HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-08, Page 94J THURSDAY, NOV. '8tla, 10:13 nstm yup Always Better With Butter 1.. Mix 2Y2 c. rolled oats, 11/2 c. sifted all-purpose flour, 'A c. brown sugar, 1 tsp. soda and 14 tsp. salt. Cut in' c. butter with pastry blender or knives, till mixture is crumbly. Ice cream.and crunchy almonds top these gay Christmas Light -Ups. But the real flavour is baked right in. It's butter -fresh creamery butter -lending its matchless flavor -enriching with its natural goodness. Remember, for all your festive baking and right through the year, "It's Always Better with Butter". FREE I Marie Fraser' s"Merry Christmas" recipes for cookies an Dj candy. Also a her new Butter Bo 2. Press half this mixture in the bottom of a well but- tered E° sq. cake tin; spread with 2 c. whole cranberry sauce and sprinkle with 1 tsp. grated orange rind and '/s•c. shredded coconut. DAIRY FOODS 3. Top with remaining oat- meal mixture. Bake 350°F. Jor 40-45 min. Cut into squares, serve>warmor cold. Make "candles" by topping with ice cream rolls; use almonds for "flames". SERVICE BUREAU �{ o 41 DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street.Tarontc Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star Roll Of Bilis In Jail Bath Tub Is Evidence Exhibit A pair of or trousers was ex- hibit "A" when Kenneth Palmason appeased before A,Iagistrate D. B. Homes to answer a robbery charge. Palmason, a driller who carne to Goderi'ch from North' 'g ay, pleaded not guilty end the ease was adjourned until today so that more esses couldi.be called. Louis Therrlautt, a coilstr'uetion superintendent complained that he missed a roll of bins, amounting to from $100 to $110, after a scuttle 1.vith Patibnasony on the Square on October 25. He testi- fied that lPalmason kept grabbing foo' his trousers, and one of his pockets was ripped off in the' melee. When -Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays held up a pair ofbadly torn trousers as exhibit "A," the anagis- t trate raised his eyebrows in sur- prise. He enqulre¢t of. Therriault, BACKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling .3 may SQOP,It follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. G(3t Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 " Wes they ,m that condition'when you wore wearing 'UM 00:Wn town?" Amid some laughter, nerriault assured ,the magistrate thai the pants 11341 been quite respectable iooklng until after the erarnblc. Ire 514'0 uoto lid;w to donne Riot then, he ward, tt+ l•t when he return- ed to the scene 'he, mad net trod iP Ilaauson. After alting the boli Paltuason was found ha e local restaurant. • Another :exhibit beforkithe cauutt was a roll e bills, and unting o $104. It turned up in the bath tub at Huron County jail after Pa,lma- soga undressed to tale a shower. He had been taken to the jail after police ,bookkd him o'ig a ehar+ge., of causing a disturbance. Under cross -exams i.'stion by de- fence counsel James Dannelly, ' 1herriault denied that he was in the (habit of "flashing, large rolls' of bills. ° Regarding the amount of $100 to $110 which Therriault was carry- ing on the night in question, Mr. Donnelly suggested to Therriault "That wouldn't be,, a big roll to you, would W?" "No," the complainant agreed. Obedient Teacher: "Now, Johnny, why were you notat school yesterday?" Johnny: "Please sir, I was com- ing to school .and a policeman said, 'Mind the steaJnroller stayed ,' so I S y and minded it." SELL IT THRU THE WANTADS SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by C.NR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC. 1S) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: $4,75 Hanover $4.30 Palmerston 4.30 Harriston 3.75 Southampton 4.75 Ingersoll 3.70 Sarnia 4,75 Kincardine\ 5.85 Strafford 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Strathroy 160 Walker -ton 4.00 Wheford Allenford Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora Fergus... -Georgetown 2.45 Listowel fi. 0 Mitchell 410 $3.40 5.90 6.55 3.45 5.20 4.60 - 5.75 - 5 P ltfllingham,. }.75 . .. Brampton ' 85 OUT ON A LIMO. WLTH BILL SMILEY I wish my wife and the lo -cal Ministerialociation would get together. She tliinls, and .tells ane regulartly, that I'm shout as goy, exciting and romantic as an empty hot water bottle. The preachers, on the contrary, seem to think I'm a regular old rip. s o ,t: r, A few uroliths ago, the Minister- ial