HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-10-11, Page 8AOS 101011T TELEVISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. CompIoto work bench of TV Tisting Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE -- ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric CooderIch Phan* =5 Western Shippers Deny Charge That BUSINESS piRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC Inferior Feed Grain Is Sent To Ont. (Prom The Canadian Grain Journal) for not more than six months or by a e not exceeding two hund- red dollars, tualees he establishes that he on reaeonable grounds be- lieved that the grain m. qupgion had the characteristics required r e grade of which the grade name was used by him." Section 158 of the Canada Grain Act also provides: "That every persoa who offers for sale or storage grain that has been so treated,. mixed or dealt with as to conceal its true charac- teristics is liable on &unwary ,00n- viction to imprisonment for not moee than six months or tto a fine not exceeding one thousand dol- lars, unless in either case, he establishes both that the treatment or mixing thereof or other dealing therewith was done without his knowledge or connivance' !ter that he was ignorant that the true char- acteristics were thereby concealed and also in either case, that when he offered the grain for sale OT storage he bona fide believed it to have the characteristics it then appeared to have." The sections mentioned apply to established grades and give rea- sonable protection to purchasers of these grades. Some grain however, is sold on a sample basis and this class ob- viously cannot be and is not sub- ject to the act. It is up to the purchaser to determine whether shipment is according to sample. Section 172 of the Canada Grain Act says: ."Nothing in this act shall be •WINNIPEG-Ciaarges by Elston Candiff, member for Moron County in the Howe of Commons that western Canada Was shipping in- ferior feed grain into Ontario are vigoeously denied by western ship- pers. As pointed out by Rt. Hon. C. . Howe, grain is shipped out of Fort William and Port Arthur under a goverment grading cer- • ()ate issued only after examin- ation by Beard of Grain Commis- sioners' Inspectors, There are severe penalties attached bo the misrepresentation of grade names under the Canada Grain Act. Section 157 provides: "Any person who makes lase of any grade name in dealing with or to describe any grain which does not possess the characteristics by reference to which grain of the @rade bearing the such name is defined is punishable upon sum- mary conviction by imprisonment ilERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic Office Hours: 7 p.m. to p.m. Vitamin Therapy 01Fice-Corner of South St. and Britannia Read. Phone 341. 47.1 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33 Hamilton St. House 343W Goderich A. J. 'Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTOMOBIIE -2-- CASUALTY Get Insured - Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Stiles Ambulance PHONE 399 - MOW Nflu G. B. CLANCY (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone. 474 SEAFORTH DAVE ALIANSTchiKIDS FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. THE DIFFERENCE VOU WILL QUICKLY NOTE AN* OUR GOOD COAL WILL GET - YOUR VOTE )1011)t Stall COAL CANIiIDATES VOTE Re - THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE • D. J, ALLAN aAULTS COAL CO. Vutt OlL/75Wdy GODER1CH 190 LHERE 18 WRZRE TO BUN' A SIGNAL -STAR For e convenience oe Sig- nal -Star readers who purchaae their paper from week to week rather than by a'yearle subscription rough the mail, Signal -Stars are sold at the following stands: GODERICH- Dunlop's Drug Store Godench News Stand (Formerly Wood's)* Lauder's Drug Store Overholt Groceries Signal -Star Office Auburn -Ali Rollinson Bayfield - Weston's Drug Store Dungannon-Eedy's Store Kingsbridge -G. F. McKen- zie Store Store. Nile -Nile General Store Port Albert - Roy Petrie's Store Saltford-Tom Morris Gena eral Store NORTH ST. WMS HOLD AUTUMN THANKOFFERING FAST RELIEF FOR RHEUMATIC 1314N C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18v.r ERWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- mered. Immediate arrangements can be pade for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J Clinton. Charge moderate and Aatis- faction guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODER1CH CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. Pryde .Son EXETER ATAX SMITH docteitsCH Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service PIWGTSTORES Know Your Pharmacist Better In 4,Imost ever; community throughout our land there is at least one man known to most of us as "the corner druggist". It is not by accident that he has been typified as a pleasant, schol- arly man, respected throughout the community, or again as a cheerful friendly man who contirwally goes out of his way 4to help others. The very nature of his professional training, and the code by • which he lives and works, casts him into one of these familiar moulds. As pharmacists, we in I.D.A., over 500 members of the Indepen- dent Druggists' Alliance, are proud of the tradition of service which has been the history of our profession. Both as pharmacists ahd as merchants we are aware of our tvicifold responsibilities -to work hand in hand with your physi- cian to alleviate sickness and suffering, and also to serve you, our customers, sincerely and honestly. And so we say, "Get to know your pharmacist better". You will find that your community drug store is the safe, logical and dependable place to buy drugs, meditines and other needs for health and beauty care. s PE AROMATIC CASCARA - A pleasant, gentle tonic. and laxative. Reg. 35c. 6 oz. teg. 65r spEcifil etee TOOTH PASTE Gives you sparkling dean teeth & mint fresh breath. 57e, size 2 for 9c Vitamins Horner's Maltlevol 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 ybutol Vitamin B Com- pound 25's, 50's, 100's 1.98, 3.49, 5.95 Vita Diet Mineral and Vitamin Capsules now with Vitamin B12. Idainalt Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil. A nutritious Vitamin preparation pala- teble and easy to take. COUGH and COLD Remedies Bronchida tough Syrup 75c 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray IderuboChest Rub 49e Vicks VapoRub S3c, 98c Cough Syrup 59c Inhaler 43c Medi -Mist ray toge mpbell's illa MILK of MAGNESIA A ,creamy, ing laxative. 