HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-28, Page 8VA ti Women's Column BY MARY GUST FAVORITE COLUMNS toderich Women's Institute, at a recent weetia, answered tike ro 1, call by naming a favorite newspaper column. Only those at,the meeting can tell what column and what columnists were mentioned --and why. Possibly writers for the Signal - Star welds included! At alp rate, naming a favorite newspaper column was Part of 'The program of a women's meeting in this town. And that is, :important. It indicates that women here, like women in other centres, are personally interested in opinions as we as in news. Columns in newspapers are vehicles of opinion. News, whether it be of world shaking -events or reports of regular meetings, cannot be colored by opinion in any newspaper worth its salt. In the news columns there is no room for comment by the editor. Only in the newspaper column can a writer say in print what he or she thinks of what's happening. _ Women appreciate comment of that kind. They may or may not agree with the columnist, but they do some thinking along the lines of the column's theme. The writer becomes a personal friend, one whose words are awaited eagerly. That feeling of friendship, linking writer and reader, is one of the most precious things in newspaperdom. Columns are as Varied as the people who write them. Quite popular is the advice type, whose writer offers solutions for problems. Many a reader finds help and comfort, in ,earning of others' troubles. The humorous column is a favorite with practically every - y. Usually it records queer quirks, often in rueful tone ow an "everything happens to me" basis. A good laugh is • better than medicine, surely! There's the social or teacup kind of column. This is light, gossipy stuff, touching on what the great and near - great are doing, saying and wearing. Glamor is its trade- mark. Dozens of others could be mentioned, all dealing with phases of human activities. For myself, I prefer a neigh- borly column—one that is no more pretentious than a chat over the back fence when the washing is being hung on the line. I like comments on how the roses are growing— or- what can be done to improve the approach to the bathing beach—or why don't, , women take a look in a full-length miror before venturing down street in those short shorts. These are the things of ordinary living, the common things around home. And for me, home is the centre of the universe. Goderich- Collegiate Promotions Announced The promotion list of Goderich District Collegiate Institute has been announced by Principal A. R. Scott. Students have been promoted to the next grade as shown below. Names are in alphabetical order. Where a subject appears in brackets after any name, special permission must be obtained before the subject is continued in a higher grade. Marks of those failing, the names of whom do not appear in the lists below. have been mailed to them. Grade ,BX To Grade X RAonald 'A1Ithr -Audi ey :Allison, Lorne Alton, William Anderson, v ri vY ' Artristrang; 5.e, .n. Beechey, Luella Bell, Lawrence Black, James Blake, Joyce Bosn ,-Sandra Brad- ley, Reginald Brindley (Eng., Fr.), Dorothy 'Cornish, Frances Curry, Maurice Dalton,' Arthur Dickson, Martha de Groot, Barbara Durnin, Eleanor Durst, Dorothy Feagan, Douglas F-eagan, Ronald Feagan, Keith Finnigan, Kenneth Fitzpat- rick (Eng., Fr.) William Fr itzley (Eng.), Helen Fuller, Percy Gar- rick, James Gillespie (Fr.). Norman Glenn (Eng., Fr.), Lorne Graham, Betty llarrison, Diane Harrison, Klizabeth Harley (Fr.), Ronald Filler (Hist.), Gail Gardner, Eliz- abeth Grange, Fred- Grigg, Maureen Hallam Clare Harman (hr ),.Joan %ley,ai ie .ahnson; lfary John= ston, Kenneth Joshing, Lillian Kerr, William Linfield, Carole Leiselle,' Frank MacDonald (Alg.), Gerald MacPhee (Alg.). Gordon McDonald. Kenneth McGee (Ag. Sc., Alg_), Glenda McIlwain (Fr.), Marjorie Marriott, Ann Meyer.