HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-11-01, Page 6(By Linda Breckenridge) .
• Last Friday the annual Teachers'
Convention was held in Clinton.
git�iag .the students a holiday. Be-
eaeuse-41.01s, there is a shortage of
news to 'report.
The fourth football game of the
season was held in Winghion. where
Goderich was beaten 16-13. It was
a hard game to lose with our boys
fighting all the way. Bill Robinson
and Frank MacDonald each made
a touchdown and Lloyd Fuller com-
pleted one convert. Since this
a game showed what the boys could
do, we hope that they will be more
successful in the last two games.
On Wednesday afternoon of Blast
week. students of Grades 5, 6. 7.
and 8 of the public school and
separate school and the students
of GDCI ansembied in the 0mns_s-
ium to hear a concert given by the
ental Band of the Canadian
Hallowe'en nigh: did not pais.s
without 3 dance. This years was
sponsored by the Glee Club with
the pr ooeeds going 'towards the
• r.r
• ''I.
TiiUILSDAY, NOY1st. 1958
Pink gladioli and dark rose
chrysanthemums decorated North
Street United Church for the wed -
The \ 'OAA has received entries Lag homebrew hockey is invited Bud Williamson, who was one o,f Potter on October ZO at 2 p.m.
ding of Joyce Wilkinson and David
frnm twv Goderich grveips a fishing :o crane to a - meeting set the arena I
the top scorers in the Goderich
The bride is the daurht
to » mite hockey clubs ' friday night at 8 p.m. After the
purchase of bluets. meeting. we should have a better
here this seen,t� no
: Progress on the year book has j mea of how the team will shape
'been slow, but the photographers ces taints that either team will l up ”
' have been busy taking picturesPIXY' About the only thing that Doug says he has received num-
selling of advertisements has is certain s that there is ice in erous enquiries already from per -
the arena now. sons wilting to play on a home -
:been fairly successlul, but we are
still a long way from our objective.
U. anyone is interested in helping
this project. his aid would be glad-
nunor hockey set-up last season, tend Mrs. K. F Wilkinson, of Gode-
and Ted Williams. George West -1 rich and the groom IS the son of
lake, Jack iNieria. Gordon Walters, )M_' G. Potter, of Mooseheart,
Paul McPherson and "Sung" Alex Illinois, and the late WI
There is 'supposed to be another Potter. • -
practice Friday night and Manager The ceremony was performed
Eleven players took to the ice brew team. Other teams in the Jack L'vans hopes for a larger turn -
Rev. Stanley .Gibson. of Sarnia,
here Tutwday n in the first homebrew league might be Clinton. out for it. and Rev..Charles Durrant, 'of Gode-
practice of the season for Gode- 'Kincardine apd R'inghim. If The Sailors find sufllcient good rich. Wedding mask was provided
rich Sailors. the intermediate 'A" Bill Walsh. who has received his ',�aalibre players and decide to pro -;by the groom's uncle, Fred Mann,
release from Stratford Indians. of ceed for another season, they still soloist, accompanied 'by Mrs. J.
the OHA senior "A" circuit, direct- won't be sure what teams they will Snider.
ed the practice for the Sailors here play against. The Exeter Mohawks) The bride was given in marriage
Tuesday night. He is the leading have considered entering a senior by her father. She and her at -
candidate for the position of play- "B" league this winter, instead of tendants wore original .gowns.. The
ly received. entry which is •support€d by Gode-
j The "phosoph,'" of some stud- .rte Booster Club and has the
eats: blessing of Goderich Recreation
1 sere o purpose in this school and Arena Cornrn.ttee. But Man-
i, On *which no one can frown, i ager Jack Evans was still glum
I always go to every class i about how everything will turn mg -coach with the Sailors. intermediate "A," and there have ,bride's full-length gown hall a tight-
; To keep the average down. I out. He has player difficulties and Jim Nixon, a prolific scorer with been reports that Mitchell might fitted strapless bodice of white
i o--�.—_-0 there is uncertainty about what Durham Huskies, last years On -
BRIDGE SCORES ! other teams. if any. will be in the tario intermediate "B" champions,
' 1e�-tie.
. worked out with the Sailers also
} Seven tables of duplicate bridge Doug Cruickshank. of Goderich. as did Gem McMillan. who was
'were paved on Monday evening at ' has applied to the \VOA1A for per- ' with Milverton last yeal. and Rene
Mrs. Nicol's apartment_ The win- miss -ion to operate a,rmm
hoebrewa Maisonneve, who used to wear
c -s vrr�-Y: mita E L Deas and intermediate "B " A u
club Says
eLtand colors.
choose to play homebrew. atitchell nylon sheer over Swiss taffeta. The
had been considered one of the hoop skirt was accented with ap-
likely starters in an intermediate pliqued designs of Chantilly 'lace
group which might include Gode- set with silver and pearl leads.
rich, Exeter and possib}y Lucan. ,The Chantilly lace jacket featured
, The problem of groupings IS to scalloped neck-line and long finger -
be threshed ou a a t t WOAA
News of Dungannon
DUNGANNON, Oct. 30.—Mr. and
Dirs.-Robert Purdon, of White-
church, visited on Sunday with
their sister, Mrs. Irvine Henry. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan were
visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil
McDonald, of Teeswater, on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips
visited in Toronto over the week-
end. .
