HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-07-26, Page 3��,�//�� OBITUARY MRS. MARY Y ANN SPARLING Ward Inas (been it eeiv of e death, at tl\Tinge, Manitoba, of Mrs. Mary Agin Spading, last of the family --your soar and two (laugh. tees—of Willi= -lli,ott, who came from County Fermanagh Ireland, and settled in Colborne Township. She was about 93. One off her brothers was George M. Elliott, `for many years a retail merchant in Goderich., and later county agent of the Children's Aid Society. Her husband, the late Alex. Spat -ling, operated a ,black- smith shorn on Viotoria street' north bore n'irgrating to the West in the 90's. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Allan Haight, near Ningaa, with whom she had been living for some years. Mrs. Sparlipg was an active member of the Methodist and later United Ohurch and was a life .member of its 'Woman's Mis- sionary Society. a o 0 AT R.C.A.F., CLINTON W.O. 2nd Class, John Frederick Allan, OD, 41, Warrant Officer in charge of School Services 3 Squad- ron, RCAF Station, Aylmer, has been transferred to RCAF Station, Clinton, effective July 23rd to be- come the Station Warrant Officer (SWO). FIRST AID RENDERER TO ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes for all makes, and a complete stock of parts for Spartan TV. For instant service phone or call B. R. MUNDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf Youth Recovering From Broken Neck Joseph ,Paer, a .ie-year-oId Gode- rich sailor who suffered a broken neck when he dove into a shallow section of the harbor, is "on the mend." He is the On of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Daer, of Tilt street. The - accidenthappened JulyS lyhhile Joseph Lraer was swimming With the second mate of his bard i the S5 Algorail, at the harbor:- When the Goderich youth struck his head' on .tthe bottom, the mate helped him ashore. The injured man was taken home but did not think it was necessary to go to the hgspital� until the next day. At the hos- pital, his neck was strapped by Dr. J. W. Wallace. He stayed there one day and then returned to his horn. While he is anxious to get back to his ship, his mother thinks it may be quite some time yet before the injury has healed sufficiently to allow this. o Q o HUNTER—HAMILTON The marriage of Shirley Marg- uerite Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton of Ash- field, to John Robert Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunter, of the same township, was conducted by Rev. J. R. MacDonald in Ash- field Presbyterian Church. The bride was attended by three sisters, Miss Raeleen Hamilton, of London, as maid of honor aid Misses Donna and Marion Hamilton as brides- maids. William Gibson was groomsman; Mrs. Roy MaeKenzie of Ripley, aunt of the bride, was organist, and Miss Lorraine Hamilton, sister of the bride, was soloist. The ceremony was followed by a recep- tion at the Legion Hall, Lueknow. After a trip to 'Northern Ontario the young couple are making their home on the 'groom's farm in Ashfield. ••11• AT TELEPHONE THE PARK 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT IMMOISMomMI Now Playing -"The Spoilers" --by Rex Beach ---A NEW Techni- calor version starring Jeff Chandler and Anne Baxter. MON., TUES. and WED. Clifton Webb, June Allyson, Lauren Bacall, Van Heflin and Fred MacMurray. A sprightly comedy in which the wives of three young execu tives become the keys to promotion. "WOMAN'S WORLD" — Scope and Color -- THUR., FRI. and SAT. • • • • "BAD- DAY AT BLACK ROCK" 1 picture ihat:surprise you .wixh..its excellence! • • I•n Cinemascope' eYnil Technicolor - OU will 'ehlerrhtetkirgvxi wti.v�v ':�.. •. '�� z'" de,r.a.:r ;. �, Spencer Tracy, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger and Walter Brennan • •• Coming -"HOW TO BE POPULAR" --4n scope and color with • BETTY GRABLE and ,SHEREE NORTH. •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••i••• ••••••••••••••••S••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • • • • HIGHLAND • • i 1 BAND TATTOO1 • • • • • • SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH PIPE BAND ••LDIflAV ii T1 �T "7cs• • 11\1Ltf l9 JVL1 LI 11 BARDS IN ATTENDANCE i 1 8.30 p.m. AGRICULTURAL PARK • IADULTS 50c. GODERICH 1. Ifil •CASE ,OF RAIN, TATTOO WILL BE HELD IN MEMORIAL ARENA. GODERICH PIPE ,$AND DRAW FOR 17" G.E. PORTABLE TELEVISION SET.TO