HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-10-25, Page 64 4 PACE SIX LL THE GODERICH SIGNAL -MIR 3 Bands In Attendance AT GODERICH ARENA 4Lne Water Band, Gids' Trumpet and and Goderich Pipe Band . At 6.45 p.m., children will line up on Square in front of Bedford Hotel and parade to South Street and Britannia Road, headed by .the three. Goderich Bands. c.... ICE SKATING MOVIES PARTY NOTE: Children will be separated at Arena into two groups ; Children up to,sevell years of age will proceed to upstairs Arena, Auditorium; Children from seven to 14 years will gather on tie om"..... eIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.,••eeoemem - Ha 1 1 owee n Party Is Sponsored By Goderich Lions Club OCTODER 25th, 146 4 1 No admission charge to Aro for ANYONE, including 0 4,4!) PRIZES REFRESHMENTS U MONT FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST Let's you SEE and HEAR the BIG DIFFERENCE. Hutchinson Radio & TV HU,IXON ROAD PHONE 498R, -42 1.1,W,Fx.tP,M '114' _ • , "AS timiz>v its 'Hi POST Coric/C..5" PHONE 45 GODERICH, ONTARIO SPECIALS FOR THURS. — FRI. — SAT. 2 59c TUBES C.LGATE Tooth Paste BOTH FOR 89c BIG 6-0Z. JAR Noxzema 98c. SAVE 71c ON NEW WOODBURY Shampoo REG. $1.40 SPECIAL 69c Hot Water Bottle REG. '$2.19 NQW $1.79 59c TUBES Pepsodent BOTH FOR 89c • 50 Xmas Cards . . 98c 20 "LANKY" Xmas Cards $1.00 65c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream , .• 98c Reg. 33c Shield Tooth Paste Special 2 3c Reg. 59c Shield Tooth Paste special 44C Reg. 89c Shield Tooth Paste Special 65c Reg. 98c HALO Shampoo Special 79c IPANA Special — Save 32c 1 —85c TUBE IPANA TOOTH PASTE 1 — 33c TUBE IPANA TOOTH PASTE Both for 86c ere's a toothpaste for people who c.can',t brush after every meal' 98c' 59c 33c " 42 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Elson, John and Elizabeth, of Oakville, were week -end °guests with Miss MacViear, Hincks street. Sunday visitors with Miss Lilias MarVicar werq Mr. E. C. McCor- mick and Mrs. R. 3. McCormick, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Clump, (.)f Oakley Park; Paris. Mr. Norman (7olclough, Light hue street, was in, Woodstock recently where his brother, Doug- las 0. Colclough, 63, died suddenly. Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Port Albert, has returned hom-eafter having been in Victoria Hos.ptal, London, the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Doak, Wayne and Paul and baby Cheryl Ann, of Tillsonburg, visited with I Mr and Mrs. W. E. Doak, Keays street, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockhart, of f:aT Mt. W. H. Doak on Monday R. Elwyn Doak, wheelsman on ,the S.S. Soodoc, visited with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Doak, Mr. and Mrs. G. McManus and family spent the week -end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, of Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin and son, David, of Oakville, were week -end guests with Mrs. Martin's parents, MT. and Mrs. Wm_ Daer, Tilt street. iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Lafave, of Cleveland, Ohio, were recent guests with Mrs. M. H. Marttin, lgin avenue. Miss C. McClinton, Keays street, had as her guest over the week -end -Mr. Gordori wightmanty Grand Hockey Picture Still Unsettled What's the Goderich at the "That's a good question!" hockey picture moment? Museum Convention Dejegates I Attend Knox Church Service Si, infants were baptized by Rev. R. G. MacMillan at the Sunday morning service of Knox Presby - in terian Church. The children were Cheryl Ann Ruth, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. D. Doak; Christine Roberta, Jack Evans, the somewhat puzzled daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. manager -of Goderich's WOAA in- Hamilton; Martha Kim, daughter of termediate "A" Sailors. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston; He hopes to know more by to- Keith Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. night. In the meantime, there is W. G. Williams; Karen Joan, (laugh - still a possibility that the Sailors ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. MacPhee, won't operate. It all depends on and David Gordon, son of Mr. and whether or not they can get the i Mrs. E. G. Mitchell. playing coach they are after. says GOTHAM TRIO DRAWS CROWD A near capacity crowd enjoyed an- evening- of fine--nusie -when the Gotham Concert Trio played in the auditorium of Goderich Dis- trict CbIlegiate Institute Monday evening. It was the first in a series of three concerts to be staged in Goderich by the Community Con- certs Association this fall and winter. The trio was composed of three New York musicians: Sylvia Rosen- berg, violinist; Seymour Bernstein, pianst; and tkrdyth Alton, cellist: They proved themselves versatile musicians and the audience soon warmed up to their style. ARCHIE,TOWNSEND WINNER, OF $1060 IN iA CONTEST-- artr) .`"q•' , he is singing the (praises of vitam- in pills louder than usual these days. The reason is that a Sew days ago he - received notice of having won $1,000 in a contest to promote a well known brand of the .energy -giving pius He won the top award „in com- petition withe,thundredseee lOther drug store employe -es. At last re- port, he was still considering to what use he would put his win- nings. AWARDED DAMAGES In an action arising out of an auto accident, Mrs. Florence Diego, California. They are the Mathieson, of East street, was family of the late Mrs. George awarded $35 property damages Huffman.' by Judge R. S. Clark in County Mrs. Harry E. Sanderson, -of Court here this week. The defend - Ingersoll, is renewing acquaint- an was I. Haasjes. antes in town this week. The accident occurred on.Easter ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mooney, -of , Sunday roll this year. Mrs. Ma Midland, visited at the week -end !zon was 'represented ny Donnelly with the former's mo'her, Mrs. D.18z. Donnelly, while Ilaasjes was D. Mooney, North street. represented by Hays and ?rest. The minister weAcomed members of the Museum Section of the Ontario Historical. Society to the' service. They were in. Goderich .parents. a Arena via CLOWNS ice surface. •••••••••ememe•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••firessim 4 1.419111144•11140 for a week -end conference. In his sermon, Mr. MacMillan said it is important to remember that the Church's foremost task is to .bring 'the Knowledge ci,f Christ to the men and women of the world. "When you think of the increas- ing emphasis on material things and the growing threat 'of Com- munism, you almost shudder at the magnitude of the task," he said. A solo, "The Altar of Prayer," was sung by Glen Lodge. The chancel choir took part in the service, and all music was directed by W. H. Bishop. '0 0 Mrs. S. J. Gibson, of Car- gill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston last week. BRITISH- HOTEL DINING ROOM *OPEN SUNDAYS Bring your family and enjoy a fine- meal- of well prepared food. Specia. •, - .,......,,,,,.....y,l'e•-,I,,,z zi„.4,:iyit2„.a.dittrinpir--T-,..- of -town guests included Mrs. Har- ' ....4 . 4 ta10,,fere,-64.6044,11.1.6., ,_, 11N411( 1.1: ter, Mrs. Howard Craig, of Flint, Michigan, spent the week- end with Mr. Morrish's sister, Mr.s J. (Tabb, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, 'Britannia road. Other out - 1 old Livermore and son, Bobby, of St. 