The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-28, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 2 h, 1056 HOLM 4 SVILLE ____— HOLMESVILLE, June 26. --Mr. -and I4rs. I ouglas Ward' and son, and Mr. and MTs. John Cudmore of Thamesville, spent the weals -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Avery left this week on a motor trip to the Montreal district. Miss Belva Hallett, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Miss Howatt has left for Indian 1 -Read, Sask., where she will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. T. M. Howatt, and her aunt, Mrs. G. E. McCullough. In the early fall, Miss Howatt leaves for Vancouver, where she will start her 'work with the W.M.S. of the. United Church of Canada. Children's Sunday was celebrat- ed in Holmesville United Cltureh on June 24th. With Miss Helen Potter at the organ, a children's choir sang two anthems. Mr. Ken - ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH JULY lst, Sth Sunday After Trinity 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. ' 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL., 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. Friday, June 29th—St. Peter's Day. Holy Communion in the Chapel at 10 a.m. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS,, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church NORTH STREET AND VICTORIA STREET CONGREGATIONS UNION SERVICE DURING JULY IN VICTORIA STREET. 11 a.m. THE SIN OF ENVY. Minister—REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A. Organist—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, R.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. -74iXCIIX VXe9trutETTMtC Lh1XXCli Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) NO EVENING SERVICE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. GODERICH *BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL STREET 10 a.m. SUND►( SCHOOL—a class for every age. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP' SERVICE. (Younger children taken care of during this service). 7 p.m. "GOD'S ANSWER FOR YOUR LIFE." Tuesday, 8-9 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Wed., July 4, at 6 p.m.—Sunday, School Picnic at Harbor Park Vacation -Bible -._School, July. _943—Primary_.and_Junior Depts._ Rev. S. H. -Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., ! s.sa:xar .i> .t�p " tai.: r'.--.z•.L- - . -- �i �o.■■a.. . --... _ s_!s': Victoria Street United Church AT HOME TONORTH, ST. UNITED CHURCH with a cordial welcome for all visitors. 11 a.m. REV. HOWARD A. DICKINSON, B.A. North St. Minister 'in Victoria for. July Sundays. Other Churches -10 a.m. .Benmiller. 3 p.m. Union. Sunday Schools -10 a.m. Victoria. 11 a.m. Benmiller & Union. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. 26-29 ETHEL P-ENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE LOCATION — MacKAY HALL SUNDAY TO a:m.—SUNDAY -SCHOOL. 11, a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. FRIDAY 8 p.rn. YOUNG PEOPLES. A hearty welcome awaits you. PASTOR—R. J. GREEN HEAR... THOS. WYATT on Wings of Reeling Every Sunday CKLW at 8:00 P.M. (DST) DETROIT -- 800 kc. 21-26 Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, JULY 1 10 a.m. Sunday School. • 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. All are welcome to any or all of these services. Pastor, T. J. McMichael neth Ashton, of Clinton, a st?.ade.I.t at the University of ..Western On- tario, was the special speaker; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, sr., of ,Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and Eon1ta, were in T,hannesviile on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wpa. Mayhew. Mrs. Mayhew, who is the' sister of Mrs. • Williams, sr., is a patient in the Thamesville Nursing aIome. SBEPPARDTON SHEPPAIIDTON, June 26.—Visit- ors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins were: Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and• ,Bdib, Mr. and Mns. Frank Haw- kins, Mr. and Mrs., James Pinder and daughter, of Goderich, who also attended the service in the Nile church Sunday morning when Lawrence J'aznes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins, was baptised. Mrs. Clifford Kilpabrrek and Barry, of near Dungannon, visited Sunday with Mrs. Kilpatrick's bro- ther, Elwin, and Mns. Pollock and sons. Mr. James McCabe left' last mnumeeermossmnimenownermworoor HER KITCYEN NOW /S HIGHLY PRIZED, LJ(J .SEE; It w�., HAS BEEN MODEIZN/ZED f L TRADEMARKS. Inc. Stop in or call us for suggestions on all the modern ways of styling your kitchen. GODERIC week onaboat for the balance of the summer. 1,V° are sorry to .report Mrs. D. Calhoun xs a patient in Gederi?h hospital with a Abad Bold. We wish her a speedy recovy. Mr. Gordon lluugherty is home after a wools in hospital under- going surgery for appendicitis. He e also spent a few days int Goderich with his aunt, Mrs. J. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs., Eldon Erb, 11Ielvin and Douglas, of Listovwel, visited Sunday with Mrs. Erb's sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rising. Mr. Norman Hoy and son, Gerry, with Mr. Cliff Hoy and son, of Goderich, spent the week -end fish- ing up nortYi. 