HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-21, Page 12oe V E EL Five finite tar lease 5ffee liffe for each additional !line. 25o extra for office box number. FoY.,§ale (General) WRY PAY MORE — CUSTOM " ear raelles properly installed Clad ready for tiae road only $49.95 to $69.95. Nationally advertised Vacuum cleaners with all necessary accessories only $49.95 up. .4e/e about our spring television spec- Onlar highest quality pro- dUcts backed by SERVICE. HUTCHINSON RADIO AND TV, ,> Hum road. Phone 493R. -111tf POR THE BEST UY IN USED applianees, see SHORE AP- PLIAN. CES, on the Square. Your SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR USED electric washers, ranges and refrigerators. Bargain buys. Mac - ,DONALD ELECI-31C, Britannia road. Your Generm Electric Ap- pliance dealer. Phone 235. -19t1 'RABY BUDGIES $7.95; BIRD gold fish and supplies. GODERICII FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, plume 105. -18t1 GLASS TOPS FOR COFFRE tables, television sets, dressers, desks, etc., made to order, cut to size and edged. Protect your furniture with glass. BEEVERS AUTO AND BICYCLE SUPPLY, West street, phone 295. -14tf GLADIOLUS BLUES, ALL COL- " ORS, varieties separated or specially mixed, priced for quick MAN, 187 C•ameron street. Phone 722. a16tf Hygienic ruppnes (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in eolain, seeded envelope with price list. Six sem- ° ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. --C-IIIICICENS,_ZULLETS, COCKER- ELS, Capons. All breedsTDay- old to 12 weeks. eBrooded under ideal conditions; toveniment in- spected each week. Chickens over nine weeks old are wormed. Free delivery. Your agent for Monkton Poultry Farms, STANLEY Mc- GRATTEN, R.R. 6, Goderich. Phone Carlow 3008. -16-22 PERENNIALS: SWEET WEL- nations, geraniums, English daisy, coreopsis, hybrid iris, dwarf -iris, peonies, rock plants, pansies, violas, border plants, cut flowers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, cauli- flower. B. R. MUNDAY, 127 -pLowtTts FOR ALL OCCAS • - from our own greenhouse. Flowers telegraphed anywhere. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. -18tI "a- TOES: cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, Brussels sprouts; also dif- ferent kinds of flowers, weeping willow trees and geraniums. FRED GILBERT, corner of Huron and Mill roads, Goderieh. Phone COME 'PO JOHNNIE'S PLA,CE, 192 East street, "the Atlantic Avenue of Goderich." All kinds of used furniture *tier eiele, washing machines, elect -tic _Stoves, _ het plates, bieyclee, also antiques of all kinds, china. Other articles too 'numerous to mention. We buy. • We sell. Nothing too big. Noth- ing too small. 23-25x W HOLLAND BALER S, ready to go. See these berore you buy; New Idea mowers and spreaders; used equipment, Viking cream separators, hand or motor driven; hay loaders; one New Idea hayloader; one John Deere motor driven baler. GEO. WRAITH, .phong 1285 or 792J 3. -24-26 'MOTORCYCLE, IN GOOD CON- ""'‘ DITION. Apply 53 Waterloo street., 24x .RAEI TILE, ALL SIZES. ORDER — now. SfEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, Seaforth. -25-32 VOTTAGE FURNITURE; Ve SIZE " bed, spring -filled mattress; and other articles. Child's bed wanted or vvill exchange. May be seen at LIGIFMOUSE COTTAGE, Light- house and Cohourg streets after July 2. 25x TiChl PIGS, SEVEN ,WEEKS O'LD. CMS BROWNLEE, phone 1146. 25c "L Victoria street, phone 379. -25 LADY'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD conditian. Apply 196 Cameron atreet, or phone 1377J 25x '134.01W4'er 31•INE list 1056 Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. Charge of 25e Gedra W sels not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication OF 'Mal RICK. Phone Lin or 1344M. -25-26 SEVEN EIGHT -WEEK -ODD PIGS. GORD .BAXTER, phone 1546W2, Gederich. 