HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-07-05, Page 5Thew AY, JULY tb, 1 M;., :moi'«"Y.7Y•r:L:�..,.._...-.. FIRST ANNUAL, MEMORIAL SERVICE AND DECORATION- DAY AT CHRIST CHURCH CEMETERY, PORT ALBERT, Sunday, July 15, at 3.30 p.m. If weather unfit, service in church. -27 SHEPPARDTON SHEHPARDTON, July a3. -- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pitblado and family, of St. Catharines, viisted over the week -end. with Mrs. Pabledo's mo- ther and 'brother, Mrs. A.' Foster and Ralph Foster, - Mr. and MTs. Frank McAvoy, of St. Catharines, spent -the week -end with Mrs. McAvoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins and son, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haw- kins, of Godgri,ch, attended the funeral. of Mrs. F. Hawkins' nephew, Mr. Laurence Allemang, of Preston, 'Friday last. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haggitt on the birth of a son '-in Goderich hospital on June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford, Linda and Douglas, visited in Ot- tawa during the Week -end. Mrs. Culbert and Mr. and Mrs. Fritzley and family, of Goderich, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoy and son, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie on Sunday. Master James Oke, of Oakville, is visiting his cousin, Barry Bogie. OBITUARY NELSON PEARSON Well known throughout this dis- trict, Nelson Pearson, 83, died in Scott Memorial Hospital at Sea - forth. Funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. George Watt in the Arthur funeral home at Auburn on Wednesday at 2 p.rn. Inter- ment ntermentwas in Port Albert cennetery. Mr. 'Pearson came to this district from Sweden when a child, and spent most of his life in Ashfield Township, where he was a well known cattle drover. His wife the former Agnes Webster, died several years ago. For some time he has made his home at Seaforth, with his daughter, Mrs. Lenna Dick. He was a member of Dun- gannon United Church. Surviving besides his daughter, are two sons, Nelson, Dungannon; Gordon, Dashwood; and one sister, Mrs, Margaret Woods, Buffalo. 0 0 0 Nlr. and Mrs. William Leggett, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Foster, Robin and Con- nie, of Kitchener and Mrs. Myrtle Bannister, of London, spent the week -end with Mrs. John Foster, Eldon street. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH JULY 8th, 6th Sunday After Trinity. 8.30 am. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR, J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster k eft z1ux g#2rittxc Pluck Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Director of Praise Minister 11 a.m.- "MORNING WORS-HIP. (11ursery and Junior Congiegationl NO EVENING SERVICE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH n MONTREAL STREET 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL --a class for every age. 11 a.m. A - FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children taken care of during this service), 7 p.m. "GOD'S ANSWER FOR YOUR LIFE." Tuesday, 8-9 p.m. Bibre Study and• Prayer Hour. Vacation Bible School, July 9 -13 --for children 6 to 12 yearrsa Sessions each evening 6.30-9. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.CJN., Minister. Organist. . UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church AT HOME TO NORTH ST. UNITED CHURCH with a cordial welcome for all visitors. 11 a.m. REV. HOWARD A. DICKINSON, B.A. North St. Minister in Victoria for July Sundays. Rev. William H. Patterson, guest minister, July 8, at Victoria. Other Churches -1O a.m. Berftniller. 3 p.m. Union. Sunday Schools --.-10 a.m. Victoria. 11 a.m, Benmiller & Union. MUSIC DIRECTOR -MR. BERT KEMPSTER. 26-29 BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE LOCATION — MacKAY HALL SUNDAY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. FRIDAY 8 p.m. 'YOUNG PEOPLES. A hearty welcome awaits you. PASTOR—R. J. GREEN SHE GOIiEPICH SIGNAL -STAR ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ABS 19. Notice to Creditors A. PERSONS HAYING OJ �Y3l4S against the estate of Charles Stewart, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Retired Fawner, who died on or kabout the 4th day of June, 1956, are required to file the same with full partilars with the under- signed 'by the 7th day of July, 1956,.as alter that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. ' Dated a Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of June, 1956. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario,' 25.2'1- Solicitor for the Estate. All L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of- Sarah Ellen Foster, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 19th day of May, 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signecl by the 7th day of July, 1956, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of June, 1956. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 25-27- Solicitor for the Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Clifford Brindley, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the 14th day of January, 1956, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 28th day of July, 1956, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 28th day of June, 1956. R. C. BAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 27-29- Solicitor for the Estate. 20. Public Notice ape- 31EMORI,AL SERVICE UNDER auspices of Victoria L.O.L. No. 182, Thursday evening, July 12, at 8 p.m. Parade will leave Orange Hall, Hamilton street at 7.30 p.m., to Square (South side). Guest speakers will be Rev. Glen Eagle, of Clinton; Rev. White, of Londes- boro, and Mayor J. E. Huckins, of Goderich. ' J. Calwell, County Master, Grand Bend, will be chair- man. R. _ H. LEI&HMAN, 21 Committee Chairman. 21. Business Notice se. ARPENTRY , "BUILDING, RE- ``'NLODELLING and plumbing. Epps' pumps and water rfteners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel r.gofing. FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Car- low 1108. -19tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given with- out obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring 6, Brussels. , 20-31x FOR YOUR AUTO, FIRE, LIA- BILUPY, accident and sickness insurance see GEO. TURTON, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone collect 179, Carlow, Go -operative insurance representative. -20tf SIDEWALKS ANI) PATIOS — The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, JULY 8. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service, 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. ' Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. All are welcome to any or all of these services. Pastor, T1 J. McMichael GOOD GOING TUES. & WED. Jijjy ?#h- 18th RETURN LIMIT — 7 DAYS Between GODERICH and STRATFOiID - KITORENER - TORONTO - - Return Pare YOU SAVE - $1.80 $1.10 - - 2.75 1.75 - 5.05 3.15 Bargain Farm also apply between TORONTO and ` Return Para YOU SAVE MONTREAL - - $12.90 $3.15 OTTAWA a - - 10,00 6.30 Bargain Fares also apply from points listed to intermediate -stations, and from intertnodiete stations to points shown... Children under 5 travel free --5 and undor 112, half-far,e. Regular 150 Ib. baggage allowance Watch for Bargain Coach Faros effective August 14-15. T-6-32 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS design that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth con• trete flagstones are ma ufactured and vibrated in a manner that makes them waterproof and strong- er than other makes. They are guaranteed for five years. Made only by sA+OR.TH CONCRETE PRODUQTS. Call for free estim- ates. Phone 740, Seaforth, -25_32 'CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING. Corn grant crops, etc. Phone GO'RD BAXTER at 1546 W 2 lin mornings and after 6.30 p.m. 24-27x MACHINE AND GENERAL RE- PAHt. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LISTER, Maitland road. 24-35x SID BULLEN'S REPAIR SliOP now open for custom cabinet making, funnitut'e repair. Sharp- ening of all types of lawn mowers and cutting appliances, skill saw for rent. Money back guarantee on all work done. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 23-26x MOVING AND GENERAL CART- AGE. Phone 1249. Z5 -26x FINANCING AND LOANS AT - lower cost on neer and late model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47tf MOVING—GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. -48tf FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamiltop St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy-,P.ay+ment-Plan_-for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. -11tf FURNITURE REPAIR — liJr ▪ MODELLING — RE -FINISHING ---RE-UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK, PHONE 1200 OR 892. 23-26x FOR. ARTIT ICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. -17tf '+' TEED 1'1T ,AERIAL SERVICE. Aerials installed as low as $49. ti-Crta1S West fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street.- 6Goderich, phone 1344M. -34t1 Guaranteed radio service. 'dVILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. - -12 22. Lost and Found SUM OF MONEY FOUND CENTLY. Postmaster. RE - Contact 'Goderich -27 23. Used Cars HOLIDAY SPECIALS ! Hunting for WorryFree Trans- portation so you can enjoy your holidays to the very fullest'' Then it will pay you to go RIGHT NOW to REG. MCGEE & SONS to see the wide range of CLEAN, SMART LOOKING USED CARS now in stock. Come in and look around! 