HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-7-31, Page 5Established 1877.
O'1EXX ,
Transacts ageneralbauking business,
Receives the accounts of merchants and
others on favorable terms.
Offers every aecommodationconsistentwitb
afe andoonservativebankin gprinciples.
Fiveper cent interestallowed qn depositne
oraftsissue,i payable at any office of the
Kerohanta Bank.
THURSDAY. JULY 31st, 1890.
It is estimated that the reveuue
of the T. S. for iS9z will amount
to four hundred and fifty million
dollars, while the expenditure al-
ready ordered by Congresstiwill leave
a deficit of sixty=-five millions, Thep
do tillage on a large scale in the
THE scheme of Mr. Pesjardins,
the Conservative candidate, tor the
representation of jlontmorency in
the House of Commons 1s s very
significant occurrence. Itis a gam
for the administration, es the seat
was forme 1Yheld by Mr. L tngelier,
who ietirtrd to tike a place in the
lfereier Cebinet. Thus we have
fresh proof, as in so many previous
instance s, that the Macdonald Ad-
miniStratien is growing in public;
favor—that the C.)1 -position cries of
Ministerial unpopularity are alto-
gether unfounded.
Tt1r. report of U. S. Senator
Roar's select committee on relations
with Canada is, no doubt a very in.
teresting compilation. The mass
of information it contains will cer-
tainly be of use in many ways, But
the great fact -which it emphasizes
without mentioning is that there is
growing up on this continent, side
by side with the united States,
another nation which already rivals
them in enterprise and may some
day compete with them for the
sovereignty of the continent. An.
other fact this report should im-
press on the minds of Americans is
the unneighborly policy of exclusion
so long persisted in towards Canada
THE other day a, prominent Lib-
eral journal announced that tin had
been discovered in one of the nun
oral beds of the. North-west. It
ought be supposed that this would
have Galled forth some expression
of joy ; but no, Whatwas the use
of finding tin ? that journal asked,
The country was going to the dogs
under a vicious protective policy,
and no one would be found to work
the new mines. What was !wanted
was not tin, but free trade with the
United States. --London Free Press.
with is threatened an-
other silver nuisance of startling
proportions. In 1870 American.
silver was current here at a dis-
count of 6 to 7 per cent., when a
scheme was put into execution by
the Government, whereby we were
freed from the nuisance and the
American silver became as scarce
as the shin -plaster of to -day. But
people forgot the silver nuisance in
time, and by degrees the country
has become flooded with American
coin and paper currency. Some of
these days we will find this article
cease to be current. A discount of
7 per cent., as in 1870, would mean
a 1o'ss to Canadians of $280,000 on
the $4,000,000 estimated to be now
in use here. Traders will de well
to take the hint.—Montreal Star.
MR. BLAINE, Secretary of State
of the U. S., is very much annoyed
over the Behring sea affair. He
thought Canada should have no
say in the matter, and because
Lord Salisbury stated that Canada
must be consulted in the matter be-
fore anything can be done toward
settlement, Mr. Blaine pooh-pooh
such an idea. Lord Salisbury
quoted rulings of the -previous
American administrations .,to show
that the United States held the very
opposite views to those put forward
.p , P
by Mr. Blaine, and when Russia
claimed that Behring Sea was a
,closed Sea, the UnitedStates had
contended that it was not. Canada.
is a great country, and, despite the
libellous assertions of political
fakirs and :renegade writers, Can-
adians are a great people, and they
can n0 longer be •despised by the
Imperial authorities in settling
questions which aflect them. Im-
partial judges will probably, say,
that Canada has at least ,:as much
right to be heard as the; fur corn -
pan which exerciises so owerful an
Y ,.,P,
influeuce upon the American. ne-
CANADA is larger by 500,000
square milesthan the United States.
including Alaska, Our neighbors
will please take note of the fact, as
A warning not to try to swallow
more than they will be able to
digest All this Dominion wants
is to be let alone and given time to
develop. The area of Canada is
3,519,00o :quare miles. There is
a land surface of 3'379,000 square
miles, We control a fourteenth
part of the entire globe, and Can.
ada, while 3oo,000 square miles
larger than the United States, ex
elusive of Alaska, is 30 times larger
than Great Britain.
