HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-21, Page 10VALE TEN aOa,NZs$ iaii�MoxcflGodeiich Stores -- — Impress Visitors CHIROPRACTIC War BERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor n Chiropratic. ice Tours: Moll., Thurs.-9 a. ,ua to 5 p. Tuts., moi. ---9 rata. to t 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Thera y Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 3P. ALBERT SHORE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Poo. Box 797, Goderieh, Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE 33 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PHONE 975 South 4743t PHONE 444 A. J. `Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Thirty members of the Alvin- &ton Women's institute visited Goderich by special bus on Mon day. "We have visited your business section and think the stores are very good," Mrs. Elizabeth Claris, secretary of the Alvinston W.I., told. the Signal -Star, telling of the favorable impression made on the women visitors by the stores in Goderieh. Every year they go oft a trip somewhere and on this year's trip some of the ladies were on their first visit to Goderieh. "We usual- ly write in advance to the place we plan to visit to find out what places of interest in the munici- polity we should see," said Mrs. Clark. "I wrote to the Goderich Chamber of Commerce almost two weeks ago but ,sever received a reply. I think they should show prospective visitors to their town more co -•operation than that. Then, I wrote to the Huron County Mus- eum and got the information I THE GODERIOH SIGNAL SPAR Goderich de ch Little Theatre Praised For o � Contribution; To Merser New President come for Stiles Ambulance Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderieh G. B. CLANCY Optometrist—Optician (successor L. ole, optometrist)A. For appointment phone 339 Godcricho HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HUi1ON AND PERTH :.:;:.:>:...;.,•ti:>;<..::,r;>:>::::::;:::::«•, z<�+xj3�Cafroil.•a,•,,:,cc.a.:,:s�a:;::M;>.ac,kk,:a ;;:; • 1111 Phone 474,1 SE►FORTH EVENTS -INTORONTO-- 1 P.O. Box June 23-24 is13C .. rss,xe•• rl Ittl - 'hisca._ . „.y.,...,_ - :tx�..-.k•..--'Zi- .•��:�r-.. _ New Woodbine Park - June••k • BOAT RACING Royal Canadian Yacht Club Regatta —Toronto Island—June 23 THEATRE Avenue Theatre—"Spring Thaw" —June 23 infformation and Reservations from: K. F. Wilkinson, Canadian Pacific Railway Agent; Goderich, Ontario. CANADA Spend on exciting weekend in T iaronto where there'soiG:ayss4,rne. —thing to see and do s fun! yo York as your head- quarters, you'll enioy the dost word in comfort and service ... superb meals, prepared by master chefs . and return home relaxed and refreshed. Plan your weekend now! I RANK RED LIFE ITINDES;WRITER Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Litre Of Canada hurch •r Phone 346 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: House 343.1 343W 39 Wert . St. Goderieh C. 1'. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobiles, Casualty Real Estate BO Colborne St., Goderieh Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONI $1{ Correspondence promptlyment- twered. immediate arrange s can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J0 Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. F. T.-Aringtrung OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for apDolnEmeW BRUARE tlODL�BICH OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointmei t SQUARE GODERICH YORK "!n the hegft. of downtown Toronto" A' CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTEL TELEVISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES, Cemplete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderieh Phone , 235 38tf Wonle&s- Column BY MARY GUEST With summer, and the tourists, just arou d the corner, it behooves all of us pedestrians to watch our steps. This is not to say that I think all tourists are bad or careless drivers. Some of them are, of course, but most of them are good drivers who are unfamiliar with our trai,rc regulations and so do things which we, the natives, do not expect them to do. Verne Page, when he was Traffic Inspector for Toronto, used to say something to this effect: "If you see a ear with an American licence plate speeding or going through tr .tt e lights or doing anything else dangerous and illegal, do :a+ot assume that the driver is another mad American. Chances are he is a 'returning Canadian' coming back from the States to show off his big new car to the stay-at-homes," It is true though that with the appearance of the first multi -colored licence plates, many