HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-28, Page 5GOMMRIO SIGNAL -STAR PORT ALBERT roar .AILBEItT, June 25.-31r. and other relatives for a couple ing for a few (fees with the latter'a brother, Alex Johnston, and, Mrs. Johnston and familYeat Sudbury. 31r. and Mrs. gerit MeWhinney, of Dungannon, are taking care of the. Miss Grace McKenzie, •01 Toronto, is visiting her sister, Misa Mary McKenzie and other relatives. Mrs. Donald Steinehouse and two children, Ricky and Lee Ann., of 'Guelph, are spending a couple of week.s with her perents, Mr. and Mr. Chas. Ceawford left last week for Kenore to visit, his bro- ther, Jack Crawford, Mrs. Crawford A cow's, best friend Any self:respecting cow likes to know that the 'precious food product she supplies is handled with greatest care so it will reach her customers fresh and pure. From the dairy farm to your doorstep, aluminum is aiding the hygienic handling and pro- cessing of dairy producti. Milk pails, cant anti churns . , , tank trucks and dairy equipment . . hoods for milk bottles and foil for -butter -and cheese . all are -- of aluminum. This modern metal's smooth surface preventt contamination, is easily kept shiny -clean. And it does not "pick up" foreign flavors- or odors. As one European author- ity has said, aluminum and milk are made for each other. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) Mr. and Mrs. John McPheesen end childre , Gwen and Gr wet, of TeeswaWr, visit on Sunday with the latter's brother,. Howard, and Mrs. (plaid and family. During the church service of the United Church, six ehildren were baptized last Sunday, Theparents Mr. and Mrs. Ben BroWn and and Xis. Diemen Wilson. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be obsereod next Sunday. 31rs. Chas. Crawford is goine, this Cumaingham, and Mrs. Cumeing- hate foe a few days. While there, they will attend the 50th, wedding alum -emu of her brother, Horace, and Mrs. Cunningham. Surprise Party. so- A surprise party was held in the school house last Friday evening for Wilmer Ereington, the school teacher, who is 'leaving to attend normal next term. Contests and game§ were played, -He was presented with a 'beautiful travelling bag by Barbara Foster. The address was read by Jimmie Quaid. A lovely lunch was On June 20, eight members of the W.IVI.S. and W.A. and Six visit- ors met at the home of Mrs. Earl Bogie. Mrs. Lednor, the president of the W.M.S., led the meeting. Mrs. B. Crawford read a portion of, Scripture and gave meditation on same. Mrs. Lednor gave a reading on the "Origin of the Bible Society." The treasurer gave a report and the secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs. E. Bogie gave a reading. It was decided not to hold nteetings in JulY and August. Mrs. B. Craw- ford summarized the fourth chap- ter of the study book. Mrs. Bert Crawford was in charge of the W.A. meeting. Scripture was read by Mrs. ,E. Bogie. Mrs. H. Quaid read a humorofus reading, "Spring Fever." Plans were made for congregational supper to be hel in the fall. -A' committee was ap- pointed to leak efter buying carpet for the aisles qf -the' thurch. At the dose of the meeting a bake sale_ was...held—The linateas served ASIIFIELD ASHIFIEEM, June 25.—Dr. Mac- Lennan.—The death occurred in Windsor on June 21 of Dr. Far- quhar MacLennan at the age of 83 years. He was born in the Lochalsh district, taught school for some years in Lochalsh and attend- ed Medical School in Toronto. He Square Dance And Fiddlers' Contests To Feature Trade Fair Starting Aug. A square danee competition and old time 4ddlero" eontost aro amOng features al the third annual G erleh Trade Fair, which opens o Wednesday, August 8, and winds up the following Saturday. The fair is again sponsored by Goderieh Kinsmen Club and Earl Rawson, heads up the eommittee, with Jim Bisset as chairman of the exhibits section. The