THE crop reports of last week
from Manitoba, which cover every
section at the province, place the
average jtield of wheat at from 15 to
35 bushels per acre. Fifteen bush..
per acre is the lowest expected in
any section, while the principal.
grain districts are placed at above
o bushels. About 25 busliels is
the usual estimate of wheat per
acre. Allowing for the general
tendency to lock at things onthe
big side, it will be perhaps safe to
make a liberal discount, aud place
the prospective for the province at
20 bushels per acre. This on 74-
°58 acres under wheat, as per
official report, would give the prov-
ince o total crop of nearly 15,000,000
bushels of wheat,
Feed the facts brought out dur-
ing the labors of the Ontario Prison
Reform Commission it has been
shown that the causes of crime are
partly social and partly administra•
tive. Drunkenness is set down as
the great cause of crime and is not
curable by imprisonment. The im-
portation of paupers, criminals and
waifs of all sorts from the Old
Country is shown to have swelled
the prison population. The tramp
evil is also connected with the
prevalence of crime and can only
be dealt with by sentences to hard
work. These are the social points.
The administrative are : the want
of properly regulated poorhouses,
mismanagement of goals by muni-
cipalities, inadequate supervision of
immigration, the want of proper
play -grounds for city children, the
need of better classification of
prisoners, and more careful religi-
ous attention to prisions.
Bidduiph Council,
The council met at T'orte's hotel, Claude -
boyo ; the reeve and all members present;
The following accounts were ordered to
be paid -
.. Culburt, ditch, div 2, $2 ; R. Culburt,
plank, div 2, $3 25 ; W. Atkinaou, minding
Rap And damages, $4 85; W. Carrigan, half
days work in pit and minding gap. $1 60 ;
Free Press, advertising, $1 30 ; T. Riley,
grant to road beat, $12 ; 8. Rinke, gravel.
ling N. B, 828 ; J, Denn, drawing lumber
and spikes, $2 50; J. Isaac, grading Side
road, div 2 and 3, es; W. 1V. Rovington, 7
days overseeing Gravel, div, 2, $8 75 ;; T,
Abbott, men and work, div 3, $10 50; W.
Armitage, stripping pit, $3; A, Davis 12 dye
in gravel pit, $3 ; T. MacKay, rep. C. S. R,
div 4, $3 ;; J. Morley, rep N. B, Moiety, dir
4, $4 ; A. McLaughlin, minding gap, $1 60;
D. McIlhargey, grave] and damages, 53 95 ;
Jas. Whalen, 11 pores grayed, div 3, 522;
do.. 35e cords gravel, dir 2, $41 94; John
Ryan, 55 cord, gravel, div 1, $128 37; do..
Gee cords gravel, 021 ; F. 3. Arnold, gravel
conutltet torrent
d Modietfoby, div div 2. 55 510;;WIi,
W. Oil6Uen3 ie,
, Begg, .
tile ditch, div 5, 25e; John Barry, gravel
contract. 0 8 R.556 87; J. Culburt,12 loac'S
gravel, div 2, 56 60 ;a11, Moncton, 347
!nada gravel, $17 35; Jamea Whalen, ale,
°tosottes, div 3 at:d 4, 56; T. Casey, mine's
in gal, 20e; T. Kiley, wetting oideroad,'.
div' 2. 53 ; John Neil, removing atone, ,2;
W. Atkinson, minding gap and damages.
$2 05 ; 3. Kelly, 150 loads gravel 57 50;
Steward and MoFella, contract div 3 and 2,
$38 50; W .Atkinson, dameges, 5175 ; F, :
Kent, do,. 5140; N, Sinclair, mindtug gap,
9190; W. Toohey, 10 cords gravel. div 4,
5.4 50 ; A. Lamphier, tile and ditch, div 4,
4; D. McGee, gravel contract, N. B. div 4,
510 G0; A. €`ouwa1', suovelling gravel, ale
4, $2; W. McGee, 3 days' eboeelling aznd
overseeing, div 4, 51 50 1 , Kent, lee lea&
gravel and damages, 53 ; Bryant Tiros., en
printing account, 515 ; W. 1I. Ryan, 10 dye
overseeing gravel, 516 50 ; Geo. Foster, hal
of enntreat, div 5. 516; T. lligney, grant :1
B Moiety, div 5, 510; A lieataon. under
ditches and water courses acct. 51.50 ; T
Squires, 2000 ft lumber, div 5.22; Edey
Arnold, gravel COMM*, div 5, 423 3t; A.
