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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-10-04, Page 11
TRIEMSPAY, OCTOBER, 4th, 1950 THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR They're coming from all over to.. . GObERICH MOTORS TO SEE THE EW 1957 FORDS NOW ON DISPLAY THERE. Join the crowds and see the new marvel in cars. 61. TSHERE.II.A NEW -KIND-OFCAR 11 •: •i V•r' •e 'f! +•:Y ' � •CL}:. r ...... .. w •rq;r,{•}}}}:•;•:'.+%:N:•'. :. r • ' `•r*ti�;i. \VIn • ..... . . ::tii•:•:•i: ...:. .. r. xCr,.;.;•y,.;.;.. ...M.vwvytir..r•. : N : ...•.•• far.. � "cwt• r_ . NEW '57 FORD a whole era ehea:.of the fi Id y -y,.,', {�m:. •' yT '.vrr.}:r,r r{; wnSv { ;: r Look at all that's neve in the °57 Ford 11. 2 new super-sizes—Fairlane and Fairlane 500, models now over 17/4 feet long •... Custom and Custom 300 models now over 163/4 feet long 18 breath -taking models ... inCluding 5 brand-new station wagons ✓ Two longer wheelhases . . . far greater length, lowness and roominess Entirely new styling throughout ... new sculptured body mouldings • New front -hinging hood for greater safety, easter servicing • New thinner rooflines, swept -hack windshields ▪ New, super -thin centre posts on sedans for a true "hardtop" look 11. New Safety -Curved instrument panel with 'recessed controls P. Dramatic new canted tail fins New Lifeguard safety features • New "Automatic Dournlun" .. . a helping !rand in opening and closing rear doors 10► New cowl ventilation for fresher, cleaner air 3 new Silver Anniversary V-8 engines ▪ New, ;nore powerful Mileage Maker Six O. New Super -Filter air cleaner, disposable oil filter O Revolutionary new frame, over a foot wider r► New "Even -Keel" rear suspension and 4 -way Angle - Poised front su.spensitm for a .softer, safer ride O. Plus tnany other new fine -car features' Two new super sizes o 0 o far longer, lower than ever before, 'with all Ford's famous headroom retained! It's here now—in• your Ford -Monarch Dealer's showroom ... the finest Ford of all time, with the most sweeping changes in all Ford history! It took a revolution in design to make possible Ford's new low -to -the -ground styling for '57. These lithe and lovely '57 Fords are actually up to 9 inches longer than in '56 ... the biggest cars in their field, longer than many medium-priced models! They're up to 4 inches lower, too—yet there% just as much headroom and legroom as ever! The new kind of "magic" you'll discover when you drive the new kind of Ford for '57 starts with the new 'Inner Ford'—proved in action! At its very foundation is a new and revolutionary kind of chassis ... a new contoured frame that's built a fuU foot wider midway) r � '57 Ford ... first in the field to offer 2 big -car wheelbasesl 118 116 " ON FAIRLANE & FAIRLANE 500 " ON CUSTOM & CUSTOM 300 This is the 25th anniversary of Ford's V-8 leader- ship ... and the new kind of Ford for '57 brings you even more of the kind of performance that made Ford the leader! Now Ford offers three brand-new V -8's the 190 -Hp. Ford V-8, the 212 - Hp. Thunderbird V-8 and the mighty new 245 -Hp. Thunderbird Special V-8! And Canada's, newest SIX—the '57 Mileage Maker --is available in all Custom and Custom 300 models and in three popular station wagons/ v vy n?wr a v n�w�,•.riy} y -a{ v, f.� a{ •.•ax Yn r _ v w.:v rr ti r . }r - fi '+ - , `r} rr,,,.r. ?r. rr$w.2;. r;. s .. r ..... . a� �•. h.:.:. ... ri_. ty..!`�.. ,:........ Pairlane 500 Club Victoria , (Certain Italurea aluatrat'.d ar rnrnitonod aro ' .Nlnndnrd" an POMP snorl'ls, optional of r'r coni oe nr14.70) SEE if E NEW 957 'FORD s 0 e • AI YOUR 'FORD—MONARCH DEALER'S GODERICH MOTORS swam m STREET OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 PHONES 8S and 84 0 The Rt. Rev. H. L. Jacob de Mel, Anglican Bishop sof Kurunagala, Ceylon, who is visiting the Diocese of Huron this :month. On October 18, he will be at London and at 8 p.m., on Friday, October 19 he will address a meet- ing of clergy, laymen and women of Bruce, Grey and North Huron at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, 'Walkerton. He will be guest preacher at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, at the morning service on Sunday, October 21. A Singhalese native of Ceylon whose family has been Christian for 400 years, Bishop de Mel holds B�1 and M.A., degrees from Ox - f ot`d. DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Oct. 1. — Mrs. Simon MacKay, of Goderich, visit- ed with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and family, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and son visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Irvine Ilene were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cranston, Mr. and Arse. -WilI7rViiiand IVIT.. and Mrs. Frank i Glen. f Mrs. K. Dawson and Miss Ida Whyard visited on Sunday with Miss L. McLean, who is a patient in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stothers and Mr. and Mrs. W. Drennan, of Lucknow, called on friends in Wingham hospital on Sunday. They spent a' while with Mr. Ewart Taylor, who was rushed there last Wednesday after taking suddenly ill. His condition is fair. A large crowd 'assem.bled; in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday for both services. The guest speaker was Rev. Colvin, of Brussels, ls, wh o gave two inspiring messages. 'VLisses Margaret and Betty Black, -Mi, _Meaner Reed -and Vis-, 3c Young 'contributed to the musical. ". Sunifsy guests with Yr. and tiers. H. Stothers were Rev. and Mrs. Colvin and son, of .Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. of Ripley; Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr. J. Thom -p - soli. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole, of Orangeville, were • home over the week -end. '! Harvesting is almost completed ihi •;marts and; silo ,filling is .in, rai- - Mr. an Mrs. Cecile eBlake left Saturday morning for Mahon ...air- port to board a plane for Montreal and Quebec City, where they will attend a road convention. We are pleased to see Omar Brooks back in our midst, after a stay in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Marvin Durnin, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart, motored to London Fri- day where Mrs. Durnin attended 1mieseeeeessoese•c••®oa®a iROWNIES i e Drive -In Limited AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK, Nott Office Opens at 7.30 p.m. First show at 8 p.m. ••••••••••••••••••••••••a Thurs., Fri. Oct. 4, 5 "THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYS" (Color) =.ob Hope, Milty Vitale TWO CARTOONS S••••••••s•••••N••••••• Sat., Mori. ;•,ct. 6-8 "SIEGE AT POWDER RIVER" (Calor) Rory Calhoun, Corrinne Calvet TWO CARTOON •••••••••••••••a•••••••• TUESDAY IS DOLLAR NIGHT $1 admits carloael nl the Teacher ' Career tr n, Mr. and Mr3. OttO r'4ip VZ:31: ed with the lk'ily'Is ,rt:ather, lila �, ala, McKenzie, of WinthIn a, Baa Sunday. Sunday Vasitzrrs nv ith Mro. W. Andrew were Mr. and Mr,,s. d. 13en- nett and :.-ate, Bruce, u' a Mr. and 1•vaas. d eii 111c,Ie and family. (Miss, Mary McKenzie was pest of Mrs. J. Olver and Miss E. Mc- Millan on Sunday last. Theaccount of the Dungannon, Fair, ‘held last* Thurh day, will be found elsewhere in the gaper. KINGSBRIDGE KiNIGSBRIDGE, Oct. 1. Mr. ,Eldon McNamara, of Detroit, splint the past week with Mr. and :Mrs. Joseph Courtiney and relatiiies here. Mr. H. Captein returned 'to his home here, after spending the past few weeks in the Tillsonburg tobacco district.