HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-10-11, Page 10rAGE .114N 9 THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR eiseujeSDAY, OMB= WI, 19; Woadsasdiry ticelo b deadline far Classed M. Flee lines 9r less„ Sect, 10c far .eacit additional line. 25c extra for 'office box number. 1A. For Sale (General) FOR THE ISI" WY ]LN U$ED appliances, sec SHORE AP- PLIANOUS, 0 the Square. Your Frigidaire Dealer. -12tf Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 250 extra it ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publica'cien., I 'TOMATOES FOR SALE, SIX quart loa.sket, 50c. Bring con- tainers. V. GIBSON, Widder street. 392% 65 PIGS, TWELVE WEEKS OLD. JIM UCHAN AN , R.R. 4, Gederich. 40x BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 6; CHINA cabinet; pair of snow tires, 15,670. Phone 939W after 6 p.m. -40 10tARY UDGIES $7.95; ILIRD cages, seed andpet supplies; gold fish and supplies. GODERJOH FLOWERS, 09 Bruce street, phone 105. -14tf a,LAS-S TOPS FOR COFFEE tables, television sets, dressers, desks, etc., Made to erder, cut to size and edged. Protect your furniture with glass. BEEVERS AUTO AND ;ICYCLE SUPPLY, West street, phone 295. -14t1 Hygienic ruppnes (rubber goods) meiled postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price lisL Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., sex 91, Hamilton., Ont. pLOWERs FOR ALL OCCAS- IONS." Seasonal pot plants from our own greenhouse. Flowers telegraphed anywhere. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. -18tf SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR USED electric washers, ranges and refrigerators. Bargain buys. Mac - DONALD FJP.CliUC, Britannia road. Your General Electric Ap- pliance dealer. Phone 235. -19t1 SERVICE IN CLEANING your glass and putting on your storm windows: your -garden and- taking_ away the refuse; your floors and waxing; JACKSON'S ROME AND GARDEN SERVICE, 131 Picton street, phone 1386. -39t1 Olfe BURNERS CLEANED. FOR service in cleaning oil space heaters, call daytime 774; after 6 p.m. 522R. -39tf SolINGLE BED; ANNEX; RADIO and record player cabinet. Phone 769 or call at 14 Elgin avenue. -40 HONEY. CROP '56. 2 AND 4 ,pound pails left only. M. A. BLOK, 174 Huron road, phone 892. -40tf --10EATTY ELECTRIC WASHING -- - a machine; laree size Quebec teeter, burns coal or wood. Phone 1051J.. -40 jpo THERM OIL SPACE HEAT- ER,- blonde finish, medium size, in good condition. Phone 1329.1. -40 TWO OVERCOATS, SIZE 38-40; pair men's skates, size 11; elec- tric rangette; antique couch. Phone 1449. 40x - IRL'S THREE-PIECE KENW 0 0•D . suit, size 4; boy's corduroy coat and hat, size 2; boy's pram suit, size 1; gi,rl's pram suit, size 1; boy's winter overboots, size 6. MRS. BURNS JERRY, 31 Victoria street. Phone 921. -40 'USED MACHINERY— • 2 Lundell forage harvesters for late hay or corn stalks. # New idea' mowers before they go up in price. # 1 Good used Ferguson mower. I Massey -Harris 81 tractor, all - 'overhauled - Used New Idea 2 -wheeled spreader Veepai2qti2V4std-40ea,',0--ste, peak:mist; eplkesrs. # New Spreaders. , 0 Purina Chows. GEORGE WRAITH, Waterloo M. -M. Farm Machmery, Phone 1285, Montreal street; Goderich. -39 s.• TWENTY ACRES OF COB CORN. PETER VAN FireSWYK, R.R. 1, BayfieId, phone HU 2-9234. 39-40x pms, SEVEN WEEKS OLD; 2 "A" litters of 7 each. PETER VAN ELSWYK, 1, Bayfield. Phone HU 2-9234. , 39-40x 16 M.M. RCA VICTOR SOUND recording machine, in excel- lent condition, selang price $250.00. Phone London 2-4772, DON FAIR - BORN, 332 Central avenue. 39-41x NYBODY REQUIRING MAN- URE' for g'ardens, phone 1248J. 3941x QUANTITY OF GRAVENSTEINS, McIntosh, Spys and other var- ieties of cooking apples. HARRY MITCHELL, phone 426 W 2. 