of our own native pin- headed drivers take the opportunity to flirt with death. Or perhaps it is just that people who do not drive all winter take their cars out of mothballs at the first sign of summer. We are spared their dangerbus driving all winter king because they are too considerate of their own skins to risk driving in snow and ice --come the first rays of sunshine however, there they are, driving on the wrong side of the road, whip- ping round blind corners on two wheels, double parking and all the rest of it. Here in Goderich we have to put up with a special kind of nuisance, the' character who, seeing a mother with young children, or perhaps an elderly man or woman, proceeding slowly across the road, simply cannot wait for them to reach the other side safely. Oh no, he must whip round in front of them so that he can get where he is going that much quicker. He knows that the elderly pedestrian is not going to put on a sudden burst of speed but what guarantee has he got that one of the children won't suddenly tire of walk- ing and dart under his wheels? All these people are bad drivers—bad because of their selfishness or laziness or thoughtlessness, but there is a form of courteous driving that can be almost as dangerous in its own indirect form. I am referring now to the practice by some motorists of "waving on" pedestrians at a crossing. The motorist may think that he is doing the pedestrian a favour, but we know, don't we, that this is not so. After all, a pedestrian travels very slowly in comparison with a car, and while "Mr. Courtesy" is waiting for us to get across the road, "Mr. Speedhog" on the other side, or even perhaps be, hind him is not so patient. YOU COULD GET KILLED by accepting a driver's invitation to "cross before him." There is another aspect to this business of waiting out a driver and it is this: Often the pedestrian who is "waved on" is a mother with young children. Perhaps she is saying, as I was the other -Aar, "No smi, we- ean't-cross-Petr there's a car here. We must wait until there are no cars and then cross." e stood at the curb. The driver waved imperiously again. I shook my head firmly. Finally, his winning smile replaced by a glare of baffled rage, the man drove on. No doubt I had spoiled his day for him by refusing to accept his little courtesy, but I counted it well spoiled if I had managed to drive a safety rule home into my son's head. Before leaving the subject altogether, I must say that I for one would welcome traffic lights at the junction of West and Waterloo streets—or at least a policeman on traffic duty at the busiest times of the week. See you next week! needed," she said. (Editor's note: The Goderich Board of Trade has not been. an -. operation for some years ar s ow but letters to. it are us- n the Ja Ytse s for us - handed, on t0 - -: � �_ . , ���, .... attentio). Among the places visited by the ladies in Godericn were the Sheaf- fer Pen plant and the Museum. HOLMESVILLE, HOLMESVH i,E, June 16. — The i W.M.S. of Holmesville United Church, met in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday. The meeting opened with the playing of* soft music by Mrs. W. Yeo. Mrs. E. Yeo was in charge of the program. Mrs. W. Biggin led in prayer. Mrs. N. Heard read the Scripture lesson, and the comments on it The annual meeting of The area." She felt Goderich had made 1 Goderich Little Theatre was held an excellent contributiofr during 2i3agy Ford, in ?Inehkedall memers for tlththe presidenthe past year. receia y wr ' chir, t alason,;. arty itue acted as secretary. The treas- urer's report, given by J. Martin, showed a gratifying: bank balance. The president reported that Mrs. Rays, M. Maefie and Mr. and Mrd' Ford had attended the . annual meeting , of the W.O.DL. at St. Marys. Mrs. Smith, of London,. 'had given a full report on the as tivities of the Goderich group dur- ing the past year, Complimenting them on the fine quality of work they had presented. She also men- tioned that because of the interest taken by tioderich in the Exeter group, Exeter is now looking for- ward to becoming associated with the W.O D.L. Two of the Exeter members were present at the St. Marys. meeting. "The thing we are trying to do," said Mrs. Smith, "is to develop good drama •in the Unique Flower Sunday Service .37 North Street United 'Church was .beautifully decorated on Sunday for the annual flower Sunday ser- vice. Theme of the decoration was a road with the usual highway warn- ing signs on it. Rev. H. A. Dickin- son compared the road with its signs to the -road of life on which you have to plan your