facilities of Agrieultural Park and Goderich Memorial Arena will be used to handle the exhibits and the pro- grard during the. four-day event. There has been a geed number of requests already from Arms wishing to rent exhibit space in the arena or in the parking area in front of the grandstand. Some first praCtised in leintail and later in Ripley Where he practised for some years before going to Wind- sor. He is survived by his widow, one ton and one daughter. Fun- eral service was conducted in Windsor on Saturday and his body interred in Ripley cemetery. Children baptized in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday by the Rev. J. R. MacDonald were: `John David Farrieh, Margaret Jacqueline Collinson, Bradley John lVfaeKenzie, Douglas Francis Spills - bury, Glen Scott Robb, Allan Mof- fat rOibson, Brenda May MacLen- nan. Miss Beverley MacKenzie has gone to Bayfield for the summer months. DUNGANNON Durnin is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Winnifred Widcombe, R.N., Wind- sor. Arthur Marsh, Guelph, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Minnie Jones, and Mel. Mrs. Esther Rivett spent last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Wilson, and Mr. Wilson, Tor- onto. Harold Blake ie'spendingea week with his sister, Mrs. Ben Comfort, School Picruc.—The Dungan -lion - Public School Picnic was held at Bogie's Beach on Monday afternoen with a fine attendance. Mter the races, a large bonfim was made for roasting wieners for hot dqgs. Principal Eric Moore, after six years teaching at the Dungannon school, and who has been held in high esteem by the pupils, was read an address of praise by an ex -student, Jim Reed. Jim re - local firms bave given note% that they wish to expand their display 004'ge tills Year. In edelitien local firms, many out.of- son man- ufacturers are expected to exhibit their wares, at the fair again, - Mayor 3. B. PLuckins, of Gode- riele will open the fair this year. It is planned to hold- the square dance competition and old time fiddlers' contest on Thursday night, August 0. Television and radio artists will participate in a two- hour entertainment program sche- duled for Saturday night. Before the program ends, there will be a draw for an automatic washer and drier. The kiddies wilt be glad to lear there will also be a midway. viewed the years, paying tiribute to Mr. Moore's services in splendid leadership in many ways, and for having a tactful way with the pup- ils. Junmy Make made tbe pre - ova wrist watch. lelr. Moore res- ponded, sayieg he had enjoyed the past six years and would be satis- ned with life if his teaching years continue as happily., Mrs. Marvin Durnin, junior room teacher, was complimented with a token of re- membrance, two cups and saucers. A hearty vote ot applause was neard as evidence of a tine spirit in com- munity life. Mr. Eric Moore has accepted a teaching position at the Goderich Public school and the vacancy has been filled by Mrs. Gordon Anderson (nee Madeline Caesar), of Blake's district. The Dungannen United Church had a very successful supper and social at the church on Wednesday night of last week. Over 350 tickets were sold for the cold ham end salad supper and program that followed. The Woman's Associa- tion provided a very semptuous meal and a grand lot of baking was sold afterwards. Rev. G. Watt, the pastor, was chairman for the entertainment. Douglas Squires provided organ music before the concert began. The Auburn girls' quartet, with accompanist Mr§. R. 7:- Phillitia, give several fireasing- numbers. Dr. J. Little, Lucknow, played violin selections, accompan- ied by Elmer Umbach at the piano. Mrs. ,Milne Moore, Whitechurch, gave readings. Mr. Aubrey Toll, Auburn, sang several numbers. Douglas Squires played a piano instrumental. The ladies' quartet were Margaret and Mary Clarke and Norma and Lorraine Hensch. Rev. -Watt