HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-15, Page 5` ati1Z DA,x, NOV. 15$.k ,- 101'46 NEWS OF AUBURN 1 -;,><J URN, blew. 1 .—+liass May Fergus -an, i,: visiting Icer deter, Pis. 'Wand Fremlin this week. Knox United W.M.S. he No- vember meeting of Knox United Missionary Society .was held Tues. day oaf last week with Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall in ehharge and Mrs. William J. Craig presiding bt the piano. Mrs. John Durnin read the Scripture lesson. The heralds responding were M. Fred Toll and Mrs. George Milian. A duet was rendered by Mrs. lied Plaet- zer and Miss Sadie Carter, after which Mrs. R. Hiltz and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig gave reports of the West Sectional meeting held re- cently at Blyth. An account of missionary work was given by IWrs. Oliver Anderson., Mrs. Ever- ett Taylor favnsed With mouth organ selections, accompanied by Mrs. K. McDougall. Mrs. Earl Wightman, the president, took; over for the business portion and plans were made for the Christmas meet- ing, the packing and distributing ofboxes for the shut-in,s and the executive for 1957. IIVIns. Wigh't- naen concluded With the benedic- tion. 1da Whito Misa6an Band. ---The Ida White Mission Band of Knox Presbyterian Church met last Sat- urday with the president, . etty Youngb+lut, in rhar e. The pledge was repeated n,vitli Linda Andrews and Marilyn Deer as flag bearers. The Sclitpture lesson was read +by Barbara Sanderson, followed, by prayer by Marjorie Youngblut. 'JEl1re 'offering was received by John- nie Maclay and the dedicatory prayer 'given by Eddie Haines. A piano E000 was 'played by Barbara MaeKaty which was followed by a sing -sang. The missionery story was told by Mrs. ,Wilfred Sander- son. • The members packed a par- BING LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturdy, November 17 JACKPOT OF $70.00 FOR FULL "HOUSE IN 56 CALLS. lst GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. Col of wed Sunday School papers for a Itatui1tori hospital. A.Y.P.A. of St. Allarleg AWN= Claire&1 held their election of officers for the coming year. The rector, Rev. ren, de Vries, :oke on church wort and responsibilities tin young people have today. The plan re pining with the yth A.Y.P.A was agreed upon. Plans wore made for the Nativity which is to be presented December 16 in the church. The new officers are: President, Lila Daer; 1st vice, Lawrence Nesbitt; ecretaryatreasurer, Christopher : wtchinison. - W.M.S.°— The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church held, their No- vember meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Govier. The president, Mrs. Wellington Good, presided. The devotional period was taken by Mrs.. Frank Raithby. A read- ing was giveif, by Mrs. Herbert GOifier. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Fred Ross. An invitation to attend the Goderich W.M.S. November 21 was accepted. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting with Mrs. Jahn Graham, Mrs. Herbert Gooier and Mrs. Carl Govier, the committee in charge. The studybook was taken by Ed Davies. Mrs. Edgar La presented the slate of officers £ 1957 which was accep'te'd. She, alsothanked the 1956 executive for their work in the past year. Master Gomdron Govier received the offering. The slate of officers for 1957 are as follows: Honorary .pres. ideovt, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; past president, Mrs. Wellington Good, president, CMrs. Wesley Bradnock; 1st vice president, Mrs. Donald Haines; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; recording sec- retary, ars. Alvin Leatherland; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Ross; Mission Band Leaders, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mrs. Gordon Dobie; Glad Tidings Secretary, Mrs. Dunc- an MacKay; 'Welcome and Welfare Secretary, Mrs. Herbert Govier; Home Helpers Secretary, Miss Min- nierWagner, Mrs. Roy Daer; Liter - is the spice of life! Who Doesn't Like MoneoneL ? THERE'S GREATER VARIETY ON And who doesn't enjoy a challenge! The challenge exists and the money is available, on TELEQUIZ, the extremely popular guessing game seen on Chanfiel 10, at 2 p.ryi., Monday to Friday. Ta da: e.:$12 20 •lids- b en given away tosuccessful • guessed the mystery object, incitiding a $1900,401 jackpot .to one. successfut, lady.. The- ' objects are intriguing, the clues revealing and the money enticing. Take a chance each day at two with TELEQUIZ. Entire Afternoon of Enjoyment Channel 10 caters to the lady at home with an interesting afternoon line-up of programs. For your :entertainment view Love Life Secret St re At Home Telequiz Matinee Movie (Thursday Only: COANNEL CF`PL-TV •LONDON —12.30 p.m. —12,45 p.rh. —1.00 p.m. —2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. Monday to Friday Fun With Foods 2.30 prm., Matinee Movie -3.00 p.m.) N O W 25 0Qwatts, . FOR A GREATER, • }` CLEARER SIGNAL THE GOPERICII SIGNAL -STAR au IGN L- alum and Uhwa `d &hereta9y, U, r& Joim Grc arm; ower Oa:rrD,3Y itteee, Mrs. F4 Davies, Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay; student and pis ;seeretary, Mrs. Fred Ross; "organist, Mrs. D. ll tKa ►; a: sistan:ts,, Mrs. D. Haines and PJ1ra. 4. Houston; nc ninatan ; committee for 1958—aMrs' W. Good, Mrs. E. av'ies, Mrs. R. Daer, Ladies Aid officers are: Presi- dent, .Mrs. Ed Davies; secrert&y- treasurer, Mrs. Roy _ P'acr; assistant treasurer, Mrs. W. Sanderson. Mist Margaret King.—Miss Mar- garet King, a lifelong, resident of this community passed away last Thursday, November 8, 1956, in Alexandra Mai -Ili -le and Generial fospi�tal, Goderieb, -after a lengthy illness. She was a daughter (cif the late William King and Merger: et Wilson and lived for many years on the King farm now own- ed by Mr. Ivan Bean, keeping house for her brother, the late Wallace Kinn. Sixteee, years ago she bought her home in the village and lived alone until a couple of years ago. A `nephew, Donald King, resided with her. Miss King had a charming personality which endeared her to her many friends in the ca+nlrnunrty. She was a very valued member of Knox Unit - el Church where she held many offices. She was Sabbath School teacher for over 45 years and also a Mission Band leader. For over 40 years she was secretary of the Women's Missionary Society, hav- ing resigned at the end of 1955. She was also president of this organization for five years. Miss King took a very active part in community activities, being a sec- retary -treasurer af the Women's Institute for 26 years and also librarian of the Auiburn. Public Library for 12 years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. R. Heitz, assisted by Rev. C. C. Washington on Saturday at the Arthur funeral home at 2.30 p.m., with interment in Ball's cemetery. Pallbearers were: Messrs. Donald Fowler, Gor- don Taylor, Percy Walden, Sidney MoCl'inchey, Arthur Youngblut anal Charles Scott. The beautiful flor- al tributes told in a :silent way how .much everyone loved her. She was the last member of a large family. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews Friends were present from Toronto, Acton, Springfield, SjtraJthroy, Lff know, and Seafarth and neighboring cen- treS.- Guests over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell King were: Stewart King, of Toronto; Mrs. Harry Phalen, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Donald King. Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Killough and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John Killough and family, of Springfield: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Lucknow. 'Mrs. Stanley Johnston has re - ••••••••••••e•®®®••csompt BEFORE AFTER Our dry' cleaning performs miracles for your clothes. Give your old clothes a new lease on life with a `befo`re,and- af ter treatment. GODERICH v DRY CLEANERS WEST ST, �io.r !22 tr C.R.LOWERY, Pctor. Si••iii•••ii1111iN•Ni•••i SAVE NOW for the things you want! Whatever you want, saving is the surest way to get it, Add regularly to your savings account and watch your balance grog. Call in today .t t our nearest branch and open an account. We'll gladly help you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MORE THAN 730 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA TO SERVE YOU GD1lRICH t -RANCH: 1 F. A, Waters, Manager. I iS FAGS MP DO iT YQURSELF .f. AT AMAZING LOW PRICES FROM Take advantage of this special introductory offer! Choose from the glamorous range of new 1957 patterns! all you do is ft/it' ...and You need no special skill or tools. Simply dip this Sunworthy Pre -Pasted Wallpaper in; the inexpensive water tray , . ; then slide the paper into place. The paste stays workable for at least 10 minutes, so there's no need to hurry. Precision - trimmed edges provide a perfect join. Washable Sunworthy Pre -Pasted Wallpaper can be cleaned quickly and easily. Dirt and kiddies' finger marks vanish like magic. Give .yourhome the fresh, gay wallpaper look -Save money too. See our new selectioq of patterns soon! SZARF HENDERSON'S STORE turneci from a visit in Lindon with ' her daughter, Mrs. Ray Purdue, 1i 111• .Pur4ue oriel marry , -awl -soon, Lley. Thiiii,ston, tfi.s. Johnston an Alf.. and Mrs. Russell Keyes, an daughter, Mrs. Colqufoun, an -naugnter, and Mrs. earohne 'Seers, et • Mitchell, vissea.. oar Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Seers and Gail, Mr, Fred Seers and Mr. John Seers. d Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt are visiting friend.; 111 Toronto this week and are attending. the Roya: Winer hair- Mrs. Nesioitt is a guest of the De'partment of Agri culture. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Nancy, visited ia'st Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,William Kruse and family at Kitchener. Mr. and -Mrs. Reg. Miller and family, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and Douglas, of Blyth, visited recently with Mr and Mrs. Meredith Young and fam lily. Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson ' Miss Margaret R. Jackson, ' Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Charles Stra.ughan visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mogridgc and Mr. and Mrs. Bet t Marsh, of Petersburg. Mrs. Mogri•cLge accom- panied them home for a day's visit here. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Barbara Mary and Margaret, Miss Minnie Wagner, Mr. Walter Wag ner and Earl Yo'ungblut, visited friends in Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner and family, af Strathroy, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family over the week -end Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller of London `visited over the week -end w;th Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, Mr and Mrs. Gordon _Miller and Gail and with Mr. Joseph Miller at Byth. Mrs. Charles Straug�h•en attended the Legion Memorial Seryice a' Blyth Last Sunday morning and had the honor of laying the wreath :f poppies for the Province of Ontario. The Lonclesboro Women's Insti- .,1.,le are to be .the guests at °•the November ,mecti.ng of the local W.I. Special progran is being pUanned. .k s ecial evening service will be hell next Sunday, November 18, in Knox United Church with Rev. D -r. Semple, of Egmondville, form- erly of North Bay, as guest speak- er. Special music will be supplied by the chair under the direction of the organist, Miss Margaret A. •1ai kson. Farm Forum.—The Farm Forum of S.S. leo. 9 Hullett met Monday evening at the home of .Mr. and "fro. Guy Cunninghtaur with 11 members present. The topic was sen•eral principles whieh need ad- eptation to specific problems of in li'viduals. The problem ----"Do }lie farmers need a manager to help rain their farms?". They decided farmers could use modern methods an'l that each farm should have nd;vidual ,attention. They dccid- trd alio thatThey •shnibI pay for 'he service tht'mtelve ; and that it would he operated by university fiekl men for each county 0- 0 - -o How Many? "When 1 marry," hn4a,ted Mabel, '`a let of men will feel wretched." "Vfy goodness," said Marie, "how ni:'ny :"'e yt'u going to rna•rry9" Si. HELENS d ST. HELEN'S, Nov 12.—Con- -graiuialSine are -dike mt.'ant rT d W. J. Humphrey who on Friday o observed their 64th wedding anni. versary. -. Miss Margaret Miller, studenS nurse at the Stratford General Hospital, was home for the week- end. :vlrs. Will Rutherford and John and Gordon MacPherson spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rutherford at Gananoque. Miss Isabella MacPherson and Miss Marylin Kirkpatrick, student nurses .at St. Joseph's Ilospital, London, were week -end visitors at the former's home here. The ladies of the W.A. of the United church held a success1ui bazaar at the Auxiliary Rooms, Lucknow, on Saturday, when over $100 was realized. • An impressive memorial service was held in the Community Hall on Sunday afternoon when -many gathered to honor the heroes of two world wars. Theservice plan- ned by the • Women's Institute was in charge of Rev. B. F. Green. Mr. J. W. Joynt, of Lucknow, whose father, the late John Joynt, had the memorial placed on the lawn beside the Community Hall, spoke fittingly as did also Rev. Mr. Green. The choir of the United church led in the singing of appropriate hymns and also sang the anthem. Marvin McDonald recited "In Flan- iers 'Fields." Jim Reed, of Dun- gannon, sounded the Last Post before the two minutes' silence, and the Reveille at its close. After the singing of the National An- them, the crowd proceeded to the cenotaph when a wreath was plac- ed by Miss Beatrice McQuillen. Mrs. Dayman of Brucefield is the guest of Miss Mary Murray. DUNGANNON Miss Nettie Sproul is visiting this week with .her sister, Mrs. Aida Wilson, Goderich. M:ss Rebina Sproul accompanied her sister, Miss Cara Sprout, Stratford, who ,is on vacation for a week visiting various places. Mrs. Olive Culbert and brother, Benson Finnigan, has returned from a trip to Oak Lake, Manitoba, where they attended the funeral, of .their aunt, Mrs. Ru.sseI Bailie. Congratulationsto Mr. and Mrs. Rich Finnigan, Goderich, who on Wednesday of this week observe their 561h wedling anniversary. Both are enjoying very good health but were lately saddened oy the death of their relatives who were Mrr Finnigan's sister, Mrs. Russel Bailie, Oak Lake° %Ian., and Mr. Finnigan's hrether, Wm. F1nnigan, Godierich. o---- -se —_ -o HEREFORD BANQUET J. S. Dunbar, well-known Here- ford breeder of the Guelph area, 1 will be guest speaker at the an- ; neral Hurgn Hereford Association banquet!. at Dungannon United Church an Novembbr 27. Pres: - dent of the Association is Allan Petrie, of Dungannon. 0 h -n ' Miss Evelyn L. li aithby, of Lon- don, daughter of Mr and Mrs (,len Raithby, has hen successful in passing her Registered Nurses examinations. Evelyn was a for- mer student at G-i;derich Ilis,tret Collegiate Ins!i;ute 'when her par en's lived in the .Au'nlrn district oINettna . Sneial. r I/tritnio 1/t14 elaxrc ai i e 1 bill wO ru- 1 '0u i An ;� that o.atilliato to the > ta1 1 po tri y ;o ' finger 1194'.vert t ;ng ' and turning .gonitis eanihirti.bte pati. Top: "Tru•Fit" units contract to perinit easy passage over knuckle. Below: then self -adjust to shape of finger, bolding ring gently yet securely in wiled. comfortable position always. 4