25-26x ')IEMENT BRICKS, IN STOOK AT SMAIN.)RTII CONCRETE PRO- DUCTS; .935 per 1,000. Phone 740, Seafoeth. -25-32 FOUR NEW 45eGALLON RELS at $4 each. BRADLEY & SON, 53 Hamilton street. -25 TSED BUILDING MATERIAL: "- Two by fours, all lengths; wbout 10t10 ft. of pine sheeting; 30 hemlock planir, 2 by ltS and 14 ft. long; 20 hemlock plank, 2 by 10 and 20 ft. long; also some 8 by 8 square timbers; about 1500 ft. of hardweod flooring. Phone 1094, Goderieh. BEN JOHNSTON. 25x FIGHT CU. FT. USED R,EFRIG- '" ERATOR, with guarantee still effective. $95,00. MUSIC SHOP. -25 13 eu. FT. UPRIGHT DEEP Freeme-Demonstrator Regu- lar price $499.00. Sale $295.00. MUSIC SHOP. -25 USED BUILDING MATERIAL: Bricks, Cleaned or Uncleaned Windows, Various Sizes Space Heater Oil Stove Two Coal, Stoves Also Sand and Clay Fill Apply Bethet Pentecostal Tabernacle Elgin Avenue at Waterloo Street. -25 ,USED WASHING MACHINE •ip good condition. LODGE FURNITURE.' -25 ROSE SPRAY IN A BIG 'WRY. Since we •buy the material in large quantities, we can dust your roses cheaper than you can do it yourself. At least, that's our story. Make us prate it! JACKSON'S HOME AND GARDEN SERVICE, 131 Pieton streel. Phone 1386. -25t1 ROY'S BLAZER, SIZE 14-16, AND -A- girl's spring and fall coat, size 16, aqua color, both like new. Phone 1480,J 1, Goderich. • -25 SERTA MATTRESS, SUMMER LODGE- FURIaTITURE. -25 reg $88, only $65.95. BLACK - STONE'S FURNITURE -25 BLANKETS, ALL WOOL A.ND part wool, stock clearance. LODGE FURNITURE. -25 TWO TRUCIaLOADS OF BROKEN sidewalk concrete, may be had for picking up. Pnone 789. -25 1 USED 5 -TUBE G.E. RADIO. IS NEW POWER LAWN MOWER, reg. $69.95, only $53.70. a USED 5 -TUBE ADDISON MAN- TLE RADIO. 1 NEW 1956 21" MOTOROLA TV, only $199.95, with free base. e USED GILSON SNOW BIRD WASHER, $48.50. 1 USED CROSLEY 5 -TUBE MANTLE RADIO. a 1 USED 6 CU. FT. REFRIGER- ATOR, $69.50. 1 USED EASY VAC. CUP WASHER, $59.50. METAL ICE BOXES, ONLY NEW HOT • PLATES, ONLY 1 USED WESTINGHOUSE WASHER, like new:- RANGETTES, 2 -BURNER, reg. GARDEN HOSE, 10 YEAR WAR- RANTY, reg. $5.95, only $4.50. REINHART'S RADIO SERVICE 79 Hamilton St. brick, windows, etc. Apply ONE USED CHESTERFIELD, El fair condition, at LODGE FURNITTURE. -25 'ISM ENDIX AUTOMATIC `" washer for quick sale, only $99.50. Used Sunshine stroller, only .00. BLACKSTONE'S pcceNcemem -25 THREE GARDEN CHAIRS, IN good condition. Apply MRS. KERSHAW, 167 Broelt street. 500 PULLETS, STARTING TO lay, Sussex Red Cross. GEO. WRAITH, phone 1285 or 792J 3. 113. neal Estate JOHN BOSVELD Reel Estate Broker BUSINESS BLOCK WCIU-1 FUL- LY EQUIPPED RESTAURANT ON SQUARE, A REAL MONEY MAK- ER, BEAUTIFUL LIVING QUART- ERS ON SECOND FLOOR. AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUY. MORTGAGE CAN BE ARRANGED. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON ST. GEORGE'S CRESCENT _ A luxury type of an architectural designed hoane, choice locality with gorgeous view over harbor, lake and river. The first floor consists of double living poem, two fire- places, panelled dining room, kit- chen, pantry, breakfast nook, full width verandah, vestibule, g,lass and stone rear , porch; on second floor a two room master suite with three-piece bath, three bedrooms (one with fireplace), and another 3-prece bath; basement, hot water heating system, concrete floor, double laundry tubs, concrete block garage. Never before such a beautiful home amazingly low priced. See us today. Close to Square—new two bed- room bungalow, basement, furnace. West end of town—a very good four-bedroom instil 'brick home with thrempiece- bath and two extra valuable lots. this for only $3,500. Close to Square—lovely brick home, sunroom, three-piece bath, fireplace, basement, furnace, laun- dry tubs and garage. $7,800. 