announced the golden when Coke is there • Give them the real thing—There's more fun for your family when you bring out ice-cold Coca-Cola. For more family fun... P That great taste of Coke . . nothing Ilke ft —You'll find real refre.ahment in Coca-Cola. Even the bubbles taste better, Coke puts you at your iiparkling c,hest—Now lean back ...let Coke do the rest. That bright little lift is the world's best reward. thing hqme the Coke Standard Size 6 Bottles 36( GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS , 55 Kingston St. Phone No. 409 NEW XAMT7.140 The dosing Meeting for the sum- mer of the Coderieh Jayeettes was held Wednesday_ eyeing . of last week at sthe -British Exeharioe During this meeting Bill Ander- son of the Jaycees losstalled the dent, Mrs. Jean 7VlacBavan.; vice - secretary, Mrs. Audrey Ornianely; treasurer, Mrs. Marge Young. During the meeting the new pre- sident presented the past presis dent, Mrs. Pat O'Brien, with a com- aet and expressed the thanks of e Club for the excellent way in which she had carried out her duties as president during the past year. The committee chairmen for 1956-57 were named as follows: Program, Mro. Bait= Clark; social, Mrs. Pam lileCuspey; mem- bership, Mrs: Gert Blackstone; lieity, Mrs. Doris Stubbs; ele- Mrs. Pat Cameron; co-ordinator, Mrs. Jean Chisholm. Mrs. Pat O'Brien introduced the guest apeaker, Miss Wilkes, of the Children's Aid SocietY, who gave a very interesting and informative talk on the work of the Children's Aid Society and how the Society came into being. M.rs. Jeateie Holmes thanked the speaker at the close ol her talk. - An interesting talk was also given by Bill Anderson who told of the Jaycee projects for the coming year. It was decided that the Jaycettes hold a wiener roast on the evening of Wednesday, July 18th at Black - stone's summer 'cottage. G. JEFFERSON HONORED -BY COUNTY TEACHERS George Jefferson, retiring prin- cipal of Clinton Public School, was presented with an easy chair at the annual meeting of the Huron County local of Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation. The meeting, held in Ibteter, wa.s attended by 55 members, and In- spectors James Kinkead and G. Glen Gardiner, both of Gotlerich. New president of the group is Maitland Edgar, of Clinton RCAF School. Vice-president is Duncan ';VfacKaY, of Auburn, and chairman of superannuation is H. M. Shackle- ton, of Goderioh. wecIding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure that day, June 20th. The _audience extended a hearty hand clap in congratulations. BROWNIE'S AT IAROMA COTTAGE The veni`ng Auxiliary North Street "United elonii met for a pienie supper at the 1Sunanset home of Mrs, W. Mills near Oraript After , the supper, Mo. redrI StOughan and Miss Edith Darlow /ead in worship. The secretary's report was read by Miss Helen report from the community .fteellile ship ceraroittee. 74iso Frances Armstrong spoke of a school for leaders to be held in August. Mrs. U. Hamer gave a repert from the Cancer Society. . Mrs. Ed Stileo gave the treas- urer's report for May and June. The Auxiliary agreed _provide ilowers for the church altar for August and also relief teaehers for the Junior congregation for that m.onth. A letter was read from the past president, 111xs. Lorne Blyth, now residing in France. Miss Saunders thanked, Mrs. Mills on behalf of the Soeiet§.