miss Nina Walltrs, Mrs. Jas. McMillain and Mrs. Robt'. Fuller. The December .meet'tig will be - at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ginn at which there will be an exchange of Christmas gifts. BRECKENRIDGE'S TOYLAND IS THE GREATEST EVER ! ! NEWLY REDECORATED! ENTIRE NEW STOCK! COME IN AND SEE ONE WHOLE FLOOR of exciting new toys, GAMES, DOLLS AND PRAMS, ELECTRIC TRAINS, SLEIGHS, TOBOGGANS, WAGONS and C.C.M. FIGURE and TUBE SKATE SETS. 3 GREAT FLOORS OF FINE MERCHANDISE a• DON'T FORGET TO LOOK •VER OUR WIDE VARIETY OF FAMILY GIFTS WASHERS (Wringer and Automatic) ORYERS e. VACUUM CLEANERS New Golden Lewyt ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Small and Large POWER TOOLS Black and Decker HUNTING KNIVES, GUNS Give Your Home A Gift— SEE THE LATEST PLUMBING AND HEATING I IXTURES ON DISPLAY IN OUR BASEMENT. Breckenridge Hardware PLUMBING — HEATING - - `GIFTS TOYS SQUARE AT NORTH STREET PHONE 13