The Exeter Times, 1890-7-31, Page 4INSURANCE
i1111SES'I >J its- -F,! GBti " U,li,.
E:ANT, o3 Toronto; also for thePFitENIS
Eo land, the BOrAL CANADIAN, of htoa-
treal, wad the ONTARIO AIU UAL L1l'`F.
ASSV1L&N0E,, 0O'Y of Waterloo established
671. Ass uran,esiaforeo,S13,127,400, Bonuses
7ezy year after 3rd year.
We invite every reader to
call on Saturday next and,
see our useful counters. New
An Attractive Stock
of New S riugTweeds
Worsteds and Trous-
ings, now being shown
Great Alteration Sale now
on at the Big Bankrupt Store
The Big Store is being re-
inodeled and enlarged, and
carpenters and masons will
be pulling down and building
up again for the next six
Weeks.. We will have lots of
dirt and dust, but business
-will go on just the same ; in
fact we expect to do a boom-
ing business for six weeks, as
we are going to offer very
specialinducements while our
.already large store is being
enlarged. Remember every
piece of goods in our store
will go at slaughtering prices.
We are so crowded that we
must clear out some of the
stock quick. If you require
anything in Dress Goods see
us soon. The whole of our
beautiful stock is going at
prices never before heard of
in Exeter.
Don't forget the great
Alteration Sale for the next
six weeks.
Bankrupt Stock DealereeFegeeeer
OnttX VI
THURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1890.
A smart boy to learn the printing,
15 years of age. Apply at this office.
Election of Officers I, 0, V.
At the last regular meeting of Court
Exeter, on Friday evening the 25th inst.,
the semi-annual election of officers took
place, resulting as follows:—
C. D. Bro. L. H. Dickson.
C. R. " G. W. Holman.
V. 0. R. " Geo. Anderson.
Chap. " M. Eacrett.
Phy. ' a Dr. Rollins.
Fin.-Sec'y. " A. G. Dyer.
Rec.-Sec'y. " Sam'l Westaway.
Treas. " G. l3. Tom.
r; S. W. " R. N. Rowe.
J. W. " N. Peterson.
S. B. " Thos. Heaman.
J. B. " D. Mill.
Delegates to High Court: Bros. L. H.
Dickson and G. W. Holman.
Short Sermons. —�—
Among the many, there is one good
feature, especially, attending the Sunday
procedure of the ministers of Exeter—
they kindly mitigate the tedium of the
services during the hot summer months
by shortening thein. As a consequence
they are favored with comparatively large
congregations . The ministers realize
the weariness of sitting in a pew for an
hour and an half on a warm Sunday, and
sensibly preach sermons well adapted to
the season. . A preacher ought to say all
that can be profitably said on a given
subject at one time in twenty minutes ;
and a great many of the wholesome'.
maxims and wise directions for the soul's
health could be imparted by a thought-
ful and inerciful speaker in a space of
ten. minutes and the teacher eacher who agrees
with himself in the true spirit of "coma
pression, during the dog days, is likely
to receive a more grateful attention from
those he is called to minister unto.
Additional local news on first page.
John Mattice has made an assignment to
J. P. Ross.
Brumpton Bros are quoting some big
bargains See advt.
The Exeter mill is now in full operation.
See advt. in another column: , -
Tie Eaeter luernhants are "laying in
large stocks for the fall trade.
Ne are sorry to announce the death of
A. S. Murray, jeweller, Loudon.
Bicycle for sale—•in first-class condition
52 fir. ,Apply to W. E. Gundy. lm.
.A couple of runaways occurred last
week but were not attended with any
serious results.
Our Cricketers go to St. Marys to mor
row to play a return match, with the elub
of that two -
Ma Wm. Dearing has erected an annex
to his house, upon which he hes placed a
hell, a present from "Mr. 1. Carling.
Flax pulling is being rapidly progressed,
and the estimated yield is unusually large,
between three and four toes to the acre.
Mr. John Treble has erected a large ad.
clitionto his residence, which improves
the property very much.
Several loads of new hay have made an
appearance on the market, the prices rang-
ing from $5 to $6 per ton.