80 acres of choice loane land on' Highway 21, close Goderieh, only $3,000. No buildings. On Highway 21, just on the out- skirts of Goderich, 12ee acres of land, has many possibilities. Can be bought very reasonably. Tourist business, modern home with a number of furnished cabin's. A real money maker. Priced far below ita value. Here is an exceptionally good house on Huren road. $3,200 cash, balance only $29 a month. Service Station with snack bar on highway, good living quarters, willing to trade on house in Gode- rich. Close to Square — A beautiful two -apartment brick home, oil furnace. Must be seen to he ap- preciated. A real buy. el Acre lot, goad loeation with Summer cottages north and south of Goderich e along Lake Huron on nicely wooded lots and sandy beaches. Some all furnish- ed. Priced as low as $1700, down payment $600. Farms. Stores. Income properties. Cottages along Lake 'Huron. Choice lots for sale. Let us help you with your Real Estate problems. Buying or selling contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Phone 1108. MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE In a first-class ,west end location, a large wartime house, remodelled and maintained in excellent condi- tion. Immediate possession. Small cement block building on South street, $2,500.00, suitable for a small business; might be convert- ed to dwelling. One of the moet modern ranch - style bungalows,. ein ape, excellent, n.ewly developed area m west end of town, one block from the lake. The dwelling is of first-class style throughodt, with attached two -car garage. There are two large bed- rooms, large living room and din- ing area; nicety appointed kitchen with- mahogaty panelling, modern tiled bathroom, laundry -utility room, small office; •heat by a Gen- AMOS SAMIS MOTORS "YOUR CAR will ueually giare plenty of teigne 111111/111SIMMIIIIIONIM1111111111111 at 00 firOt sign Of faulty opera- tion, bring ?our oar Or tam* to GAMS MOTORS . . . Whore eral Motors Delco -Heat oil furnace. Dwelling is on a very lovely lot, Shown by appointment only. Lakefront properties in Gode- riche MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W InAUrCitilee Agent Real Estate Broker HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER Here's one of the best buys there has been in a long time, In this white brick building there are two completely self-contained apart- ments, each with two bed - kitchen, bathroom and separate entrarices. This valuable property may he purchased for only $1,800 down payment, if you act today, with the balance payable $40 per month, plus interest. A real buy! Leek!! Only $500 own Payment In a good west end location, this five -room with bath insul brick house is situated on a large lot and another full lot, 66' x 132', is included. Owner will sell for this law down payment and allow the purchaser to pay off the bal- ance on low m-onthly payments. New Bungalowit- R.ecently completed, this new bungalow contains two comfortable *bedrooms, large, bright living room with dinette, beautiful kit- chen containing built-in cuipboards and arborite counter tops. Four piece bathroom. Floors are lin- oleum tile and hardwood. Attach- ed garage. Restaurant on the Square equirMed with much of the equipment new, this progressive restaurant seats 48 and is doing good turnover. Long lease avail- able on. building. Owner will cOn- eider trading for farm or resident- ial property in this rata, . Looking for a Place in the Country Situated a few miles east of Goderich on a county road there is a six room house completely equipped with hydro, water system, bathroom, apd full basement; a large barn. containing , henhouse, garage and stable with hydro and water and seven acres of the best land in Huron County on which there is a good stand o& berry bushes and some fruit trees and lots of room for market gardening. Owner is offering this valuable pi -ripe -Ay far only $1,500 down pay - Six -Room liouse—Nile, Ont. Full Price $1,900 - home and -one' acre of ialki only $1,000. Building Lots One on Mary street, close to Britannia road, 66 x 132; two on Widder street, 66 x 132; one on Wellington street, 90 x 132. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street • Goderich 3. Agents Wanted RALEsmAN WANTED—STEADY - ernployinent as sales and ser- vice man for Singer Sewing Centre. Good starting salary with small commission, hospital and company ibenefits, transportation supplied. Apply in persoe for interview. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COM- WATKINS ROUTE AVAILABLE. ' Nationally advertised Watkins Products are well known and easy to sell. We now have an opening for man or woman in Goderich. No investment necessary. No eales experience needed as we train you. If you can furnish good references, apply in writing to MR. F. GRANG- ER, 350 St. Roch street, Montreal, Quebec. -23-26 Cei ET YOUR SHARE ! SELL wide range of household necessities in your surroundings. Wherever you may live write in for details. Dept. C., FANDLEX, Station C., Montreal. -25 • open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time-. Write at once. RAWILE1GH'S Dept. F-216-189, Montreal, P.44. -25 4. Help Wanted RELIABLE SALES GIRL. REF- ERENCES required. IVAN'S -24-25 EXPERIENCED WOODWORKING machinist as assistant tkeeaur Millroom Foreman. Also one furn- iture polisher and one youth to learn a good trade. We are ex- panding and need good men. Pleas- ant working conditions, good wagee,- very steady employment, group insurence, etc. JAMES -COLE -FURNITURE +COMPANY, Ingersoll. -24-25 TOOL AND DIE MAKER WANT- -a- ED for light industry. Also competent printing -pressmen, All benefits-mforty hour week, good working conditices. Apply by letter in first place ao COPELAND- CIIATTERSON LIMITED, 45 Rail- road street, Brampton, Ontario. -25 ARE YOU 40 YEARS OF AGE OR MORE And looking for Something Permanent? YOur experience is valuable tO LARGE TEN -ROOM W HITE ibrick house, South end location, close to both Public School and Collegiate. A lovely home for a large family. Could be converted• into apartments. TWO-BEDROOM WARTIME house, East end location. $2,100.00 cash required, balanee $25.00 per month includes pay.ment on prin. eipal, interest, taxes and insurance. Oil space heater and 200 gallon tank included. Two-storey white stuccoed seven-, rooni housebeautifully located on Caledonia Terrace. Large living room, dining room, den with firee place, kitchen, garage on ground floor. Three bedrooms and bathe room upstaire. Large lot. Ime BUILIDING LOT, 104 Fr. BY 104 ft. on Picton street West. LAKE FRONT LOT, 112 FT. BY 120 ft. on Essex street. -- C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor Phone 18W 1 -INE AND ONE-HALF STOREY stucco house with three bed. rooms, a good location- at 116 Bruce etreet. Also garage. 23-26x W RED BRICK HOUSE ON Eldon street, Goderich, op, posite show greunds. It has full size basement, sitting room, dining room, three-piece bahroom, bed- room and kitchen and built-in cup - beards on first floor, two largo bedrooms on second floor and heavy duty wiring. Terms $1000 down payment and the balance on monthly payments. Apply WV. JOHN AurN, R.R. Goderich: 2. Real Estate Wanted ' WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phomi 18W. -394 WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO) to you until property is sea Eetate Broker, 46 West St., Got* rich. Phone 115W. • WE HAVE CLIENTS WISHIN2 " to purchase two and three bedroom homes priced freen $2501) to ,C6000. List today with HAROLD SITORE, g3 Hamilton street. Phone 766. IT CLIENT WHALING TO el` ay )10,000 cash forftwo beij- room oil heating modern bungalove Broker, 40 ,iellesley street, Gode- rich. Phod 1103. -24 QUOTE "You take all the judgment and , experience of men over 