HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-09-06, Page 4PAA14 YOUR C NAFTECS GOLFING TAKES LLOYD TROPHY MIDGETS LOSE TO LISTOWEL (By Gerd. kora) The' final handicap match for ' fie Lloyd Trophy was played "Aber Day at the Maitland Golf Valalb end Charlie-Ntel won over Ralph Kingeveell on the 17th hole. 'tat* 'got off to a bad start in the. 'Rot nine when Charlie went six tap. The last nine saw Kingswell make e strong recovery and at the tied of the 16th had whittled Nte1's lead to 2. and 2. The 17th went bad for Ralph and Charlie Girded the match with a par five. Naftel carded an 85 and Kingswell 96 for theighteen. • En the semi-final earlier in the weekInd, Charlie beat "Hec" Teat 3 and 2. "Hec" also got off te a bad start and Charlie got the jump on him going out in front in the first nine. Eliminations are taking place far the Gerrow Trophy and it is expected the quarter finals will be reached next week -end. 0 DODGERS ARE • MARKING TIME The Dodgers are enjoying a lull in activities as they await the winner of the Florence Chicks— &arnia Imperials series, which win- ner they will meet in the second nand of the OASA play-offs. In the meantime, the Dodgers caay be playing en exhibition game with Hamilton. In an exhibition game at Florence, the Florence Goderich Midgets have put away their baseball equipment for this season. Blowing a one-ganie lead, the local lads lost two straight contests to Listowel to fade mit of further WOAA competition. The teams were playing offe for the WOAA chanipionship. After winning the first game 7-3 at home, Henry Worsell's charg- es lost the next pair in Listowel by scores of 27-5 last Friday and 24-10 Monday. It was no disgrace to lose to Listowel. With almost the same personnel, Listowel has captured four consecutive WOAA titles. The winner now meets Petrolia in the QBA play-offs. Commented Coach Harry Wor- sell after his team was eliminated: "We had a good season, and the boys had a lot of fun while keeping Goderich in the baseball picture." Second Game Goderich 50Q 00 0 00-- 5 7 4 Listowel 214 20 12 24--27 5 0 Sutherland, Harman and Mac- Arthur; I). Farrish, D. Bartja, and Eckel. - Final Game Goderich 000 072 001-10 8 4 Listowel 760 611 12x-24 20 2 Batteries: Goderich, Harman and MacArthur; Listowel, 1). Farri_sh, Lawson and Eckel. Chicks on Saturday handed the ,Toronto Natiynal Torches a 5-0 'defeat. a The second genie of the series between Florence and Sarnia is ischeduled for Florence tonight. 111•0•0114•••••••••••••40•••••••••••••••0114eateleai).•••b • 'Wishing Skeitods LOTS OF LUCK IN • THEIR NEW LOCATI9N • • 1 would also like to thank Mr. Gordon McManus for the 410 • oFiportunity of remodelling this store into its pre'5ent • • impressive layout. BRUCE E. 'RYAN O BUILDING CONTRACTOR 0 • For free estimates on all jobs, large or small, please phone or O contact us at 175 Brock Street. It's our pleasure to serve you. It , • rhank you. 35 0 .11•••••••••••••••••004/*****00111********••••••••••• a • • • • 0• • • 0 T E GODERICH SIGNAL -STAN, Fine Weather Kept Away Farm Followers Of Races Headlined by a field of Western Ontario's classieJ three-year-old pacers, the Labor Day races drew 1,500 to Agricultural Park, 1 There might have been a larger crowd, but, as Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Huron, observed, the weather was a bit too nice on this occasion. As a result, many farmers stayed at home in an effort to catch up on harvesting operations. Said Mr. Cardiff, in this brief remarks to the crowd: "This is the second straight good day in two weeks, so you can't blame the farmers for taking advantage of the weather." Margaret Johnson, owned by L. Johnson, of Dresden, took both heats of the three-year-old pace, which was revived after an absence of about three years. In the sec- ond heat, the winner was given a big assist by a stable -mate, Janie Johnson, who was moved over to let Margaret through. This was the break that she needed to catch Tornado Lee, the Clinton entry which had been setting a hot pace at the front of the field. This heat produced the