BE MADE DURING TATTOO. • I CHILDREN 25c. -29 • ••••••••seesseseso ••s••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEPHEW OF H. WATSON ORDAINED A> DXASION John Keith Lawton, son Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lawton, of Wat- ertown, N.X., was ordained a deae- o;e ,in the Episcopal church in that city in a ceremony performed by the suffragan bishop of the dio- cese of central New York. The account of the ordination is carried in a recet issue of the Watertown Daily Times. fr4wtdif9s'the son of the tamer Edrieann Watson, grand - on of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Watson; nephew of Harry L. Wat- son of Goderich and of Mrs. Laura Watson MacDonnell, Rochester, N. Y., and the late Edward T. Watson, Hamilton, Ont. The late E. R. Watson was weigh - master at Goderich Elevators at one time, which position Harry Watson now holds. John Keith Lawton was born in Watertown, received his B.A. de- gree from Hobart College and his B.D. degree from Episcopal Theolo- gical Seminary, Cambridge, Mass., on June 7, 1956. oU ------moo COUNTY TWILIGHT MEET - SOIL, CROP ASSOCIATION Professor George Raithby, head of the Animal Husbandry Depart- ment of the O.AJC., Guelph, and a native of Auburn, will be the guest speaker at the annual twi- light meeting of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement As- sociation . This will be held at the Huron County Home on Monday evening, July 30.. Also on the pro. gram are George Jones, Field Hus- bandry Department, O.A.C., to comment on test plots and Dr. J. Winch, Field Husbandry Depart- ment, O.A.C., to discuss relative merits of different grasses and clovers as to their use for hay and pasture. o— a 0 Mr. and Mrs. D. Eastman, of Hamilton, are holidaying in town. Mr. Eastman was manager of the Royal Bank here nearly 20 years ago. come for 1-i, the'l`fun of Vie" a weekend TORu AN I CANADA Spend an exciting weekend in Toronto where there's always some. thing to see and do—that's fun! With the Royal York as your head- quarters, yod'Il enjoy the last word in comfort and service ... superb meals, prepared by master chefs ... and return home relaxed and refreshed. Plan your weekend now! • EVENTS IN TORONTO— July 28-29. • TWILIGHT HARNESS RACING MEET Old Woodbine Park—July 28 * NATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE Broadview Field --July 28 Fred Hamilton Park --July 29 * THEATRE -- Open Air—Earle Grey Shake- spearean Company Festival— Trinity College—"Hamlet"— July 28 Open Air—Elizabethan Concert Trinity College -9 p.m, July 29 Tivoli—"Oklahoma"— Todd -AO —July 28 Information and Reservations from: K. F. Wilkinson, Canadian Pacific Railway Agent, Goderich, Ontario. 4"A ROYAL YORK -1„117. heart ai downtown Toronto" A CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTEL 1111111111111.1.11111111111., ArIONIIIMMUNIONIONINIIMMINMEMm At IVAN'S FRUIT MARKET you can depend on PLANTS � TOMATO,'CABBAGE, ETC. It will PLANTS 1 pay • yon later to plant these now, — SHOP HERE AND SAVE ! ! - • - = WE SPECIALIZE IN ROSE BUSHES, SHR UBS, PIT FLOWERS, POT FLO W 'RS M ELtVERy PHONE 1579. 1 GODERIC - SIGNAL -STAR At Camp Gagetown, N.B., where 10,000 soldiers will train this summer, the early -arriving Canadian Postal Corps found a tiny fawn, deserted when noisy army vehicles apparently scared off the mother. Here, Pte. Henry Sheen, Aylmer, Que., and Pte. Ray Sheppard, C6bourg; Ont., bottle-feed "Postie" now the adopted pet of army postmen. _County Picnic Weather "Just Right"; 200 Enjoyed Races, Games, Boat Ride Excellent weather favored the annual Huron County Picnic, which was held at Harbor Park on July 18 with 200 adults and children in attendance. The county council- lors, county erriul era and t,l eir families enjoyed various compefi tions, a boat ride, a picnic supper and just plain chatting. Committee in charge of the pic- nic was composed of Warden John Fischer, A. H. Erskine, clerk -treas- urer, and J. G. Berry, assistant clerk -treasurer. A visitor at the picnic was Warden Donald Lamont, of Bruee County. Oldest person present was Wil- liam Kerslake and the youngest member of the gathering was Murray Bradshaw. The supper draw was won by Mrs. 