39-42x THREE LADY'S WINTER COATS, "'• size 18-20, colors grey and brown, also dresses, size 18. Phone 365, 211 East street. -39 ROASTING CHIOKENS, 40c A — pound. Phone 1053 M 2. -39 1956 JOHNSON SEA HORSE outboard engine, 51/2 Isis.; gearshift --forward, reverse, neu- traL, 114ilemaster tank and hose. Top speed about 15 mph. Trolling speed 1 !mph and up. Purchased riew last July. Operated less than 100 Miles. Guaranteed, Al condi- tion. Phone 1550. ;40 CUT FLOWERS, SEASONAL; mums beautiful, wide range of colors; gladiolus; floral a rran ge - ments . L. R. HOLMAN, 187 Cam- eron street, phone 722. 40 OIL SPACE HEATER, 5000 B.T.0 capacity, in excellent condition. 139 South street, plume 1133M. 39x THREE LARGE WINDOW SASH, a- 6 ft. 6 x 4 ft. 8, practically new. Write P.O. BOX 367, Goderich. -40 IIABY TURTLES — SPECIAL a --a while they last, 69c each. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. -40-41 0 Lsahape barn contains concrete stalls and steel stanShions. The comfortable house has seven spac- ious rooms. Hydro in all buildings and a never -failing water supply. Why Rent? When you earl purchase this fine four-bedroom home for a low down payment with the balance on one mortgage. This house has double living room, dining room and kit- chen. Good location. Meadowbrook Restaurant The equipment and stock of this progressive restaurant located on Highway 21 just south of Cooderich is offered for sale at a very reason- able price, with terms available. Lease available on building. Six -Room Frame — $3,000 Down Payment This home is in an excellent state of repairs and contains three bedrooms, bathroom, living room, dining roam and kitchen. Only $3,000 down, balance on one mort gage. Looking foo- a Place in the Country Just a few miles from Goderich there is a small farm on which'is a six -room house with nydro, pres- sure system and bathroom, large barn containing chicken house, concrete stalls and hydro. Seven acres of good clay loam. Very good terms available. See this one today. 1-e. !STINGS AND E.N*UIRIES IN- VITED, for residential or stun - mer homes; business properties. PETER S. MacEWAN 43A West St. Goderich Phones 230 — 459 Building Lots Several well located lots for sale. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street IMPORTEWBUTCH-B4LBS-. -OUR- large selection of tulips, daf- fodils and hyacinths for bedding and forcing is now complete. For best results buy and plant early. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. 4041 Goderich JOHN BOSVELD ° Real Estate Broker WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PROS PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MA.THERS, R e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 135W. -12t1 AVE CLIENTS WISHING to purchase two and three bedroom homes priced irons $2500 to $6000. List today with HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street. Phone 766. -24tf 3. Agents Wanted •`‘'AWLEIGH BUSINESS N 0 W OPEN in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. RAWLEIGH'S DEPT. J-216-189, Montreal, P.Q. -40 MAKE MONEY EASILY SF.I.To ING finest line of household necessities, full or part time. Wherever you may live write in for free catalogue and details. FAMILEX, Dept. B, Station C, Montreal. 40 1EINDEPENDENT! EARN from $50 to $75 •per week at the beginning in selhng ,225 first quality products known and liked by the public. Exclusive territory. $18 needed. JITO: Dept. 4, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. -40 11 -NFU MESHED SELF-CONTAIN- ED apststments. CORNISH ELECTRIC, West street. -29tf SMALL WARTIME HOUSE ON Warren street, equip,. ei with oil spate heater. Phone 101M. 40 GiROUND FLOOR HEATED , apartment available immedi- ately. Phone 200W. After 5 p.m., I014J. 40x .FURNISHED, HEATED GROUND floor apartment, kitchen and dining MOM and bedrotane down- stairs; three-pjece bath; private entrance. Reasonable rent. 33A Essex 'street. Phone.91‘1. -40 TIMEE-11,0014 APARTMENT • OR store, ground floor, on Square; else three-rooM heated apartment with ,bath.. Pkow 90 or after 8 p.m. phone 328. 