0 0�------- —o BREAKS ARM andy Schmidt, four-year-old son of Frank Schmidt, of R.R. 5, Code richt was admitted to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Tues- day night for treatment of a 'broken arm. After a east was ap- plied, he was allowed to return home Wednesday. Mary Hastings Housewives invite all good neighbors to attend their annual picnic. THE SUNSET CIRCLE CLUB PICNIC WILL BE HELD AT 2 P.M. ON THURSDAY, JULY 5 IN HARBOUR PARK. — BRING CUTLERY, CUPS — If you have written to Mary Hastings through The London Free Press or feel you would like to do so sometime, Cr If you would just like to be sociable, take your lunch basket and comet along. Bring the children too. Free ice cream. Tea and chocolate milk supplied. -26 The Maternity Nnrsing Brassiere and Girdle WITH YOUNG MOTHERS IN MIND. • You will appreciate the COMFORT, SUPPORT, CONTROL and QUSAkLITY of these new adjustable girdles and brassieres. . — SOLD ONLY AT — •,- - .!!;:!:!!:!'!!' I SIGNAL.STAR 90 irkliva" NEW BARN? ADDITIONAL CLASSIFiEIJ. ADS 19. t'1ce t4 �T�f i lr 3 ALR, R' 0�3RSON,9 il;rsr- G►f Ci arlle3s against the estate.og Stewart, late of the 1OW05t. Ashfield, in the County of tii?Q�p, Retired Farmer, who died 00 a about the 4th day of June, 195d, are required to file the same with full particulars With the under- signed by . the :7th day of July, 1956, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of Joiner 1956. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 25-27- Solicitor for the Estate. ANLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Sarah Ellen Poster, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 19th day of May, 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 7th day of July, 1956, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of June, 1956. R. C. HAYS, Go1erich, Ontario, 25-27- Solicitor for the Estate. Is your herd outgrowing your present barn? Have you enough space to store the products of your farm? If not, perhaps you need a new barn, or an extension to your present one. Don't let a shortage of ready cash hold back your plans for a better farm — whether it's a new barn or the renovation of your buildings generally. You can get money from the B of M through a Fart, Improvement Loan — at low interest rates and on a repayment plan to Suit your individual circumstances. Why not see your B of M manager this week? You will like his helpful approach to your plans. 'MY BANS" ro P N500t' atuaawr; FM— the fitter ... his full name la Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give hies a chance to help fiat up your farm ... he's eco- nomical, conven- ient, versatile. He can do almost anything in mak- ing your farm a better farm, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HIRAM FISHER BRINDLEY, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huf on, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Hirata Fisher Brindley, laze of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 15th day of June, 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of August, 1956, as after' that date the assets of the estate will be distrubuted. WILLIAM M. PREST, 31 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 26-28-_ - -- Y BANKOF MONTREAL 644441 747a 8'44 Local Branch: BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Manager. 0 W+aficO14a W9I'11 CAt1ADOAtdn ltd !WM ImAalt OP IJff7 SINCE/ 11192' 20. Public Notice OWING TO MONDAY, JULY 2, being a public holiday, the special meeting of L.O.L. No. 182, will be held on Monday, July 9, at their lodge rooms, Hamilton street. GORDON BOWERS, W.M. 26- 21. Business Notice 1JSPOM WEED SPRAYING. Corn, grain crops, etc. -Palmate CORD BAXTER at , 1546 W 2 in mornings and after 6.30 p.m. 24-27x F 9R,L�pY�O.�,, R INS �! 3C o:I tk L. , 0 0 Whether it abAUTO • . LIBILITY TDLEV1SION PROPERTY 1'AT x 1$04I1TALIZATTON OP AMIIIENT and 3iC1 i gro ri at Lowest Ilatog I 1 tpip.74% ill __ HAROLD W. I t E 38 Hamilton St. Phone Tee (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 mon;itly. _11tf { Mr. David Mulll'if Eh fora, �9lta., 'Lsc ' enewifl acquaintancesttic in eri4'eli and x-riet ani also vi itis Iain dtut'hater, Mrs. Alert, Wolike, and his con, William Maly as ' Nvell as his.. brotber, Jahn ii3iflltou w.lro has r'e eer tly .:under Bono an operatioid, It is ten year° ONE YEAR AGO -Fj URNITURE REPAIR — . REF MODELLING --- RE -FINISHING —RE -UPHOLSTERING STER6iNG — FANCY CAB1N1'T WORK. M. B .OK, PHONE 1200 OR 892. 23-26x FOR A,RfELFICIAL INSEMINA-' TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able•—top quality at low cost. -17tf CARPENTRY BUILfDING, RE- MODELLING and plumbing. Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone. Car- low 1108. -19tf QKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials. moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone -1344M. -34tf Guaranteed mato service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 A�S . ' Y SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern e uipment. All work guarantee . Estunates given with- out obligation: LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring 6, Brussels. 