1953 'STUDEBAKER Champion Coach, tubeless tires, air conditioning, clean inside and out. 1953 DODGE Coronet V-8 four - door, one owner. Automatic Transmission, new tires, A-1 condition. 1952 MONARCH Custom four - door, custom radio, rear speaker. This is a clean one owfier car. 1951 DODGE Coronet four -door, Automatic Transmission Acuttom radio, low mileage. Another spotless one owner car. 1950 PONTIAC Chieftain 8, four - door, 27,000 actual miles, just one owner, like new, 1950 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, two-tone paint, A-1 condi- tion. 1950 DODGE Special Deluxe four - door, air conditioning, first class condition. 1949 DODGE four -door, air con- ditioning, custom radio. Good motor and tires. 1947 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, heater and seat covers, 34,000 actual miles. See this one ! FORD Club Coupe, cheap transportation.. TRADE — TERMS Open Evenings DREG. McGEE & SONS - H'amilton St. Phone 765 -27 .1946 1950 DODGE SEDAN, CLEAN interior, no rust, radio and heater, good rubber. Priced for quick sale. Phone 120 -27 1)0r 'COACH, 1949, HEATER, defroster, radio, and pood tires. Phone 1014J. 27x SISTER PASSES Mr. and. Mrs. C. Campbell Tweedie attended the funeral on June 27, of his sister, Lulu Noll Wilson, wife of John F. Wilean, who passed away in Medina, N.Y., on June 24. Mrs. Muriel Mac- Donald, of Toronto, formerly of Goderich, is a sister. Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Y o4 - onto, spent the week -'end with her sister, Mrs. W. G. MacEwen, PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Urs. W, T. Let by, Pic - ton street east, had as week -enol ests Mrs. Lumby's brother, Mr. T. 11[, biller, Mrs. Midler and chil- dren, of Teterboro, Mrs. James- Akeroyd and son, Gary, of Batley, Yorkshire, Eng- land, accompanied by her another, Mrs. M. Wieland, of Kingston, are renewing acquaintances in Own. Misses Nancy Hughes and Donna Aberhnrt are attending Camp Ken- ny, the Y.W.C.A.-SI.IVL,C.A. Camp, near Sarnia. Mr. Charles Barker, of Goderich, spent the week -end with friends in Detroit and while there atten- ded the Bible studefnts' convention. Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Moorhead, of Toronto, and Bliss ,Judy Howse, of Guelph, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moorhead at Benmiller. Mr. Lorne Chisholm, who has been attending the Goderich Busi- ness College, has joined the staff of the Canada Trust Company at London. - Mr. and Mrs. Vivian D. Lee and children, Mary and Robert, of Woodstock, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Johns- ton, Stanley street. 0 KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, July 3.—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and children and Miss Mary Therese Martin, of Hamilton, were week -end visitors at the Blaise Martin home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry, of Detroit, and Mr. Thos. Drennan, of Goderich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan during the past week. Mr, Peter Lierman was a dele- gate from the Goderich District Collegiate to the United Nations Seminar held in London during the past week. Congratulations to Rev. Father John Hogan, formerly of this parish, upon his retirement from active duty as Chaplain at the House of Providence, where he has been so faithful to the sick and shut-ins for many years past. A testimonial dinner was served to Father Hogan- and many of the clergy of London Diocese last Week - in honor of his 90th birthday. Mr. Jack Van Qseh, jr., is a patient in Kincardine hospital, and is improving. Visitors at the Vali' Oseh home over the week -end + were Mr. and Mrs. Schurman and two children, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verhawin, of Watford, William Harris, of Toronto, and William Van Oseh, of Toronto, who will have three weeks' holi- days at his home dere. On Wednesday, August 1, the ceremony in connection with the unveiling of the memorial plaque in honor of- -Father McCormick, who spent so many years serving the people of this community, will take place. Rev. John Hogan will .be guest speaker,_ being -the -ofd est priest in the Diocese of London, are expeoted for this occasion. Maurice Dalton left on Friday for Ipperwash Beaeh Camp for cadet training for ane month. Mrs. Veronica Griffin and family, of Flint, Mich., have been visiting at the home of Thomas Wallace. Mr. Fergus Dwyer and Mr. Van Morsel, of