HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-07-26, Page 10PACE T1' 1 BV$IN S DIRECTORY PIANOS AND to .4 TANS Xa o om©t od and Repaired. Satisfaction aeserod. J. . ELAC 'f sTst� PHONE 131, GODEROCH -27-30x Cl CHOROPRACTOC a t ERT . SUCH, 11.C. Doctor of Chir'opratic. Office ours; M+',., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.an. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a. Vitamin Therapy Offic =,.Corner of $0144 St. a Brita:':nk Road. Phone 341. It d ALBERT SHORE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE 38 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PHONE 975 South 47-13xtf PHONE 444 A. J. 'Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOB9LE — CASUALTY Get insured — Stay insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Idg. Telephone 2681 Stiles Ambulance 1 Roomy - Comfortable J Anywhere — . Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich G. B. CLANCY Optometrist --Optician Isnecessor to the late A L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD' JACKSON LICENSED 'AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: House 343J 343W •39 West St. Goderich a. 1'. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Ei3tate 80 Colborne St., Goderieb Phone 18w Waterloo Breeders Hold "Bull Night" The Annual tun Night :or Open House held at the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ *tion, Waterloo, Ont., on the evening of July 17th, was very well attended with 1200 people present by actual count. There were people present from all of the area' served by this arti- ficial breeding organization es well as representatives from Breed As- sociations, other artificial breeding units, and many interested visitors. The manager, Roy G. Snyder, re- ported 28.885 c:)ws inseminated during the first six months of 1956, this' being an increase over the same period of the previous year of 3522 cows or 13.4 . The month of June 1956 was the largest in volume of business that the UnitslIgS ever experienced with 89`711 do's inseminated. This is an idere ' eller June 1955 of 1701 csr a greater increase in June than the entire volume of busi- ness in the whole year of 1947. Bob' C'arbert, Wingham, was the guest speaker. He spoke about how lucky farmers were with their free enterprises and how well they helped each other in case of catas- trophies. There was a parade of the bulls that came into the Unit since last year's Bull Night. The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association provided free lunch after the program. There were 1400 bottles of chocolate milk, 120 dozen doughnuts, and 1300 sand- wiches, consumed. p 0 0 POLICE CHARGE EIGHT Ili- RADAR SPEED TEST EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an, swered. immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phoee 1621J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. E. Te Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH Eight' motorists were charged with speeding on Highway 21, south of Goderich, after a 'radar speed &heck device was used for the first tiare in this district. The device was operated by of- ficers of the Ontario Provincial Police traffic squad from Guelph. It is expected they will make fur- ther radar checks on district traffic from time to time. DAtAY TA6fJ FOR HEALTHY TEETH AS WHITE AS MILK, DRINK MILK FROM ANDREW DAIRY DAIRY • FOR"Your Fountain Favouritesr' •VISIT Our Ice Cream Bar l ,r... Jig........_• TIMGODERIellSIGNAL- ,TAI. AUBU i (Intended for last week) 'AUBURN, July 18 — St. Mark'& Guild. — The July meeting of the- Guild of St. Mark's An- glican Church was held at the home of Mrs. Annarew Iirlaconnell last Thursday afternot,n. Prayers were given by Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt. The Scripture lesson 'was read by Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Frank Nesbitt played a delightful piano solo. Mrs. Are -i irkeonnell gave the topic. Mrs. John Daer gave a reading. Mrs.' John Daer, the president, took charge of the business period and the secretary, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, read the minutes of the June meeting. The roll call was answered by 23 mem- bers. The chapter of the study book was given by Mrs. E. Davies. Plans for the Bible School treats were completed. The next meet- ing will be in charge of Mrs. Fordyce Clark. The hostess and Mrs. John Daer served a delicious lunch. 4-H Club Meets.