HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-09-06, Page 7ODE IC SUM -STAR goys 14 to 18 or in first year Colleiate are eligible to Jol • • BUS LEAVES TOWN HALL AT 7 p.m. [sharp] EVERY TUESDAY. Tourists Berate'. cture Cards Of oderich Scenes If Goderich wants to win friends '' and influence tourists, someone should take a more critieal look at the post cards depicting local ' scenes. That's the gist of several comments received by Miss Bea Bradford, custodian of the local tourist Information booth.- ' There have been complaints, she ' says, about the "inferior" qoality of certain Goderioh fxist cards which are produced by a Toronto company, Not even the tourists think much of these cards, it ap- pears. Some visitors have even asked Miss Bradford, "Is that the only kind of card that.we can buy'to send Maine to our friends?" Chief complaints against these particular cards are that they look cheap and some of the colored ones. -have been described as `vile" by the tourists. They don't think it's much of a way to advertise the town. a o 0 "So you think you. can support any daughter in the way she's accustomed to?" "No sir, but I can accustom her to the way I support her." vonimmosiminnometiltimmormaimmrommor SUNDAY SCHOOL OF AIR The Anglican Sunday School of the Air will enter its thirteenth continuous year this fall when broadcasts start on Sunday, Sep- tember 9, at 9.39 a.m. The nar- rator, Rev. Geoffrey Wilson, ,of Edmonton, has offered a prize ' of 'ten dollars to the listener who suggests the most suitable title for lsim. This season the broadcast opens with fascinating stories of the adventures of the first Chris- tians. 0 0 . o Fined For failure To Carry Permit spoors - led fi Because a truck driver could not produCe a permit when asked -by police, his employers were assess- seaforth. ed the minimum fine of 110 in In the horse section, Aubrey Toll, Blyth, has entered in the heavy class and A. J. Darling, Exeter, in the light section. and' Ephriam Snell, 'Clinton, have entries placed in sheep classes. Hullett farmer, William J. Dale, will judge the horses in the heavy section. Huron \Livestock At Western Fair A total of 2,060 animals will 'am to to capacity the livestock pavalon at the Western Pair in London. Entries include 804 dairy cattle, 261 beef cattle, 468 sheep, 195 swine, 227 light horses and 105 heavy horses. Listed among exhibitors from Huron County are: Hereford cattle, W. Coates 8F Son, Centralia, Heber J. Eedy, Dungannon; Holsteins, Harold W. Bodley, Walton; Balder & Turton, Goderich; Edward F. Bell, Blyth; W. Hume Clutton, Goderich; Huron County Home, Clinton; Huron County Holstein Breeders' Association, Goderich; Ross Marshall, Kirkton; Morley H. Lannin, Dublin; Peter Simpson, n ISR Rs • a. is y . police court here. Magistrate D. E. Holmes said that a permit, show- ing the weight which a vehicle is licensed to carry, should be kept in the vehicle at all times. Other- wise, he said, police officers had no way of telling whether or not a truck was overloaded. When the owner protested that the truck was empty wnen stopped by Provincial Poliee in G.oderich Townshipe the magistrate said this made no difference. The owner said thet he had changed drivers recently and he did hot realize the permit was not oeing carried in the truck. roll your own with E CUT OGDEN'S QUALITY FINE CUT Western Fair Is A 0441,7 OUT ON A LIMB WITH BILL SMILEY It's a jolly good thing that the kids are back to school again. Another month ef eating purple popsicles, green apples, cold pop and cucumber sandwiches and they'd probably never be the same. It's a wonder their mothers aren't ready for an institution after the kids have been on holidays for a couple of months. There's a real war on consisting of persistent sniping and skirmishing by the small fry, interspersed bran oc- casional shriek of rage from the mother, as she beats off a steady barrage of demands to go swim- ming, go to the show, go for an ice cream cone, go in bare feet, and not go to laed. And they're always dirty. They can be put outside fresh from a bath and with clean clothes on. Big Family Show Twelve second later they look like something that just crawled out from under a stone. You should Western Fair, London, Septem- hear the hearty laugh my wife ber 10 to 15, takes pride in being emits when our daughter walks .A Dry Wisecrack has something for every member a "family fair," because Western in with mud all over her third clean dress of the day. "Oh, well, of the family from prize livestock kids will be kids" she mutters and industrial displays, flower and thrtingh gritted teethe -seizing her' - shows to Conklin's fiercely by the pony tail and march - famous midway and the largest ing her up to the bathroom. farm machinery display in Eastern School re -opening is grand for Canada. -Another attraction on the teachers, too. Theinre tired to the grounds this year will be the death of nothing but holidays, holi- "Dream House." This you must days. They're lonely for their see. sweet, little charges. They can't Ontario Hydro is celebrating its wait to take that first deep breath 50th anniversary at Western Fair of schoolroom air, made up of the this year with an outstanding ex - nostalgic odors of chalk, paint and hibit in the Confederation Build- running shoes. Besides, they've