HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-08-16, Page 5eor THURSDAY, AUGU T 16th, 1958 THE GODERICH .�.�JIG • L I:J .Sn AR Auburn Flower Show SPONSORED BY THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY IN ll'HE ORANGE HALL Thursday, August 23 A 3 flo S 1N THE AFTI ,RNOON and 8 to 10 IN THE EVENING A DOOR PRIZE Everyeno is invited to bring in their choice flowers for the show before 11 a.m. sharp as follows: One speciman—A bouquet of any one variety, living room and dining room arrangement. Novelties, miniatures, Cacti collections. Also bird houses and posters made by school children under 16 years of age will be judged. Drize' ---1st, $1.00; 2nd, 75c; 3rd, 50c. There will be a colored snapshot display to be judged of any single flower, plants, homes and' surroundings. TEA SERVED. SILVER COLLECTION ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH August 19th -12th Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH #. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street. United Church AT HOME TO VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH with a cordial welcome to all visitors. 11 a,m.—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A.,. B.D. Victoria St. Minister in North for August Sundays. "FOUR MARKS OF A CHRISTIAN."—Series. Junior Congregation and Nursery, ther Churches — 10 a.m. Benm111er — 3 p.m. Union. Sunday Schools — 10 a.m. North and Victoria. 11 a.m. Benmiller and Union. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MRS. JOS: SNIDER 31-4 11 a.m. Sermon—"THE, EASY WAY OUT." (Nursery and Junior Congregation) +lie Rev: ° #ober." G. MacMillan ^T✓Gre•'W4•Gc_?;. !xmx Vregnaterivat ixrcll Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET An invitation is extended to all to attend worship services dur- ing the month of August at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Guest preachers will be Rev. R. D. Lamb, of Grand Ligne, Quebec, on Aug. 5, 12 and 19, and Mr. Norman Moore, of Brantford, on Aug. 26. Sunday School will be held each Sunday at 10 o'clock. A Bible Study and Prayer Meeting will be held each Tuesday at 8 p.m. Idyl. 5, H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. 30-33. AllDITIONAi. CLASSIFIED ASS 21. Business Notice ROSS E ORI PAIR SERVICE on Tilt street, fiernerly roc pied !by White Auto Wreckers. General repairs to all makes of cars and tractors. Arc and acety- lene spec- ialty. farm trade welding.1? ialty. IID BULLPEN'S R �a► AJ SHOP for custom cab :t t ,making, furniture repair and klechen cup- boards. Sharpening of all types of lawn mowers and cutting ap- pliances, skill saw for rent. 184 Gibbons street, 'phone 1234. 2ltf FURNITURE REPAIR — RE- MODELLING — RE -FINISHING —,RE -UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BL(}K, PHONE 1200 OR 892. 23-26x FINANCING ANI LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street Goderich. -471.1 C IABiPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING arid iplumbing. Epps' pumps and wattt softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Car- low 1108. -19tf Guaranteed radia service._ WILE. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle SERVICES AT THE MacKAY HALL - North St. FRIDAY, AUG. 17, 8 p.im "YOUTH RALLY" ' SPEAKER—REV. ROBERT ARGUE OF SASKATOON, SASK. (Principal of Bethel Bible Institute) —SPECIAL MUSIC FROM LONDON GOSPEL. TEMPLE— I,IVELY CONGREGATIONAL SINGING EVERYBODY WELCOME SUNDAY -10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ¢' 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE "THE SUEZ—TO HAVE AND TO HOLD?" to Biblical Importance of Israel. God's Answer on the Suez. rr Egypt, a Tool of Russia or Satan. A HEARTY WEI,.COME AWAITS YOU PASTOR—R. J. GREEN. 22. Lost and round LADY'S OARDIGAN, LOP, Trade Fair, Powder blue. Find- er Please shone 580. 32x LADY'S YELLOW GOLD VaU&T watch, (Buren make), lost in vicinity obeach. Reward. Phone 1131J, 32x, SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in, designs that add beautye'to your home surroundings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them waterproof and strong- er than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years. Made only by SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Call for free estim- ates. Phone- 740, Seaforth. -25-32 GOLD WRIST' WATCH, WITH leather band, lost. Reward. Phone 678. .