40tf pURNISHED, HEATED APART- MENT.' -11- Immediately. Call 570. 40x Luxury type of a large home, choice location with view over lake, learburearaleriver, hot water- heat- ing, two bathrooms, garage, priced very low. to • Near ,high schoo: on South street, large apartment house and ten acres of land, full price only $5,500. FME RABUILDING, 8' X 10' COV- • We have an exceptionally good '- ERED with insul brick sidingbuy in a three-bedroom wartime Apply to MRS. FRED MORGAN, house, nicely decorated, good local - Essex street. Phone 1346. 40x itY, low down payment, balance INE PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS OLD. $30 monthly. , JAMES RUDDOCK, R.R. 5. 'Nice brick home on Trafalgar Goderich. 40x street, modern kitohen, basement, OY'S SKATES, SIZE LrKE furnace, full price only $7500. Mortgage can be arranged. new. Phone 4 r 1, DungannOn. 40x o . Close to Square, three bedroom ,CLARE JEWEL RANGE -IN-1-ovelY. brick bein10.•-g11/07,001s0 three- ciaoft, watax. Riece bath, fireplace, basement, frA./7 4.11mgc 4174.j., ok,y, eelsearallessotrsbey---gare-ges • 'I'. , , , -17 mg IB. Real Estate <, MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE Small cementblock builaing on South street, $2,500.00, suitable for a small business; might be convert- ed to dwelling. One of the mot modern ranch - style bungalows, in an excellent, newly developed area in west end of town, one block from the lake. The dwelling is of first-class style throughout, with attached two -car garage. There are two large bed- rooms, large living room and din- ing area, nicely appointed kitchen with mahogany panelling, modern tiled bathroom, laundry -utility room, small office; heat by a Gen- eral Motors Delco -Heat oil furnace. Dwelling is on a very lovely lot. Shown by appointment only. Lakefront properties oi Gode- rich. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker HAROLD W. SHORE. REAL ESTATE BROKER Here's a very good buy—a large home close to the Square. It has many business possibilities, double living rooms, dining room, three bedrooms, garage. Can be bought with low down payment. A lovely small two-bedroom bungalow, west end of town, choice location, only $4700. A real money maker, three apartment brick home, three bath- rooms, new oil furnace Priced to sellr-$7509. Near Dungannori, 100 good clay loam farm. frame house, large barn garage, only $8,400. f Farms. 1 Stores. Income properties. Cottages along Lake Choice lots for sale. . Let us help you with your Real Estate problems. Duplex—Reduced $1,000 Containing two apartments, each having two hetitooms, bathroom, kitchen and living room, this in- come preperty anay now be pur- chased for only $4,500. Three -Bedroom Bungalow — Re- duced $500 Only two blocks -from the Squeire, this cosy five -room bungalow may now be purchased for only $4,500. Terms available. 150 Acres — Auburn District On the 110 acres of workable land on this farm grow some of the best crops in this district and fhe remaining 40 acres is good hardwood bush which, in a few yearwill be worth the pre,,ent asking price of the farm. The acres very builtwell henhouse, 4. Help Wanted - WANTED- TO rLEARN....TV business; have opening for installers and service men. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION; P.O. Box 602, Goderich. Phone 1344M. -301d MEN WANTED TO TRAIN AS DRAFTSMEN In a few short months you can be cashing big pay cheques. There is a tremendous demand for drafts- men. We will train you at home in your spare time to be a drafts- man. No drafting background or previous training needed. All book a and instructions for as little as $1.50 a week or $6.00 a month. Established 1897 not for profit. Dreftsm-en areedesperately needed by industry. Ma/NS-YOUR, CLWICE,..T•01--e-0-7-' ;RARE .,FOR., BIG STEADY PAY MW A -GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTSMAN. WRITE FOiR FREE INFORM-ATION, Huron. Buying or selling contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich ,Phone 1108. AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept. G., S.S. 24 Homewood Avenue Hamilton, Ontario MAIL without any obligation cam- lete information and 166 -page oak on over 50 good paying job -s, includi ng Drai tsman Name Age Address 40-41 110USE1EEPER FOR FRIDAYS, 9 to 12 eons, 1.30 to 5.30 .p.m. or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 410. 4041x F XPERTENCED HARDWOOD breakout man, also one ex- eer:enced Furniture Finisher, and two younger inert to learn good trades. We are expanding and need good men. oPleasant working con- ditions, good wages, very steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll. -40 SIX-ROO.M HOUSE, WARM, GOOD cellar, garden. WARNER W. WALTER, .1.17 Britannia road. -40 FURNISHED, HEATED APART- MENT, use of frig. and wash- ing i`litiehine. Phone 10,51W. 40 'ROOM TO RENT WITH BOARD. "A' Phone 14)51W. 40 6. Wanted (General) "A LITTLE GOLD NUGGET FOR the working man's budget." Wartime house, three-bedroom, aluminum screens and storms, par- tial basement, recently redecorat- ed, private 'drive. Low down pay- ment. 371 Huron road. Phone 786. -37tf 1200 yr. LAKE BANK PROPER- TY, north Of Goderich. Parcel of land eontains 84 ,ales, 65 acres under cultivation and is of medium loam. Lake front area has excellent beach. For further details contact PETER S. Mac- EWAN. 41A West street. Phones 230 and 459. - -40 (ILD HORSES WANTED AT 3Sec lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at mese. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. -ltf ppomuis WANTED. APPLY ''``. 64 East street, MRS. IVAN LOUZON, phOrie 730W. -38ti ROOMERS WANTED. MRS. M. OHLER,, 36 Cambria road S., phone 1255W. -39tf, .youNg, WOMAN WANTED TO share comfortable room, separ- ate beds, with business girl board if desired. Phone 331W. -40 viAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor pol- isher and. vacuum cleaner from SHORE APPLIANCES, on the Square. -35tf Rummage sale sponsored by Ihe Home and School.Association will be held in MacKey Hall, Saturday, October 20, at 2 p.m. -39-41 Goderieh ,Pavilion Dencing every FridaY night, Square Dance and Rock -'n -roll night, Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks; every Satur- day night, Paul Cross and his orchestra. e -39 The Goderich Badminton Club will start theie fall play on Wed- nesday, October 17, at '7 pan. in the G.D.C.I, gymnasium. Every- body welcome. 40 Plan to attend the annual Arthur Circle bazaar and tea, on Wednes- day, November 7, in Knox Church Auditorium. r -39-43 4111414141111=1/111111PMMOMI=111/11.111.1110 LARGE, FURNISHED, FRONT bed -sitting room, hot plate, suitable for two girls. MRS. KEN. ALLIN, Maple Leaf Cabins, Vic- toria street. Phone 594.1. -25tf pURNISHED, HEATED APART- -A _MEM,. oallitalaleA for .Penale, utilities paid, electric frig. and etove, use of ielectric washing ma- chine and laundry. Phone 380. -26tf 11/OUR-R0OM GROUND FLOOR apartment, hardwood • floors, furnace, nice large yard, use garage. Phone 328. -38tf WEST END OF TOWN, THREE- ' ' BEDROOM