trip care- fullytto' reach the desired goal and to adhere to the rules of life. Mgrs. E. Overholt, Mrs. W. Moor- head and Mrs. F. A. Waters were in charge of the unusually beautiful floral decorations. A children's choir replaced the regular choir. "A Song of Praise and Thanks" was the special number sung by the junior choir under the leadership of Mrs. J. Snider. ' A-marimba•-solo-and-amedley of hymns was played, by Miss Doris Johnson. The Scripture was read by Edward Harrison. A recitation, "God's Children" was given by Wendy Anderson, Lynn Ryan and Jean Stephens. In charge of the service was M. H. Stephens, Sunday School superintendent. The annual Sunday School picnic is to be held on Saturday after- noon at the Goderich , Summer School grounds. The July services of North Street United Church are to be held at -Victoria Street United with were given by Mrs. R. Miller. Mrs.. Rev. H. A. Dickinson as preacher W. R. Lobb took the Christian with the Victoria Street choir pro - Stewardship and. Mrs. H. C. Wilson viding the. music. spoke a -few words -on Temperance, Mrs. N. Heard sang a solo. Mrs. -gid a ----� i�ctteri the business. Mrs. W. Yeo, yrs. E. Yeo and Mrs. L. Jervis were appointed to pack the bale. Ar- ticles from the current study book were read by Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs. W. Biggin. The W.A. meet- ing followed, with the president, Mrs. Jack .Yeo, in charge. Mrs. Jack Yeo read the Scripture, and gave the comments on it. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. E. Grigg. it was decided to have a "painting bee," to refinish the banquet tables later on this month. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. W. Biggin, Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs. E. Yeo. their co-operation. It had been a busy year and everyone had «Worked very hard. She expressed her regret at so many members leaving town and wished them happiness in their new locations, Mrs. Revell then took the chair and called on J. Holmes, converter of the nominations eommittee, to report. • The new executive is: President, Aiiii CEME TE R Y MEMORIALS ALS T. Pryde & Son diverfasep SELL !T THRU THE 9 W*iT*DS EXETER Local Representative -- ALEX SMITE GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 d nyeGt he yOu Lopi JUST aRIP 0. The PetsrnaI Man gives prompt cash loans forany good pudposa ... lets you pay later in iconvenient Monthly ti .•^ cfIftstnoetacl Tater ent Got many his at o. VIOie first for 11 -trip loan, write or eomc in today! reuse 0$0 to $1566 or tote ars IlcJrt tate, IfurIitUre er Auto yew ONTARIO STREETv STRAI FORD ttratfdrd 21455 Itlfll`!I * Phone:lefitlllrt 'fir Ab***Ab***iwlCf>i' itlitl $_ �� Sam ttts .t► to :Monts et a setr�o^dittg tMatrs et Pcataa'g9'' Etndoce ^tcnaa :y al Ccnt • i � t o7 Lc:rado OPEN LytHtNGS `1gy APro1NtMO(T 0110t1C OR f1V N1 Tony Merser; 1st viae president, Virginia Lodge; 2nd viecopreaident, Janet Andcr.>oar; secretary, t4etty Eine': treasurer, Jean Martin; directors, Gail Sully, M. Clair- mont,' M. Ford, Dr. Ross. Mr. Merser then took the chair and November 20 was set as the date for adjudication of a three -act play.The secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Motor, of Toronto, for advice on choice of u play. A ,committee composed of Mrs. Hays and the executive was given power to decide about a director and any thing else concerning the play, during the summer months, 0 0 The rdOrtifacturing industries of the ppairieprovinces,-employ about 90,000 persons. - 31- *1st, 1045$ TRAIN TOUR O NIAGARA BY HURON COUNTY 4 More than 500 4'R Club leadexe and members from Huron County are exacted to go on a 'era, a tour 0.25 a.m.; Seaforth, 6.40 a.m.; to Niagara Falls on Tuesday, July 17. The C.N.R. special will leave Goderieh at 6 aero., (Daylight Savo ing Tinge) and leave other pointe at the followi+a:g times: Clinton, Mitchell, 7.01 a.ni. Atter arriving at St. Catharines at 10.10 a.m., they will board. buses and tour historical through toNiagara Falls. The train will leave Niagara Falls at 6.45 p.ni., and arrive ,.eek at Goderieh at 11.10 p.m. blu e goal Order famous `blue- coal' for the fall and save $ $ $ Take advantage of these big savings! Place your order now at the year's lowest prices. Pay on easy budget terms—a small down payment and many months to pay the balance0 Have your supply of colour - marked 'blue coal' on hand when you n :'e it. E i and CoaI Co. T ORDER NOW—PAY LATER 'bhre coal' BUDGET PLAN GIVES 4 BiG ADVANTAGES t. You get a big special dis- count by ordering now. 2. You make only a .small down payment —tailored to" your budget. 3. