HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-15, Page 2PACZ-TWO,- • , lir i?rtrI 'Ignat-'tar N4.1, • HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Istablished 1848. In its 109th year of publicition. • THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR - Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited 0 .upscripton Rates --Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United States, $4.00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post (Mice Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 3,000—Largest.r.lrxuletion of any newspaper published in Huron County—Over 3,000 /bomber of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau of arculat!ons. GEO.'1-. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher., Us. a. THURSDAY, NOV. 15th, 196 U.S.. VOTERS STILL LIKE IKE Mr. Eisenhower gets another term in the White 11,ouse, but control of both Houses of Congress, remains with the Democrats. In certain circumstances this might mean a sue - cession of quarrels between the l'resident and Congress, but Mr. Eisenhower has never been a stiff Itepublican, and on a number of occa- sions since 1952 he has had the eo-operation of Democrats in putting measures through Con- gress evr the opposition of Republican mem- bers. In fact, last week's whopping majority for Eisenhower Ivas less a N'ietory for the le- publicati party thail it was 11 (leillonstration Ot 'Ike's- immense popularity. 'Mr. Stevenson, the Pemocrat it- candidate for President, won only a handful of Southern States, the "Solid SOlith.• which 111 elei•tiutis «t‘ Ow past wit, th, foundation of Octuocratic sirece,., being badly Aisrupted, while the No111101'11 States elit solidly for Eisenhower. As one cO'notietitator put it, "the election proved that 1 it were two .,:reat 1411'1110a' forces r. Elseuhowi‘r and the Demo_ tratie party. Each ,otild, and did, win its own brittle against its own particular opponent —but 51r. Eisenhower could not pull his party to a victory on his coattails, nor 'could the Democratic party put over Mr. Stevenson." This will be 3,I1'. Eisenhower's final term t he White House. Franklin Roosevelt 's reeord of winning four elections was so (HS- ast cflii to the Repttblichns—and some 1)emo. erats--that they had a vonstitutional amend- ment passed Inuit ing the president ntl tenir..e in future to two terms. Canadians naturally are interested in thy (t.. their nearest neighbors. In the past their sympathies in the main inclined to ithe teinorrat ie party. %vhich was looked upon as the low -tariff !Party, while the Republicazi party was dominated by stiff protectionists. There is now almost a reversal of this position. The 1>etitoerats at t iItU ltd t hoot 0411 V011 t .1011 this thr"y ()",1.1,„'ar1 tlit.ir 1,,‘„..tarity 1411'- )lt, while on the ItepoldiVail ,itie President Eisenhower is credited with a liberal attitude on !Hatter,. Of ";() Canadian", hilVt' tti twk.,•;1,1t)11 It) shett to;11,-, over the result of last week's election. EDITORIAL NOTES World neNx-, these (1;( is proving that one pound of well -directed 'action (•olints formore than a ton uf rt•Niolutions,, • * Ili e relative merits of television and newspapers, the question is asked. ''Did you *ver try to clip a television program and paste it in yolir serapbook?'• Think.1 hat one out. VI • • • • The tine w eat her of recent w ha, brought t he suggestion t hat (1 ayl gli t sa ving time he continued through 1 )o tuber. But tober is not akvays so summerlike as it wits this * Of 110,000 immigrants entering t'atiaila in the first nine months of this year over 31.1)01) were from the Litritish Isles. A large It -umber of Hungarian refugees are expected to make 7 • .4. : rmiires.Aion§ rrom the ITUngarian 111- surrerti(in will not be easily eras(41 front the minds of eivilized peoples:(ne, that oppression to the point ofdeath catm,ot quench the passion for freedom; the other, that Russia is as sinis- -ter HI its-rutill crucit- as history reeords---nr imagination can 'l -e-'. • • • • tit«fer'1011 atit)arott 1y, 1 thitari() 'what TeXitt,15 to 111 [tilted States- a (111.