HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-07-26, Page 4Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association
We have just received a report from the Holstein"Friesian Association of Canada indicating
the production of daughters of our bulls. Following are the breed Class Average Figures for
the bulls now in service.
Glenafton Milestone V.G.
Glenafton Trademark VBG.
Elmcroft Celebrity * VA.
Selling Wing Double V.G.
Elmcroft Tradition V,G,
Glenafton 'Benefactor Ex &
No. of Breed Class
Daughters Average
Milk Fat
Extra 46
The Breed Class Average under the same basis
will work out the extra income for daughters
This works out to a mature
equivalent 305da2X basis
Milk Fat Test
is 11903 Milk, and 437 Fat. Simple arithmetic
of our bulls.
For service to these, our proven bulls, or our promising young bulls, phone collect to:
CLINTON HU 2-3441.
__Between: i:30 an& 90 .
MCI lratri
Detroit Ladtes, Out To Paint Town Red,
fret Mame For Jamming Traffic Here
1' rrivi i 0 in Gcrderich last week, eight gals frame :t etroit a'd-
Mitted, 'Without blushing, that they were out to paint the towo red!
ToeSt anyone jump. to the wrong conclusion they added hastily
{ that they were all members of the Palette and Brush Club and, in-
tende¢l to paint the town in several colors as "well.
Odd Sight teacher of art. Her painting tends
This they did, to the wonderment toward the modern.
t threes of district residents, who Five of the group are past p• resi-
aT *n't used to seeing artists toil- dents of the 21 -year-old Palette and
'Iata away in their colorful garb Brush Club. It has a closed mem-
R. ()very day. bership of 175 aad always has a
It was more than coincidence waiting list of artistic people who
what there was a traffic jam near wish to join.
the Saltford bridge shortly after Advertising Godorich
the arrival of the ladies, who are Right now there is an exhibition
all busy artists and have had their of paintings by club members in
paintings exhibited throughout the the J. L. Hudson store in Detroit.
United States. The club holds three shows a year
The traffic slow down was caused and paintings of scenes in Code -
by curious motorists watching rich and district are not uncom-
E+ mily Fox, one of the group, as mon.
she sketched a tree that fascin- Members have been coming up
ated her. as guests of Mrs Sweeney for 10
"1 was wonderirg whether it was years now, 'and artists come from
my clothes that was stopping all over just to paint the Sweezey
them!" she said, laughing as she canyon at Menesetung Park.
recalled one of the humorous ex- Speaking for the group, Elsa
eriences which the group had Goodman stated: "We have painted
ere. all over the continent and beyond,
She was doubtless partly right, but have never found a place with
The working togs worn by the such rich and varied subject matter
eight enthusiastic female artists as here.
were every bit as colorful as some "Goderich has been publicized
of their paintings. frequently in Detroit through the
To be exact, there were nine , paintings of this group- I know
artists. The ninth was Mrs. Mal- that many Detroiters have become
colm C. Sweeney, of Menesetung acquainted wife this district
Park, who was their hostess at through the paintings."
Canyon Lodge for the week. She, While here, the ladies visited
like the other members of the Benmiller and were shown through
ings egos the mill by Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn
group, has had her paint
en for exhibition and has sold her 1 Pfrimmer. One of the subjects
work. 1 they sketched at Benmiller was the
Paints At 83old family homestead of Mrs. Flor-
Mamie Robson, well known 83l
ence Gibson. The buildings on it
painter of, flowers and portraits, are more than 100 years old and
might be termed the senior mem- were of great interest to the group.
her of the group since she, is 83. On another occasion, the artists
But she doesn't look her years and toured the Bisset Bros. ice cream
she is still one of the most active plant and came away praising the
painters in the club. quality of the product, which they
The fact that she was recently had sampled with the compliments
the subject of a feature story lay- of the management.