—The seventh meeting of the Auburn Annettes' Club was held at the home of their leader, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, last week with 12 members pre- sent. Lorraine Hensch, president, was in charge. Mrs. Nesbitt dem- onstrated the proper way to iron and fold a tablecloth. A discus- sion followed on tea biscuits which were judged and placed by two members, Lila Daer and Margaret Nevins. Each member brought a sample of thier tea biscuits. Plan- ning a supper menu and a table setting demonstration was dealt with by the leader and the assis- tant, Mrs. E. Davies. The next meetin 'is to be held at the home of Margaret Nevins. The judging of table setting took place and cor- rect manner of serving discussed. A lunch .of strawberry shortcake I was served by Edna Daer and Shir- ley Patterson. - The Golden Links C.G.I.T. Club 'f the United church met in their regular meeting a week ago last Tuesday evening • in the Sunday school room of the church with the president, Ruth Millian,, in ,charge and Shirley Turner a4°" the piano. After the roll call and business the C.G.I.T. uniform and insignia were discussed, also the requirements for a chevron group. First aid instruction was given. Mrs. William T. Robinson, the leader, was in charge of the devo- tional period. The Scripture les - Don Fairbairn, shown above, and Reed Forsee, of the OBC will be broadcasting the Neighborly News program from the Bayfield Arena on Sunday, September 23. This event is to immediately precede the Centennial Fair of the Bay- field Agricultural Society on Sep- tember 26-27. In addition to the program, there will be a quarter hour "Salute to Bayfield," which will include Bayfield people on the air. Last time Fairbairn and Forsee did a Neighborly News broadcast from this area was in August, 1952, at the Goderich Memorial Arena in connection with The Goderich Old Boys and Girls Reunion. ago with Mrs. Herbert Gooier. Mr. and Ma's. Lorne McDonald, of Seaforth, Mr. and Ma's. Herman Phillips, of As s eld, visited on the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. ltzekial Phillips and, Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. Erie Melllveen, oiG Camp Ip- perwash, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Me- flveen. Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, visited last week- end with relatives near New Dun- dee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller at Blyth. lian, Ruth Million. Taylor Reunion.—The eighth Taylor Reunion was held at Sea - forth Lions Park recently with 74 members of the family present. Prizes were presented for the races which resulted as follows: 5 years and under, Barry Dane; 8 years and under, 'Paul Cook, Sharon Riley; 11 years and Mader, Thelma Riley; 15 years and under, Keith Rodger, Bob Cook; young single women, Agnes Riley, Thelma Riley; married women, Maxine Taylor, Doris Bulmer; , married men, Don- ald Johnston, Gordon Miller; three- legged race, Marjorie, Cook and Thelma Riley, Eileen Cook and Elaine Johnston; women's kick the slipper, Marjorie -Cook, Sandra Chamney; -men's kick the slipper, Bill Taylor; youngest baby, Joan Elaine Hunter; oldest member present, Mrs. Susan Taylor; coming the farthest, Ella Jane Ferree, Medicine Hat, Alberta; youngest married couple, -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I Bulmer, London; largest family son was read by Shirley Brown. present, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Cook, Mitchell. The group sat down to a bounteous supper affer which business- was conducted by the president, Bill Taylor. The com- mittee for next year's reunion is: President, Everett Taylor; 1st vice president, Dorothy Pentland; 7 sec- retary -treasurer, Mary Robinson. Mr William Taylor spoke a few Mrs. Robison spoke about "Initia- tion," which „will take place at the next meeting. Elizabeth Grange was appointed music director of the club. The study was taken by Betty Durnin and Joan Mills- Rec- reation was directed by Carol Arm- strong. United Church S.S. Picnic.—The members of the Auburn United words about the Family History .Church Sunday_. School inei las.t_ined .mentioned_ about the members week at Lions Parke `Seafoz-th, -for woo -bad- pa'Ssefi=on ' A all ine- &their nnmealeiinnie, ,Atex the sun- sup:43,1)41Acnioyed wl'th r Gordons Mr. George Wright, of Stratford, and Miss Margie Wright, of Lon- don, spent Iast week -end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies visited recently with friends at Tillson- burg. ' Misses D. and W. O'Neil, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with their friend, Miss Margaret R. Jack- 5001- Mrs. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray D,uir, of Leaming- ton, visited last week at the home of Ma'. David and Miss Josephine McAllister, near" St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock visi- ted Mrs. arold Nicholson last Sunday in Seaforth Scott Memorial ospital where she has undergone surgery. • Mrs. John Graham visited friends in Wingham last week. Mrs. Wes ':.radnock received ap- pointment as enumerator for the Agriculture Quality Check Survey for Huron County. She attended instruction classes at Harriston last Saturday and has fbur different segments of land to do in the county. She received her appoint- ment from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. We are happy to report that Mrs. James Rai�thby who suffered a severe fall and taken to Clinton hospital is able to return to her home. I per hour, races ancf contests were • and Orval Cook as captains ' 'the 1• The public is cordially invited to visit the ARMYr w ir�� MOBILE RECRUITING DISPLAY ON WEDNESDAY; AUGUSTlst from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ON THE SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GODER!CH TELEVISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of ell ' TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderich 38tf Phone 235 CEME TER Y MEMORIALS nTe Pryde & Son EXETER Local Representative -- .ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 held with results as follows: 5 yrs. reunion will be held in Seaforth and under, Patsy Millian, Ronald again next year. The committee in Arthur; girls„ 6 to 8, Glashe Koop- charge of the sports was Mrs. man, Cheryl Toll; boys, 6 to 8, Robert Riley, Mrs. Mansel Cook, Ronald Durnin; girls, 6 to 12, Marg- Orval Cook and Don Johnston. ja Koopman, Anne Speigleburg; • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duff, of Leam- Ladies' rage, Mrs. Alvin Plunkett, ington, visited last week with his Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; ladies aunt, Mrs. Fred Ross. kick the slipper, June Mills, Mrs: Mrs. Gordon Miller has a position Leonard Archambault; boys kick at Munro's store while Miss Erma the slipper, Jack Wright, John Mutch is on vacation. • McClinchey; ladies driving the nail, Mr. ane! Mrs. Clayton Robertson, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Charles Mil Douglas and Karen, of Copper Mil - lien; girls, 8 and under, softball Cliff, visited last week with her throw, Linda Brindley, Cheryl Toll; parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. William Get the LOAN you n13 eed A IN JUST 1 -TRIP Tho Perim ai Man gives prompt cosh loans for any good purpose ... lots you pay later in convenient Monthly afff unte ... with his great Cath -Now Pay - Later mom Got many extra benenia St no extra cost. Phone first for 1 -trip loan, write or come in today! Lem, it 04 to $1504 cr Mute tai Signoterd, rrerrrlfture or Moo 0 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD ,Room 4; Altays Metrepalitan Store r Phone Stratford 2858 OPEN tVGtalt,i " l!!,Y All'OONTAMS PIt0I41f FOR EVentiet0 &gibe• !e(, mcie ca rasideto of ail IrfvevHiCf fottSS °s -ocelot Vinonco taapoay of Coned' 1) boys, 8 and under, softball throw, Allan Craig, Macolm Hiltz; boys, 10 and under, softball throw, John Arthur, -Ge ald Treble; girls, 8 and over, June Mills, Margie Koopman; boys, 8 and over, Jack , Wright, John McClinchey; guessing dis- tance, Mrs. Harold Webster, Mrs. Ernest Durnin and Miss Viola Thompson; eating banana contest, 1 vt, Marte Koopman and Anne Speigleburg and 2nd, Ruth Millian and Bernice McDougall; whistle contest, Gerald Treble, George Mil - Nursing Home Pleasant surroundings. Operated by Reg. Nurse. Properly balanced home cooked meals. Tray service. Mrs. H. Earnshaw PHONE 1593 53 NORTH STREET 4tf Straughan and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan, Mr. and Mrs- Clayton Robertson and Karen, of Cppper Cliff, visited Mr. Straughan's sister, Mrs. May - hen, -and Mr. Mayhen at Thames- ville, and also with Mr. Robert- son's sister, Mrs. Harold Ketchen, Mr. Ketchen sed family at Sarnia. Karen remained for a longer visit. Miss Jannett Dobie visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Cal Straughan of Goderich. Mrs. Alvin Leatherland was a London visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell and• son, Michael John, of Dresden, visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor. Miss Sharon Stewart, of .Goderich and Miss Marian Pepper of Hensall are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good and atten- ded D.V.B.S. Mr. Bill Dobie has secured 'a' position at Wingham. Miss Marie Andrews visited re- cently with her friend, Miss Carol Beadle, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Aitcheson, of Peterborough, visited a week ONVEST IN SHORT TERM ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES issued for $100. and Upwards %Per Annum —5 Years toy Por Annum .1° 3 and 4 years ONTEREST IS PAYA LE =+Y COUPON OR BY CHEQUE • ENQUIRIES WELCOMED ONTARIO LOAN & DEBENTURE CO. I UND,AS ST. AT MARKET LANE & MARKET SQUARE, LON ON, ONT. In the heart of ifle shopping district. A LONG ESTABLISHED SAVINGS CORPORATION -29 ASHFIELD SCHOOL AREA ACCEPTS WO `!'ENDERS Ashlleld Township School Area Board has accepted the tender of Allan Reed for transporting the pupils of S.S. No. 12 (Laurier) to U.S.S. No. 4 (Lochalsh). There were seven tenders for the job. Nelson aynard's Mender was ac- cepted for the transportation of pupils of the Zion section to Luck - ��.a JULY 209 19' now Public School. Thera wet e three tender for .this contract. This b a new contract as a rept of Zion withdrawing from the Ash- field Area. The by-law asking for the with- drawal of five school section& from the Ashfield &hoo1 Area has (bee' given its third and final reading by the Township 'Council and it has been forwarded to" the Ontario Department of Education for ap- proval. Money on terms you select When a customer brows from HFC,.he is shown what we call a payment table. This table (sample below) shows exactly how much you may borrow, how many months you may tq.ke to repay, and the exact amount you pay each month. You select your own repayment plan, to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible. This dependable service is available to you whenever a prompt loan is needed for any worthwhile purpose. SAMPLE TABLE CASH MONTHLY NUMBER OF YOU RECEIVE PAYMENTS MONTHS $105.75 $10.00 ^l12 308.38 24.00 15 510.68 27.00 24 756.56 40.00 ' 24 Borrow with confidence from Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company 1111B,E,IIOLD FINANCE' .-F.Bedford, Manager 35 West Street, second floor, phone 1501 GODERICH, ONT. Big brothers of the best seller .and every bitas modern! ,.- tie.. rYv •..f j %♦rr.. j • {never rrt'.iie � Seer e:.r•, .}!rrseeiiss, {.. 'r :'Agee'...... YW4V • .1 r r r • Ny fr.• 7. v., L" T V RZ L L T a a T V R o l T Y • R •':1 y r �' h�i.,I,rr. .r+ir!r •,iii h,�•rfi, ✓iY.:Y:'•�hh rr �•r�•.: 4.V.°•r. �:••�y� V N.•4•�.�:•:r{•y'" New Chevrolet Heavyweight Champs These new additions to Canada's best selling truck line are Chevies through and through! For proof, lust take a look at these years -ahead big -truck features! New Load - master V81 This big heavy-duty load puller is standard in new Series 1900 to W1900 models ..: delivers 195 hp. — 310 ft. lbs. of torque! It's the most efficient, economical big -truck engine yet—the leader ,in its class for compact short -stroke design that delivers most horsepower per pound! New Powermatic Transmission! It's the first automatic transmission designed especially for heavy-duty hauling! Six fully automatic forward seeds and a torque converter virtually eliminate manual gear shifting on hills! Revolutionary "Retarder" gives safer down - A General Motor . �. alio hill hauling, less brake wear. Hauling's easier, more economical than ever before! New Triple -Torque Tandems! Standard on new Series W1900 Models, new Triple -Torque Tandem hikes G.V.W.'s up to 32,000 lbs., G.C.W.'s up to 50,000 lbs.! These brawny haulers give you bigger, more profitable payloads, reduced operating cost per ton mile! �1ew big -truck, styling! They're the new champs of the heavy- weight class, and they look it! That sleek, massive front-end styling reflects the POWER these new Chevies provide, helps build your business prestige - You'll find modern features such- as these sparking all phases of performance in these new Chevrolet "heavies." 1f big trucks are part of your business, we'll expect to see you soon! Champs of every weight Class Middleweight Champs! Lightweight Champs! Heavyweight Champs! EcoNo9'v, CV ST. ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC PHONE 163 CT46C GODERICt1!