home, large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and bathroom, all on ground floor. Insulated oil fur- nace. Apply JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, 40 Wellesley street. -38 10. Briefs Sewing maehines, Yes I am back in business part time. Even- ings, 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Repairs—supplies— new and used rastehines. Budget terms arranged. CHARLIE WOODS, the Sewing Machine Man, 44 East street. -35tf Wilson's Delivery Service are agents for Bruce Dryo•aners. Other district agents are at Shep- pardton, Port rt and .Kings- bridge. 40x Order Shall furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. -39tf RELIGIOUS GOODS: Rosaries, Prayer Books, Missals, Crucifixes, etc. MacLAREN'S STUDIOS — Goderich and Clinton. -46 Our samples of picture mould- ing are now on display at Chas. Larder's Paint Shop, East street. Orders may be left there for fram- ing. MacLareo's Studio. -16tf Artist Supplies. Winsor and Newton's Oils. MacLaren's Studio. Picture Framisig Good selec- tion of mouldings and picture glass. Also framed prints. MacLaren's Studio (At Clinton Studio Tuesday and Thursday afternoons). -38tf "Archibald the Arctsc,7rthe life story of the late Bishop Fleming, is expected to be on sale in Octolaer. Advance orders will be accepted at Henderson's Book Store. -38tf The Girl Guide,s local association Will be eoliciting orders for Christ- mas holly again this year. Watch for further particulars. -40 Wilson's Delivery Service, agent A PARTMENT, FURNISHED, TWO for Bruce Dry Cleaners. Free piek- Teeing-41th: bath aiid:"-b-are-Oliy; 1417 an4 'delivery : le-f.11(3'ne- 11-77w s lovelx view of lake, immediate p:OS- mornings. 'FrOVELL, .10 St Vince/its-street,. "••'•' '-t--""srssrsr-r-- °"-• •••o•^-••• • phone 213 213. -32ti TIIREE-R001V1 APARTMENT with bath, unfurnished, self- oontained, corner North street and Square. Phone 90. -341f RMALL APARTMENT ABOVE " Tots and Teen Shop. Phone 1521W. • -35tf FURNISHED ROOMS,. REASON- ABLE rent, all electrical ap- pliances, possession at once. Phone 584W. MRS. S. McKAY, 166 Cameron street. 39-41x • 9. Coming Events Be sure to attend the Horse' Races at Agricultural Park, Gode- rich, on Saturday, October 13, at 2 p.m. Horsemen's banquet in the evening at 7 p.m. in Arena Audit- orium. kA dessert "500" and bridge under auspices of Goderich Wo- men's Institute will be .4e1d in !Legion Hall, October 12th, 'at 2.15 p.m. Admission 50c. -3940 ,..1111101l="111.11111, 2. Real Estate Wanted The Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club will meet at Mrs. Nicol's, 46 West street, on Monday, Ootober 15. at 8.15 pm. New members are cordially invited to attend. -39-40 KINSMEN PAPER DRIVE, Wed- nesday, October 17. Bundles of paper to he tied and placed on boulevard before 1 p.m. The W.,C.T.U. will meet at the horrte of Mrs. Thos. Graham, Bay- field road, on Tuesday, October 16, at 3 o'clock. Roll call—wIliantka- giving." -39 7: ToRent WANTED.—LLSTINGS OF ,PRO - T PERMS for sale. C. F. CHAPMAN. Realtor. Phone 18W. -39tf ; "SPEEDY" •rnAmmrsi•Auivi-b, by SAMIS MOTORS "Here's Economical Transportation!" 53 tUWK SEDAN 47 CHEV. SEDAN 59 PONTIAC 'SEDAN 53 GMC 1/2 TON TRUCK 51 PONTIAC TUDOR ti5 14UI0K SEDAN 49 SarUDEBAkEE, '.4T0RE ON SQUARE, FORMERLY McCreeth'Grocery Store. Width, 20 ft and 50 ft. deep. Furnece. Apply JAMES A. CAMPBELL, at Campibell's Drug Store. Available no*. -32 pURNISHED COTTAGE, THREE roams and bath, heated. Phone 664, EMERSON OVERHOLT, Huron road. -39tf SMALL COTTAGE, SUITABLE fOT couple or one .person. Mailable at onee. Phone 1376W. -39 Rummage sale at St. George's ,Parish Hall, on Saturday, October '13, at 1 o'clock. Sponsored by the ',-Margaret Seaget slub. -40 The Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the board room on Monday, October 15, at 3 p.m. New members welcome. 