HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-08-16, Page 3.�a :; ifiy= r THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1950 Planning Another Rock Salt Mine WOOD, Ont.: Mining oper- .blons are expected to start late this year or o rly, .next year on a deposit of mock salt in Adelaidp T'hip, five miles north of here. The supply is believed good for. frons 75 to 100 years, Engineers for 'the Midrim Mining Company, a Toronto then which has leased over ten square miles off property, said the salt find ds so g,00d that construction of a $3,504),Q00 raining plant may get eapder wey this fall. Sample testingas high as 99.7 per eetit pure sat nave been pro- uced. WUl ON PAINT Mrs. Gerald Fisher R.R. 2, GadC. rich, and Mre. J. K. Hunter, Gode- rich, each won a gallon; of pai'pt, given away on Friday and Saturday ria connection with the paint de- nionstration at Corns sh Electric. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes, Nancy, and John, are spending their vacation at Thorel House, Lake Roseau, in Muskoka. WE STAND° UUTWEEN you AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 230 43A .West St.: iladerich. 7tf TIM GODERI011SI TAR War WhoopingInjunsAtTrade�a�r,Goderich � Revival of Fall Fair Is Preclicted ! Preventhwi Bush Iire In N, Ontano rias MIN For three hours cast week,, Gode- coexistence. rich was In "tInjun" hands., As fierce war whoops echoed through the town, anxious citizens rushed to their portals to find scores of red/tainted figures prancing by somme brandishing mean -looking tainahawks - and others with bow and arrow. ' But fears were allayed when it was realizedthat this was just pant of the big parade which open- ed the third annual Goderich Trade Fair. The Injuns, who turned out to be the neighbors' kids in disguise, whooped it up right from Judith Gooderham Memorial 'Park through the Square to Agricultural Park. There the town was saved 'when the big white chief, Mayor J. E. Huekins, negotiated a truce. ' 1p a symbolic ceremony, the mayor, attired in feathered head- dress and 'blanket, buried the hatchet which was handed him by the witch doctors. Then both sides announced a policy of peaceful Taking- part in the opening par- ade were the Goderieh Siwe Water Band end Goderieh 0'1r1s' Itrunmpet Band. Among th vehicles were two fire trucks, a police cruiser and a covered wagon. At Agricultural Park, the first night crowd was welcarined by Earl Rawson, chairman of the :fair eon- mattee.' He introduced Mayor Huckins, who declared -.'he show officially open. Fall Fair Again? The mayor foresaw -the eventual return of "our once well known fall fair" as a natural outcome of the trade ,fair. In fact, he was prepared to go even farther than that. He said he felt ithate ode- rich would be able to interest other municipalities in staging a Huron County Fair in connection with the local .trade 'fair. "It • has great possibilities," he said, "if we get out and suppport these young 'businessmen who have the interests of the town at heart." He pointed curt that ppeneeeds ofthe fair bel., keep Goderich child- ren off the eteeets. The Ki amen Club, he said, had a $10,600 in- vestment In a playground end has now started to construct a wading pool. Bert Such, president of Kinsmen Club, thanked all those •who had helped in preparing the 1956 1 - tion of the fair. About 1,500 people viewed the exhibits in the arena and outside on opening night. Several weeks of preparation had gone into the parade in which 150 young braves, squaws, cowboys and cowgirls marched. It was planned as a special event of Judith Good- erham Memorial Park under the leadership of Ted Williams, recre- ation director, and his assistants, Shirley Leitch, Auleen Fisher, Ruth Westbrook, Pauline Hill and Art Peachey. After the parade, the youngsters enjoyed hot dogs served by the Kinette Club and milk donated by the local dairies. income Tax Dept. Never Seems To Bother Bootleggers - Cadi •N•••NN••• ATPARK TELEPHONE THE 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Now --Clark Gable and Susan Hayward In "Soldier of Fortune" -Scope and color. MON., TUES. and WED. - "The SECOND GREATEST SEX" SCOPE AND COLOR A riotous musical evolves when three Kansas townships divide husbands against wives over aopolitical issue..._„„„ Jeanne Crain, George Nader and Bert Lahr THU.RS., FRI. and SAT. - Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Dan Dailey and Dolores Gray A brisk and merry musical show about three war buddies who crash television and score a smash hit. "IT'S' ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER" SCOPE AND COLOR "The ineoome tax people get after everyone else, but they don't seem to bother ibootleggens," Observed Magistrate D. E. Holmes in court here. He fined Ben Bowland, of R.R. 3, Goderleh, $100 and costs or 30 days he jail for keeping liquor for sale at the Crystal Club, Dun- lop. In levying the fine, Magistrate Holmes reminded Bowland that if this sort of thing was to continue, he must pay a "tax." The magis- trate •added, "I'm willing to bet they don't return it in their income tax forms." Coming -"The Eddie Duchin Story" -Tyrone Power in a new HITI 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sale CUCUMBERS AND CABBAGES Earl Williams Bayfield Rd. on Highway 21 Phone 1546w1 Goderich Phone orders delivered. 