HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-08-09, Page 1041,:ti:3-mss a PAG* KINGSBRIDGE RIN' SBRUME, Aad, G.—Miss N. 3[i ituca Of Haion, Miss Mary Sherid*n; of Torounto,a d Rev. Patrick Sheridan, C.S.S.R., of Kiiteh :ner, are vacatiwning at the tttztrzte of Mrs. M. Sheridan. Father Sheridan leaves shortly for Lou- Wxau University in Belgium. Week -enol visitors here were: Kr. and Mrs. Jack Austin Intl son Pick, of Timmins; Chas. Dalton BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC WERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic. Office Hours: ]don„ Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m.~ to 8 p.m. Wed, & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy once orner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. TITE Q ERi INA T R ,'5'm7:41.70 and tf ri;er.d, of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietrich and children, of Kitchener; M. It. Dean and ehil- dren, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mr. and MM. A. Hartman and Shirley, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reid, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy, of Toronto; Miss Maureen Vassella and friends, off Ilii" :t, dsor. Rev. H. Van Vynckt and the Lierman family are vacationing in the States for two weeks. The esurrecti.on Fathers will be in charge of the parish during this time. Mrs. Ursula Hebert and son, George, were visiting during the past week at the home of John O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. P. Captain and little daughter, Nellie, of Sudbury, visited with his brother and other friends here during the holiday week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dwyer and children and Mrs. T. Dwyer, of St. Catharines, are holidaying this week with their sister, Mrs. D. Frayne, and family. Congratulations to Miss Jo Van Osch, who was crowned "Miss Kingsbridge of 1956" by John Han- na, M.L.A., at our annual garden party last Wednesday evening. Mr. Cardiff, M.P., of Brussels, pinned the ribbon on "The Queen," and also presented many beautiful gifts to her. The other three con- testants received consolation priz- es. They were Frances Dalton, Mary Doherty and Patricia Ann Martin. The draw for the 15 prizes resulted as follows: 1st prize, Donald Wenzel, Detroit; 2nd prize, Mrs. Jas. O'Neill; 3rd prize, Wm. Meyer; 4th prize, Chas. McCarthy, Detroit; 5th prize, R. H. Wilson, Goderich; 6th prize, Mrs. Jerry Dalton; 7th prize, Catherine John- ston, - .Godericin; r' lite prize, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Lucknow; 9th p ize, Miss Carrie -O'Neill, Goderich; 10th prize, John Van Roy, R.R. 1, Dun- gannon; 11th prize, Mrs. Walter Clare, R.R. 7, Lucknow; 12th prize, Mary Lou Drennan, R.R. 7, Luck - now; 13th prize, Patricia Drennan, R.R. 7, Lucknow; 14th prize, Ernest Ackert, Holyrood; 15th prize, John L. Sullivan, R.R. 3, Goderich. The garden party was welt patronized - and a decided success, with several former parishioners front a dis- tance present for the unveiling of the Father McCormack memorial. Among those from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sullivan, of De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Joye, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sul- livan, of Bolton; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinnett, of Gorrie; Mrs. Jack Kin- ney, of Detroit; Mrs. Nich. Perry, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle, of Detroit; Mrs. Hebert and George, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Connor, of Pickering; Walter Dalton, of Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Lan- nan and daughters, of London; Rev. M. J. Dalton, of Woodslee. Mr— _ and_- _Mrs Harold framer and family, of Listowel, were Sun— 'day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. kir' rte"=rrayne. ,- o RECALLS 15c HAIRCUTS HERE A. M. HARPER 343J 349W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich Chartered Accountant Office: House 343W Hamilton St. Goderich .`,1 rt.143` 'AIM= SHORE a, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE $$ Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PHONE 975 South 67-13xtf PHONE 444 imminimommommummurmak A. J. `Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich ce woommmiximamoor G. B. GLANCY Optometrist—Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH RTH P.O. Box 4M "Miss Kingsbridge for 1956" is crowned by Jahn W. Manna, MLA for Huron -Bruce at the annual garden party of St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge, on Wednesday evening of last week. The queen is Miss Jo Van Osch, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch, R.R. 3, Lucknow. tv Honor Priest With Plaque The memory of the man whose leadership was responsible ac The building of the present St. Joseph's Church at Kingsbridge was honor- ed at a special ceremony at the church on Wednesday of last week. A plaque, honoring Rev. Michael McCormack, was unveiled by Mon- signor V. J. Grespan, chancellor of London Diocese, who represent- ed the bishop. The unveiling preceded the an- nual garden party sponsored by St. Joseph's Church and attended by a large crowd. The event was climaxed with the crowning of Miss Jo Van Osch, 22, as "Miss Kingsbridge."' She is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osoh, of R.R. 3, Lueknow. Miss Van Osch won over three soanteslan , on s Deltaic Mao Doherty and Patricia Ann Marlin, -eery o•z wxcr -'v.'f sa8.ska�'.