20-31x FOR YOUR AUTO, FIRE, LIA- BILITY, accident and sickness insurance see GEO. TURTON, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone collect 179, Carlow. Co-operative Insurance representative. -20tf SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS — The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 different sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete. flagstones can be laid in designs that add beatify to your home surroundings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured -and --vibrated in a - miner that makes b hem waterproof and -strong- '-s.ih'ap-,- _ n akes-. ,Ab 'e MACHINE AND GENERAL RE- PAIR. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LISTER, Maitland road. 24-35x SID BULT.FN'S REPAIR. SHOP now open for custom cabinet making, furniture repair. Sharp- ening of all types of lawn mowers and cutting appliances, skill saw for rent. Money back guarantee on all work done. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 23-26x MOVING AND GENERAL cART- AGE. Phone 1249. 25-26x FINANCING AND LOANS AT low_ er, cost on new and late made used cars and tracks and- new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47tf MOVING --GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. -48tf Retiring Supt., Explains Position Mrs. W. Pocock, whose position as superintendent of Huron County Home ends at the end of the month, has .Submitted an explan- ation re findings of the grand jury, as reported in the June 14th issue of the Signal -Star. The grand jury stated that the bailer room at the County Home was found to be. untidy. In ex- planation Mrs. Pocock said, "I should like to make it clear that I had asked the engineer while he was under my jurisd.ictidn to clean up the boiler room and he said' he' 'would if he had time.' At the time of the jury's visit he was not Ander my jurisdiction but under Mr. Johnston's." Twelve members of the staff of the County Home have sent a letter to the Signal -Star in defence of Mrs. Pocock, taking exception to recently published statements con- cerning relations between manage- ment and staff. "There has been no dissension or dissatisfaction, be- tween our superintendent and our- selves," they stated, expressing ap- preciation for the "fair administra- tion" of Mrs. Pocock. Those sign- ing the Metter were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Kestle, Mrs. Jean Paterson, Miss T. Koldyk, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Har- vey, S. Dorst, Pearl Caldwell, S. Wilts, Mrs. E.Black, Mrs. M. Hicks, Cliff Coultes. Goderich Public Utilities Com - Mission was represented at the an- nual summer technical conference Of the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities, held at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka, three days last week by t.)ie following: Elmer Weaver, R. G. Johnston, Geo. MacEwan, W.% J. Mills, H. Crane and T. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex Hume, of Ottawa, are guests with the form - Ws sister, Miss Esther Huine, 2ritai1fiia road. Mrs. George Robinson, of De- troit, is a guest with her cousin, Mrs. Jas. White, and Mr. White, flus'in road. guarante for five years. Made only dry SEAPORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Call for free estim- ates. Phone 740, Seaforth. -25-32 21. Business Notice MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., will again take a limited num- ber of organ pupils this summer. 26x 23. Used Cars 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN, IN EX- CELLENT condition. Will trade. Phone 1480-J-1. -26 since Mr. Million left to mm Me home in the West, Mrs, * e` age 4ounell, of Senferth, type t ea few wee with heir son and. . afe, and Mos. RoyCon- nell, at Nile and is I. pealatst visiting friends and relatives alt E O?ZNED OUR NEW STORE • iN OFF,tit, A law PURUKASE POLIOY NO WW1's]. PAYMENT on Diamond Rings Watches wigs LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS SENSATIONAL NEW STYLE DIAMOND RINGS BY, BLUEBIRD, 'CANADA'S BEST KNOWN NAME IN DIAMONDS. ::•:::4� ;. � .� � • ^. - err . ^.� '+;'r. b• :.; •.:+ Y hY b• b;. ,v,Ktir,:.....:•;�:•....:.• :'.: r:•.. o:r:..rb.•�'�}; ti'r,..;:r;h;.:S•..•.•.:•}.+:.,.•e,;... �;�..•r fig{. r•"°:�eti o: 4 No other diamond ring tan COMPARE DIAMOND RINGS g i ail THAT S A FACT! Your Bluebird Diamond Ring B it! "TRU-FIT" BRID�L T n +y1itJv s� a '�� �.-.�• Dom' o=./'��,. �' ••/ _ . GUARANTEED FLAWLESS Insured Free Against Loss • GOIARDIAN ANGEL •— sel-od- iusts to tht noturoi sbop. of Your fig �r • .. no twisting or turning ---our ring is ()Swam, perfectly pod tione r never slip off your finger unless you remove it. style and value. a sure to see y can SEE tbe dazzling; brilliance of tbe diamond in tbe new superbly styled settings .. feel bow comfortable and secure it is on yourfinger. Bluebird quality is the finest AFTER HOUR° APPOINTMENTS ABE, WELCOMED. FILSINGER'S JEWELLERY'- GIFTS MR. FARWIER! SAVE TIME and MONEY WITH A 20-C FIELD HARVESTER (Engine Drive) 49 H.P. WATER COOLED ENGINE TWO MACHINES IN +.NE (hay or row crop) HIGH CAPACITY — 25 tons hay or corn per hour CONVENIENT ONE-MAN OPERATI` N EASY TO CHANGE ROW CROP AND HAY ATTACHMENT ROW CROP ATTACHMENT $394.00 6 -PT. CUT EW *AR ATTACHMENT SSS.00 NO. 3 HIGH CAI A ,11tY f"sN51LAGE AND FORAGE iL,oWEif 00100 WAGON UNLOADING' ATTACH. 14000