-The meeting was in charge of Mts. F. A. Waters' group. REBEKAH LODGE A social time was held at the last regular meeting of Goderich Rebekah Lodge" Several tables of "500" were played, prizes going to Mrs. D. lisehl and Mrs. Rose Walters. Mrs. W. Snazel donated a gift on which tickets were sold with Mrs. J. Gauley being the win- ner. A lucky iaumber was held by Mrs. F. Beevers which won her a prize donated by Mrs. J. New- M.S. Gordon Orr and Mrs. A. Osbaldesten attended the three- day session of Grand Lodge at the Royal York, Toronto last week. Lunch served by Mrs. Riley and committee closed the meetings until September when the lodge will reopen with ..ppot luck supper at 6.30 p.m. PAW Prle NNYBROOli June meeting of the W.MS, and R. CharsTieYa With 11. ladies and 80VerAlt ehildren present. MO. Gordon Naylor was in ehor$e of jefferson*reael nn. article on Oaks - Woods introdueed the new study .book, Piens were made to meet later in the weds at the home of for them Ontario and overseas retie . A bazaar was held. Mirs. Ifarely presided over the W.A. meeting. 4 poem was read by Miss Reza Stomper. Lunch %VAS served IV the hostess, assisted by ,Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Sno*den. Mrs. Snowden invited the ladies to her home dor the July meeting, Mrs. Jefferson, sro Miss Margaret Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jefferson and fondly were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John eroon sod foisaibr Mom. Am our sew xainikter, Xrc Winne liiltz, on Friday evening in Dostay. brook Church, `11he annual Robinson reenion will be 'held in ComMunity Park, Sarnia, on Saturday, Ally Isl. Jim /1, Chanmey spowat Verna pooh", 4nd family, Nimigult Mr. and Mrs. Stuart eharoneY and daughters were SW -WRY 'OSA- C.i= with Mr. and Mr,s. Cliff Ifenders CIA and family at Kippen. Mr. and Ms, John it. Thom i,o42 and Howard said Mr. and 0, Robt. Rutledge, 'of Gotlealeh, Were Oshawa visitors, over last weeksend with the ladiesv sister, ,Mrs- MiWit Sherridan, and family, SundaY visitors at the home a eluded Mr. and Mrs. /Work Ann - strong, of Belgrave; Mr, :George 'Moons, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe TIMP50111, 00aleria, 0000111 LEGION H ALL GODERICH Saturday, June 30 JACKPOT OF $50.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 52 CALLS. ,I.st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. vimmionnimmommir mersott's Drug Store PHONE * GORNER WEST ST. AND SQUAIM AS HANDY .AS THE POSTOFFIOE SAVINGS and SUGGESTIONS SHALIMAR PERFUME 4.00 — 6.00 10.00 — 12.50 AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. (DST) First show at dusk. Thurs., Fri. JUne 28, 29 "OUT OF iflE CLOUDS" (Color) Anthony Steel, David Knight TWO CARTOONS Saturday June 30 ONE NIGHT ONLY "LAST OF THE COMANCHES" (Color) Broderick Crawford, Barbara Hale TWO CARTOONS Sunday Midnight July 1, 2 and Monday -"WHITE WITCH (Color) Susan Hayward, Robert Mitchum TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY, JULY 3 BAYER'S Aspirin 19c 29c 79c AINIIIIIIIIMMINF SWIM FINS 3.50 — 3.95 — 4.95 0414011111.1080,1111114001100 'SWIM GOGGLES and MASKS RAID BUG KILLER 1.69 OLD SPICE STICK Deodorant 1.25 BATH SALTS 4 LB. BAG 89c NEW QUICK PERMANENT Gentle, regular or super. DOLLAR, NITE ONE DOLLAR ADMITS THE CAR LOAM "JIVARO" (Color) 'Fernando Lamas, Rhonda Fleming TWO CARTOONS "TO PARIS WITH LOVE" Alex Guinness, Odile Versois TWO CARTOONS **60060.11011160114100111111411111866 Two shows nightly„ rain nr clear. Children under 12 in cars free. -26 2,00 BUM for a casual curl, complete with bobbi pins. 1.75 odess Brand new in every way/ Sunglasses Polaroid 1.98 - 2.98 -69c 210- • COLGATE le Tooth Paste TWO 59c TUBES 89c 37c Large -400 Sheets Kleenex SPECIAL SHIELD TOOTH' PASTE Special Prices 33e tube 23c 59c tube 44c 89c tube 65c 'Fruie7°sSalt I 69c 1.09 .::Arst aid for overweight! Lose weight—safely—easily. No hunger pangs! for quick enbrgy. 39c a bottle 411111111111111111111111/ 1.39 toosossaotssamoossseessos RYLCREEM RONZTAIT for prevention of sunburn 1.50 bottle 65c 89c 1.69 MAX FACTOR rieW fidelity LIPSTICK 1.50 FOR SUNBURN Reach for TANGEL 85c tube Month's Supply $3.25 SPECIAL 4x6 in Easel Mount 1r — 49c 13.010 06.004104116.00000001104118 PHOTO S'TRIP PRINTS King Size 12's 40c 1/79 JUNIOR 8c BROWNIE HOLIDAY CAMERA with flan attaohment. 9050 SOUR 510MAgtt''' ACA's notAGoso, itottssossatO