}�'--.l.abvelv w- Crowning honors went ,to. John W. Hanna, MLA for Huron -Bruce, and Elston Cardiff, MP for Huron, who pinned the ribbon on the winner. Gifts on behalf of the parish were presented by Mayor R. E. McWhinney, of Wingham. Earlier, at the unveiling cere- mony, blessing of the memorial was conducted by Rev. H. Van Vynckt. Solemn benediction was by the Rev. J. P. Gleeson, of Godericih, with deacons, the ftev. Durand, of Wingham, and the Rev. J. Bois - son, of St. Joseph's. The address Iver the was g by Rev. M. J. Dalton,, of Woodslee, in the absence of the Rev. John Hagan, of London, oldest priest of the London Diocese. The rosary used by Father' Mc- Cormack was used to recite one decade of the :beads for the parish- ioners who helped in building this church. • e The plaque was in memory of Father McCormack, builder of the present church. The cornerstone was laid September 13; 1903, and dedicated October 1, 1905. It was erected by the parishioners in 1956 as a tribute to the centennial of the Diocese of London. Father McCormack was born in Ireland in 1864, ordained in 189.2, and waspastor at ' Kingsbridge from 1900-18 where he died October 3, 1918. 0•0 0 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business In• surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. C. 7. �eral Z� lrlse, Automobile; Casualty Real Estate E0 Colborne St., Goderiob • . Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1021J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. F. T, Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 11410 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH Frederick J. Glahn, wino began barbering in Goderich 47 years ago, has retired at Santa Barbara, California. He is a brother of Mrs. Thomas Sandy and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, both of Goderich, and Austin Glahn, of Bervie. He recalls the old days in Gode- rich when a shave was 10 cents and a haircut was 15 cerfts. He me an here started work as a journeyman ] ym in 1909, after six months at barber school in Wingram. As a journey- man, he only made three dollars a week, just enough to cover his roam andboard. After three years in Goderich, he moved to Outlook, Sask., where he later bought his own shop. Mr. � Glahn served in the Canadian Army during the First World War. Tiring of Outlook's cold climate, he left in 1928 and settled at Santa Barbara. Upon his retirement a few days ago, be turned the shop over UO his son, James Ee Glahn, who has worked with him for the past eight years. Me first thing he did after retirement was to take his wife on a month-long tour of South America. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washington of Kirkland Lake, were recent visitors withe the former's sisters, Mrs. Amos Andrew and Miss E. Washinigtbn. Miss E. - Washington accompanied Mr. and • Mrs. Prank Washington on a motor trip to Ottawa and Montreal while the latter were visiting Goderich. DAtAY TABES WITH MILK FROM ANDREW DA/RY IN VIA GLASS THERE'LL BE PLENTY OF SPRING IN YOUR r�` Lir1- - i. �JJ.. i/R•y���✓ \ 1 • BAYF1ELD BAYFIELD, Aug. 6.—Mrs. Helen Cobb left on Sunday to spend ten days at Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. A. Charlton and family left ,on Saturday for -their home at Stratford after spending a-montb at 'the Little Inn. Mr. Robert White, London, spent the week -end with his wife and two children. Rev. and Mrs. P. Renner left on Tuesday to spend a month at Canagan, Sask. • - E. A. Featherston, Landon, spent the week -end with his wife. Jerry Sturgeon, Preston, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Master ',Gary Johnston, Varna, spent last week with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John- ston. Ronald Path, Sarnia, spent the week -end with- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy P.oth. Mrs. Wm. Purves left on Satur- day to spend two weeks at Birm- ingha-MMich.- Miss Ethel Blair, London, spent et ee eek i `> 'with;, eher—parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. ,„Mrs. E. Shirk and family left on Sunday to spend a few days in Detroit. The Trinity Club of Trinity An- glican Church held a successful bake :sale on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 'C. Gairdner. The sum of $33 was realized. The ladies of Knox Presbyter- ian Church held a successful tea and bake sale on the lawn of Mrs. J. Richardson. Bobby Parker, London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker. Mr. Renauf Johns, Detroit, is spending a few daYs in the village. e. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arkell and two children, Fruitland, spent the week -end with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell. Mm. and Mrs. G. E. Weston, Lon- don, spent the week -end with their daughter, Judy, and the former's .. Ed. W parents, Mr: and Mrs estcyn. Mrs. J. D. Merrier, Detroit, is visiting with Mr. and MTS. Grant Turner. Mr. and Mrs. R. Reeves and fam- ily, Detroit, left on Sundayafter spending two weeks at their cot- tage. ot- ta Mr .and Mrs. James Desjardin, Eric, Bob and Ken Plater, Detroit, spent the week -end at Mrs. Des- jardin's cottage. Mr. George Foote left last week for Port Dover, where he has secured work. Sgt: and Mrs. Joe Mayman, Ayl- mer, spent the week -end with the lattter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. MacMillen. Miss Florence Gallop,- Seaforth, arrived on Friday to • spend the remainder of the summer at her cabin. George Telford I' spent the week -end at his hom Mrs. A. Suppnick, Detroit, is spending a few days art 3' r cottage. Mr. and Mrs. in. Iteeeoe, Lon- don, are at their home in the village. Mrs. S .Castle, Simeoe, spent last week at her home in the tri 1age. Dr. E. L. Cooper, Birmingham, Mich., spent the week -end with his wife and family. EXETER Local Repretentatav ALEX ;'PH GODERICH 146 EIgIn Ave. Phone .1 +8` s FOR Your Founfarf Favour/for *VISIT Our Aver -earn Bor Obituary A. C. W. HARDISTY Olfred C. W. Hardisty, a former resident of Westfield. died at his home near Galt recently. Ile was 80 years old. Born in England, Mr. Hardisty moved to Canada while quite young and received his education at Montreal. Joining the Hudson's Bay Company, he became secre- tary to his uncle, the late Lord Strathmore. In 1903 he married Emma Woodcock, or Wingham, and soon after moved to Westfield. Forty=one years ago the 1rtsvett to Galt, where he farmed until two years ago when he retired. He is survived , by his wife, four daughters and one son. Funeral services were held in Trinity Church, Galt, Canon Ashley officiating. Interment was made in Trinity Church cemetery. . Miss Josephine Woodcock, sister- in-law of Mr. Hardisty, was present for the. funeral. TELEVISION' REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of all TV Tasting. Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SII VICr ANY MAKEa' MacDonald EIei trk Goderich PI:eate 235 38tf C1\ 1111URF,ol)AY, AIMITST Wit 101$4I Sale of Signal -Stars placed in district stores Illus tripled in num- b r since the service was started several weeks a fo. If your neigh- bor dries not take the Sig, al -Star through the mail, by subscription but borrows your copy instead, you might point out to hint that he can buy a copy at his neighborhood store. A list ,of those places where Signal -Stars can be purchased each week is printed elsewhere in this issue of the paper. They range all the way from ayfaeld to Kin - tail. a 0 0 In renewing her subseri fon, MIs. Elizabeth MacLean ivg, of Chicago, writes that Mr. Redding has been in hospital for seven weeks. FRU TROUT FISHING AT CNE THIS YEAR The CJ .E. has something for veryone, even the 'hnweated t.`Isher- aman. In the Coliseum a mammoth nater tank, stocked with 1,000 fine ,brook and rainbow trout, guaran- teed to ,,;be at least eight inches long, is available for the angler. No gear is necessary, not even a fishing rods.. Rods and fides are supplied by the Berkshire Trout Farm of Sheffield, Mass., who oper- ate the well -stocked pool. Hooks and works are outlawed, and only three fish are permitted for each angler, in his 15 minute alloted period, but otherwise it's open season for the fisherman. Mrs. Alice Mannhas returned to Toronto after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Murray, Elizabeth street. • • • ASR ABOUT OUR n ., wD ALUMINUM SELF -STARING COMBINATION WINDOWS AND ALSO DOORS, ALUMINUM BLINDS WE HAVE, TOO, ALUMINUM AWNINGS - and Cloth Awnings, also. 'OUR ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS CAN REALLY • SMARTEN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR HOME. AND REMEMBER . < .6.. We make a special point o SERVICING WHAT WE SELL( ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION. — JACKSON HOMES LIMITED SEAFORTH • Phone 3W During Day or 3J in Evening. -29tf 'N. 1 V 1 • 1 I”' it •"'M'll "'. ! 1 ..A t11h- 1 6 n tt..te • .aary 11111 V .. t ®k, 11 K a i W L J x APPLIANCES ?'owt,FROGI?PR-dfim— FORIE �eSALd SERV/CE GODERICH SQUARE t.. t94.,4‘4586 A. RUE CU I //' WITH A (ll;S/ Il('/I!'f //it, Cllr' : DAVE ALLAN'S 9iuC KIDS A USE'' Ar;WAYS RECOMMEND' OUR OIL, MOS`(' GLADLY, 10 HIS FRIENDS' D. J. ALLAN SAULTS COAL CO. COAL. 4t 44 , mo, , FUEL OIL/15Wc 'GODERICH , 190 • •'i Of to vacation -land in the big Beauville ...carries nine beauti- fully! And this handsome hauler is just one of six smart station wagons your Chevrolet dealer is proud to offer. Load 'em up with kids or cargo — sturdy vinyl interiors give stylish service whatever the chore. Functional, fashionable and fun -loving:— a Chevrolet station wagon is the perfect answer to many a family's needs. Yours? Come investigate. ofd%:'' ?• atm • Watch all heads turn when you appear in the stunning Chevrolet convey ible ! Can't blame them, really .. Chevy's low -swept speedline styling is at its elegant best in this sun -loving classic. Chevrolet liveliness at its most luxurious, a smooth -as -silk joy on the open road! Top down or top snugly in place, here's new zest and zip for any man's life. Yours? Come investigate. • M µ. What a honey to handle—the new Corvette, a true sports car! And that means quick, firm steering, superb road sense, amazing sureness of c0ntroj. Slip into the Corvette's comfortable bucket seats, nudge the throttle, and you're Bossing some of the most brilliant performance in the world. For the man who loves to drive and loves that wonderfulgking-of-the-highway feel - Ing. Yours? Come investigate, • • SNORTS 1ViOD1-�:L.� KINGSTON' ST. bre 1IOUSE AUTO PC=16NE 16S A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE violet. EY.ECTRIC- C 21,561) GODERICR