(;reIlt coutitr.‘ th, plans of a •,..1 dritil: manufacturer. While toNvns..1111 around us have already had 111 popular liottle inir('duced, Coideri,.11, serviced with 'ire old st'1 1)10111. IOW y • • • • The unseasonably W'aVill %Veit t }WV has thrown up such a stio)ke-screeniigainst the pii•- • t tire of the passing of time that Christmas 1611 be right un us beforewe realize it. Just vomit the shopping days until Christmas itild then figure out how much of t.0U1' shopping you had. (Ione by .1 his time last .vear. iv • • • The busy statistieians sometimes produee -surprising information. For instance, they say that 'Canadians are buying larger holt-ethat) 1 hey (11(1 it few years ago. 1111(1 they give figures for the stateui(ott.. "The average finished floor area trr NIIA houses in 1 947'-'7=7-vve quote from The Financial 114)St--1-" 'was 839 sqtrare feet for 'one-story houses, and 1,091 square feet for arri,112'le-family dWellings: Those figures have now riso -to....1_.097 and 1.132.- One would vont:halo. from ()ItserVilig new housing built in the last .ten years, that the reverse was true. .1 getteril rise in., living standards and an itt- m th. -avetEie: size vertstniN for the. rnisi,,..q,,,for the fittit,;, of farming in his ciriillty ap' brightened by the filet that "many Iluron '.(litg farmers are taking eourses at agricultural schools to aequire scientific a 11(1 teelinieal equipment the coming years. 'Modern agriculture more 1111(1 inure is (1e111alillimt advanced Methods ;111(1 111):to-date knimiedf.fe a those aspet'ts of form. ing which •olite under the heading of agrieul- tural soience. The 0.41.C. at Guolpli is of -Ptnirse.--t:tr 1)est-1:nown and possibly the hest- eqiiipr,ed t}ii' institutions in this Provinee ;tt whieli this training' is to be had, but Ilion' are availahle to pH!' yingig farmers. and from them :dr is issuing 0 steady stream or 111)11 who Jo ow to l'Onle Will be 1ehke\-111,2; sifeeeSS and distinetion in their chosen ‘-oeation. Down Memory's Ldne 45 Years Ago Terming the present Alexandra Hospital "totally inadequate," the board of trustees asked Town Colin-, cit to provide $1ti,000 for the purpose of converting, the resi- dence of the late M. C. Cameron into a modern hospital. The new .bugle band ,madeits initial public appearance. "Before dismissing," reported The Signal, 'the buglens serenaded the young ladies of Maple 'Leaf Chapter, .10 DE, who were serving tea in the 14411414440/ FLOOR POLISHERS HALF PRICE Special Introductory Offer — 1 WEEK ONLY • Replei $25.95 12'5 Easy Terms FULLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Limited Offer - PHONE or MAIL COUPON 9Pree PHONE 904,1 GC-DERICH L PRESIDENT ELECTRIC LIMITED ' 32 BENTON ST., KITCHENER 1 wish to try year hresbd wow Reef Polisher et hods*, et we i. Nome Address Town or RR.. ........... .,.......... Phone W. RR ADDRESS PLEASE MO SPECIFIC CIAIECTIONS 1 PRESIDENT ELECTRIC LIMITED 32 BENTON ST., KITCHENER ammoino••••=annio. old Sovereign Bank premises." Bert Murphy was president of the band, It. W. Craigie was secretary - treasurer and Fred Sturdy .was business tnanager., George Horne sold his 100 -acre farm on the fifth concession of. Ashfield to John Shields, of the second concession, for $4,600. In Goderich Township, at least 34 miles of wire were added to•the municipal telephone system dur- ing 1911. There was a movement to ditch WO license system in favor of "local, option." The temperance workers claimed, "the -pnint at issue is whether or not the resi- dents of Town Couneil want the open bar -room." 25"Years Ago .444.4.4 For the third time within a year, a Huron, County assize court jury failed to agree on the guilt or innocence of two brothers, who were charged with the $6,000 arm- ed robbery of a bank at Brussels. The brothers were kept in Huron County jail .while advice was sought from the attorney -general, Garter scholarships wero won by two GCI students. The find schol- arship, valued at $100, Was won by Arthur N. -Brown, of Dungannon. The