50 out of the world and there vvouldn't be enough left to run it." Henry Ford. THE ABOVE QUOTATION EX- PLAINS THIS OFFER: f -We Need a Man— Mature in thought and presence. Fully rounded out. with those years experienee behind him—cap- able of being his own boss—and earning in the $400 - $500 PER MONTH BRACKET THIS IS A JOB OF— Pleasant business relations, built on employer assistance and train- ing and the best facilities available in its field. Security and. Hospitalization, etc. THERE IS NO CREDIT CURB ON OUR INDUSTRY Reply giving Name, Present Posi- tion or Training, Age, Car, etc. BOX 17, S1GNAL-STAR. -25 6. Wanted (General) ()LID HORSES WANTED AT 3%c • lb., and dead cattle at value. dead, phone at once. GILBERT S. MSZIK RANCH, phone col- --a- home by, experienced legal secretary, ,two hours daily. Tele- phone 82. USED LARGE OFFICE' DESK - and chair wantid. Phone 309J. 25x HEATED APARTMENT ON ST. -'"A- George's Crescent, tot water supplied, private entrance, avail- able June 1. Phone 447W. -20t1 MAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK -"" easier by renting a floor poi- iSher and vacuum cleaner from SHORE APPLIANCES, on the Square. -35tf THREE-ROOM UNPURNISIMD -a- apartment with storeroom and private bathroom over Majo Ladies' Wear Store. Call HERN, Mill road. Phone 4823. - full bath, hot water heated, heavy wiring for eleetric stove, hot water supplied. VerY central. pEO. BAECHLER, phone 50. -22tf KMALL UNFURNISHED APART- "' MINT at 59 North street. Phone Goderich 1592W or Clinton .".1'1XYRIE ON THE SQUARE, 20 "' foot frontage. 'Available. soon. Apply BOX 90, SIGNAL -STAR. ' -2241 ROOMS, FURNISITED for haireekeeping. Apply 90 Elgin avenue east. Phone -24-25 hot and cold water, ground floor, private entrance, $25 month - or phone UM. 25 ,ARGE STORE ON HAMILTON street, formerly occupied by Breckenridge Hardware. Avail- able immediately. Apply HAROLD W. SHORE, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton street. Phone 766. -24t1 TCIREEeROOM HEATED AND furnished upper apartxnent, private bath and entrance and balc,ony room, use of washroom and washer. No children or animals. Possesaion July le Half block from Square. Phone 4824. -24 early in July. Phone 1018M FURNISHED HOUSE, LATTER part of June, either for sum: - mer or -permanent or tourist by week or month. Write BOX 15, SIGNAL -STAR. "44-26 gatm.u.C,ROU'N1D FLOOR APART- "' MENT, two large rooms and bath. Phone 730W. „FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 3 -room apartment, heated, hot water, use of refrigerator and washer. Phone 105W or 142 Mac- Donald street. 25x MODERN, NEW, TWO-BEDROOM cottag e, all conveniences. Located in private park on lake. Sandy .beaeh. Write BOX 16, SIGNAL -STAR. 25-26x A 'PTERACPIVE, HEATED, TURN- -`• '` MED, self-contained apart- ment in a nice. home. Use of lauridry. eAdults only. Apply 92 Cambria road, phone 387M. TIME -ROOM AP ARTMEN T, private entrance, two-piece bath, hot anal- cottle-watere cupboards. Phone 566. -25 HEATED THIREE-ROOM APART- - MENT, hardwood floors -bath- room, available esoon, th' floor, reasonable rent. Phone 90. LARGE, FURNISI1E. D, FRONT " bed -sitting roan, hat plate, suitable foT tWO girls.' MRS. KEN. ALLIN, Maple Leg Cabins, Vic- toria street. Phone 594J. -25t1 IN WEST END, THREE -BED- -a- ROOM modern house, one bed- room and bathroom down, oil heat, rent $60.00 Apply JOHN BOS- 'VELD, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley steeet,e'Godefich, phone 7B. Summer Resort§ KUMMER COTTAGE AT BOGIE'S Beac,h, on waterfront. Three bechnoms, ,flush toilet, drinkihg water at sink, screened and glass verandah, available °illy July 28 to August 10, $50.00 weekly. BILL SAUNDERS. (We are at cottage on week -ends). 25x 8. Wanted to Rent HOUsE OR TWO OR THREE -"-`• bedroom apartment, no small children. rehone 895J. A PARTMENT OR FLAT, HEAT- -- ED, Lurefurnishede by couple 'with teen-age daughter, perman- ent resident's. Phone W, B. MORGAN at 83, Goderich. -25 9. Coming Events c Goderich Graduate Nursee are holding a dance on Friday, June 29, at Sky Harbor. Jolmny Downs' Orchestra. D.ress optional. Tickets may be obtained from anyeof the members or at the (Icor. eau Goderich Pavilion dancing: Sat- tirday, Don Downs; Wednesday, Square dance night, Clarence Petrie's Night*HaWks; Sunday mid- night dance, July 1. -24tf Bazaar and tea Thursday, June 28, at 2.30ap.m. at "Craigierooke," Mrs. Craigie's summee• home, Lighthouse Point. Aprons, child- ren's weare flowers, country store, home-rmade baking by Knox Church Ladies' Aid. This will be held in Knox Church Hall in case of rain. -24-25 • Ahmeek Chapter, LOD.E.- will sponsor a bake eale Saturday, June 23, in The Music Shop, commenc- Open your doors for the Girls in Blue Saturday, June 23, when Goderich, Girl Guides come calling with their annual sale of cookies. -25 The Cancer Society invites the public to attend "open house"' in its rooms at the Town Hall on Thursday, June 28, 3-5.p.m. Third Goderich Scout Troop will hold a bottle drive on Wednesday, July 4, in, aid of their camp fend. -25 10. Briefs Order Shell filtnace oil arid stove oil from EdWard Vemls,tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. prodOcts. Moue 98. .30tf RELIGIOUS GOODS: Rosaries, P,rayer BoOlts„ Missals, Crucifixes, 'etc. MacLAREN'S STUDIOS — Goderich and Clinton. 46 For yOur holiday, beach mid sun togs, choose from the new styles last season's bathing suits clearing at hell price. -25 Sting Herber Ben Seimice. Live baits, boats, motors, flehing tackle; boys wanted to gather bait. Phone 1152.T. 25-28x equipped to do picture -framing. Good seleetion of mouldings. Mem` Laren's Studio (at Clinton Tuesday amid Thursday afternoona). -51tf Our samples of picture mould- ing are now on display at Chas. Larder's Paint Shop, East street. Orders may be left there for fram- ing. MacLaren's Studio. -016t1 A great opportunity to make wort/whit:a savings on gifts for the graduatee. Ladies' anti gents' watches in well-known makes at 'drastic price reductions. Filsina- er's Jewelry and .Gifts. -24-A Clearance sale of hooks by manu- facturers formerly $3 to $4, priced Flenderson'C Book Store. -23-26 Hey, kids/ Get in orr the special free offer at Hend,erson's on the series books for `young readers. Buy book No. 1 and get book No. 2 FREE. Come on in and look them over. -25-26 Sunday chicken dinners served in home -like surroundings from 5.30 p.m. at Tiger Dunlop Inn, Dunlop, on No. 21 Highway, pliane Carlow 1406. -25 11. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE HOLD EFFECTS from the home of Mrs. Charlotte Elliott, at the corner of Wellesley and Quebec streets, Goderieh, on SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd at 1.30 p.m., ahe following: Walnut bedroom suite; chester- field and chair; liquor cabinet; record cabinet; lamp tablee end tables; bar -room chair; 8 -piece walnut dining room smite of buffet, table and chairs (mohair); fleer lamp; other lamps; oak china cabinea (curved glass); bedding; Mirror; book -easel' kitchen chairs; green rug; large oriental pattern. -muge-mats; wicker ;verandah furni- ture; dishes, including a cruet; toilet set; also silver; books; pic- tures; inside door; bird bath; ga,ricliael.iili:se_c;AsHstep.ladder, and num- . CHARLOTTE ELLIOTT, Proprietress. 24.25.EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, BAILIFF SALE. One Gilson 15 foot upright deep freeze will be sold by public auction or private sale regarding a certain chattel mortgage. G. II. BARROW, Bailiff. Phone Clinton, IIIJ 27976. 