asked me to take part in a panel discussion on How To Keep Sunday. I was informed; without apology that 1 would be taking the negative, unOhris•tian side of the debate, acting as "the devil's ado• carte." • I was also told that I :had been the logical choice when they were trying to think of a man for the job. That was a bit of a blow, but I swallowed it, and took part in the forum, delivering a well thought out, earnest address. It was re: ceived with prolonged applause (from my wife and the kids, when I practised at home.) The audi- ence, on the big night, was just as hard hit. It could scarcely restrain itself. From going to sleep. That was all very well. But it was another thing when the Pres- ident of the Ministerial called up the other day and suggested that I take part in another forum, on ' Social Drinking, this time taking the positive side. "We thought you'd be just the man for it," he says, bold as brass. How do you like that? Well, I'rn not going to have any- thing to do with i't. 'rhe forum, that is„ not the Social Drinking. It's kited of flattering to have the town's -preachers think you're an old dog, but,I don't vont to acquire a reputation for always being on the sinny side. This latest incident di'd, however, start me thinking about Social Drinking. The term is one of those beautifully vague one. like Neur- . otic, that covers a multitude of sins. We're very fond of them in this a=ge. The fellow • who is so ---hung f.. over the blood is running out of his eyes will tell you with a certain amount of pride, that he's strictly a Social Drinker. The lady who is as nutty as a fruitcake and should have been put away years ago will announce smugly that "I'm very neurotic, you know." Fifty years ago, she certainly wouldn't have admitted -so .-.freely -thixt she -was batty. Drinking, I utter a couple of short barking laughs. ,Social- Drinking is just an excuse for getting plast- ered in ,public, instead of quietly and decentlyhome at or out back of thebarn. "TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE INSURED LOANS `I ... a really safe way to borrow'/ Ton owe it to your family to insist on life insurance protection when you borrow . ° ° and every Trane Canada Credit loan gives you this extra measure of security ai no extra cost, on all amounts to $2500. So, why do without this important, free -of -extra -cost benefit. If your -present loan is not covered by Life inourance, don't delay . • . see Trans Canada Credit now. Life insured Loans are quickly and easily arranged on your own credit at your nearby Trans Canada Credit office. Besides life insurance at no extra cost, Trans Canada Credieoffers you many extra -value, extra protection features in its large selection of convenient loan plans. So be sure, when you borrow. Arrange your Trans Canada Credit life insured loan now. 0 THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE qoderit Telephone,ic- 797 o e:0eeseds•e00..e••aeras•••••sign•sn•dse►•es00dys••ee0e6 LI 4-ukTnz5, i4000,-, ni ae(asijwc svrcnjth To � fe, onjmod'ration jives it c!arm. the Pouse Jean Pau( Ricker ,S'eug ra m Ness ,who think of Tomorrow practice moderation today L.1 -s Social Drinking and the Cdck•tail Party go hand in .wand. A Cocktail Party is a gathering of people pouring free liquor on their empty Mornacts with the utmost dispatch. , They're all getting looped in a hurry, 'but they make a gesture to- ward the Social end of it by eating a cracker with a dead sardine on with every fifth drink. There's nothing sociable ahout Social Drinking. A qi iet glass , with an old friend, by the fire; -haring a couple of bottles of cold beer on a hot day, out fishing; a' good hot toddy after a few hours outdoors on a cold day -those are sociable drinking. But Social Drinking is a horse of a different hue. Ask any house- wife who has come down in the morning after a party, her head thumping like a tom-tom, and view- ed with horror the cigarette -burn in her rug, the stains of whiskey mixed with ashes on her white linen tablecloth, 28 dirty glasses, a ,lady's hanfba.g, a man's hat, 14 empty cigarette packages, and her husband snoring on the chester- field. That's Social Drinking. Ask the fellow who drops' in for a drink, just a spick -lute -up, and just one, after work, before facing the spouse and spawn. He gets talking with the boys. one thing leads to another, and 11e arrives home an hour late. He's a little high- spirit- ed, but scarcely a