40 ‘4 44f-6 4 4 TELE GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD Breeders are holding their Annual Autumn Sale of 14 bulls and 20 females at the WIDOW. MOUNTAIN LWESTOCK ASSOCIATI+N ARCOLA, SASK. leFEEDER and STOCKER SALE 0 CPO 't Elt, 26th, 1956 1500 HEAD OF THE BEST CAT'ILE IN MILE WEST . will be sold by Auction Graded Car Leads of Herefords, Angus and Shorthorns. Save 200 miles of freight haul by ,buying at Arcola, in the S.E. Corner of Saskatchewan. First -Class Hotel Accommodation. JAY BLACKMORE, Auctioneer For Information write _Secretary MOOSE MOUNTAIN LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION ARCOLA, SASK. -40-41 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- ' HOLD FURNISHINGS at the residence of Mrs. Nellie Watson, Village of Londesboro, adjacent to United Church, SATURDAY, OCTOBER lath, 1956 at 1 p.m. (sharp) Offered for sale are the follow- ing effects; Kelvinator Refrigera- tor; Beatty washer cook stove (Beach); 2 electric hot plates; Elec- tric tea' kettle; 3 -piece (wine) chesterfield suite (excellent condi- tion); 8 -piece dining room suite; 5 rugs, with underpads, various sizes from. 9 x 101S, to 9 x 12; woollen mats; floor lamps; rockers; end tables and odd !chairs; mantel radio; vacuum cleaner; 4 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses; grey baby buggy (English style); stair carpets and rods in A-1 con- dition; draperies (assorted shades); wash stands and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, in- cludeing garden tools, lawn mower, dishes, etc., also a quantity of wood and coal. --Offered- -foresale- -subject to --re- serve bid, 6 -room cottage, asphalt siding, with hard and soft water inside, inside plumbing and equip- ped with hydro; Duo Therm oil burner (used only five -months), oil piped in from outside tank con- taining 40 gallons of oil: shed 18 x 30 and a moderate size lot. TERMS ..;of Sale as follows—Cash on Chattels. On Property 10% down, balance in 30 days. MRS. NELLIE WATSON,' RABATIOH.—As we have sold the - British EXe huge Hotel and are leaving Goderioh, we tarieh to, take this opportunity to sincere- Iy thank all our fiends and our. customers for their past patron- age. Though We dee early to. leave Goderich, the health of my wife and .myself makes it 21eice,S- Sary to retire to our faxen at Beamsville, Ont. -1%11w batich. 40 MALLOUGH.---/Phe family of the late Mrs. Ethel Mallough would like to express their apprecia- tion for the kindness and isysns pat* extended them in their recent bereavement and for the thoughtfulness shown them dur- ing the illness of their mothe.r; they wish to acknowledge also the beautiful floral taibutes as well as the many cards of syM- ,pathy. 40 rmiuminempumpallIMMINS Pro p rietTeSS. HAROLD JACKSON, 40- Auctioneer. EXECUTORS' SALE OF THE ezsate of the late Walter Dick- ason, in the Village of Dungannon, - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th at 1.30 m ilTeleapetites Vensfat-g'ota` 'five-rooni rine:slow fram. house, situated an a =all 'lot Of land, and also some household effects and tools. TERM'S—Cash on household ef- fects; on property, . ten per cent day of sale, balance in 15 days. W. E. HENDERSON, Markdale Skating Areea, on Auctioneer. -FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1956 HAYS & PRE.ST, at 2 p.m. - Solicitors for the Estate. All bulls are eligible for 25(70 premium up to $75.00. T. STEWART'COOPER, 39-40- Secretary. THE GREY - BRUCE - H UA N - Aberdeen -Angus Bieeders As- sociation areaholding their annual Autumn Sale of nine bulls and 