* Norine Mill Meyer, Frank Miller. Gary er. Ronald Moore, Isabel Morris, Sandy Naftel, Margaret Nivins (Alg., Fr.), Norman Petrie, Sheila Quaid (Alg., Fr.), William Reid (Alg., Fre Roy Reinhart (Al.g., Fr ), Paul Richard- son iAln , Fre Jerry Riehl (Fre. Marion Scrut-on (Alga, John Sim - Harvey, Mary Hay, William Hay- men: (Fr.). Ev e:'-rs Smytn. Joyce sem, John Hazlitt, John Hopkinson, S,:.:-ei!'. (M.A, ).Noella t.ie erby -Doreen Howatt (Eng.), Rita John- (Fein). i),'nai�1 '� Fra, e,NA 1'1clwacci stop, Lewis Kiietsch, Edward Stoddard' d' (Alg., Laithwaite, David Leeson, (Fre, S'utherl'and. \'er{•n:ca Torp�tr.,. Diane Lierman, Paul Linklatcr, Donna 'Walden. tlirrrai• Linda Loiselle, Shelagh Lucas, 1\-LIrjorie "'oun:r tEn2,., Chester MacDonald (Fr.), e Anne Aim Zirarncr:nan MacKenzie, Lee MacLeod (Eni;., • Grade XII To Grade XIII Fra,. _Janes_ McCarthy, _Margaret Marilyn Ander,an__-I.kin41d.n Ran-4 McDonald, Briane McLean, Donna ter. Shirley Bedard, Linda Brecken-� McNee, Karen Mallough, Raymond ridge (Latin), Mary (`lark. Frances Mallough, Judith Mathers. Marion Dalton. Dorothy Enzensberger. Miller, Helen Moore, John Morris, Marlene O'Reilly, Sharon Peachey, Eleanor Picot, Lorna Pratt, Patricia Prevett, Noel Robinson (Eng., Fr.), Keith Rodger (Fr.), Timothy Sale, Olive Shields, Marilyn Smith, Paul &+with, Pauline Smith, Barkley Spiegelberg, Mae Stewart, Richard Stewart, Gary Stoddart, Charlene Stowe (Hist.), John Sturdy (Fr.), Margaret Terpstra, Shirley Turner, Nadine Venn, Ronald Williamson ((Eng., Fr.), Paul Wilson, Wanda Wilson, Carolyn Wood (Fr.), .Don- ald Young, Joan Young. Below the line but permitted to Shirley Lutz, Ann Pentland, Pat - go on to Grade X•,.—Donald Mc- ricia Robertson, Carol Scott, Jane Whinney. .' Grade X To Grado XD John Aberhari, Carol Allin, Patricia Allen, Peter Allen, Cor -,Bakelaar, Eefje Bakker, Audrey Banter (Fr., Hone Ec.), Gordon Baxter (Fr.), William Blackstone, Linda Blake, Jacqueline Brown, Wayne •Brown (Fr.), Gail Brush, Barbara Buchanan, Margaret Clark, Sandra tOo'tley, Marion Carrell,Lambton-Middlesex Oxford Short Carmen Doak (Fr.), Anna Mae Short - Drennan (Fr.),Ardith ( horn Breeders Field Day last Elliott, Saturday. Members of the win - (Fr.), Julia Robert Ellis(FFreeth, Donna Clara.AnFeaganAnn ming team were• David Kirkland, of Fuller, Glen Gardiner, William iR•R• 3, Lucknow; Barry McQuillan. Gardner r.), C'=ail G o d i r e y of R.R. 1, Lucknow, and Bert Pep - Thelma mod, Leone Hamilton, Per, of R.R. 3, Seaforth. Ronald ifflaimilton (Hist., Geog.), 1 It was the first time that a team John illamacit (Fr.), Norma Hensch, from Huron County had entered Martha Jackson, Fred James,the competition and the first time Doibert Kelly,. Winston K e r r, `that a team from Ontario had cap - Robert ,Kinkead, Shirley Love, tured the event. In the previous Gladys ltfcClinchey, Diane McCon- three years of the competition, neli, Pani, M.eCreath, Donna