ing. been taking nerve tonic all sum - Fair officials state every stall in mer and are ready to grapple with the Livestoek Pavilion will be filled the little -monsters for another ten and there will be the usual large entries in the sheep, swine and months. For Dad, the opening of school poultry -divisions. is a sad occasion. Fo: one thing, The Ontario Sheep Breeders' As - all the kids need new shoes. In- sociation will hold a sale Septem- --Reeve John -Grahann Goderieh, hit the headlines recently. At a meeting of the Goderich Town Council he gave his views on the Canada Temperance Act. The possibility of getting a vote in Goderich or Huron County with a view to repeal, was under discus- sion. "My opinion", said the Reeve, "is that if the town voted, it would go wet, but if the whole County voted it would stay dry, as it is now. Of course" he added, "that's net very dry." Reeve Graham is probably cor- rect in his prediction, but has laugh line is ridiculous. Actually Horon County is very dry compar- ed with most if net all the other Counties 1111- Ontario—The proof a fine cut with a DISTINCTIVE flavour variably. And the clothes they ber 13th which promises to be even a xmater success , tim isat ar.paris wore to school last year are about four sizes too swell. It's not so lies in Alcoholics Statistics releas- suecessful sale. Western Ontario se seeeleeseee..-eeeekeeeteeejelie et --.&71,--- e,caseas ie. ., asesceseae„„esseeec win .bad if the kids are all , of the,same igundatien of Ontario not long lasn ""l'Ir' Irth'e4faleigliirfh161"Jersletrerd4s alireshoes. Btret telrenli given Middlesex leads with 3160 year. Western is provkling something you get a boy, then a girl, then a boy, and so on, you have to start since. In a list of, seven Counties alcoholics per 100,000 of populae new in afternoon grandStand per - 750 alcoholics per 100,000. Only dighiginthge. of father's peaceful breakfast hour. tion. Huron County is lowest with formances this year. Tickets are second place, it's the end on sale at Blackstone's and Huron, of fhe counties listed, is Craigie's.' In the summer time, he gets up under the C.T.A. Far less liquor LADIES' CLUB HERE . in the cool of morning, enjoys a 4ows here, for we have. no legal- About 15 members of the Walk- leisurely breakfast alone, with a ized liquor mitlets. erburn Ladies' Club toured Gade- paper ar a novel propped against rich last Thursday, visiting the the coffee pot. During the school This advt. sponsored by Huron new ,Huron County Court House, term, breakfast-41We at our place County Temperance Federation. Huron County Pieneer Museum is sheer hell. One kid is wander - and local industrial plants. The ing around in his underwear, lciok- group was headed by Mrs. James ing for the pants and shoes he McDougall, president took off last night. 'The other is mother has the ironing -board up and is ironing another shirt for the The following Is a list of fairs boy, because the one he is sup - to be held in this area: posed to wear has two buttons Arthur Sept. 25, 26 missing and there's no time to Bayfield .. Sept. 26, 27 sew them on. The father is slicing Blyth Sept. 18, 19 oranges, pouring cereal, burning his fingers on the toast and trying Clifford Sept. 27,• 28 to make the coffee perk through Brussels Sept. 12, 13 Dungannon Sept. 27 sheer will power, since he forgot to turn on the burner. He seldom Exeter Sept. 19, 20 gets more than a cup of coffee too hot to drink before he has to rush Fordwich Sept. 28, 29 off, smeared with a couple of mar- Kirkton Sept. 20, 21 It's hard to tell what the kids Kincardine Sept. 27, 28 themselves think of going back to Liatowel Sept. 24, 25 school. They profess to be dis- London (W'tern Fair) Sept. 10-15 gusted, but I think most af them Locknow Sept. 25, 26 are secretly quite pleased, espec- Milverton Sept. 2 , 22 ially the little girls. Aftereall, it's Mitchell Sept. , 26 pretty hard for them to strike up Ripley Sept. 21, 22 a romance with a small type -male St. Marys Sept. 6, 7 in the summer, when h4. usually *Seaforth .Sept 20, 21 going someifehere on the dead' run, Stratford Sept. 17-19 is always doing things girls don't Toronto Sept. 27, 28 do, and is very often dirty and a Tiverton bit on the smelly side. (Cdn. Natienal) Aug. 24 -Sept. 8 But it's a different story when Toronto she gets him sitting behind, be - (Royal Winter Fair) Nov. 9-17 front or across from her in school, International Plowing Smeaptteh2,4, 25 and she can smile at him, snub him, make him talk when he Zurich Ontario County-- shouldn't, tell the teacher when Brooklin Oct. 9-12 , he pinches her, and generally pur- 1 eue the arts of courtship of a A camel can drink 25 gallons small type female. of water in half an hour. . Goderich butchers Leading Way In Protection- By Meat Inspection Goderieh is the fly kiwis in I people, in Many other tow is where Huron County—and one of .few int re a erre anent LS' �,ot i�s�pected, m'� ay�� all Ontario—where consumers have for, a first cls -s product 'bu they the protection . of meat inspection. theare . receiving true value 3U "It's not unusual' for large cities," t rd h k g pbl t Many districtyfarmers store their says Dr. R. M. Aldis, MGH"for the own meat. Last year, the local county, "but it's remarkable for e g h abattoirs slaughtered 3W1 aniniad1 town of this