third scholarship, valued at $40, was earned by Miss Dorothy . AJlen. For the relief of 11ecler, Sask., :one of the dried -out areas in the West, a cal'load of fruits, vegetab- les, honey an& canned goods was shipped from McGaw station. The goods were ,donated by the people of Nile, Leeburn, Port Albert, Dun- gannon, Carlow, Benmiller and other communitie.s of the district. It was proposed to erect a tablet in connection with the "little old cannon" in the 80 -Year -Old Club Park on St. Patrick street. The cannon came from Fort Frontenac, where it had been used in 'the War of 1812. When .Mr. Draper, of Port Al bert, went into hospital, 14 neigh- bors finished up his fall plowing for him. 15 Years Ago It appeared there would be no intermediate hockey team in Code - rich in 1941,but the Lions Club planned to op"erate a- bantam team, vommarammal THURSDAY, itov...ioih,:i956 and possibly !I jukiOr team. It‘ was learned that.Sky Harbor elementary flying _training school would probably be enlarged to handle 180, instead of -90, stuclents. The corvette "Goderich" was al- most ready for setvice, it was re. ported. , Flight-12eutenah t IL J; Lane, RC AF chaplain, was in charge of the Remetnbranee Day service at the cenotaph in Goderich. When R. B. Weston changed his mind about leasing the rink, Coun- cil decided to call for new tenders. 10 Years Ago The Right Rev. A. L. Fleming and his •wife rettirned from northern tour on the steamer Nas- eople. ycksepti morgan was elected presi- dent at a meeting of SO -young adults in' the hall of North Street United' Church. • * V-8 POWER FOR EVERY MODEL * RUGGED, ECONOMICAL 6's *NEW, _BIGGER CAPACITIES *NEW CHROME -SWEEP GRILLE AND HOODED HEADLIGHTS * NEW FULL -VISIBILITY COMFORT CABS 1t'-11" 11411111: iMiNwoniim . •-• .... . ........ *Y14/,`• • • • Extra -rugged construction for tough jobs, choice of 19 wheelbases Now you can have V-8 power in evefy Fargo model . . Chrysler -engineered high -compression engines that give you top performance . . extra power on regular gas: Or, you may choose Fargo's famous rugged L -head 6 -cylinder engine. With either you get these big Fargo pluses— Smart new Forward Look styling . . . new cab comfort with increased visibility... greater safety with constant - speed electric windshield wipers . ndtsg,, bigger payload capacities . . . and,dozens of rugged, additional features make these new 'Fargo trucks your best choice. Look over the new, complete Fargo line. You'll agree, these are the finest -performing Fargo trucks ever built. Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Vr8 or 6 power . Big, powerful V-8 high -compression engines for every. Fargo model. Advanced dome-shaped design of combustion chambers helps prevent power -robbing carbon deposits. Fuel burns more completely . .. you get full power on regular gas. Im- proved -design 6's also available. New payload capacities Popular Fargo Express models haul heavier cargoes, because of balanced weight distribution. Fargo models range from 5,000 to- 46,000 lbs. G.V.W., up to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. Choose yours now. • New cab comfort Long or short hauls are easier, more c.ornfortable in a Fargo truck. Even the seat -back adjusts to the most comfortable driving angle. Cool, long -wearing upholstery combines beauty with duty. Full wiap-around windshield and new full -"width wrap-around rear window(optional) provide control -tower visibility. Push-button driving Proved -in -use push-button auto- matic transmission makes driving easier than ever. Available on - ton models; you just push a button and the shifting is automatic .Mech- anically foolproof and trouble-free, only Chrysler -built trucks have it. Enjoy it now. FAIRE3,0---irpfuo Ks built to fit your job Exclualvt alligator h ood opens to full 901 s.. Choice of Power -Dome V-9 or famous L-titad 6 power! , Ruggedly designed for severest operating conditional Fargo C.O.E. models take longer trailer*, bigger payloads! - W. J. Mills Motor /Sales ST. DAVID'S ST .0" ts - A, • —:%," • • -.;, • PHONE 755 •