Capt. W. C. Moscrip, of No. 4 Com-
pany, 28th Batt., St Mary; is taking a
short eourse in "D" school of Infantry,
The .Exeter cricket team have received a
challenge from the lfarriston team to play
in Exeter some time soon. The Herndon
team are on a tour of this section,
Tho celebrated stallion "Volo" will be
taken to the Northwest in a few days, his
owner, Mr. Bissett, having sold e, half in-
terest in tee beast for $500,
Messrs. J. A . Stewart and J. P. Ross
have each placed new blinds in their store
windows. They are of beautiful deeign
and very attractive.
The Voters' list for Exeter has been
printed. It contains 565 names, with 33
female voters, There are 189 persons
eligible to serve in the capacity of juror..
In connection with the fall exhibition
there will be a handsome prize given in a
speeding ventest, open to all horses. It
promises to be an interesting feature of the
One man's meat is another Iran's poison,
and the bawl weather and the meagre crops
in Europe. and the shortage in California,
will mean money in the Canadian farmer's
Messrs. Carling Bros. have had a very
nice verandah erected in front of their
store premises. It will serve as a material
protection to the goods in the show win•
Mr. Robt. Bell, of Heusall, marketed a
load of oats at the Exeter market on Mon-
day whkh weighed 155 bushels. It was
the largest load of grain ever brought to
Grand Masonic Excursion.—Tho annual
excursion of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Exeter,
will take place to -morrow, Friday, 1st
August—Civic holiday. For particulars
sec large bills and dodgers.
Fred W. E'arncombe will commence
shortly to survey the Zurich swamp for
the large: drain of the Canada Company,
partienlars of which appeased. in these
colnmus a few weeks ago.
Messrs. Oka and Prier shipped from
Exeter on .Friday last, 36 head of fatcattle,
averaging iu weight over 1,500 lbs, each.
Twenty tour were purchased from Tiros,
Hawkins of Hay and twelve of Wm. Wost-
cott of Usborne.
An improvement has been made in the
traffic arrangements along the L, H. & B.
railway. Persons can now travel on the
freight trains running either north or
south. For local trips this is certainly au
Mr. Thos. May, Loudon road, south, is
having a very handsome and commodious
house erected an his northern hundred.
acres. It is most commanding in appear-
ance and is the finest structure between
there and London.
THE Tiaras has received from Hon. John
Carling, Minister of Agriculture, a copy of
the Statistical year book of Canada for
1889, containing 575 pages, about popula-
tion, vital statistics, marine and fisheries,
customs and other matters.
The apple crop this season is quite gen-
erally a failure, and more so than last year,
when the crop was a good one through
Miehipan and some parts of Canada. This
year nearly all the apples will be grown
too far south for profitable marketing,
Almost any day during Last week new
faces could be seen on our streets—faces of
farmers who had come a distance to par-
ticipate in receiving the high prices paid
for grain and produce, and also to take
advantage of the excellent bargains given
by our merchants.
Following were the ruling prices for
produce in Exeter last week:—Butter, 12c.
to 13c. per lb. : eggs, 17c. ,per doz. ; rasp-
berries, 6e. to 7c per Ib. ; new potates,
$1.30 to $1.50 per bush. ; spring chickens,
30c. to 50c. per pair ; spring ducks, 60e.
to 75c. per pair.. Other vegetables and
,produce were equally high.
Main street is receiving a coating of
coarse gravel. Exeter can boast of having
the best made streets of any town in On-
tario. They are well graded and on
either side possess rows of beautiful,
well -grown shade trees. In fact we have
one of the most picturesque towns to he
The prospects for a good crop has stimu.
lated business of late,so commercial travel-
lers say, and the dulness which has pre.
veiled for a year is lifting. During the
past two years a great many weak traders
all over the country have been weeded out
with the result that there is less compe-
tition and therefore less over -buying.
Almost every person likes the taste of
new potatoes. They are a luxury. But
for solid nutriment the tubers of last year's
growth are preferable. In the new potato
the starch in whichthe nutritive value of
potatoes mainly consists is not formed.
This is shown by the refusal of bakers to.
buy them for mixing with the flour in
bread making.
See posters and ask G: T. R. agents
about the cheap excursion to Grimsby and
Falls, on Aug. 16th. Tickets from Exeter
and Clinton, ete. 112, good for four days..
Plenty of time at Niagara and splendid
program at Grimsby. Tourists: from
Exeter and north can 'remain for Dr.