'Cecil John- ston. Soft drinks and ice cream were distributed to the children through- out the afternoon. Many enjoyed the boat ride out of Goderich harbor.. Following are result of races and games, Boys unler 5, Roger deeei L terve - vr:i ri'arrr.shr, gri-t under 5, Elaine Berry, Judy,, Gra- ham; boys under 7, Grant Walker, Ray Devreau; gins under 7, Suz- anne Hay, Marilyn Taylor; boys under 9, Bill Blake, Charles Beck er; girls under 9, Diana Dale, Janice Jewitt; boys under 11, Bill Blake, Jim Morrissey; girls under 11, C. Jewitt, Iris Becker; boys under 13, R. Becker, Dennis Mor- rissey; girls under 13, G. Jewitt, E. Morrissey. Ladies' bean race, E. Morrissey, W. Passm re; ladies' timed walk- ing race, s:" -'N' coins, Mrs. Mc- Michael; County Councillors' timed walking race, George Feagan, J. McAllister; County Counelllors and wives, clothes pin race, Mr. and Mrs. N. Scoins, c:f Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. William McKenzie, of Exeter. BRUSSELS PUPILS WIN 3 01' 4 MUSIC MEDALS Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, London, has announced the names of four Huron County stu- dents who wan •medals in music examinations for the 1955-56 term. Jean Hillen, of Brussels, was 4'iwareind_ the. silver m'edd".at ' er-high-' est mark in grade 6 pianoforte ..Yif4 4'1QCY7s$Y.•'�+cra+.✓•Wrr:..,4•.ny a4.wd.:p '�'•.i$fi:'01Ny!a "Y" earned the silver medal for highest mark in grade 5 pianoforte. In the case of the silver medal for highest mark in grade 2 pianoforte, the award will be shared by Betty Mitchell, of Brussels, and Barbara Talbot, of Seaforth. - 7 -OF GO .o -wore •-ss�i j PROCLAMATION At the request of Town Council I hereby proclaim Monday, August 6, 1956 a PUBLIC CIVIC .,.HOLIDAY FOR THE TOWN b> GODERICH AND CALL UPON AIM:,, ITIZENS TO GOVERN • THEMSELVES ACCORDING Y. J. E. HUONS, -29 Mayor. 4.. JAYCEE Water Sports Show SOUTHAMPTON; ONT. Sunday, July 29 MARA T HON SWIM (Approx. 316 miles) PRIZES: 1st, $75.00 -2nd, $30.00 ---3rd, $15.r -t $30.00 far the first lady to finish. ••.••••••••••.•••••.110000••••••••••••s•••••• ENTRY FORM NAME ADDRESS AGE ••s••••••••••••••••••••e••e*ese•eosee••e•ei• ntry fee of $1.00 must be sent with entry form to address below, before Saturday, July 21, 1956. AH entries will be notified of ruler and acceptance by reurn mail. Mail entries tog -"JOE" TRAFELI:T, Box 333, Southampton, Ont. 28-9 iSpedai Train Takes 4704-11 Meinhers n Tour Of Niagara Peninsula A nine -ear sgcgal train Cweieci 470 Duron County 4-H Club mem- bers and leaders to the Niagara Peninula on their a' anal tour last week. Leaving Goderich a 6. a.m., the train 'pickedup enthusiastic groups of passengers at Cl mean, $oaforth and Mitchell. After a tour in which the club members saw Queenston Heights, the On- tario Hydro works and Fort George, they returned home before mid- night. Arrangements for the tour were made by G. W. Mon'tgoariery, agri- cultural representative; Arthur Bolton, assistant agricultural re- presentative, and railway officials. It was no mean job keeping track: of 470 young people, but there were no really serious casual- ties, though the train did meet up with a skunk somewhere in Goderich Township. And on the return trip, the train came to , a sudden stop after hitting a horse near ,Seaforth. Arriving in St. Catharines at 10 a.m., the group changed to 13 buses which were used to trans- port the members and leaders on their tour in the Niagara area. Following an hour's drive in the St. Catharines area, the group ar- rived at Queenston Heights Park, where a picnic lunoh was enjoyed by all in the spacious grounds. During the luncheon hour the 4 --HH members had the opportunity of viewing Brock's Monument and many availed themselves of the opportunity of climbing up the tower inside the monument. The :Laura Second Monument, standing upon the Heights of Queenston, was also drawn to the members' attention. Also from Queenston Heights, the 4H Club memibers were aible to see the won- derfekl. view of the surrounding area, including the Niagara River winding its 'way through the Niagara, fruit belt to Lake Ontario. Following lunch, the party was split int6 two groups and _while one group visited the Ontario Hydro's floral clock and toured the Sir Adam Beck -Niagara Generat- ing Station No. 1, the other group visited Fort George. At Fort George, W. Pyre, superintendent, ,welcomed both groups and person- ally guided the 4H members through the many historic build- ings located in the fort. Possibly the highlight of the tour would be the well planned