-32 FOR YOUR AUTO, FIRE; WIND LIABILITY, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE see GEO. TURIPON, R.R. 5, Goderioh. Phone collect, 179 Carlow, Cooperative Insurance Representative. May be contacted at Semis Motors Satur- day afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. -30ttf MOVING --GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. ° -48t1 FOR, ALL YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is AUTO TELEVISION ..eee_dsses,e-seerese iser II .1110.0 HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. -I ltf 23. Used Cars LJSF S1!J. 1955 PLYMOUTH club coupe, two tone, $1700 or best cash offer. Less than 7000 miles. Phone 306M or see at 33 Hauipilton street (upstairs). 32x BAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Aug. 14. — Miss Martha Carrie is spending a few days, in London with Mr. and Mrs. L Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawson and Bruce returned to Guelph, having spent sevea'1 days with his mother,. Mrs. 11. Lawson. Mr. Donald McLeod, Part Mait- land, spent the week-etd here with his wife and daughter. Mrs. Violet Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kneeshaw and family, Toledo, Ohio, are spending two weeks' vacation in the village. Misses Cleristine and Anne Ever- ett, of Guelph, are spending one week with Miss Margaret Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and family, Sudbury, spent the week- end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pugh and family, Birmingham, Mich., are spending several days at their cot- tage here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, Lon - dons spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. H. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wili ler Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kerr and two children, Exeter, are spending two weeks at the Heath cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rourke and baby, London, spent the week -end in the village. Mrs. Wynn Mersereau and baby son returned from the hospital to their . home on Tuesday. Mr. Jack Murray, Owen Sound, spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. Mae McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Trenton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Auld and family, St. ,Catharines, are occupying a cottage at the Highlands during the month bf August. NIr. 1trs. .Ile ger family, London, are at .the Metcalf MACHINE AND GENERAL RE- PAIR. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LISTER, Maitland road. 24-35x FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. . -17tf SKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER 'INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf GDCL Grade13 Result; 7 Firsts For One -Pupil Obtaining ira dans hounr all seven exam. papers which e wrote, Helen Pridham topped, this year's grade 13 class at Goderich District eoll xto Institute. Si is 'the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pri lhamn, of Goderich. The complete final year results, which have just been received by Principal A. R. Scott, are as fol- lows: Baker, Patrick—Eng. Comp. 63, Physics 55 Bowra, Beverly—Eng, Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 63, Hist. 82, Cheap. 67. Buchanan, Fred -- Algebra 50,. Geometry 60, Trig. 66; Physics 50, Chem. 65, .0ampbell, Malcolm ---Eng, Coni,.. 55. Carruthers, William—rive, Ce mp. 61, Eng. Lit. 54, Hist. 60, Hat, 50. Currie, ,Arthur—Eng. Comp. 77, French Comp, 5a u Elliott, Diane—Bing. Comp. 62, Eng. Lit, 70, Hist. 67, Bot. 52, Zool. 50, Fr. Auth. 55, Fr. Comp.. 50. Elliott, Marilyn—Eng. Comp. 72, Eng. Lit. 73, Hist. 97, Lat. Auth. 79, Lat. ,Comp. 84, Fr. Auth. 80, Fr. Comp. 88. Fisher, Auleen—Eng. Camp. 60, Eng. Lit. 55, Fr. Meth. 55, Fr. Comp. 58. Ford, Jayne — Eng. Comp. 70, Eng. Lit. 71, Bot. 62, Zool. 76, Lat. Auth. 64, Lat. Comp. 75, Fr. Auth. 08, Fr. Comp. 71. Graham, John—Eng. Comp. 57, Eng. Lit. 53, Chem. 50. Hamilton, Kay—Eng. Comp. 75, Eng. Lit. 58, Hist. 95, Bat. 67, Zool. 73, Lat. Auth. 64, Lat. Comp. 5$f, Fr. Auth. 53, Fr. Comp. 55. Bayfield Public School twenty-five years ago. Mrs. S. Skinner, London, is spending a week with Miss Cecile McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers and fam- ily, Byron, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant. On their return they were accomp- anied by -Mr. and Mrs. Bryant who will spend a few days at ,London. ASHF'1ELD bill, `i atbleen—Emig. Comp, 64, Eng. Lit., 50, Hist. 62, Bot. 82, Zool. 5,4, ' Cheri. '10,. Auth. 03, Fr. Comp. 64 - Johnstone Ray—Eng. En g. damn . 