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart and
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin spent
a day recently in Pott Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers were
guests on Sunday with Mrs. Fred
Ross, of Auburn, and attended the
Presbyterian Church anniversary
services there. The Rev. W. Mc-
Clean, of Lucknow, was guest
speaker, while the Rev. D. J. Lane,
of Clinton, was in charge of the
Dungannon and Lucknow services.
Charming little Kathy Stothers,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stothers, entertained her little
friends on Tuesday, it being her
sixth birthday. All had an exciting
time and Kathy received many
meet pont sleeves
n . Iter head-dress of lovely gifts. -
Mrs, .1 It ; t�ai,�ie with 810L points; Doug. ,. sr'one interested in play- Others out on the ice included :ng Friday night m Witigham. hand -made French embroidered 'tit. and Mrs. Sheldon Baxter,
Mr. andMrs_ J. K Hunter. 74 { pure silk held the fingertip veil Garry and Norene spent Sunday
- points; bilis. J. Thamas and Mrs.. of pure silk illusion. She carried with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
CLUTTO�I—NIVINS If. Stothers.J. R Wheeler. 72 �Jin:S: firs. F. a white Bible with white streamers
S,uader_ and Mrs-. A Nicol. Grace Beverly N.v:ns vecavf the
Lady Bowler SCOreS and t•ed rosebuds. -
Mr. and Mrs. Muray Oke and son,
t '. points. b -:.:a of Dougal:. Skelton McKay
The bride's sister, Miss Jean of Windsor, were up foi -the week-
iu:air in a ceremony performed ' .Wilkinson, of Goderich, as maid end with their parents, .Mr. and
S was attired in an original airs. J. _Chisholm.
blue gown and carried ink h air. and mfrs. Fr
Badminton —Thursday, Nov. 1st
7 p.m. -11 p.m_
Beginning next week—Badminton will be held on
TUESDAY nights of • each ,week.
- 4:t
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a,. t t.r'n-, +a+r� ti• - i• 1 {. ! 4 sn.
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•�i' � v�,s••`i -ora r .. -
Rooms, large or Small' for weddings. banquets, meetings,
etc., for rent
ink Top 7-riple
of honor,
,barmen psrsun.iae• a; Dungannon ink Jones had as
P n their guests on Saturday their
santhemums. The bridesmaids daughter, Mrs. Weldon Rudow, Mr.
Rudow and children, of Elmira.
Laid to Rest.—On Monday last
a number of old neighbors and
friends paid their respects to the
late Mr. William Finnigan, who
was laid to rest min 'Dungannon
cemetery. Mr. Finnigan farmed
in this vicinity for a lo.ig time and
later, after disposing of -'his farm,
to Jack Brodie, went to Goderich
to retire.
Visitors with Mrs. R. Gardner
on Sunday were her sister, Mrs.
R. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Spiedelberg and family, of Auburn.
Mrs. Fitzgerald. who has been ail-
ing for some time, is now staying
with her niece, Mrs. Spiedelberg. -
Rev 6 W1'a:. .n :he L'n.:ed
a Sa:ur ciao j: noon- The bride , Miss Pat -Strong. R N., of Sarnia,
:s :l e dau` :e: tri a!: and Mrs: The uu:_laming bowler on the trhor: players. Goofers and Spoof- Miss
.�: .1? :�,.Z, o: Nee. ani the l:ka: a'1-ys so far this :ea_on-is;ewent to a fit finish for the B"acebridge. wore identical cal manch. uve
,:..,ai .> t.'ir son of ..e and 11;: Mrs. Jack ateMilian, wilo plays in Si oofers. 1 gown; and carried yellow chry-
�t' Hume C .a:tong. of ' ar.d cn :he Ladies' Social League. "Marjo" Friendly Neighbor League sair:hemums.
The b-,ve wore a u'iile ��a::i reaily poured on the power when This as also a newly organized Welford Chaster; of Sarnia, was
:^r._: g.�wn , r.''o" nc: w,:h dace ;he zn''ed _68, 'r'; and 278 for a league i; headed 1» Pre, dent Jgue of mixed couples only. him briis de's brother Allen Wilkinson. ushers were
" -:� o'e "::n. :,rid a 'ace
h.gh triple of 773. So far, no one Queen, secretary Evelyn Reis and of Toronto- and Don Holme, of
).:eke: aata al a: .nerve, and
1'o -:e: par, co:tont ii,-?r;h_�u:der- has been .able :o :op. that.
treasurer "Ticker" micro. Toronto.` a friend of the groom.
ter,:: ‘e.:. was acid by a pear:. She i member of the "Bomb Team entries are: "Jolly Rollers" t For the reception at the Bedford
co -ane:. ar.de carried a bouquet '(eapt., Bob Rush). "iced Caps" Hotel. the bride's mother wore a
of red nose: and :,-hue ch he- . d pace team in the,('ap "Tick" Mero), "Six B.A.'s" Dior blue crystalette ,dress with
league• leap;., Bo:` Venasse): "Last Chance" dusty rose accessories and the
mums With severa,i leagues now `oiler- «Zr ... Tiny Bedour), "Blue Bells"
lie- sister. Miss Elim Nivins, � �,ca t ail Fisher), and "Six Drips'groom's mother wore a dress of
was brides:m:d In a dress of pink wing• it looks • ) ke a big season P •. grey blue taffeta With pink acces-
ry:on net with :ace iiier•a over for local bowlers. leapt., A. McLean). sones. Each had a corsage of pink
:r. with iia:a'iing lace jacket Church League Team standing after two weeks roses.
and a pink sequ:n band headdress. ;