25-27- ITCTION OF DAIRY JCOWS cession 6, Goderich Townsnip, one mile south of Porter's Hill, on TUESDAY, , jUNE 26th at 8 pan -C -the fallowing: 30 young cows and 'heifers, 8 recently fredhened; 12 springers; balance milking and bred, again; young Holstein bull; 5'•youilg calves. These cattle are of good quality and condition and mostly vaccinated. 40 Sussex X Rhode Island Red pullets, laying. Proprietors. 25- Auctioneer. TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE. Of household furniture in the town of Goderich, Elgin avenue, en SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd at 6 p.m. The following: Dining roam, bedroom and kit - A =ION SALE AT McLELe LAND Sale Barn, ervie, 0 FUMY EVENING. JUNE ga at 8 o'clock, thekollowing: Fresh and springing dairy cowe and heifers includinu some top , heifers; few Durham or Hereford. caws; 25 good Durham, Hereford and Holstein heifer calves; also 35 juice will he auctiarierZW. • -25. 12. Tenders Wanted MINED at the office of the Public Utilities Commission until June 30, 1956, for a half -ton Ex- press Truck with 670 x 15, 4 -ply - super cushion tires, heater, de- froster and spare tire. TENDERS FOR TRACTOR AND " man to cut weeds on Goderic/a Towneehip roadsides, using either For& or Ferguson tractor. Price per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to be in by June 23, 1956. R. E. 'PHOIVEPSON, Cleek. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. 24-25- 13. Personal END OF JUNE IS agmcon. " time for any Signal -Star sub- scription in arrears. Avoid inter- ruption in receiving your paper hy renewing that subscription today. -23-26 MISS GODERICH, 0,R MISS, Goderich Distriet! Are you planning your wedding soon? Do • you know you can get Wedding in- vitations and annormeements,. printed napkins, place cards, thank yietidards and other wedding sup- plies at the Signal -Star? And do you know that the prices are guaranteed to be as low es those you will obtain in Toronto, London or elsewhere? And that the style will be of the very latest and the quality the 'finest? Come in and see far yourself! CLURE; of Dungannon, will -be at home to their friends on Sunday, July 1, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. 20x 14. In—Memoriam RUDDOCK. In loving memory of Ruddock, who was drOwned- 45 Years ago, Arne 21, 1941. His lait parting wish We ivould like to have heard And breathed in his ear Our laet parting word. Only those who have lost Are able to tell, The pain in the heart In not saying farewell. —Sadly missed by sister, Phyllis, brother-in-law, Earl, niece, Ednfa, and nephew, Bobby. 25x RUDDOOK. In lovini memory of our dear son, Robert Ruddook, who was •drowned 15 years -ago, June 21, 1941. We do not need e special day To bring you to our mind, FOT the days w edo not think of you Are very hard to find. If all this world were ours to give We'll give it, yes, and more small tables; bedroom furniture; rre see -the fare of Bebby, dear - sewing machine; e lamps; mirrors; J Come smiling at the door. ; pictures; drapes; clocks; 4 Wilton rugs; dishes; garden tools, and other articles too numerous to Property MRS.x--AGNES--- s'wkam'eea/D ESTATE, HAROLD JACKSON, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 24 -25 - BAILIFF SALE. One Gilson- 20 foot cabinet deep freeze and one used Westing- house refrigerator will be sold by public auction or private tale re- garding a certain chattel mortgage. G. ,BARROW, Bailiff. Phone Clinton, HU 27076. —Always remembered and sadly massed by Mum and Dad. 25x McINTYRE.—In -loving memory of our son, Jimmie, who. passed away June 23, 1941. Nothing but memories as we jour- ney ell Longing for a smile from a loved one gone. None knows the depths of our deep regret, But we remember when others forget. —Ever remembered by Mom, Dad and Sisters. 25x Other Classified Ads on Page _7 Complete Furnace -Outfit With 200 gal. tank $495•00 SERVICE ELECTRIC PRONE 808W and 8003 VICTORIA ST. oesesofilesesomposemessesamovemosoeeseadooeboore