16 oz. Reg. 35c 29c 32 oz. Reg. 60c 49c spEoAi SACCHARIN TABLETS 14 Grain Reg. 20c 14c 500's Reg. 55c 43c Reg. 79c 59c 56 Grain 100's Reg. 2Sc 17c Reg. 65*c 49c 1000's Reg. 98c 79c deemed to prevent any person from dealing with any gram not deacribed either by grade name or by reference to a sample selected under regulations made pursuant hereto or from snipping any grain so described to any place in Canada." The Autullm. Thankoffering of North Street WAI.S. was held in the Sunday /yahoo' room of dye church on Tuesday evening of last week with a large attendance. The (president, Mrs. E. J. Prid- ham, occupied the chair. The were chosen by Itins. Jennie White. ly. ,The Scripture lessen was read by Mrs. J. Kinkead after. which Mrs. C. M. Robertson offeted prayer. The guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. J. Hethermtclon, gave a thought-provoking message on Thanksgwing, its meaning and its privileges. ,Miss Ruth Westbrook contributed a lovely solo. Words of appreciation to both were k- ing this, a splendid film on "Vic- tory in Korea" was shown by Mr. Stoner. A presentation to- (Mrs, Dickinson on ,behalf of the 'W.M.S. was made by Mrs. Harold Turner A. Pastoral .Letter "My conscience became uneasy during Lent. - I realized that I had unusual opportunities to know the alcohol problem at first hand and I was doing nothing about it. I volunteered to do some speaking in the churches . .. I have been in One observation. Social drinking is rapidly increasing among members in several denominations. Another observation. The majority of drinking church members are unaware of the nature t of alcohol. One more observation. Those en- gaged in the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages are de- finitely gunning for (non -drinking) willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to /capture those non- drinkers. . . . The drinking church member greatly heartens the liquor hiterests. They can. count on his itaking a negative or neutral at- titude towards. liquor legislatioe in general. - The liquor interests "deplore" iting among -young :people, yet tlimpeani their ads to make drink- tain this drink that nfakes so many ;men of distinction." 1 I believe, and I know that you I believe, that every one of us i church members has a witness to imake for Christ. My concern is Ithat our witness be from a clear brain and a pure heart." Earl F. Zeigler. I This advt sponsored by the Huron County Temperance ' Fed- eration. tore °avow, nth, 1956 ST. HELENS Green, of Princeton, was a h.oliday visitor with hie pawn% Rev. and Mrs. It, lArood4 34m Ale2k. 461111:' die and Bob, Of Kitehener, apent the week -end at their borne here. Visitors with D. Todd for the Ithank.agiving week -end includ- St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. NeelY Todd, David, janet and-MarY, Mr. and 1VIrs. Gordon Alder and Larry, of London, were week -end guegs of Mr. and Mna. C. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cadman have returned to {their' home here after spending several months in, Luck - now and Goderich. The death of Mr. J. D. Anderson, a fanner resident of this commun- ity, occurred in the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday morning, Mr. Arnold WOods Who suffered a coronary thrombosis last; week is a patient in the Wingliam Hospital. 0 • Of the 25 species of apples found for which Mrs. Dickmson made a in Canada, only two -the aweet suitable reply. 'A social half -hoar lerabapple of southern Ontario and with light refreshments was en- the Pacific crab-apple of the west joyed by all. coast -are native to the country. CHINESE' ELM aaeeeeweeeeeemiee for $7.115; sisc 25 100: film 25 tor Se -91 or $25.00 Pcr 100. luclt busby S10.00 Per 100. RED BARBERRY --12.1rach also. 25 Isr 100. PEONY ROOTS FREE - ALSO CANADA'S IFINEST COLOURED GARDEN GUIDE -ONE RED_ SFIREA Sulam FOR EARLY ORDISRS: ROWMANVILLE (Phone Day or Night, Market 3.3345) ONTARIO roll your own It's comforting to have a telephone by the bedside) — especially when you're alone at night. wrth OGDEN'S Extend "telephone convenience" to any part of your home! FOR EASY LIVING -FOR PRIVACY! fine cut ill, Take the run out of runnin:4 your home - have a telephone within eas} reach all over the house! Just 31.25-a month for -each add phone ($1.00 in small centres). And where - your telephone is part of the decor, there's a bright choice of red, ween, beige or ivory. You can have your telephones installed in no time - merely call your Telephone Business Office. The charge for installation THE BELL TELEPI4ONE COMPANY OF CANADA • 4. FINE CUT WITH A e. great with sparkling Coca,Cola WAY. 1M lit% HEALTHFUL, TAS -T AN ORE IV MIRY )1,/ MILK HELPS BUILD STRONG BODIES! You canto' ALLIOUT Throw a basket partY! IF you Feel ALL -111* A pasket for every guest. Pile 'ern high wit:h crispy, golden -brown Southern -fried chicken, plent33 of potato chips and a decorative border of good -to -munch scallions. Now, make sure each guest has his ice-cold bottle of sparkling Coca-Cola. What a treat—your good food and that great taste Of Coke! ...with Coke to ,put you at your sparklipg best ! t.„ These clays most people work under pressure, worry more skep fess. This strain en body and brlin makes phyaiesi fitriess easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, towered resistance, overwork, worry -any of these may affect normal kidney actien. When kidneys get out of order, excest adds and wastes remain in the system. Then backache! disturbed rest, that "tire -d -out" heavy. headed keling often follow. That's the tam, to take Dadd's Xidnei7 Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then ptil feel hetter-steca better -work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at sale drug courtier. 53 Bottles 3 6, Goderich Bottling Works SS Kingeter;:t St. Phono 489 Authorized bottler of Coco-Coloi uncle!. contr ct with Coco -Cola LW.