Mc- teams from Michigan had won the Millen, Allan MoNee, James Martin :(111st., Fr.), Joan Mills Dotty Moerbeek, Kay flllforriso , William Morrison, Michael O'Re il- .ly tin), Denis Ouellette (Fr.), Kaijl .Peterson, Robert Pitblado (Fr.), William Queen (Fr.), Jamie- son Whey, Donald Rouse, Helen Rutledge, Bruce Scott (Fr.), Norma tetv'nrt (Ag. Co., Home Ec.), Wayne ;` toovart, William Strattpjlan, John Suitt (ng.,. (h°r,), Mary Wain, Gerald 1,Valtar, Gary Ward Allan I',id;b ter Math.), ath.), autil'a White WO, Illiltofl ��Jilrtlp. dated f'nitntry Women of the r. & )j `4"c3 Oroclo Xie World. Was present. nevi(i per An d2 .can (Ag. Se.. Th('t°' were 1`l dintrictg repro. J °61 rented. Mrs. i)erl gave a very ,�ynclli� )I1t*(Il"af'il (Alf;.), Willi,, - • fi<lf's.�i� .=4� anldhoped eel tFlat 1l eY; it<a l;rik7t'(! (Ate.). Mary l'9�yle, the sin million institute members I�1y0 ley oi'ctrll .1'rt3ePlif(Yraill, Marg, (Df the world worh for the good of 74a e '.ltY i`t'-ll. iti ioV Daer. J. C. roar kin(l and bone tolerance for Tisa i'ld i , t'lend r�ifl f)`inn. i ll'aiiior all Pio matter what race. color or I'r��' r.e.`1ca, • idtt'i rt i Tilt ±r, Lloyd cried. Pauline Hill, Jo'n Kane, Bruno Lapame (Latin), Peter Lierman, Enurel Lodge (Fr.), Maurice Loi- selle, Kathleen MacDiarmid, Lau - rine MacDonald, Gwen McDowell. Keith Mathers (Geom., _Fr.), Ruth Millian, Paul Naftel Marion'Orser, Ruth Orser, Karen l!Jitfblado, Norris Ribey, John Simp:>on (Fr.), William Smith (Latin), Douglas 'Squire, Betty Sturdy, Doreen Treble, Murray Wood (Fr.). Graduated from Commercial Dept. Reith Cook, Marilyn Crane, Corinne Cranston, Vera Johnston, ... •- . ... a Y�~'�"3 iiH'(� GODI RICH SIG AL -STAR 1 . More, Low Prices on More Items MoreDaysof the Week!, y, :A# 1111 It's Piesile You'll get great ideas' for picnic foods at your A&P, and low prices galore! Jane Parker Sliced Frankfurter Rolls Hamburger or Hot Dog —Heinz -RAW trukon Club (Contents Only) pkg of 12s 29c 12 -oz jar 37c Ginger Ale 2 30 -as bits 2 5 t Luscious Orange Drink Hi -C Orange Drink Hereford 48 -oz tin 3 3 c Corned Beef 12 -oz tin 39c Makes Delicious Sandwiches Swift's Prem Cold Drink Cups Lily Cups Duchess Plain White 8" len P1c1tes PTY p ACaprite Pain Serviettes Fancy Solid White Meat Tuna fish . Ann Page 12 -oz tin 391 pkg of28s �' 9c 14;27c pkg of 70s 16c • 7 -oz tin 21c Salad Dressing 16 -Oz jar 33 c Ann Page Ketchup Angelus Marshmallows 1 -Ib 2 11 -oz btls 39c Special I pkg 29c Stowe, Sandra Thompson, Carol Van der Meer. O-- �JRON WRESTS TROP' "Y FROM Ia .S. IN JUDGING In competition with teams from our other counties and Michigan, the Huron County team won the Shorthorn Judging Trophy at the phy. The competition is open teams from the Counties of ;fiddlesex, Lambton, Oxford, Elgin, Huron and the State of Michigan. WOMAN LEADER ASKS TOLERANCE FOR ALL Two carloads of Women's Insti- tute members motored to Loision last weelz to attend a picnic at T anshawe Part; when Mrs. klerry, of Australia, president of A.sso- 2 illanit, Jttrar3 Brewer, inspiring f� p Pillsbury CINNAMON ROLLS pkg of 8 19c Culverhouse Choice Cream CHOICE CORN �I' 20 -oz tins 31c Margarine SOLO lb S1 c ' E. D. Smith's JAMBOREE 9 -oz jar 25c The New Good Luck MARGARINE lb 3 5c Christie's Swiss Creme SANDWICH BISCUITS . pkg 3 5c Don't Forgot Extra Broad for the Holiday Week -end 1 JANE PARKER — DAILY DATED WHITE READ BIG 24 -oz loaf 5c -4 July 2nd. HolidayorAflYDaY!