Langford, acautliug, 51. t'); W. Lawson, 2
culvts, drain nod material, div 5, 58 ; E.
McDonald, 100 cattle gravel, 535 ; 1a, Kent,
69 bade gravel, 53 45; 1i., UnilfoiL ditebiug
and tile, div 1, 5`'f 17; E. May, ovearse ing
c;intreet, div 1, 52 50 ; W. R, Cenrsey,14
cords grac.;1, Moiety, elir 1, 519 ,?;', ; 0.
ddaskett, gravel acct, 522 36 ; t=, Idavlte%
ditch and tille, 0 s R. di, 3, 511 ;
licking, grant to .reed beat, ally 3, 54 30 ;
N. Powe, grant to reed beat, 53; It. Kirfe,
shovelling gravel and minding gate, 51) 40 ;
Rete Bros., plank and %zautling, 88; Tp.
Blanahard, concrete tile, 55 ; J. I,iudsey,
outlet aud two culvts, div 5, $3;; J. Brooks,
work in Granton. div S, 92 01; .1.011iver,
ditching the 1, 52 ; A. Hodgins, cutting
weeds, dir 1, 52; T. H. Courant', avoreee-
ing, aliv 1, 53 75 ; 1;. Ashton, culvt, Moiety,
5:2 35; R. Keefe, rep approach. div 3, 53;
J. Carroll, fencing approach, 231 rods, diva,
225 55 ;: At., Dobbs, minding gate, SOa ; B.
Keefe, 2 culvts and diteb, diy. 4, 39 ; J,
Thompson, lumbar aud ditohing, div 3,
54 23 ; W. D. Stanley, clerk, en salary, 550.
A petition hens J. McCarthy and nine
other ratepayers, asking for aid to road boat
was received and 520 allowed,
The council adjourned to meet in ileo
Temparauee hall, Granton, on ;Monday, the
4th day of August, 1890, at 10 a.m.
W. D. Srt:sLEr, Clerk.
At Detroit on Friday Sunol (2.10A)
was sent half a mile, starting at
the a mile post. The filly went from
the 3 to the es like a bay streak, cover-
ing the distance in .31. When judge
Campau announced the time as 1.02e,
the crowd yelled like mad. Belle
Hamlin is reported to have done a A
in this time, which is the fastest re-
cord fore a mile.
In the advance of Canadian railway
securities in London a few days ago an
indication is given of renewed confi-
denoe in the business of the country
and the abilityofour
u people meet
their obligations.
As the coming
vest promises well, both our great lines
are making all possible preparations to
move it with as little delay as possible.
The threat of legislation at Washington
adverse to Canadian railway interests
does not appear to affect English con-
fidence in their future.
St. Joseph, Mo., July 27,—Mrs. John
O'Meara, the wife of a will•known con-
tractor, Thursday morning caused the
death of her twin daughters. Aged
about three months. Mrs. O'Meara,
who is a woman weighing 190 pounds,
arose early and taking the babies from
their cradle placed them in the bed
beside herself. After playing with
them a while she fell asleep. On
awakening she was horrified to find
her babies both crushed and dead.
The grief of the mother was terrible.
Her cries attracted' her husband, who
was sleeping in the next room, and he
found her pressing the little crushed
forma to her bosom and wailing pite-
ously. Mrs. O'Meara, suddenly Meow-
ing the babies to the flour, sprang to
her dressing case, and, grasping an
ornamental dagger, plunged it into
her bosom. She is now in a critical
It is an arti le manufactured by an expert
chemist site/ many years of careful study
and scientific experiment ; galled Imperial
Cream 'Tartar Baking Peweler. Makes
lightest, whitest bread, rolls, bieouit, eakr,
&o. Sold by all grocerae.
13rssE'x.—In Exeter, on the 93rd inet.,
the wife of Mr. A. Bissett, of a son,
h1A11111E 0.