,Out in 'the Detroit Free Press Urge Publicity
illustrates the high regard in which Local stores also caught the eyes
she and .11er feJJo;y artists are held of the ladies. After an inspection,
in their home city. they AO - RE' it wa3 a pity Goderich
Eisa Goodman, another member merchants didn't publicize their
of the group, is sole owner of the wares to a larger degree so that
Hughes Gallery,' which has been more shoppers would be aware of
operating in Detroit for 76 years. the wide variety of goods available
Her specialty is painting sand here.
dunes. Among numerous purchases they,
Wilma Barrickman's paintings made while here were woollen
have won compliments at exhibi- goods, jewelry anti—guess what?—
tions in many U.S. cities. ginger preserves! In fact, a year
Teaching art groups is one of or two ago, when another group
the activities of Elinor Bartholo- of artists from the club was here,
mew, another busy artist. they cleaned out the town's entire
Paula Adams is an accomplished stock of ginger preserves.
artist and her paintings have found On their painting expeditions,
eager buyers. the ladies found district residents
Effie Dill Winton is known par- always co-operative, though just
ticul'arly for her beautiful flower a bit puzzled sometimes.
paintings. For instance, there was the time
Another active painter, whose when Wilna Barrickman was ppaint-
o- has be chosen for the ing a boat tied up in Goderich
o is ober 1e a r: itlare' -was coag
ily Fox, who was entioned along very nicely until a man
un in the 'Sun®..
EVERY section of Canada has its
summer specialty. In Jasper National
Park there are mile -high lakes for
ardent anglers. Quebec's Gaspe coast
attracts the artist and photographer.
Along Maritime shorelines lasses and
lobsters are only two of the attractions.
C.N.R. Photos
ay:0.ali0dd4." .t'Jti-.l- n 26t
NILE, July 17. — Mr. Clifford
Stewardson is progressing, but still
is not able to do anything around
his farm. Ralph and Mrs. Henry
Matthews have been helping out
to move it away.
"You can't do that!" exclaimed
'the artist.
It would be an understatement
to say the man looked startled.
In a very surprised tone, he asked,
"Why can't I?"
• It turned out he was the owner
of the craft and wanted to paint
it himself—with a direct applica-
tion of paint on the boat itself.
However, art triumphed. After
Wilna explained that she just had
-to g _every -detail -of his -boat-•ei
her canvass, the man gave up and`
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with the work.
Mrs. Russell Brindley- -is— now
feeling abetter, after a spell on the
sick list.
Church will be held at the usual
time for the next two Sundays,
but the services will be taken by
the Young People's Union, as Rev.
Watt is now on holiday.
Various carloads of men "from
the Nile district have been motor-
ing to the Glamis -Kinloss area in
order to help with the task of
clearing up, ami reconstruction of
buildings, damaged when the wind-
storm hit fast Sunday.
Ralph Hoover has been visiting
with hjis aunt, ,Miss Currie.
Mr. and Mrs'. S. A. Sylvester and
Delbert, of Windaor, spent the
week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Stan
MeGratten. Delbertisstaying.-on:
to visit with relative In the neigh;
Haying operations are progress-
ing -slowly, -hut the weather has
made the operation a somewhat
difficult task.
Mrs. Jennie McGratten, of Gode-
rich, and her granddaughter, Miss
Pat Silverthorne,ofBelmont, have
been spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McGratten.
The severe hail storm which
struck here last Friday evening has
caused some damage to crops and
We note that Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Jewell, who have been work-
ing steadily to improve the old
Ashton place are now erecting a
silo there.
a 0 0
A. native of Virginia was once
asked if he had ever seen the fam-
_Natura.l.eBridge, __ "See _ itr _hie
jga�}c�pu7l�attt}eppd . {p�- -should-say so - My
fathe:hkY£�•w'fi cd t{2 imik4 . _. .. ... -
A ,picturesque garden wedding
took place at 11 a.m., Saturday,
July 21, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarke
MacKinnon, Tiverton, when their
youngest daughter, Catherine
Sarah, was united in marriage with
Albert John Alexander, Goderich,
son sof Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Alex-
lexander, Goderieh.
The ceremony, which took place
before an arbour of red roses and
white lilies, -was performed by Rev.
Joseph Taylor, of Knox Presby-
terianChurch, Tiverton. The wed-
ding musie was played by Sfrs.
Jack Cochrane, of Erindale, cousin
of the bride.