_-_- Mamma are —",you have an extra - long eb.opping Hot this weekend. eon- eidering the extra day off (July 2e4.) next Monday. This means your total savingo at A&P will show up even more dramatically than in your regu- lar weekend shopping. YOu see, be - cacao Ma, gavel you store -wide savinEo on item after item . . . the more you buy, the more You save on your total food bill) Conan see our grand display of foods for the holiday weekend . . o You'll save! .. ;;GU1 T AT SUPER -RIGHT FOR R��`� VALUE YOU SMAW 11AEASUP 'I Smoked Boneless COOKED HAMS WORE, CU�'S IMO � � . � TEAKS Ib or S EIID "A" , Broiler Type READY Grade oVCOTT AGE TURYSK� S►t�oked GookCif ROLLS -- coOl(ED �� H Shoed BO1OG NA Swift's Premium ERS , Kindle*s i , Smoked Super R ghBACQH Lake Erie, Wheatley Brand, C ���� e, ----lb57e_� 1-11) pkg99C 1-11) Pitts 2q£ 1 -ib cello pkg c -lb pkg 51( it4,5‘ YOU CAN'T BEAT A&P FOR HOLIDAY VALUES 1N FINE FRUITS and VEGETABLES Arizona No. 1 Grade, Vine Ripened, Salmon Flesh, Jurnbo Pack for e California No. 1 Grpdo' New Crop Santa Rosa Variety, Finest for Eating. Buy Them By The Basket, Approximately 6 Dozen' basket l .29 Plums California Fanby Valencia -- Now At Their Best Oranges 5 -lb bag 69C MP FEA TURES OLGA TE- PALMOLIVE PRODUCTS SPECIAL! Fa A' SPECIAL! Fabulous Suds SUPERSUDS SPECIAL! 6c OFF REGULAR PRICE pkg 33c 10c OFF REGULAR PRICE Targe pkg 29C 4c OFF REGULAR PRICE PALMOLIVE SOAP 3ako 35 SPECIALS LIQUID VEL 5c OFF REGULAR PRICE 12 -oz tin 34c CASHMERE BOUQUET 4,.ak.29, SPECIAL DEAL PACK AJAX THE FOAMING CLE'AN'SER .2 tins 27, No. 1 Grade Red Cutting • • Stock Up For The Holiday Watermelons ea 99, Native Grown Salad items,;(,-- Head Lettuce, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Radishes, and Green Onions are now available. KRAFT FOODS Miracle Whip SANDWICH SPREAD 'Kraft Deluxe C EESE SLICES . K raf t ,. NbI SNACK K raft . AYONNAISE K raft C RAMELS Parkuy Colour Quick > AR `INE W. 16.oz jar 49C 8 -oz pkg 3 1 c 8 -oz roll 2.9c 12 -oz jar 49c -o bag 2.7, 3.5c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOQD 21tis2i7t PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 30th 1956 STORE HOURS OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. DEEP CUT SPECIALS SAVE 4e ,se,jai 33. McLaren'. Corn Relish Special Blend SAVE 4c Tea Bags rt_ box of 30s 29C London Plain, Pimento, Relish SAVE 2c Cream Cheese 8 -Oz pkg 25c Evaporated Special! A&P Milk 416 -oz tins 49c CANNED GOADS SALE A&P Choice Slue Lake- SAVE 2c Green Beans 215 -oz tins 31c Cho;cc Quality A&P Tonatees Choice Cream Style A p.M on=: J_ne Par:. -r SAVE lc 2 28 -oz tins 45c - SAVE 2c 2 20 -oz tisk 27r RY SPECIALS ioc Apple Pie Jane Parker Giant . Jelly Roll Jane Prrker Jelly Donuts Jane Parker Raisin Dread 2 each 49C SAVE 4c each 4 SAVE 6c pito of 6s 2 7 C SAVE 5c 16 -oz loaves , C tet c Sultana !hoe, nut Fancy Red, Sockeye Salmon atter 16 -oz jar 29C '/2s tin 4 3 C Frozeu food Teatures A&P FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Z9aio s.29• ewers STRAWBERRIES 15 -oz pkg 39, CLOVER VALLEY CHEEZ PLEEZ 1"2 jar 59c IF FLAVOUR'S WHAT YOU WANT Change To The COFFEE That's "ALIVE" with FLAVOUR Mild and Mellow — Custom Ground .O'CLOCK COFFEE ib9 5 C 3 -Ib bag 2.79 • Just atoll the eloek how you errand coffee and ho will correctly grind your suparb AAP Pror-riiuin Quality Coffee for bast results y'aui coffee -matter. ATLANTIC 4 !M. FIC tiA COMPANY •