and organized visit. to the Sir Adam Beck Niagara Generating Station. Hydro's Floral Clock, where ap- proximately 24,000 colorful plants make up the design of the clock face covering an area of 1,100 square feet, was particularly in- triguing to the 4-11 members. Following these visits, both groups drove by bus through the scenict Niagara Parks' -Route to 1 gaga 'for go .h -the young people had the oppof- magnificence of the American and Canadian Falls. Following a barbecue chicken dinner at the Rapids Hotel, the party returned to their train, which had now caught up to the group in Niagara Falls. Leaving Niagara Falls at 6.45 p.m., the tired but happy 4-H Club members returned to Huron County before midnight. n 0 -o Mr. and Mrs. Max Robins and family, of Toronto. are renewing acquaintances in Goderich. Mr. Robins was associated with his brother, Moses Robins, some years ago in the store now known as the Major Store. BROWNIE'S Drive -In Limited AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. (DST) First show at dusk. •••••*N•••••••••••••••• Thurs.,' Fri.'' July 26, 27 "ABBOTT and COSTELLO MEET • CAPTAIN KIDD" (COLOR) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello Featuretfe: COPTERS and COWS TWO CARTOONS SATURDAY NITE IS PRIZE NITE PRIZES TO THE. VALUE OF $50 Sat., Mon. July 28, 30 "CALAMITY JANE" (Color) Doris Day, Howard Keel Plu., Cartoon 410041t•••100••••••••••••••4 TUESDAY IS D umumummemaimmaiih. ONE DOLLAR ADMITS THE NITE CAR LOADI Tues., Wed. July 31, Aug. 1 "MISSION OVER KOREA" John Hodiek, John Derek, Audrey Trotter TWO C ARtod'i'' e•••••••ei••••••••••••••ea Thursday. Only ' Aug. 2 "HIS MAJESTY O'KEEFE" Burt Lancaster TWO CARTOONS 'coos ecteimose••s•••••••• Two shows nightly, rain or clear. Children under 12 in cars free. es••eeda•seree•••••m•es•j CHURCH SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY EVENING AT Fi• Auspices: Clinton -,Miniatterial Association (p�, -29 Foints yaT�l'Y'PA7'NL!Rft» iRl �iiR fYl1 Xfk'" ' UE+` AT KNQX W.114. IMMO The July ,reecting of the W.M,f . of Knox Church was held in the church parlor on Tuesday a last week with a good attendance of embers and. Home Helpers. Tawe businer.s sosalon was cow acted by the president, Mrs, O. Schaefer, who expressed her plea- sure in seeing v so many Home Helpers, and gave them a warm welcome. Two lovely sours were sung by Sandra Bradley and en- joyed by all present. The hymns for the meeting were chosen in her hospital mom by Mra. MacKay. The Scripture topic and medita- tion on Hord therm ploweik "The, light of the world"' was by Airs, it, Itisool, and PnYer wego offered by Mrs. + Stokes. Mar. t+. D. Ifetheringtoin wet the • weaker. In, elcx►i*$ tit* speAcr refer4et tc► Vie geed for training children m the Tisht d free - tiers,. "We niay, Bell by aiOttia * goad example, ,arid; what the child. ren become now, determine the world of relic ftttuxe,' she stated. cera, A. Tay1o14' expeessedd the . thanks of the members to Hetherington. A social half hour was. eu eyed at the Close .of the meeting. Quests with Mrs. John W..e agile at tCraigio Rook Cottage were Mrs, W.:, A, Dover mid daughter, Helen of Toronto; Misses Dianne Linda liaaldhuan, .of Kenmore, N3T4 Mr. and Mrs. K. Suweni, of Elim N.Y,, and Mr. Ernest Craigie, . Buffalo. WE STAND PETWEEN YOU AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 230 43A West St. Goderich 7tf GOING FISHING OR ENGAGED IN SIMILAR PURSUITS AS FROM SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 TO - SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 CALL OFFICE WILL BE OPEN; CLEANING PLANT CLOSED'. Goderich French Dry Cleaners -29-30 BR€CKfNR/D6EVA PLUMBER WANT YOUR LEADERS PU1 D6�1 PL -OE? SEND FOR U5 6F THAT'S THE CASE 0* 7 Let's 3ook after that evesrovghi work for you NO EBHE(KEN RIDGE' HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING *2 CORNER SQUARE £ NORTH ST.• • • GODERICH •'s iNcw135' IT PAYS TO "HIRE EXPERIENCE" ASK ABOUT 1OUR ALUMINUM SELF -STORING COMBINATION WINDOWS AND ALSO _ IOORS, ALUMINUM BLINDS WE HAVE, TOO, ALUIVUNUM AWNINGS and Cloth Awnings, aiYso. OM% ORNAMENTAL IRN RAILIN• CAN REALLY SMARTEN THE APP Q,,,ND REMEMBER "SERVICING WHAT WE SELLI — ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOr_,T ANOE Or YOUR HOME. We make a special point o$ BLIGATION. JACKSON HOMES LIMITED SEAFR T'l=l Phone 3%it purling Day or &l `fin Ityttlik*qv