WeeSav—SoMMEns—At tho residence of the
bride's father, on July 28th, by Itov. S,
. Muxworthy, Mr. John Watson, of the
village of Arva, vn to :flies Ada Al, Seniors,
of tho town of St. Mary's. e
DELANFv.—In St. Mary's,on the 19th inst.,
John Delaney, aged 74 years, 8 months.
HAI:BIS—In -Osborne, on the 29th inst..
Mrs James Harris, aged 39 years and 3
Tho Parliament of Urugary has passed a
bill directing the payment of one-half the
custom duties in gold.
A petition was filed on Monday for the
unseating of W. P. Racism, Conservative,
in East Hastings. Worth Bruce Conserva-
tives propose to file a counter petition
against Mr. Porter.
Quill tooth picks come from France.
The largest factory in the world is near
Paris, where there is an annual product of
20,000,000 quills. The factory was started
to make quill pens, but when these went
out of general use it was converted Into a
tooth pick mill.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are recommended
by the best physicians, because they aro
free from calomel and other injurious drugs,
being composed of purely vegetable ingredi-
ents. Wbile thorough in their action, they
stimulate and strengthen the bowels and
secretory organs.
We want anA No. 1 agent in this county
once, to take nharge of our business, anDn-
duct the sale of one of the best. most meritor-
ious, and fastest selling inventions ever offered
to the Canadian people. To the right parson
we will pay a liberal salary or allow a largo
commission. For full particulars address
VoLTLIOBELT Co., No. 28 Marshall.Mich.
Big Money For Agents.
An honorable and praiseworthy business
without any possible chattels of loss. Steady
employment andcontrol of territory: Have
done business in Canada 80 years. Liberal pay
to the right man to sell our unexcelled nursery
stock. Send for terms. CHASE BROTHERS
CO'Y•,Nurserymen. Colborne, Ontario.
Mill's Market
Wheat .. 9Oe. to 95c. per bush.
Flour.. .. 52,60 per 100
do Low Grade 1 50 "
Middlings •
70c. t
•- . 90c. "
• . 90c. "
". 0115 to 1 25 °"
r titiviEnr
DROS■3 smart GROcERY
root Importation of
and Oases, Corby Whiskey
French tl Domestic Wines.
Just Received a di--
Henne'sey'sBrandyin Casks
Also other grades Brandy
Lake Huron, LobradorWhit
eFish m
rainin Ebis.1,-2 B��
Just received a consign- meat of This Season's Teas Z
Our Grocery Department is Complete
fl. Every Branch.
erchant tailor 1
(Late Cutter for R, Pickard) leo opened
out a stock of
Delivered to any part of the town.
Order left at R. Hicks' jeweller
Store, or' by, telephone, promptly filled
delivered. Chop stone running
every day. f'TERMS CASH.
imputed Twecris,
trench:-: I1arsted
and all the news
est thiegs in
wade up in the
Latest 81y18
A good fit Guaranteed
or no attic. Special attention given to
Ladies' JACKET and alWANTLEGraking
STAND t One door North of E. Dish's
Barber Shop.
From several places in Ontario come re-
ports of damage .lone to craps and hooses
by hail aud wind storms en Friday.
Now England cotton manufacturers have
combined to cotton the production of priut
(sloth during the last two weeks of August.
(P.&TENTh1D 1SCGn. •
Can be attached to any r;i.:°4, -s *Ss a]I ar,1TIM TVri: o•nnor,^rwlt'a'd ever
a mower can tt' rem. ww Ulf c'r., Ql at -.fin k 2lat .cwt» Wirt! 17,4,4 well Lia gr rn p:a8, ;le
uri40e,t and 'i le . of a a.., parte (Torin;4n-lr ".a„d ca0
1. .W,41 tivwtat,aasrv,-.•
Sk'V11n1O1t TO AN \ protl;at.•
5f1 WIN ianl:wlkima„
Dt rSir- I a tr. *z;• r , nx I r ,,,s twao i'e.a it a* . 1 ,.° tt7.,qvi Sg
a^tet 1 Ca lye rale h at • ^; .: a" ni z : ,._ .r..lC,i laic s t • ..,, a the ,'..n . +,:ae;,
05 I hav,c.anolN er .tea ora is 4%4.0 u ala d t 8 zt t a l cat , esntr,at t s asar t Daae 1 icca nx
seller i i a , t a 4 a k :^1 t r Lla.r
tial! Ce Qr 5" ons. 4-1 t E I1,at l 1 Qi n atrt oar :Le ir.n oink n 'l tae Q„ r're;4Ai a l t7 2 'lri
neer the „n,t 1.04 . rI5ng ti,R, k;and tY.PR a .J .t^
14'4t'.e ttttlfr
..i`a5`1t'.t,ts.',�^lid"l .aid' to W. 11. ; ',t;l'i , 1',A
For fustier psnti eel
[TOT1,9,1,5' L1 -T, 1.-1-
Wefle LIT] ef the Ta1.91r;.+feltehen.