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella at- tended the funeral on Friday morn- ing of the late Edward Gunn who died suddenly in St. Joseph's Hos- Ipital, Iiondon, Wednesday morn- ing, .at the age of 55 years. Inter- ment was made in Mount Carmel cemetery. The Fall Festival and 'Amateur Night will take place in the parish hall here early .in November. The monster draw for 23 valuable prizes donated by Goderich and local merchants, will take place at this festival. Mr. and Mrs. Len Woodley and Darlene, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Minard and two sons, Bobby and Danny, ,of Val Dor, Que., were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin. Mr. Minard has been engaged forthis season with the Belleville hockey team. and the Millard family will now reside in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs.Chester Sporka, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton' for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallace and family, of Chicago,. visited with Mrs. James Wallace and fam- ily over the week -end. Mr. Desmond O'Donnell is en- tng two -weeks-- vacation at Nils home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Spriet and family, of Langton, were Sunday guests at the rectory with Rev. H. Van Vynekt and the Lierman farhily. Rev. Father MeAsey of the Con- gregation of the Holy Ghost Fathers PAG; T) V 4 J'oeph' a parish, _fagsweek, with dt': or alas 3i141;$.i at 7 al—a. 'kiluwed by Gott ' 4.45tFu tions. IS/ .plaHn�j.e.oro aelltiieach naitt utflne ndcifterne when (the else: fT�:-thyer''}n�l,•�eik.7,ey'3cermous ar very V �Yj-.i�VP4i.11 Y. 4` f'Y U2.d �inr%piria. ,•-Qnd . ye invite ell friendr$ .'ti avagl +tlient- 'selves ere 1ht wcut opportutiity to hear this voted zraiz„lonary.. . Yihiward10 wr of 11 r. and Mara. Thonxa O'li]teill, been dna for trk pat week tellowing injuries. ' - ceived. `whi+le playing on the .6 -wing at the school. TIC suitered n —. cushion (but weire iaapper Ito 1r.~ &hoard is' caking satisfactory' pry gross and, wil.1 soon be back itrov.e. Mr. and Mrs. Jock l t ,erii1 and family, a Stratford, spent t .+e• week -end with; Mrs..P. 1V111ipih .. • t • • 1 0 • 0 •. 9 9 Turkey Dinner Make Your Reservations for a Thanks ivin • with all the trimmings • • at • TIGER • DUNLOP INN • (3 miles North of Goderich • • on I4ighway 21) where home -cooked meals • are served in home -like • -_ _. --_-surroundings: -k- _ — • SUNDAY 12.30 noon to• • 1.30 p.m. • MONDAY 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.• • • MRS. G. KAITTING • • PHONE CARLOW 1406. 41 • -39 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tues., Wad. Oct. 9-10 "CITY OF :AD MEN" (Color) ale Robertson, Jeanne Crain TWO CARTOONS see•e••e••••••••••e•••••j Thum., Fri. Oct. 11-12I "MR. SCOUTMASTER" Clifton AA/ebb, Edmon Gwynn TWO CARTOONS eeeaeeaaeatseaaasee.•e0eQ Two ah©wa nightly, rain or deal.I Children under 12 In caro free.' 391 seaaaa••aaa•ea•aeei$eilosesi Marie de Kurthy MEMBER OF VIENNA OPERA MacKay Hall, Goderich 11- ItALLIZOOM DANCING- FOR TEEN-AGERS Q111.1 RT _ ... �j ACROBATIC STEP .ti,..�. .,. h.,. -..... $ EVERY NATIONAL DANCE I► MODERN BALLET LADIES' PHYSICAL FITNESS CLASSES -39x, + save money + save space TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF 3 POPULAR MAKES IN 30" AND APARTMENT SIZE Electric nges Example: Save 00 Beautufu Automatic 30" Ranges $25 .95 with your old range as trade-in REGULAR PRICE IS $369.95 Every convenience including oven door'ertindow! HAVE YOU SEEN THE FAMOUS RCA Estate 21' which „offers amazing cooking convenience yet takes up the minimum amount of precious floor pace. Features oven window and other advantages in range design. Clearing Ouf! DISCONTINUE LINES MUST WASHERS Reg. 199.95 o. nd your Now Clearing for $1,. 050 ®Id washer WASHERS Reg. $219.9s and �' s,A➢r Now Clearing for $i69.50 Vacuum Cleaners $491)0 up SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! HURRY TO � . R. H. Cornish Electnc et,„,„ til PHONE PH