31-2x 31-2x Bowland, who pleaded guilty, was charged after five officers of the Goderich OPP detachment raid- ed the Crystal Club on August 2. The police found 345 bottles of beer and ale on the premises, said Constable Alex. Twaddle. The bev- erages were being sold for 30 cents a bottle, it was learned. The fine of $100 was the maxi- mum that can be levied for the offence under the Canada Temper- ance Act. A Goderieh man was fined $50 and costs when he pleaded guilty to a public mischief charge. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays explained ,hat,._Pxouse had been in an ac- cident and then falsely reported his auto stolen. Ronald Brown, 17, of R.R. 1, Kincardine, was fined $15 and costs for careless diving. The charge arose out of a collision at Highway 21 and Bog's Beaeli side:oa d on July 22. m There was about $400 darnage to the vehicles involved. DAtAY TA6f3 11111,01411111 1111 t With Us NOW for i l\LIP1-JLU Vw�D CK v AVIPCS1148r"' 11141k._ ,,1111111111/104, I FRU TS Ar ETA s POTATOES TO MATOES fresh, local -grown at the firm, tasty • right price. home-grown. LES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BANANAS: golden brown, :ripe, at lowest • • prices in town. • e. P"" IVAN'S FMARKET Free • 1671 Delivery i • BREAKFAST FOOD ANOR,w- jAigy _..; MILK ON 1T.. Goderich W. t. Holds Picnic The August meeting of the Gode- rich Women's Institute was held at Harbor Park in the form of a picnic. A shoat business session preceded tie picnic with the presi- dent in charge. Mrs. William Doak is convener of the Navy League tag day to be held on Saturday. Those helping her will be Mrs. C. Bissett, Mrs. L. Bannister, Mcs. N. Miller, Mrs. 'Claremont and Mrs. H. Tichborne. Plans for a bus trip to • Sombre. on the third Wednesday in Septem- ber were made. Members wishing to go are to get their tickets- on or before the September meeting from Mrs. D. Riehl. Several games of bingo were played at the picnite There were also several contests, the winners being MTS. J. Ryan, Mrs. A. Wil- kins, Mrs. L. Bannister, Mrs. C. Thomas and Mrs. A. Straughan. Mrs. A. Sitter and Mrs. W. Kings- well were winners of a draw. Pic- tures of the group were taken by Robert Henry for the Signal -Star. The president extended a wel- com.e to two visitors,. Mrs. C. Thomas, of Stratford, a former member, and Mrs. McIlwain, of Vancouver. A bountiful supper was then en- joyed and a vote of thanks given to the branch directors, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. J. Cook, Mrs. A. Alex- ander, Mrs. Wm. Doak, Mrs. N. Miller and .Mrs.__11. Bradley, who were in eharge of kheapien-i-c. „,• c.r : r..rsr Cser tiKam.'--� Winning taggers for the C.P.T. fund last Saturday were: Ivan Harris, first; Leonard Baxter, sec- ond; Sharon Watson, third. The - committee appreciates very much the generous support of the public to the annual tag day • FOR. Your fountain Favourites " f j •VISIT Our /eaCrewnBar TOWN OF GODERICH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE 111111111111111111 1. Take notice thitt the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich intends to construct the following local improvements as set forth in the annexed schedule and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the- work, the proportion to be paid by the Town, the annual rate per foot frontage and the number bf installments are set forth in the annexed schedule, CONCRETE WALK Street From SCHEDULE To Estimated Total Cost Town's share of cost West side of Horton Bt. David St. South side of Lightho'use Waterloo St. West sde of Waterloo Britannia, Rd. North side of West The Square South side of West Part 'lot 22 North side of Park Horton St. -South tide of Lighthouse Wellesley St. East side of Essex - Elgin Ave. North-west side of Maple Huron Road Park St. Montreal St. Picton St. Part of lot 997 Part lot 26 West limit of lot 559 Ewer St. Lighthouse St. Part of lot 18 on the north-east side of Regent St. $ 444.00 916.00 312.00 1508.80 1, ►,.60 240.00 246.00 1316.00 1352,00 $ 285,00 499.00 108.00 811.90 784.30 63.00 78.00 .lis) 663.00 Estimated annual rate per foot .141/20 .141/20 .141/20 .22 .22 .141/2c .141/20 .141/2o .141/2e No. of installments 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 S'A.NITARY SEWER Cambria Rd. Wolfe St. Mary St. c, Maple St. East side of Gibbons St. Blake St. West side of Gibbons St. Blake St. 3. Peraorii5,, 4 5jjng to petition againet 1956. Monte lni t.. Beni' tt St. south 170 ft. north limit of lot 1161 725.00 760.00 41)0.00 '970.00 41$0.45 467.60 317.30 346.00 .081/4 .15 .16 15 15 15 15 undertaking the w ork must do co on or before the 16th day of September, S. H. BLAKE, Clerk, Town of Goderich. Gated € t Goderich, Ontario, this 16th day of Augu t, 1956. 