Taimage's lecture at 2,30 p. in. on the 19th
and return to London on their excursion
The promenade
rbm nade concert given on Thurs-
dayevening, by the Ladies'
Guild '.of the
Trivitt Memoriil'church was a • success in.
every particular. The attendance was un
expectedly large.: Small ,tables and berths
occupied the centre of the rink, at which
the ,visitors partook of ice ereaxn, lemon-
ade, etc., while around the refreshment
depots the contented throng paraded to the
Music of Gidley's orchestra and the eweet
strains of the brass band. Proceeds $58.
Ghlldrea, ~, for .talo+ (...Nstor!:
Thunder Storms,
A couple of very' severe thunder
showers visited this suction last week,
The storm Thursday evg. was unusually
severe, and many farm buildings in this
neighborhood suffered destruction by
lightning. .i1. barn belonging to Mr.
Wes. Hneston, at Centralia, burred to
the ground. It contained a quantity of
hay and several agricultural implements.
Fortunately Isis new binder was at work
in the field. He also losta stack of hay.
Several barns lathe township of Hibbert
were also destroyed, at considerable loss
to the owners. Friday's rain was ac-
companied by rain and hail, and worked
sad havoc with the standing grain in
some sections. In the township of Hay,
near Zurich, the grain was badly lodged
by the hail, and it is doubtful as to
whether it will stand again. The rain
did no damage, but was rather a great
benefit to the root crops, which had so*
verely suffered during the past few weeks
for want of moisture.
The Agricultural Society*
There was a meeting of the Directors
of the Ag'I Society on Saturday, The
different directors presented their sub-
scription books, which showed a mem-
bership for this year of over X00. The
books were returned to the Directors,
each leaving with a determination to add
at least ten more names to their list.
Let every farmer and all others who have
an interest in the fair .subscribe their
names and dollar, and thus assist the
Directors in making the fair of 1800 the
most successful ever bald in Exeter,
The Stephen and t'sborne Society should
have a membership of 1,000, and if all
interested were to exert themselyes
somewhat, there would be no trouble in
reaching the above number. Do not
think that you are merely granting the
Directors a favor in subscribing; but
properly make sap your mind that you
are benefiting yourself. Fall fairs aro
the best Farmers' institutes there are ;
and whilst the farmer is adding to his
own grist of knowledge, the townspeople
are helping to forward the interests of
the town, Let everybody become a
member of the Stephen cis t'aborne
To Our Subeeribers.�—T
On a number of occasions during the
past six months, wo have sent out ac-
counts to those of our subscribers who
are in arrears, and we are pleased to say
that many responses have come taus, for
which we return our best thanks ; but
there are still an our list many subscrib-
ers who have failed to do their duty in
the premises, and to those we now ad-
dress ourselves : If you are in arrears
for a month, three months, six months
or a year, or if you have lot your sub-
scription go by default for a longer
period than that, be good enough to
make the matter straight at once. Every
man who neglects to payhis subscription
is notdishouest,but, after a nxsn'satten
tion has been called to the fact that he
is in arrear and he fails to make things
right, his chances of injuring the Deca-
logue are built on a solid foundation,
Look at your label, and if you are not
marked ahead, send word to Tux TIMES
to have the date changed, and don't for.
get to send enongh money to cover the
charges. Be just; be upright; be honest.
Logic at your label and make things
right. If only one subscription were in
question, it would not be so important
to us, but with several hundreds in this
position it becomes a weighty matter.
Mrs. Parkinson and Mrs. Simpson, of
London, are the guests of Mrs. R. Lang.
—Mrs. Clarke, of Bay City. Mich., and
Mrs. Ready of St. Marys, are the guests
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . A.
Hayes. Miss Maggie White is visiting
friends in Sarnia and Windsor. Mr.
Geo. Smith, of Armmens, is spending a
few days in town, Mr. A. Mcl)onell,
left Hensall on Monday with a couple
car loads of horses for the Manitoba
markets. Mr. .Alex. Dow had intended
going to the Northwest this week ; but
owing to receiving word of Mr. Colqu -
honn's intended visit to Ontario, will not
leave for a few weeks.—H. Fred Sharp,
Esq., of St. Marys, was in tows), on Sun-
day.—Rev. Mr. Gracey, of Gananogue,
preached in the Thames Road Presby-
terian church on Sunday last to one of
the largest congregations ever within
the church doors. Mr. Gracey was a
and all . were anxious
see him. He was held in the highest
esteem during his pastoral term in that
section.—Mr. Mattice has surely gone,
and his premises is closed and the win-
dows are boarded.—Mr. N. J. Hooper,
of Shelbourne, is in town.—Miss Levett
of London, is the guest of ber cousin,
Miss Levett, of Exeter.—Messrs. H. and
S. Penhale, of Toronto, are home spend-
ing yacation.—Mr. H. Follick, of St.