reeling drunk. All he gets for dinner Ls cold" shoulder and hot tongue. Yet all he was doing was a little Social Drinking. Social Drinking was fine before the women got -into the act. in hose days it was known as "having a snort," ,4r "laying the dust." Men enjoyed a delicious sense of guilt when they got off alone for a nip. There was a good market for cloves. But then women start- ed boozing and messed the whole ,thing up. Mixed drinking develop- ed, and the only thing worse than mixed• drinking is mixing your drinks. >•,I %.Z 41 41 Social Drinking, or Organized Guzzling, as it could just as easily be called, has all the potential de- 'rtructive power of the hydrogen bomb. It leads to broken promises, broken dishes, broken names, and on 'occasion, broken no'os,. The only gond thing about it, and the main reason it's so popular, is that it enables people to nut up with 'he bores, kn4'lckle-heads and other varieties they are condensed to -be social with. To end this little homily, let me just quote the immortal lines pen- ned after a 'part i cal arly hard night by an old driri'king pal of mine: If loll ge' stinking Prom drinking, Tt, isn't Sachs!, It's atrtoeial. Meeting To Plan For Industries , 'Crate, ' . ,• lt'sC�.a e�', �'r',�,1a .and Jtndu t-ry 53:ranch, Ontario ,De- partment of Planning and Develop - neat, will be ,tie guest qlealer at a general meeting of Mit -WeEt- ern .Ontario 'Development A oei ation, to be ,held Stratford Country Club in Stratford on Wcil- ne dray, N, cIr0)er 14. 11.0 uwct ag''laa been called by the iR1rd of i.-cen7M,he As, R a uatz,r, or the varpi e f pre, L--,anting cgea43 t mciu»er Gtidirl eZ .alitie i i1 rth r cwrniQ.5 6i kla . l n, v. $and.A 4 rlGY4+ jrY 7kln and a dk 21v:sir g Da1irg aua - m ala lar future aettivitiea. eiriP r, Inonp� raf the a -nee •in; will DD be J. D. Oa ra, fills «uelpla, Lire.;).• dent of the A,5Hociatloaa ant! the alele� gates will he welcomed ,on behalf of the City of Stratford by 1i1 Worship, 'r ay,utr .%' ...Tr'° ore ory, • ?mix moat ►f the fit have wed. that dm CATunty of I' tit wa l itCt a ;(rust Kit t}ia i F: t ig/bE ral, nireM inr %'m e the A. 4 4him ' fvLinc�r aFti tac'�ii :�' ippl 'Dew C/,Ty�`[c�a.'�yO�le e.7yen�:N(.A ��'V{c.EJ, )^-}i th�-e111l77�i�'h t 41nd otlat;i' toga.n. zati on , liar e n irt3rited ,g attend, it'1 ci lijttlaa to a.untelpal and baht, > rep>" went, .ative9 tot all tuunlei.pulllie4 uri „„„ (tfitiNSO _ •�s:� ...'f �:•}:. • ' tip;:•°° ........ . :.: ..... ... ..:..... ....... ..,� err. ..� .. • and Y O; Class trdtge.iirs Price without trade-in ___ 15.31) SNOW TRAVEL-Bg bargain in Winter driving safety... With a pair of Snow -Travel Tires on your rear wheels you're safety -set an winter long. PULL AWAY fora ice - rutted curbs quickly and easily. CLIMB HILLS without slipping or sliding. NO BOGGING DOWN, even in deep snow, slush or mud. Hundreds of flexing lugs grip land bite their Way through heavy snow, slush or mud. Sturdy 4 -ply Super - Flex Rayon Cord with longer -lasting Jet Cold Rubber Treads. Super - Lastic SNOW TRAVEL is priced away below the market. - 600/16 670/15 Reg. List 5181.95 ✓+wit �.7•,� .. uc:l �i:'7t{ ti"�'"..- ....-....�.'`rA.'6r-►.',I--'^,""'iYA�Y���.;� S's '",IMP"' •��.r,®S1s I/AII trade-in trade -en Reg, List 520.70 -v-'e - SUPERIAST/( YYIAiTER it EXPRESS 670/15 :.c and your-� Class "A" trade-in WINTER EXPRESS Natural Rubber Tree,.dd GET GOINGS - when others can't pun away. KEEP GOING - when others slip and slide. WINTER -EXPRESS "100 -Level" Snow -Mud Tiros with identical quality construction features as now car tiros, at an honest -to -goodness savings to you of 513.10 (with trado-in) on the 670/15 silo. Enthusiastic motorists who switched to WINTER -EXPRESS lass winter tell us that they have never before used a tire with moro downright PULL. The deeper shoulder buttresses dig in to take a bigger bite - got you away fast and easy in heavy snow or Ruud. Smooth - Siding centro tread ribs wipe slippery, treacherous film off ice and wet roads for sure "GO" and safe "STOP". WINTER - EXPRESS will PULL you through any- where, that chains will. Run smoothly and quietly on dry or baro roads. Priced for extra savings! 670/15 With clans "A" trade-in Regular List Price 529.05 1 no 115 with class "A" 1 trade-in Regular List Price $32.85 GUARANTEED and T�® 1� With clasp „A„ ROAD HAZARD INSURED trade-in Regular List Price $39.95 5.95 7,95 19-95 36 North St. "NM" WHETSTONE PHONE 49 Gor &tith 0