HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-08-16, Page 7a VaORS,DAY, AUGUST 16th, 1956 MacDONALD CLAN REUNION FOX the first ti i 27 years the annual reunion of the Mac- Donald Clan was rained out for a white. arty on Civic Holiday afternoon the descendants of two .brotheis, Murdoch and Donald McDonald, o came from Scotland in 1844, b gpx, to gather at the aceustomed place of 'meeting, at the MacDonald Cedars in Ashfield Township. But an bean fall and continued, with not even the skirl of the pipes able to clear the sky; the Chiefs led the way to the shelter utail Hall, where the "golden !of the hamlet was given them, and a happy time enjoyed, with frieikdly greetings exellarq,ed. D. A. MacDonald was on and with the vpgister to enroll 110 members. Dam Stewart, U.S.A., of Toronto, presided for a program of Scottish Sandy MacDonald and P. A. MacLennan Played their fa:Vernet tunes to the wiggle -wag& of the kilts, and young Finlay MacLennan stepped off the Highland fling and other dances. A splendid, exhibi- tion of Highland daneing was givon by Mr. and Xrs. John MacRae, not so long here from the land of the heather. Mr. MacRae also fav- ored with 4 gaelie song. 1.4ttle Sharon West sang "Doiluie Lassie" in her sweet voice. The founder of the clan, Aunt Jennie Lennie, who died last winter at a ripe old age, was tendered a loving tribute, and a minute of Sallee wa',5 observed foxviier and the late Joe AgneW o Liteknow, who passed away during the year; The serious Illness of Jelin Carap. bell In a Hamilton hospital regretted. .Igleetion of office= followed, Finlay MacDonald; the:capable pre- sident for the last two years, re- signed, and Robert Simpson was appotntetl. Mrs. Finlay. MacDon- d, a very helpful seeretarY, also withdrew and Ws. Robert Simpson was appointed. Vice-president is Mrs. Bab Lennie arid the treasurer ,David MacDonald. The oldest person Was D. A. 1VIacDonald, and youngest Alexand- er Finlay MacDonald, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David MiteDonaki. The two coming the farthest were THE GODERIOH SIGNAL -STAR ISlarJory and Isobel UneL'ay grcm Cattelae, QiIebee, at anddaughtiers of. Mrs, Joe Agnew. Mrs. Donald MacDonald had jut returned /rein a visit With)relatives_the'past year in the Canadian West and Cali- fornia. The usual 'good lunch with an abundance of ice cream was enjoy- ed after which dancing, again fel- /owed. The oldesters stepped off the *square dances to music by Alex MadDonald accompanied by his 'sister, Mrs. Donald MacDonald and Tom calling off lilting Scottish airs. Some of those from a distance were Miss Sadie Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle, Mrs.'11, Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Agnew, Mary Edith Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wider, Marjory and Isobel Igndsay, Bain, StewArt, Mrs, Ocore Blue, Mr„ and Mth: 4. 14 Verne, 'Joint and Bob' Levine, Bob Lennie; Jr. ' and Mr. and Mrs. ICielY, Salina iand 140ilise MacDonald, . Mr. 'and' Mrs. ThonV.. son, Tillsonburg, Miss Jean Mac- Donald, Ms. lizabetb Rose and Daiariy,', Jack Allan, W. John ». P11111, Mrs. Ladd, Dill Johnston, also the Andrews and Richards, the HalTis, the Munns and Tom Harris smiipg tluoughout. Festivities elosed, with all join, ing hands 'and singing thein reep•wnts o t"Auld Lang Syne." — The Sentinel. 0 0 A puzzled small girl fwatched a party of anglers putting off in their boat. - "But MunilnY," she asked, "do the gam like all that heerr OLD AG PENSIONIORS Old age pen5ioners can view the wonders of the woo rtipaadian Na tional Exhibition„ merely by wit, ing to the ONE, 'Once again the Vxhibition will be glad to entertain reel /exits of •the Old Age Pension, ai bey will write to the ONE and sal the enveiope "Old Age, Pension Tieltet." CANCER SOCIETY DISPLAY Many attended the open house held reeenaly by the Goderieh •branch of the Cancer Society in its roams in the Town Hall. Dem- onstrations of making dressings were held -and many ,articles of In- terest were on display, including a gift cuPbeinvl with numerous items. • . •.•,;•,; or ecortip eat''car? **** • 4vm'r",4iu:,.,. Fine view of a finny Orli.- lir'!a`gritndgrisup offishermerr, it e:asy after a busy morning lan-the lake. And their Pontiac fits 'right into the scene. You'll Oa longi long' mik before you find a mor e pleasant, more exciting 04 togrt from herb to there. even nicer, of course, with trout in the trunk. Best catch" of the day' Oh, we're not talking about the fish . it's only. averagt; It's that Pontiac that stands so proudly in the picture,. And we're sure that the smiles you see are for the car, not the ILA' It's the way you'll feel, too, first time you take the wheel of your Pontiac. You'll seal Two pets—both friikyl Perhaps "Ddchsy" can amaze you - with his tricks, he's really quite a performer. Butthis Pontiac has some tricks up its fenders, too. Pleasant tricks with your budget,, for example . . . and some truly startling mad performances. Your , dealer can show you with a Demonstration Drive. Seems like everyone's looking for the perfect . "compleat" . . car Actually you don't have to go very far to find it. No farther, in fact, than your neareat Pontiac dealer. There you'll find proof indeed that only Pontiac combines grace, beauty, prestige and