The bride wore a nylon embroid-
ered tulle gown, floor -length with
bouffant skint and serabin neckline
and matching mittens. Her finger-
tip, veil was fashioned as a crown
and studded with pearls and sequ-
ins. She carried a cascade of white
gardenias and stephanotis.
Mrs. George McF'adyen sister of
the bride, acted as matron of honor
and was gowned in white nylon
organza with waltz -length !bouffant
skirt and banded with wide blue
erystallette trim on skirt and neck-
line and mittens to match. She
wore a large blue mohair picture
hat trimmed with blue velvet rib-
bon and carried a basket of white,
blue and pink carnations and
The bridesmaid, Miss Dorothy
McCabe, of Goderich, was similarly
gowned in white nylon organza
with pink trim end also carried
a basket of carnations and steph-
Mr. George Hatris, of Goderich,
was best man and Mr. George Mc-
Fadyen, Tiverton, brother-in-law of
the bride, vas usher.
The reception was held at Sump -
ton's Hall, Port Elgin, and the
guests were piped in by Pipe Major
George C. Campbell, uncle of the
bride, playing the Highland We 1 -
The bride's mother received
dressed in white and mauve linen
with mauve and white accessories
and wore a corsage of yellow car-
nations. The grooms mother
chose a turquoise linen sheath
dress with metalling duster and
corsage of yellow carnations.
,Mr. and Mrs. Alexander left by
motor for a trip to Montreal and
eastern points. Far travelling, the
bride donned a beige and brown
box - suit with beige accessories,
with a corsage of yellow carna-
tions. On their return, they will
reside in Goderich.
The bride is a graduate of Teach-
er's College, Stratford and is on
the staff' of Goderich Public School.
Guests were present from Gode-
rich, Brampton, Listowel, Toronto,
Detroit, Belleville, Bowmanville,
Grimsby, Erindale, Tiverton, Som -
bra, North Bay, London., New Tor-
onto, Port Elgin, Ethel.
TORONTO. — The prospect is
Iclear that advertising in Canadian
newspapers is moving to new
highs, according to Einar V. Rech-
nitzer, president of the Canadian
Association of Advertising Agen-
cies and of MacLaren Advertising
Co. Ltd.
"Newspapers are still ,the num-
iber one medium as they always
have been," he declared.
The view was quoted in Can -
For the convenience od Sig-
nal -Star readers who purchase
their paper from week to
week rather than by a yearly
subscription through the mail,'
SignalStars are sold at th
following stands:
Craigie's Tobacco Store
Signal -Star Office
_ Goderich News Stand
(Formerly Wood's)
Dunlop's Drug Store
A&PStore •
Lauder's ,I rug Store
Dungannon. Eedy's Store
Auburn—Alf Rollinson
Nile --Nile General Store
Holmesville—D. E. Gliddon
Bayfield — Weston's Drug
Saltford--iron Morris Gen-
eral Store
KingsbPidge--'G. T. 'McKen-
e en-zie Store
Port Albert — Roy Petrie's
Kintail—W. J. MacDonald's
adian Markets, official paper of
the Canadian Daily Newspaper
Publishers Association, which car-
ried his comxnents on a forecast
of a 65 -per -cent increase in news-
paper advertising volume by 1965,
made by Karl T. Finn, president
of the Newspaper Advertising
Executives Association.
0 0 --
Signal-Star classified ads brims
1uiaiui ui ! !lfl 1 111111111111111111
Ito 11 lb. tub
� Super Safe
drain pump
O.Finger tip
agitator con-
# Shuts off
IlOjtiiivi iiliJiII;Ipl..1-4111:&11.1741
You can buy this 8 cu. ft, Kelvinator for as low
as X159.95 with your .old Frig. at. Lumbys
Our refrigerator prices start at $159.95
with your sealed unit trade-in.
• 15 cu. ft capacity
• Holds 630 lbs. food. .
• Built in safety signal light
• High speed freezing compartment
Powered by famous Kelvinator
POlarsphere unit
Five year protection plan
�► 10.6 cue ft. capacity
70 lbs. frozen food storage
Two position adjustable shelf
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Twin moist crispers
° 39 ST. DAVID'S ST.