County of 11 orole—els ire Es her! l c cii-en that
Ihave tragion t•t,1 ordoessose to tie
mentioned in 41.0 rl Clot , to rt etz,Q.a „r 'he
t'oter3 List wt„ rao 's a rs ,,it tdl.e eel
section to be so transmitted or,h ]n ere 1. t OW
List, ma+le pursuant to said :,.t of all eeress.s
a49'ear•in't by tine last levee , assessment rill , t
the said t crush! ality t, lot eLti*h 11., ti',•:t• irk
the said lznnteipahty at el, otic vi for members
of the I cgi?elata e Assembly, call at th ' Muni-
cipal electionsand that aid list was fir.t
posted up at my ofla.'•', St pl.en, 4411 the seal +l ay
,,f July lets, and remains tl:,"re'tur inipce tion.
lilcetarae are called oven to e';antiae tho seal
hist, and it any antissaena ..r other .xr,rs are
feunl therein to stales uaitaedietc pros, t.dii..:r 1v
have tl.esaid errors eraraet.1 '',or -1,, t"lam
('11'1;11.1, 1'1.11 lY,
t'h rk e. tl.e sni l
Dated this 2adday of daly',1 see
SIN...1.]"AIj i\T
(pod Salary and Expenses. or Commission
paid to the right men. 1 want 11101125 to 50,
rears nfn,,o to .
e Ia full lino st class
Nursery Stock Ail steak guaranteed. Apply •
at once, starting age and references.
0. L BOOT1I43Y. Rochester. N. Y •
5 Packs of Cards, FREE
Cue Peek, May 1. C. U. Ilomo : One Pack
Escort; Ono Pack, Flirtation: Ono Pack, Hold
to the light; Ono Pack, OurScf't just holds
two. Ono sample book full of Novelties, all
FREE, if you send lo. silver, for postage.
- . ap . KIN"STEY-, Yarmouth, N S
Situated in the Township of HAY, being
Lot 2, Concession 2, containing 100 acres. There
is on the promises a good frame house. two
frame barns, ono 16x36, the other being a bank
barn 30x30 • a good driving house and
stables 24xG0; two good wells of water ; a
good young orchard, end about 90 acres cleared
and under 0 good state of cultivation and well
fenced and about ten acres of goed hardwood
Tho above farm will be sold on reasonable
terms, and is situated about one mile and ahalf
from tho thriving village of Exeter, convenient
to churches and schools. For terms apply to
to on or
June 25 '90-1m
DAVIDSON 1313,03., Builders and Contras
orshave removed to Swallow's old stand, cor-
ner Main and Gidley streets and aro prepared
to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding
cheaper than any other firm in town, BuiId-
ings contracted for, Plans, Speoificstions and
Estimates furnished if required. All work
done with neatness and despatch and satisfao-
ion given. Seasoned Lumber always on hand
Davidson Bros.,
The direct route between the West and al.
points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
dos Chaleur, Province of Quebec; also for
New Brunswick ,Nova Scotia,Prince Edward
CapeBretonlslancls, andNewfoundlan d and
St. Pierre, trains leave Mont real an d Halifax
daily (Sundays excepted) and run through
without change between these points in 30
hour e.
The through express train cars of the In-
tercolonial Railway are brilliantlybghted
by electricity and heated by steam from the
locomotive, thus greatly increasing the com-
fort and safety 01 travellers.
New and elegant buffet sleeping and day
c ars ruu on through express trains.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passenger Route.