perform- ance and reasonable price so well . . . a "compleetness" that goes far, far deeper than mere looka or accessories I You're welcome to a Demonstration Drive in this car of cars, to see for yourself everything that Pontiac offers. Believe us, you'll relish the way it hugs the curves, slides smoothly up or down hills, takes every straightaway with supreme confidence. The ride's the thing . . and with Pontiac what a wonderful ride it is. All this is very exciting . . . but the best. part of all in this "compleat" Pontiac is its price. With all that Pontiac gives you in pleasure and prestige, it's atill easily within anyone's budget, priced right down with the lowest. Yes—just like a trout to a "Royal Coachman" . that's how you'll rise to a Pontiac. Be sure yol do -8000 Only a minute from pool to Pontiac! We almost wonder how this fishennan can turn his back on that Pontiac. Those clean lines can catch . . . and hotd. . anyone's eye. Colors, in a host of Pontiac matching combinations, are bre,atholdng. And Pontiac upholsteries are luxury's last word! See it., . you'll agreel A GENERAL MOTORS VALI!. As Izaak Walton put it; "Tis a wondrous tne catch to be sure': IS- MOTORS giten and Victerik' SU. Phtitrb 344, Itederich 6.• SCOTCHMER—PORTER Anna Xlizabeth Porter becauf`e the bride of Robert, John RaPnond Scotelimer in.a pretty ceremony in Si, Andrew's, 'united Church, Bay. Saturday, August 4, at 1. pan,*‘ The bride is the eldest 4aiglitr of EJi P t and the late Mrs. Porter, of ytkhi eon- 4T-ssion. Road, $tanley Township. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scotehmer, jr, of Stan, ley illownship. CO:yen in marriageby'her Sather,. the Ibride was beautiful in a floor length strapless gown. The crino- Lined skirt was ef net with bee applique panels, over ruffled net and satin underskirts. The bodice was of lace and thelace jacket was fashioned with a small rounded collar edged with seed pearls and iridescent sequins, and long lily: point sleeves. Her shoulder -length veil of silk illusion fell from a tiara set with iridescent 'sequins and seed pearl and she carried the groom's gift, a white Bible, crested with red roses. Miss Peggy. Elliott, Thedford, was her COMM'S maid of honor, and the junior bridesmaids were Margaret and Kathleen Porter, sisters of the bride. The flower - girls were Marion Porter, sister of the bride, and Lynda Scoitchmer, sister of the groom. Robert Talbot was groomsman. The ushers were Gordon Porter, brother of the bride, and Ronald Sootchmer, /brother of the groom. Mrs. D. Kingsbury playe-d the wedding music and accompanied Miss Clara Clark, Varna, who sang "0 Perfect Love,' and "Because. For the reception which followed in the church parlors, the grand- mother of the bride, Mrs. William Reid, we a navy silk dress, navy and pink' accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother chose dawn blue with pink - accessories and a corsage of pink Mal=1111111=6 For the convenience otSit nalStar reader $ who *nrobage their paper from week t4 week rather_than by Year4 subserik)tien through the Bun. SlgnalItars ere sold at the foliowing stands; '.G01) Cil— A 4 P StOre Crai Tobacco .Stolte Dunlop's OrtIg StOre Gederieli NOW Stand 'worincrl,Y Wood's)) 14audeeS Drug 'tore telt Orocerie$ . Signal -Star Ogee Auhur&-,-Alf' RollinSan Dayfield — Weston's Drug Store Renaniller—F. Allin's Store, ungannonh--Vaedy's Store llolmesville—D. E. Gliddon IC,Ingsbridge—G. P. AleKen- zie Store Kintall—W. J. MacDonald's Store. Nile—Nile General Store Port Albert — Roy Petrie's Store Saltford—Tom Morris Gen- eral Store Sheppardton—F. Rising's Store. • carnations. Guests were present from Wind.- sor, 'London, Guelph, Thedford, Goderieh, Clinton and Bayfield. On their return from a honey- moon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer will reside in Rayfield NO POLIO No polio eases have been report- ed in Huron County so far this year, says Dr. R. M. Aldis, MOH and director of !Dimon County Health Unit. Last year, one case had been reported by this date. -,ramoseramallIMMINIIMISHIM ASH ABOUT 10 -UR ALUMINUM SELF-MORING COMBINATION WINDOWS AND ALSO DOORS, ALUMINUM BLINDS WE HAVE, TOO, ALUMINUM AWNINGS and Cloth Awnings, OUR ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS CAN REALLY SMARTEN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR HOME, AND REMEMBER W. Mak* s spacial ,point of SERVICING WHAT WE SELLI — ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION. — JACKSON HOMES LIMITED SEAFORTH Phone 3W During Day or 3J In Evening. -29tf Money on terms you select When a customer borrows from HFC, he is shown what we cage, payment table. This table (sample below) shows exactly how much you may borrow, how any months you may take to repay, and the exact, amount you pay each month. You select your own repayment plan„ to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible. This dependable service is available to you wheilever a prothpt loan is needed for any worthwhile purpose. $AMPII TAILI LW VOS ifetIVI 110111104 PAYaffints OMEN OF NONTHI , $102.73 $10.00 12 110.1111. 24.06 IS S10.42 271111 24 714,36 441.02 24 Renew with confidence from Caudal first and formnasi ;COSMO flow. company HOUSEHOLD FINANC S. F. Safari' Monegw ' 35 West SweetsOtonsi fleetosliette 1501 ONTo