Kinkora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne on Sun- day. 7.8 HP ONLY 47 LBS. 20MPH • The ideal family and fishing motor. Quiet -- Smooth—Fast. Silent dual internal valves. Shockproof power clutch. Magic -Wand one -hand control of speed, shift. Light and. powerful. Now on dis- play. Regular,, $320.00 SPECIAL $295.00 E,BRECKENRIDGE, HARDWARE PLUMBING -HEATING 42 CORNER SQUARE& NORTH sr. 4,401a135.GODERICH it PAYSTO "HIRE EXPERANW AM -WIELD AMPECILD, Jnly S• Moss Donna 113m/ton, R.N., daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank afanilton, who graduated'from Wo stook Gen- eral Ha�spital and camel the last year nursing in Bermuda, � has re- tur:*.ed home to attend the wed- ding of her sister, Shirley. arold Collinson, of Toro .'to, sent the week -end with his mo- ther in Eaotail. The IIintail Camp opened last week with an Intermediate group of boyF, 60 in number. Miss Mary Anne West is attend- ing Summer Sulaol in Toronto, preparing for teaching. Mrs. Dun- can uncan Simpson is also attending, tak- ing a .music course necessary for teaching in the schools. Mrs. Kenneth.MacKenzie and her daughter, Mrs. +Fisher and Kenneth, of Montreal, are again occupying their cottage at Point Clark. The members of the family of N.ir. and Mrs. Peter Van de Ley, who live in Oshawa, visited with their parents over the weekkend. Mrs. James McKendrick, of Tor- onto, viisted with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bissett and other friends over the holiday. John MacKay, Sandy MacDonald, D. A. MacLennan and Charles Mac- Lean attended the Highland games at Em,bro on Monday. Miss Alma Johnson, of Toronto, was home for the week -end. Mrs. D. Rose and son, Dan, of London, spent the week -end at their home here. Miss Anna Robb, of London, was home for the week -end. Jack MacLennan, of Toronto, who was injured in a car accident some weeks ago, is recuperating at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emile 1VLacLennan. The C.G.I.T. held a wiener -roast at tie lake T.1iur�,day vomit , iM11,t', and Mrs, t cora e Le sU .tier mat lli rh, ra, of Toronto, were rcveTI old guests at the home of Mr. ;aid Mrs. l L MacGregor. Q TUARY MRS, MARY CAR143.1.\Tin Funeral , service for Mrs. M r y Carpenter, 94, who died at Clinton', was held in ,the Lodge: funeral home here on Saturday at 2 p,lu, The service was eor ducted, by Rev. rwcs rAi"'—‘ U. A, Jew-4gs and , 0terroeut wog in D111441110i1 outcry': 'Ws, (*writer ltiatii tlw lwrs*+ec ,fry Stewart, Aott5eld Tows- slim:, He,; 1iuiaband died s uve raL yearn. ;ago. She was a xuzer of St. Vain°s Artig raxl. Church, D w- ga:nni u, [ ur ivili +afire!Ivo Uepbew, in A� hfiold and one mace t Grici0i' i 14X4s . ZiiXar, orle Macho was week :and guest, ,with Mr. $nd Mo. tt, beat E. Barnes, Wludwr. YOU! If You See Any, See Ours t No need to search alh over for a good, clean USED OAR. We have a line-up waiting for you! If you want~ smart -looking, smooth -running, eootnoni± al tranaporta,4_ tion, see us. We have good used tniokk, too! Huron Body & Fender Shop Your Volkswagen Dealer East St., Goderich. Phone "206 -27 a. A&P PEACHES GREEN BEANS BARTLETT, PEARS A&P CORN CAKE MIC OU GET MORE LOW PRICES AT A&P Choice Halves Iona Standard Aylmer Choice Fancy Whole Kernel Shirriff's Chocolat. ,A ling Anon Pau. NEWPQRT. FLUFFS CHEEZ WHIZ Draft Breakfast Cer ai SAVE 3c SAVE 2c, SAVE 3c SAVE 2c SAVE 2s SAVE 2e SAVE k SAVE, 2e �,► 20-oz,tins 3 9c 2 20 -oz tins 29c 2 20 -oz tins 5 5c 2 14 -oz tins 31 c 16 -oz pkg 31c 1 c 11 -oz btl SUPERRICHT IJUALITY MEATS BONELESS 5c 8 -qt pkg 29c 16 -oz jar 5 7c ROUND STEAK or ROAST LB 7 9c Minceti., `� i''" Extra Lean:. r Pork Shuiders Smoked Bacon Squares Smoked Boneless, Picnic Style Side Bacon Bass Fillets Bass Fillets All Good Sliced Cooked Fresh Caught Silver ib ib 9c 1623e 1 -lb pkg 55, - 120 "pkg 47, lb 39` Jane Parker BLUEBERRY PIE Jane Parkor LEMON PIE Mild & Mollow, Custom Gcound 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE It's All Pure Coffee A&P INSTANT COFFEE Jane Parkor Sliced FRANKFURTER ROLLS Sultana PEANUT BUTTER A&P Nectar TEA BAGS Fancy Solid White Moot TUNA FISH Delicious Canned Meat KAM Ann Papa - SALAD DRESSING Yukon Club (Coreents Only) GINGER ALE Price ffloctivo Until Satursky,,itily 7th, 1956 SAVE 4o each 55C SAVE 4o each 45 C 1 -lb 9 5c 2 -oz jar 5 3 c pkg of 12 29c 16 -oz jar 29c box of 30s 3 ,5 c 7 -oz Pft) 3 9c - 12 -oz tin 3 7c 16-02 jar 3 3c 30 -oz Ws 25 c Native Grown No. 1 Grade Pascal CELERY STALKS 2for25g - No. Orod ° • "aloe CA,RRIO .3../b co. �� ��a• California Fanoy VALENCIA ORANGES 54 cellobag 5 9t '&t itRtrlt ' .s PAt;IP 4 t 0Mli ' d q