Marys, is visiting his parents.—Miss
Smith, of " Springhurst " farm, has re •
turned from a visit to friends in Wood-
stock.—Mr. E. Elliot, who has been
suffering from a lame arm, is able to be
around again.—Rev. Mr. Hudgins, of
Seaforth, preached in the Trivitt Me-
morial church on Sunday—morning and
evening. --Miss S. Anthony, of Brampton,
is the guest of Miss A, Gregory. -Mr.
and Mrs. Tra H. Spicer, of Philadelphia,
formerly of Exeter, are expected in
Exeter in a few days. They will make
Exeter their home again, for some time,
at least until Mrs. Spider recovers her
health.—Dr. Burritb, Mitchell, brother-
in-law of Mr. R. 11; Verity, is reported
as about to locate; in Exeter.—Mrs. R.
H. Verity has returned from a visit to
Grimsby,—Miss Lizzie Verity is spend-
ing a few weeks • Toronto and other
eastern cities.—Those who attended the,
Detroit races, last week, pronounce the
meetings the best eiter held in, that city.
—Mrs. W. J. Whiteand daughter Mamie,.
and Mrs. Peterson". of Brandon, Man.,
ase visiting friends, in town.—Miss Julia
Gibson will visit friends in 'Sarnia and
Strathroy during the next few days.—
Mr. and Mrs. W.,J. Clark are spending
a few days in London. —Mr Frederick
Archer, the world-renowned organist
will give an entertainment consisting of
organ recitals, in the Trivitt Memorial
church shortly. —Mr. Martin (brother of
Rev. Mr, Martin) and wife of Mt. Forest
are visiting in town. -Mr. Brumpton of
Brussels is spending a ;few days in town.
We Are Now Offering
The Following Lines at GREAT RFRTTOTIONS.
Goods must be clleared.
Dress Goods,
- Mu shun s,
Curtains, Tweeds,
Gloves Hosiesy,
Millinery, etc.
sOOrxi 1110 tit0
e6erlt i1e
Of Gold Watches has been a
most gratifying success and
we return thanks to our
Exeter customers for their
liberal patronage.
We have just received a
large consignment of fine
presentation goods in the
shape of gold and silver head-
ed Canes and Umbrellas.
Send for prices,
A. Mi0tt'HY : CO,,
Car, Richmond and T)nndas Sts.,
sdon, Ont.
—Mr. Wm. Blatchford has returned
home from British Columbia, --Mrs.
Billings is visiting friends in Brantford.
—Miss Katie Could is spending a few
weeks at Wiarton, camping with the
Meek family of London, and Jermyn's
of Granton. Mrs. Gregory is visiting
friends in Guelph.—Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson
left for Courtland on Monday to visit
friends.—Messrs. Chas. Verity and John
Manning have returned from their trip
to Duluth ; they report having had a
pleasant trip,—Miss Rosie Manning of
Detroit is visiting friends in town.—Mr.
John Reddy, of St. Marys, Lis visiting
friends in town.—Mr. R. S. Lang im-
plement agent, has disposed of more
agricultural implements this season than
that of any previous season.—A. large
number of Exeterites aro rusticating at
Grand Bend this week, Never since
the inception of Grand Bend havo there
been such crowds of people seeking re-
cuperation, as is the case this year. At
times they can be numbered with the
thousands. G. B. is yearly becoming
more popular, as a summer resort.—
Mrs. Thomas Gregory is at•presentvisit-
ing friends in Guelph. —Dr. II. K.
Hyndman spent several days of last
week in London.—Mr. Riggy of St.