P.issengersfor Great Britain nr the conti-
nent by leaving Monti cal on u'riday morniv3
will join outward snail steamer at Halifax
on Saturday.
The attention of shippers is directed tothe
superior facilities ef1tred by this route;or
the transport of flour and generol merchan-
dise'intondecn for the Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland +' also for shipments of grain
and produce intei,dod for the 11n1-epeanmar-
Tieketsmay be obtained and'itnfonnation
about the route also freight and passenger
rates on ars plication to
WesternTreightctPaesenge -Agent,
981tnssin House Block ;York st . Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway office .Mon sten .N. R.,Nov, 14, '89.
Loosens and quickly rensave s all stain,, of
grease and dirt without injuring the bands or
the finest materials. It keeps down disease by
thoroughly disinfecting and purifying every-
thing. Saves soap, clothes, time and labor.
For all domestic purposes it is the best article
over placed before the liublie. For the toile t
and the bath it is just splendid, making the
skin soft and health&. Only So. for 3 pkts, All
grocers can supply it.
OOT"TAM'SBird Seed
Cottam's Choice Imported and Ile -cleaned
Bird Seed is the finest (auahty crown, thoroughly
re -cleaned and mixed according to the various
seasons in proportions advised by Ornitholo-
gists and birrl Fanciers. Every one pound
package contains a piece of cuttlefish bone and
full directions "how to keep a Bird in health
and song.
Cottam's has been awarded 1st prizes and
diplomas and is very highly recommended.
If you really want healthy Birds with choice
song and beautiful plumage be sure and use
Cottam's Bird Seed. A11 grocers and druggists
am Supply it.
Your ife
Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure
land in the most fertile region iu the world,
close to the great markets of St. Paul, Minne-
apolis and Duluth, where there is a ready mar-
ket for all the products of the farm. I n one
vonenough can save en ugh i n railway freights
alone to pay for a, farm in a thickly settled
district whore exist all the advantages of
schools, churches, and general civilization,
You can procure for sixty cents an acre, as a
first instalment—bnlance on long time at low
interest—a farm in the most flourishing State
OD the continent, described by the celebrated
English officer, Col. Butler, as "FERTILE nrroND
DESCRIPTION." Remember that 400 miles from
a shipping port means 15 cents a bushel for
freight and elevator charges, allot' which you
oan save by settling on the lands here offered.
You are certain of employment at high
wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled
laborers of every kind who want to better their
fortunes should go to the progressive State of
Minnesota. Bea amnia that fess than twenty
dollarswill parry you to the great cities and
rising towns of Minnr rota which are growing
faster than any others in the world; St. Paul
and Minneapolis are practically one great city
with a combined population of half a million.
of thec
St.Yauh Minneapolis Manitoba Rail-
way—much of it withhold from settlement for
Years—is now thrown wide open andpopula ion
is flowing in amain. but there is room for all.
At Bates which aro Practically
Fromdate of sale, will leave all Canadian
points for
April 22nd and May 20th, 1890
Special indnoements to ltomeseelcers aeooin-
panying May excursion.
Further Particulars on application to 3.
BOouwALTER, Latidi Commissioner Great
Northern Railway, St. Paul. Minnesota, or to
the Travelling Land Agent of the Company,
Masonic Temple, Lemnos, Ontario, Canada.
ne Dow: South.
of Post 0
+� NEW --HE I1A8--�..—,
se. NE AND ( OZIP1
Boots &
Sewed work a spe qiality.
Bopairing proniptlyatten ;ed to,
Spring Goods
In order to make space for Spring Goode
We will close the
Balance (Jur Winter Stock
�'O R
Overcoats for Men and Boys,
Ladies' and Gents' Furs,
Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs,
Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,(
A nice stock of Fur Trimmings,
Gents' heavy wool -lined laid Mitts and
Gloves, for
75 cents, worth 51
Ladies' Fur Capes 52
We cannot be undersold in
Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash
1 1
Pure Drugs; Patent �'litedi-
cines Dye -stuffs;'-`
Perfumery and Toilet
School Books and Stationary,
Photo Frames, Albums,
Purses, etc.
Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco,
Also a large assortment
of Toilet and Bath
Sponges always
on hand
Prescriptions p ons carefullYpre-
pared from the purest
Remember the place, 'Sign,