size to have meat P brought n for this purpose. More i� isgpeecction. It's a good . example Y out, t t to hogo than. cattle are handled at to the rest of the world." P t 11, the abattoirs here. o Dr. George S. Elliott, Clinton LAYNR�RENGE veterinarian, calls at the two local abattoirs to inspect carcasses at h' h A four-day conference on "Corn- the Coin the time of slaughter. Last year he g - inunicating the Gospel," will be inspected 2,499 carcasses, accord- b 1 • held at Alma College, St. Thomas, ing to figures supplied to Huron September 8-11 by the United D. Countyl Health Unit. porOftions this total, pe Churcl1, just prior to the, Opening carcasses, Elliott but onlyted p tenons of ses h of the General Council of the Unit- wereThe con- As condemned completely. h t h fit Ierenee will deal mainly with As a result eofr many codnts does receive some complaints from Christian witness of lay persons. about slaughter -house conditions consumers. If they could see some U- u --� and about the meat being sold, of the slaughter -houses, ha grants The behaviour carcasses at time Vi slaughter Credit T Dr. Aldis says that the Goderich situationspeaks well for the for- wa • h in in munici author- ities u or- i ties who were responsible . for set- ting upthe regulations here. The two local abattoirs are nicelykept, e p out out , contrast earlier ears. • FederalinS eC ors check a large meat packing plants, he ex- plains, but there are scores of smallfirms which do notcome within the federei legislation. Under the town by-law, itis an offence to sell any meat here that isn't ills cted. As for other district towns where ere meat inspection is not compulsor', Dr. Aldis admitsthat his office there would probably be more complaints. Fortunately, even if meat is dis- eased, it seldom has ill effects on anyone if it has been, properly cooked. Still, it is obvious that Goderich Town Council passed, a of birds is goy - by -law in 1948 to regulate the con- erned by a built-in control system. ditions under which abattoirs and Instinct tells them when it is time meat markets could operate. The to assemble in flocks, to migrate, town's board of health was instru- to sop mWating, to siog, to fight, to mate, to build a nest and lay mental in drawing up the legisla- Elliott's predecessor, was named to see that everyone abided by it. Dr. Elliott submits monthly re- ports to Town Council, setting out the number of parts condemned. The parts Condemned most often in animal's are livers and heads. They may be rejected for varying reasons, such as tuberculosis, ad- hesions, abscesses, or a parasitic condition. The condemned parts are picked uP regularly by an out-of-town firm for use in making fertilizer. The good carcasses are given a apecial stamp of approval and re- leased for sale in the stores. Another important function is carried out by Dr. T. R. Melady, public health veterinarian attached to Huron County Health Unit. He inspects the abattoirs and the butcher shops in Goderioh and in all other parts of Huron County. But none of the other towns has had the initiative to employ a qualified „inspector to check the FALL WEATHER IS AROUND THE CORNER Modernize Your Home WITH ALUMINUm Self -Storing Combination Windows dnd Doors They pay for themselves in convenience. 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DA I FRY *VISIT Our /ce Cream Bar FALL FAIRS TO. ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes for all makes, and a cOmplete stock of parts for Sparton TV. , For instant service phone or call B. R. MUNDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf nammmiimmarrammilmo FOR SALE Used Building Material momenta/ Iron at mgs We servicn what we sell. JACKSON HOMES LMTED SEAFORTH Phone 3W During Day or 3J in Evening. -291 2x8 IN LONG LENGTHS. 0 1W' FLOORING 0 OAK FLOORING, 1st class • WINDOWS - various sizes GOOD CHIMNEY BRICK 3c each. also "CHOICE BUILDING LOT" BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Elgin at Waterloo St. 34-5 1847 ROGERS BR9S. Canada's Finest Silverplate FIRST LOVE • ETERNALLY YOU RS * ADORATION DAVE ALLAN'S 9a KIDS Tlie ALt.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY bof 111 I if for e \three greatelt \ears ife CORPORATION LIMITED -148 THE SQUARE Telephone, Goderich 797 Chalk , employment combinai with v ua le experience and train- ing in Canada's Regular Army. The pay is good. You learn new skills, perhaps a trade, er train to be a leader. You get a taste of real adven- ture, have a chance to make Ilfe-lons friends witk fine men . . young enthusiastid; a cut above average. After three years you make your choice—to leave, or stay and make a career wilt advancement, training and variety. Find out about one of' Canada's better datroors —no 00 LET OUR OIL TRUCK MAKE A TRIP, 'FOR AUTUMN DAYS ARE FULL OF NIP CANADIAN ARMY information Centre 46o gicn mond Smoot, London, On. ario. Tblophono 4-1601 Local 149. OR WRITE and it'a time to put away all the family's summer clothes. Dry cleaning makes this task easier for you. Modern and highly efficient service is here for you. Army Information Centro. London, Ontario. I Please tet mo balm full information on on Army Career.° INome Street -[City. I am Years old. Tel. No eco GODERI,;7" DRY cLEANERs ) war sir 122 ETERNArLY YOURS REG. BELL JEWELLER Goderich Phone 123