day's fastest time, 2.10, 25, and boosted Margaret Jehnsons winnings this ''season to $2,397. That's not .hay! Valuable Jerry Lee, owned by . George ('aleell, of Gouerich, neeie a good show.ng in the three- yearold event, tinishin,,; fourth and third in the two heats of the six - :e race. In the free-for-all ',class, both heats were won by Nancy Patch, owned by Allan Walker, of Owen Sound. Jma Ch:ps, owned and driven by H. (rJerry, of Goderich, - (Mi. -lied second in the first heat and third in the last heat. Another Jerry entry, June Ax- worthy t'.. was runner-up to Miss Griittan Chips in eoth heats of the 2.24 class. Miss Grattan Chips ! was the entry of N. Neely, of Pet rolia. ' Still another Goderich horse, M. Cranston's Croldie Chilcoot, showed eple-roty-oe pramise.-in -the 2.3G class, placing second in the opening heat and third in the final. 2.30 Class, Purse $250 Gay Bet (Parks, Lucan) 1 2 Village Queen (C. Haney, Sea - forth) 4 1 Goldie Chileoot (M. Cranston, Goderich) 2 3 Aura Lee (R. Pollock, Park- hill) 3 8 Patty Kate (Neely & Bird, Petrolia) 7 4 Poor Bill (I. Hamilton, Port Elgin) 5 6 The G Boy (Reg. 'McGee & Sons, Goderich) 6 7 Safety MCICillop (W. German, Clinton) Time ---2.22, 2.19. 2.24 Class, Purse $350 Miss Grattan Chips (W. Neely, Petrolia) June AxwortIlY C. (II. 0. Jerry, Goderich) Pauline 'Volo (H. Black, New Hamburg) Pal Direct (K. Bogart, Stied - den) . . . Laddie G. Lee (W. Ross, Kip - pen) Katzie's Chief cafe HemiltOn, Port Elgin) Jack Scott (J. Campbell, Sea - forth) Trusty Ray (H. leteelanus, Stratford) Time -2.13 3/5; 2.14 2.2 Kalmuck Direct (G. Galbraith, Tara)1Class, Purse $400 ' Lord Richard (C. Young, Lucan) Miss Caddie (K. McKinnon, Owen Sound) Wendy Lee Direct (A. Rouse Estate, Wiarton) Miss Callie Rose (I. Hamilton, Port Elgin) Chester Patoh (C. Miller, Port Elgin) Royal Abby W. (A. Smith, Underwood) Time -2.15; 2.13. Three -Year -Old Pace, Purse $500 Margaret Johnson (L. Johnson, Dresden) 1 1 Tornado Lee (Elliott & Little, Clinton) 3 2 Valuable Jerry Lee (G. Cald- well, Goderich) 4 3 Janie Johnson (L. Johnson, Dresden) 2 Authentic (K. McKinnon, Owen Sound) 6 Miss Linda Grattan (P. Sulli- van, Kerwood) 5 Time -2.15; 2.10 2/5. Free -For -All, Purse $500 Nancy Patch (A. 'Walker, Owen Sound) 11 Ima Chips (II. 0. Jerry, Gade- - rich) - - -2-3 Betty Jane Brooke (G. Ger- man, ('linton) 3 4 Betty Brooke B. (W. Boyle, Petrolia) . 5 2 Charlie Chips (N. McRann, Lucan) 4 5 Time -2.13; 2.15 3/5. 8 5 1 1 2 a 33 4 0 5 5 7 4 67 8 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 44 55 66 7 7. Goderich LaviT Bowlers Win District Prizes Labor Day saw Goderich lawn bowlers taking part in outaktown tournaments. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pridham competed in the mixed doubles at Owen Sound and walked off with secckd prize, with many strong rinks taking part ili the tourna- inept. At Lucknow, four Goderich en- tries won prizes in the merchants' annual wen's doubles tournament. Winning second prize was the entry of Dr. H. Hall and Wm. Mc- Laren. Fourth prize was taken by Stan McLean and Ned Sale, 6th by Steve Price and Everett Harris and ninth by "Chuck" Townsend and Roy Sperling. In the mixed doubles tourna- ment for the Craigie Trophy at Goderich last Thursday night, the entry of Ken Hunter and Mrs. Fred Rouse walked pff with the silver- ware. Plagng second was Albert Kittore and Charles Townsend and third, was H. Scrimgeour and Mrs. George Baechler. 5 4 6 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Doak and family, of Ti11sonburg, were week-, end guests with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes, Nancy and John, visited relatives in Hamilton for several days last week and also attended the Can- adian' National Exhibitioe. THURSDAY, SEPT. Cth, is INDUSTRIAL BOWLING LEAGUE GETS UNDER WAY ON MONDAY Many attended the corganization Alloya 1-2 0 ---.., t meeting at the Little Bowhug Alley Sept. 10—Legion "A" vs. Sato on Friaay 'light last When an In- Sept. 17—Ryan's vs. Legion "B" duetrial Bowling League was form- Sept. 24--C.N.R. vs. Legion "A" ed. - Walter