55, Eng. Lit. 6., But. 55. MaeDiarm•id, Allan—Eng. Comp - 54, Eng. Lit. 52, Mg. 63, Geom. 50, Trig. 55, Phys. 57, Cheri. 66, Fr. Auth. 50,. Fr. Comp. 64, McArthur, James—ng. Lit. 50, Trig. 58,MA. . 59, Chem. 76. Madge, Richard—Eng. Comp. 75, ng. Lit. 69, Alg. 90, Geomn. Cil, Trig,.. 71 Phys. 64, Ch:emmm. 78, Fr. Auth. 81,Fr. Comp. 74. Moore, Isabelle—t. 52. Pridhom, Helen --Eng. ng. Comp. 75, Eng. Lit. 86, ;$ot. 68, Zool. 90, Chem. 90; Er. Antic. 04, Fr: Comp. 76. Snyder, Jeanne—Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 65, Bot. 50, Fr. Auth. 52, Fr..Gomm.. 52. Stewart, Norman --- Eng. Comp. 52, Hist. 51,. Bot. 64, Zool. 72, Phys. 61, Chem. 65, Fr. Auth. 53, Fr. Comp. 54. Turner, Edward—Eng. Comp. 71, Eng. Lit. 54, A1g. 94, Geom. 60, Trig. 97, Phys. 75, Chem. 87, Fr Auth. 69, Fr. Comp. 74. Vanstone, Joan—Eng. Comp. 53, Fr. Comp. 55. Volland, Robert—Eng. Comp. 54. Walzak, Kenneth—Eng. •Comp. 60, Eng. Lit. 57, Fr. Auth. 60, Fr. Comp. 58. Wood, Robert --Eng. Comp. 61, Geom. 51, Trig. 54. WorseII, William — Eng. Comp. 57, Eng. Lit. 50, Bot. 70, Zool. 67. ASHFIELD, Aug. 13.—Mr. and Mrs. James MacLennan, of Chicago, with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mac- Lennan and Jean, of Barrie, called on their friends here over the week -end. They are in their cot- tage at Point Clark. Miss Catharine MacDonald, R.N., of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Aenie Mae MacDonald. Rev. and Mrs. Estes, of Brant- ford, visited among the Ashfield congregation. Rev. Esler conduct- ed services in the Ashfield Presby- terian Church'the last two Sun- . s Nt_ __ Mr. and Mrs Donald Drennan "(bGG[a•E'j'6 .CVi• •.t +1+..--...L,.-....n -: ,,. .. s.•,...e...�—..w J+sub-- -.... Mr. an'd Mrs. Fred Davison, De- farm. rovi .Y1".lc-4rs , J.1LL Aug,cl.`x"'.L AkAfi Bible School, Gond tcate' pvt two:week,s, ended last V''zd iy even- ing 'er-in , with a Program in the clfocil home. There was vim?' . large t tte>rzdamec and Mr. Martin andirits teaching staff deserve a great deal of credit -for the wonderful work they are doing. A The u L,�t 'meeting of e It'b A mto g g was held in the •basement 1f • the Church with a very poor attend,. rinse. The inesident, Mrs, cx. Man- ning, took eimarge oof the meeting. It Was .decided- to call .a -special quit ing, August 29 in the aura: to quilt a large quilt that as order- ed. rdered. Plans were made for the I'ar- sonage mrd .supper to beheld in Bayfield, Friday evening, August 17. o- o Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Atkin, accom- panied by their daughter,. Miss Betty Atkin, and their two grand, children, Anne and Nancy Tripp, all of ,Niagara Falls, are renewing acquaintances in town and Mrs. Atkin is visiting ber brother, Mr. I� Alex. neeshaay. „ �. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Priddle, Jim and John, accompanied by Wayne Cranston, have returned to Ottawa after vacationing with Mr. l?riddle's mother, Mrs. Pearl C. Priddle. PAGE ExpIains Contest At Kingsbridge. in;sbridge, Ont., Aug. 13, 1951. Editor, .gi nal -Star. writing you in 3nt7�ee tion. with �t Mira contest which was w,ri,tten ut your paper. 'a you probably real- ized, thea viasn tmel�et ;e]i"lmlab con- test. The girl who ek1 the angst tieheta was the winner. d lost b t five dollars and intend' to go an. the same eontest next~ 5'e*'. We aold tickets on a draw for a anda Bear, but your paper did not even ' mention the 1W4r., wlrfl won it, or anything. I find it quite difficult ter e* plain this 'Mistake 1 o he 'people 1 have sold tickets' to. ' Some of them don't even believe me wbef I say that there was a draw and a winner of the panda :bear. The. Winner was Maria, Dalton, I feel that sthis misunderstanding, will cause a lot of difficulty next• year whin 'I try to sell !tickets again. Couldn't you please pr'i'nt the name of the