32-;3 FIRST AID RENDERER TO ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes for all makes, and a completeVock of parts for Sparton TV. For instant service phone or call B. R. MONDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf BROWNIE'S Drive -In Limited AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. (DST) First show at dusk. Thurs., Fri. Aug. 16, 17 "MARTY" (Academy Award Winner) Ernest Borgimine, Betsy Blair TWO CARTOONS "KHYBER PATROL" (Color) Richard Egan, Dawn Addams CARTOON "NIGHT OF THE HUNTER" Robert Mitchum, Shelly Winters TWO CARTO NS Thurs., Fri. Aug. 23, 24 "HEIDI AND PETER" (Color) Elsbeth Sigmund TWO CART° NS Two shows nightly, rain or clear. Children under 12 in cars free. CHURCH SERVICE 1 EVERY SUNDAY EVENONO s An alert troop of Goderich Boy Scouts in credited with averting a possible disaster by extinguiehisig abush fare in Algonquin Park bst week. Ih subduing the outbreak, members of GoderichThird Troop took off their trouser and tied the legs to make containers for carrying water from Keeney lake to the fire. After fighting the atubbrrrn blaze in the thick undergrowth for two hours, the Goderich scouts notified rangers of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. By the time the rangers arrived, the youths had the flames under control. Of- ficials said that the scouts' quick action had prevented serious trouble from developing in. the 'huge, densely wooded park. Twenty -fops scouts of the troop, under thesupervision of Scout- master Glen_ Lodge, had gone to camp at Kerney Lake on Saturday, August 4, and they returned to Goderich on Wednesday of last • week. The tromp has ite head- quarters at Kqeox Presbyterian Mara. patio$ of eight hoe, headed b y Art Peacney, troop leader, was hiking about a male from their camp when the ,fire in the Mader? growth Was r potted. Apparently. the,'btaee was eaUeed by a careieee caalper, who had neglected to pat out his campfire peeperly tine previous day. As well as 'tieing the legs pf their troueelee to serve as contain- ers, for earning wafer to douse -the flames, the boys used sticks to dig up the ground and prevent the flames from advaneing. • 4 Later, the first patrol was joined in its battle against the blaze by another patrol from the Goderieh troop. In other, quieter moments dur- ing the camping trip in 'Algonquin Park, the boys spent considerable time observing beavers building their dams. And they found that deer were very plentiful, too. PERSONALS 1Vn: V9'ria. Curry and family, of Windsor, have returned home after a week's visit with the lady's mother, Mrs. H. L. Saldceld. Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mathers, West street, were Mrs. Mathers' mother, Mrs. J. Baigent, and heir brother, Mr. Dick Baigent, of Toronto. Holiday guests visiting -Mr. and Mns. W. A. Coleman, of Anglesea street are Mrs. R. Wightman, of Owen Sound, and Mrr�and Mrs. R. Coleman, of" Windsor. • Flt -Lt. and Mrs. D. E. Whately. and family have returned to Ottawa after spending their vacation at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Snider, Essex street. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Scully and family spent a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Snider. Mrs. Mary Stinson, June -and Grace are visiting Mrs. Stinso,n's sister, Mrs. D. Gray and Mr. Gray at Dublin. Mr. Nelson Yeo, of Toronto, is renewing acquaintainees in town for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Buchanan, of Sen:tih's Falls, are guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buchanan, Cambria road. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gl.e,n and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wark and family, at Corunna. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Snazel have returned from Wiarton where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Snazel's sister, Mrs C_ Lawrence. M=r. Bert Kempster has mind th;c, 0 ecestaR of W.G. Thompson Kempster has been attending aright classes of the Goderich Business College. Miss Sophie :'Meier, who has been attending the Goderich Business College, has joined the office staff of the London Life Insurance Co. Obituary . MRS. EMM,A HAMILTON In ill health for the past year. Mrs. Emma Hamilton, 81, died at the .ham,e of her son, Archie Ham- ilton, at Saltford on Thureday, August 9. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. C. D. Daniels, , of Hensel', at Johnstone's funeral I home in Lucknow on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Interment was in Ripley Born near Amberley, she spent„ a large part of her lite on a farm on the Second Concession' of Huron Township. She moved to Lucknow \more than ao years ago and had been. residing with hee son at Saltford since May. She, was a member of Lucknow United Chu rch. Her husband, Wilson Hamilton, died more than 25 years ago. Be- sides her son, she is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Garfield Mac- Donald, of Lueknow; Mrs. Fred Bridle, of Amherstburg; Mrs. Doug- las •Graharo, af Brampton, and Mrs. Another daughter, Isa,bella, died several years ago. She is also SLIT- nelly, of Sault Ste. Marie, and 10 grandchildren and five great- Pallbearees for the funeral were six grandsons, John Graham, of Hamilton, Ben Graham, Donald Graham and William Graham, an of Brampten, and Robert Bridle, of Tillsonburg, and Glen Gary Mac- Donald, of Lucknow. There passed away suddenly at the Public General Hospital, Chatham,' on Friday, Au,gust 10, a former resident of Goderich in the person of Margnerite Henrietta Fraser, 135 Park street, Chatham. Deceased was born at Goderich, the daughter of Mrs. Violet Mac- Donald and the late Allan Mac- Donald, Brock street, 43 years ago She received her education at the Goderich schools and after her marriage to L. Neil Fraser, they lived in Chatham where Mrs. Fraser conducted a nursing home for some time. She leaves to mourn two daugh- ters, Jima and Margo and two sons, John A. and Murray, as well as her husband, all at home. She is also survived by her mother at Goderich, and a brother, Major T. M. infacDoneld of the Canadian Army in Germany Mrs. MacDonald atte.nded the funeral while Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glazier and Mrs. W. J. Buchanan aid their respects on Sunday, ajor MacInatiald is expected home n Saturday ori eompassionate 'The body rested at the John G. tephen funeral home, 245 Wel- ington etreet, west, Chatham, There the funeral servien.was ueted on Monday at 12.45 pen. ith interment in 'Maple Leaf emelery, 'Chatham. AT 8 P.M. Association -32 Mr. Reg. Williams, of Toronto, called on acquaintances in town and visited his .brother, Harry Wil- liams, at Saltford. Miss Abbie Corrigan from. Chi- cago has been spending a few days with her cousins, the Misses Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Athol' McQuarrie, of Toronto, have been spending holidays in town. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Johnston, Lighthouse street, were Mir. and Mgrs. Eric Johnston and children, of Guelph, and Grant Johnston, of Toronto. Miss Barb- ara Johnston, of 'Guelph, spent last week with her grandparents and this week Betsy ,Elliott, of Myth, is visiting her grandparents. Mrs. Eileen Kerr, Misses Eva ind Violet Chalmers, all of Ham- ilton, were- recent gifests of Miss Eanma Campbell, Waterloo street. Mrs, F., G. Eagle, Hamilton, is spending the month of August with her sister, Miss Emma Campbell. Mrs. Violet White, of Stratford, renewed acquaintances in town during Iast week -end. EEDY FIREMEN The wed! arrival tkeletieit fuenlen way credited with - veeeting extensive damp e w ee14; fire broke out. in Cliff dehydrating plant et McGee/ eft Satue ay abOut 4 p.m. to Was. colt/awl to aiicut * ten of live- stock teed. Firemen stied A 4lie ecene fo about dime hours to make ,pure no further outbreak eeeurred. Cam of the blaze has riot' been cJetere mined. The Aleft eeeitaine eon, side -ruble machinery liar pi ;eeseiug feed. BAND CONCERT SUNDAY, August 19 -- AT - Agricultural Park at 8.15 p.m. GiRL$' TRUMPET BAND AND GODERICH PIPE BAND PLUS ADDED ATTRACTIONS Silver collection to assist financing the girls° trip to Toronto (C.N,,E.). •NNN•••••••••EN•M•• a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UNSET 11/4 Miles East of Goderich, on No. 8 Highway "FAR HORIZONS" Fred Macklurray-Donna Reed CARTOON Aug. 1647 CARTOON Aug. 18-20 "FURY AT GUNSIGIIT PASS" DAVID BRIANN-EVILLE BRAND AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM ARBED GENE AUTRY SATURDAY NIGHT IS GIVE-AWAY NIGHT AT THE SUNSET. "HALF ANGEL SP 9 Aug. 21-22 LORETTA YOUNG -JOSEPH COTTON CARTOON CARTOON BOX OFF1Ct OPENS 8 P.M. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS Children under 12 in cars free. Announces the FALL TERM PENING ON TUES., SEPT. 4 PRACTICAL INS'ritIleTION IN ALL COMME&CIAL Courses approved by the Catadian Burines Xoclan Equipment Schools, kvociation. Tuition $18 por 'month Goderich Business* 'Coll Pholie 428 or I272