'Catharines, Mrs. Herb Cran- ston. of London, and Mrs. H. E. Sanderson, of Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larder have returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bancroft, Los Angeles, California; also Mr. and ,Mrs. Ted Trambley, Judy. Nancy and Edward, at Torrance. California, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson at San A Gift For The Home Is A Gift For The Whole Family FREE MATTRESS Yes, it's true. The mattress -is free when...you buy this handsome 3 -pc. Bedroom Suite Reg. $35400 Reduced Reducti to $225.00 AND REMEMBER, YOU GET A FREE MATTRESS AT THIS LOW PRICE, T • 1.0DGE FURNITURE West Street ' Phone 774 leiromernommor 111MNIMM111.111W 411111116111111,..1111, OBITUARY MRS. R. J. BELL Mrs. Robert J. Bell died at her residence, Cambria road, on Wed- nesday afternoon in her 79th year. Predeceased by her hi.sband, she is survived by a son, Reg Bell, of Goderich; a daughter, Estella, Mrs. C. D. Connell, of Clinton; one bro- ther, Fred Johnston, el Goderich, and one sister, Mrs. John Bell, of Norwich. The Tuneral is to beheld Saturday from Lodge funeral home. Further details will be published next week. ‘11011ssor. BOULEVARD BLAZE Firemen used dry chemicals to extinguish a blaze on Waterloo street beside Hutchins' Service Sta- tion Tuesday afternoon. It is thought a match or a cigar- ette butt tossed by a smoker may have ignited a small stream of gas and oil on the boulevard. The fire carried into the sewer, but was saon extinguished. There was no real danger, said firemen, since the blaze was con- fined by the road on one side and the sidewalk on the other. THE LITTLE Bowling Alley --stilTrairable. Mice bowling periods, plus ALL DAY SATURDAY Contact us for reservations. Phone 1509. Organization of a boys' school league is now under way. _ . ;mob- 0,, '11.41r4111101111101.1141.111111ONINIMINIIMEINNINSINNEMI • EEDY'S r ( ) c ( ' ) ) Is) , )7) LUCKY DOLLAR ood Store 1 TODAY—FR1DAY—SATURDAY NEW LOWER PRICES I 4111 Sale Starts 9 a.m. Today og 0 FULL OF GROCERIES SHOPPING BAGS Eedy's brings you lower prices through the mass buying 1 facilities of Lucky Dollar Food Stores WILL BE • with which we are now affiliated. GIVEN AWAY FREE • SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY QUALITY GREEN GIANT FANCY QUALITY GREEN GIANT NIBLETS PEAS 150, TIN, 2 for 39c CORN 14 OZ TINS 2 for 33c ROSE BRAND GOLDEN HOUR ASSORTED PACKAGE, MARGARINE Ib. 31c CONFECTIONERY 29c • SUGAR 10 lbs. 83c COKES FREE cold bottle of Coca-Cola to every customer while we celebrate our will be given REDPATH grand opening TODAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Gold Medal 16-o. reg. far HEINZ FAMOUS PRODUCTS Bee Hive Peanut Butter 33c Ketchup 11 -oz. bottle 25c CORN SYRUP 31c Wagstaffe's—with Pectin 24 -oz, farBaked 15 -oz. Clover Leaf—Solid white meat Ms tin tin Strawberry Jam 49c Boston Beans2 for 41c ,TUNA FISH 41c 2-1b. tin Clark's—in Chili Sauce 20 -oz. tin Cooked 15 -oz. fin Pork & Beans 2 for37C Spaghetti 2 for 31c White Swan White 70s—pkg. Clover Leaf Fancy Cohoe Ms tin SALMON 43c Mixed or Oatmeal 3 -oz. pkg. Serviettes 2 for 35c 200's Infant Cereals Pkg. 19c Kleenex 2 for 35c Interlake "rained 5 -oz, tin Toilet Tissue 2 f°r 27c Infant Foods 2 for 19c Orange Pekoe pkg. of 30's Strained 3% -oz. tin Salada Tea Bags 43c Infant Meats 2 for 45c Grand Draw — KROEHLER ROCKER — VALUE 00.00 Receive "Free Draw Tickets at Check-out n Te be drawn Saturday, November 3, 10 p.m. , SAVE 11c '4=1 ITHIS COUPON IS WORTH VI CENTS 1 Clip it out, bring it to EEDY'S and I you'll get a 6- Bottle Carton of Bisset's I Flavored Drinks co, only c plus deposit