21 females at - Walkerton Sales Arena on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1956 •at 2 p.m. All sires offered are eligible for 25% premium up to 575.00. T. STEWART COOPER, 3940- • Searetary. The, North Street W.M.g. Even- ing Auxiliary will meet on Tues- day, October -16, at 8.15 in the Church Hall. Mrs Keith Hopkin - son's group will be in charge of the program. -40 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, - private entrance, two-piece bath, het and cold water, built-in cupboards. phone 565. -33t1 50 PONTIAC TUDOR 50 AUSTIN STATION WAGON FOUR -ROOM, HEATED APART- MENT, completely self-contain- ed with bathroom and, private entrance. Available immediately. - F oU R -R 00 M UNFURNISHED apartment with bathroom. Ground floor. $40.00 per month. Two nuitea of offices, heated, in Masonic Temple HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 lianafiton St. Phone 766 (anytime)) ODERACH 4736," MO," ONTARIO r A series of prenatal classes (spon- sored by the Huron County Health Unit will begin Wednesday, Octo- ber 11, 1056, at 8.00 p.m at the Health Unit office, Court House, 'Goderich. These will be held tat weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those intereated are invited to attend on the above dates or phone the Health Unit, Goderiel 1050, be- tween 9.00 astn.-5.00 rem. -40 Reserve Saturtley, November 17, for Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary bazaar and tea. -40 Reserve WednPsday, Nove,mber 28, or Thursday, November 29, to see "Angel Street".Postival pro- duction of Codekieli Littlo Theatre itlatKay JfalL. -40 4041- 18. Births COOK.—At General Hospital, Port Colborne, on September 28, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cook, Poet Colb•arne, a daughter, Paula Gertrude. CRAWFORD.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on October 8, 1956, to Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Crawford (nee Norma Errington), Goderich, a son, Paul Douglas. GILBERT—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 7, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs.- Gordon Gilbert, ,R.R. 2, Beyfield, a son. HOY. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs.IMerVyn Hoy, Gode- rich, a daughter, Cheryl Ann. MELADY.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on October 7, 1956, to .111r. and Mrs. Thomas R. Melady, Goderich, a daughter (stillborn). MUSGRAVE.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on October . 6,_ -1956, Age °Mian g 'Mrs; 'Herbert Musgrave, a daughter, Nancy PARK.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 5, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William Park, Goderich, a daughter, Valerie Joe. RIPLEY.—At Queensway General Hospital, Port Credit, on October 2, 1956% to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ripley, Port Credit, a daughter, Kim Lorraine. SLYWOHUK.—At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Landon, an October 3, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William Slyw- chu,k (nee Eleanor Martin), Lon- don, a son, Stephen Roberta SIIIMSON.----1•Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Stinison •ams2lascppyseta --an- nounce the arrival of their daughter,- -Marys sPM12$11,,,, 17 menthsse • — At Alexandra' Hospital, Goderich;4' en, October. • 6. 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Therriaulk, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Aurore Colette. TIGERT.