Rathburn was elected president of the Leegu.e., Other officers elected were as follows: Bill Dean, secretary; Eugene Ryan, treasurer for group "A"; 'Chuck Montgomery, treasurer for group Rules 'governing the operation of the league ,were drawn up and these will be posted up at the alleys when the schedule opens next Monday night. Group "A" lead off the schedule' on Monday while the group "B" schedule come mences on Thursday, September 13. Teams in group "A" are: Legion "A". Legion "13' 'Sifto Salt Ltd., C.N.R., Ryan and Son Feeds, Gode- rich. Elevator and Transit Company Limited. More entries are expect- ed as groups "B" and "C" get organized. Following is part of group "A" schedule which starts at '7 p.m., on Monday, September 10: 1■10.11.1101•111•01111111•1111.0pasiliates,, up four wins and a plus of 29 for a score of 67. There were mote than 30 entries Oct. e—Sifto vs. Elevators with outside rinks coming from Oct. 8—Legion "A" vs. Ryan's Kitchener, Liacknow, Clinton, Wing- -, Alleys 3-4 Sept. 10—C.N.R. vs. Legion "B" Sept. 17—Legion "A" vs. Elevators Sept. 24-5ifte vs. Ryan's Oct. 1—Legion "B" v. Legion "A" 0-ct. 8—Fdevators vs. C.N.R. Alleys 5-6 Sept. 10—Ryan's vs. Elevators ,Sept. 17--Sifto vs. C.N.R. Sept. 24—Elevators vs. Legion "B" Oct. 1--C.N.R. vs. Ryan's Oct. 8—Legion "B" vs. Sifto 0— 0-- SEAFORTH WINS BOWLING TILT Seaforth's entry of Dr. Brady and E. Munroe walked off with the Purity Flour Trophy in the men's doubles competition at the Gode- rich Lawn Bowling Club on Wed- nesday of last week. They chalked ham and Seaforth. The trophy was won last year by Bill 'MacLaren and Calvin Cutt. In second place on Wednesday of last week was the Goderirch entry of Jack Rozelle and George MacEwan. They ihad three *ins and a plus of 30 for a total store of 61. Other placements were:3rd, Wes Huston and Dick Collie, of Kitch- ener, with three wins aild a plus of 26; 4th, Walter Newcombe and P. Livermore, of 'Clinton, with three wins and a plus of 26; 5th, Archie Townsend and Elmer Coen- ston, of Goderich, with three wine and a plus of 24. 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Heron road, are holidaying in Toronto-. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence, were Mr. Walter Boyce and. daugh- • ter Judy, of Toronto. ,iie;i:Ve, • The MOROCCO Model 2V9T - Low in price . . . but so high in performance and quality! In the "Morocco," Westinghouse Topline TV gives you one of the most outstanding dollar -for -dollar values in Canadian Televisioji history . . the Area -Proved top performance of the superpoweree'Silver Safe- guard" Chassis in a 21" table -top beauty that ANYONE can afford lo own! All the performance features you've wanted . . . all the engineering advancements you thought only came in higher priced models! Compact cabinet in smart brown leatherette grained finish. 79 HAMILTON ST. PHONE 466 111, • - ; .. . Wm. ang • U- A CORDIALLY INVITE U. Ili UfitNi , SATURDAY, SEPTEM *FREE DRAWS Corsage To First 25 Ladies ENTERING STORE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON ER - — me adults only FREE DRAWS SKELTON'S AND EVENING 31 WEST ST. GODERICH aoseosaikosab000soosoo•ao•••000000000000 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0110 .......••••••••••••••••••••••• ...............••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 CONGRATULATIONS I CONGRATULATIQNS , i to , ' to . : SKELTON'S 1 on the opening:. of i We are proud to appoint : • • : THEIR NEW STORE I , 1 — , 1 1 I 1 , C NGRATULATIONS on the, opening of YOUR NEW STORE • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • SKELTON'S as authorized dealer for Goderich and District 5,1 • • They are agents for Beatty— AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONERS, ELECTRIC RANGES and REFRIGERATORS . JOHN INGLIS CO. LTD. Manufacturers of Inglis WASHERS DRYERS RANGES ° Wishing them continued success in their new stand. BEATTY BROS. LTD. SKELTON'S on the opening of THEIR NEW STORE at 31 West Street rEATURING- Sylvnia TV with Exclusive Halolight AND Lebnard Refrigerators NORTHERN ELECTRIC CO. LTD. C.) i" •