winner in. your paper to clear this up? Yours truly, FRANCES DAIRON. FREE HEARING CLINIC HOTEL BEDFORD Friday, Aug. 17, from 2 p.m:to 6 p.m. For Sale...... by Tender A building lot, in the village of Holmesville, known as the Township Pound, will be offered for sale by Tender by the Township of Goderich. All tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by October 1st, 1956. Higest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact the Township Clerk. Signed R. E.Thompson Clerk, Tswnsh_L sof_ Goilerrich, 111 32 and 36 troit, spent ,a.few days last week. Dr. Wenzel, of Detroit, spent a , with the former's three brothers, few days fishing with friends here. Melvin, Russell and Lyall. Rev. and Mrs. D. Henry and daughter, Cynthia, Amherstburg, a?re spending a month at the Chamberlain cottage. Sympathy of he community is extended to Mr. Reginald Francis in the death of his mother, Mrs. Marian Francis. Funeral services were ;field at the Ball and Mulch funeral. home, Clinton, Monday, August 13. Interment was at Embro cemetery. Mrs. Peter McGee was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where she underwent surgery on Thursday. Her many 'friends in the village wish heti a speedy recovery. Mr. Ewing Buchan, Calgary, Al- berta, is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. F. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Kalbfleisch, Chesley, called on Mrs. Robert Scotchmer one day last week. Mr. Kalbfleisch was principal of the LEEBURN LEEBURN, Aug. 13. — Misses Judy, Vicki and Brenda Graham, of Goderich, and Miss Connie Young, of Carlow, visited all last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. Mrr. Gordon Schwanz and son, of Toronto, visited of the week -end With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting. Mrs. Carolyn Plunkett and Betty visited a few days last 'week with Me. and Mns. W. Thompson and family, at Seaforth. Mrs. Jas. Pope and Linda, of Montreal, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Nor- man Lloyd, of Acton, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buchanan and family, and Mrs. Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevenson, of Detroit, called on Mr. Arch. Horton and family, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scholtz, former- ly of St. Petersburg, Florida, have taken up residence in Goderich. Andy and Billy Plunkett visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Plunkett, of Auburn. ef SPORTS CALENDAR THE LITTLE BOWLING ALLEYS AGOYSTICON'S A TUBELESS EAR -FINE No cord down the neck ... nothing on the body... and your hearing is at ear level where it should be. Worn entirely in and 'behind the ear. Com- fort... and clearer, more natural hearing without clothing noise or interference. Y ARE NOW ACCEPTING LEAGUE RESERVATIONS, ALSO PERSONS INTERESTED IN PLAYING OR ENTERING A TEAM ARE ASKED TO PHONE 1509 OR CONTACT THE ALLEYS. KEEP IN MIND HARNESS RACES AT AGRICULTURAL PA'" K a GODERICH Hundreds of thousands of hard of hearing•people can be helped by this new development. Conte in and find out if it can help you, or mail this coupon. LAMBTON ACOUSTICON OF HURON 225A Front St. N., Sarnia..: Phone Di 4-8708 FREE INFORMATION COUPON AcOUSTOCOH (address) Please rush full information about the Tubeless Eai•'Fono. Name Address City Zone State FREE Westinghouse Washer Do you realize how quickly the simmer is flying by? THERE ARE ON Mon. Sept. 3 TRADE IN YOUR OLD IC5 BOX OR FRIDGE ON THIS BEAUTIFUL 1956, 10 CU. FT. AUTOMATIC FROST FREE WITH ALL THE TRIMONGS. i MEAT KEEPER HUMOD."AWER a ROLL OUT SHELF EGG RACKS UTTER CONDITIONER t1 BOTTLE STORAGE NO MONEY DOWN ONLY $4s75 per week No payments till September PEPS EN' MAY HAVE LT'S ILIUM and GLEAM MAY HAVE ITS GL 70 ONLY 2 MORE BUFFET SUPPERS at the Sunset this summer. Don't be disappointed. COME E THIS SUNDAY FROM, 6 - 730 With, your family and friends. r� F COURSE SUNDAY DINNER IS SERVED AS WELL BETWEEN 12.45 ANi) 2.15 SUNSET HOTEL GODERICH ONTARIO -32 AT 1.30 P.M. 5 EVENTS $2,000 IN PURSES re111et•111ee0ee0eSO/see4)4HHHII • WE'LL EXCHANGE YOUR OLD WASHER (REGARD. LESS OF MAKE r•,R CONDITION) FOR A BRAND NE.W MODEL O2SP AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. Willf Reinhart has MMMT - (at , PRICES IN TOWN)