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Ortalter 4, 1056, to Mr. and Mrs. William Tigert, • R.R. 3, !Goderich, twin daughters, Sharon Anne, Shelley Grace. THE GREY -BRUCE SHEEP Breeders are holding the An- nual Sale of 40 pure bred Rams and 60 pure bred Ewes of Oxford, Shropshire, Leicester, Suffolk, Hampshire, Southdown •beeectink at Keady Sales Arena, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1956 Government graders will grade all rams art the sale. T. STEWART COOPER, 3940- Markdale, Secretary. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS Including many Antiques AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY At the residenee of Miss Ella Met- calf, Wellington street, Blyth, on SA'PURDAY, OCTOBER 13th • at 1.3(1 p.m., consisting of: 1 walnut 3 -piece bedroom suit, hand -carved; 1 oak bedroom suite; 3 -piece walnut bedroom suite; 2 pair pillows; 3 -piece parlor suite, with 4 chairs to match, iaritique walnut; hall tree; Morris chair; music cabinet; 3 small oak tables; studio couch; hall rack; bookease; 2 rocking chairs; 2 small tables; ;brass jardinere; curtains and eur- tain poles; 1 rug 9x 9; nuinber of club bags and suit -cases; nurmber, of. mats; 1 stand and 2 mirrors; quilts k blankets; pillows, sheets, etc.; 3 trunks; 2 cheats; Coleman ail stove -with pipes; Searton radio; 5 din ing room cha his and arm, chair to match; 1 oval table; antique pic- tures; elocic, dishes and table linens; 1 Princess, Beth cook stove; 1 electric heater; electric 'Inn; electric toaster; quantity of very good silverware; kitehen utezi sils; kitchen -table and 6 ehaire; anin ehair; quantity of sealers; Beatty washing machine; 1 rangetle; gar- den tools; eaws; seYthe; long lad- der; stepladder; 45 -gal. drum; cord of hard maple wood. Other articles too 'numerous to mention. PROPERTY OFFERED .17 0 R SALP.e-At approximately 3.30 pan., the property will be offered for sale: .subject to a reserve bid; ly, storey briele dwelling equipped With bathroom, on Wellington street, near highway and business section, % acre It. , TERMS—On Chettels, Cash. On Property, otie-thircl &nen, balance in six months. •, nrgs EUA NIETO/Si F, . Proarietrese, • GEORGE NEMMI A is et ion e Pr. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. 13. Personal 19. Notice to Creditors pERSONALLY, WE T 111N K you'll love the beautiful array of personalized Christmas cards new on display at the SIGNAL - STAR OFFICE. Why not select yours now! It's not too early! You'll be glad later, when the busy season rolls around, that you at- tended to thies "must" early. -37tf 15. Cards of Thanks HOLTZMAN.—Me. ,Orville Holtz- man gratefully acknowledges the kindness of Dr. J. W. Wallace, the staff of the hospital and all thoee, especially the neighbors, .. who sent him gifts, dowers and panda during his recent accident. - ' 40x DRENNAN. The family of the late Mr. James Elliott Drennan wish to ex -press their sincere thanks for*the many kindnesses extended during his recent ill- ness and during their bereave- , ment; also for the lovely floral tributes and the use Of ears. -40 rr.44.4.44 IN THE ESTATE OF EMMA ELIZABETH HAMILTON. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Lucknow,, in the County of Bruce, (recently of the Village of Saltford, in the County of Huron), Widow, who - died on the ninth day ,of August, 1966, art required to file.proof of same with the tmdersigned on or the 13th day of October, 1956. After that date. the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate, helping regard only tp the claims of which, they shall othen have had notice. Dated at Wingham this 22nd clay of September, 1956. CRAVVFORD & HETHERING/I'ON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. Other Classified Ads on Page 5 'HEATING = For the Average 6 Room , House $895.00 I ASK FOR A FREE QUOTATION 40. 1 SERVICE ELECTRIC 1 • Phone 808W & t08,I Victoria $t. of, 004140.000,4100000410140•64,40066(m000400104000 •