Thomas is visiting friends in town.—
Chas. H. Case, of Toronto, spent last
week with his father, Mr. Wm. Case of
Exeter.—Mr. Gregory Tom has returned
from s trip up the lakes.—Mr.J. L cRae,
of Detroit, who has been spending a iew
days with Mr. Wes. Hawkshaw during
the past week, returned home on Mon-
day. --Mr. Geo. Grant, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday in town with friends.—
Mr. John Currelley is at present in
Windsor selling off a stock of dry goods
recently purchased by Mr. John Banton.
—Mr. John Hawkshaw spent a few days
in Detroit last week. He • returned on
Monday.—Mr. James and Miss Nellie
Forsyth, who have been visiting at Mr.
John Darling's for the past two weeks,
returned to their home in Teaswater on
Tuesday.—Miss Lizzie Bawden, after a
two weeks' visit to friends in Seaforth,
returned on Tuesday.—Mr. Coulter, of
Milverton, spent a few days in town
with his brother, Mr. John Coulter,
this week. -Miss Fairley, of'Seaforth, is
the guest of Miss Darling.- Mr. Herbert
Johns, of Guelph, is spending a few
days in town the guest of Mr. L. Gill.—
Rev. W. Down and wife, of Haliburton,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Tom.—Mrs. J. N. Hooper is spending a
few days with friends in St. Marys.—
Miss Alice Walker, of Moorefield, is the
guest of Mrs. R. C. Brumpton.—Miss j
Alice Gibbings, of 'Clinton, who has'
been visiting Mra. Robt. Rowe, returned
home on Tuesday. -Mrs. Gorden Emery
has returned from' a visit to her parents
in Simcoe ; she is accompanied by
sister Miss Steele.—Mr. Geo. Dennis, a
former employe of Tern Tnxus IS visiting
his parents here.—Miss Affa Essery is
visiting friends in London.
Wheat, Wheat, Wheat,*
Our roller, mill is now in full and
thorough running order, and with a
capacity of 600 bushels per day, we re-
quire a large quantity of good wheat and
can always pay the highest marketprice.
Branand shorts always on hand and
farmers from a distance can depend on
getting a load home with thein. Grists
exchanged Without delay and satisfaction
guaranteed'in every case.
The fall exhibition of the Stephen &
lJaborne 4,1Soc'y will be held in Exeter
on Monday and Tuesday 29th, end 30th
Minard's Liniment cures dandruff.
the best of things is sound philosophy and sound business
policy. We xahe the best of. things. %.
Clothing of all kinds ; the best of
coats, the best of vests, the best
—of pantaloons.--�
Tile Best Material,
The Best Work,
The Best Pit,
goes with every article we make. Nothing can be better
than our goods as nothing can be better than the best
of our success lies in the increasing patronage of those
who are the best dressed in the community. Zf''
you want the best you can get it of us as
cheaply as you can get the not best
elsewhere, and we would advise
those who are in need of a ready–
made or made to order suit to inspect our
large and varied stook before going elsewhere. ,,
In the matter of CartCCEI IIE we do the very best
In Sugar—ror Quantity;, Quality, and
,'rice we have no equal.
P. S. --We have the best 25c. JAPAN TEA in town.
Sample free. C. E.
Goldsmith Hall!
•••••••• OR "2"
1 Porsonalattentiongiven to repairing of
watches,olocks andjewelry:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
A. Q. B013IER, having leased. Drew's
Block, will be pleased to pay Shaving and Hair entxing is thca.4st
style of he art.HIGHEST Cash PRICES
Every attention paid to cutting
at all times for butter and eggs.
Agents Wanted.
If you want to make MONEY, take hold
and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is the
time, write us at once for terms,
Nurserymen. Rochester, N: Y.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En -
Office, Upstairs. Samweli's Block, Exeter, Ont
Barber Sho
A. Hastings, Prop
, (LadiesuriaRELTOhildrenDili'sHaFr.
Q 1
Maylst, 90. Drew's Block, Exeter.a.
Great Bargains
Cheap «CASH Store
The undersigned will sell Dry Gxoods,
Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc.,
at a great reduction, for Cash, or Butter
and Eggs. As he expects there willbe a
change in the business on September 1st
all acounts must be settled pbefore `that
Also a first-class farm for .sale, contain-
ing 90 acres, with a first•cless brick -yard
For farther particulars apply to
June 19-3m.
Gin hums
Prints and
all marked down` to meet the hard timer
ad in
We Le '
Pure Spices
and Fresh
Chea Sugars .
Cssanixor. DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton.'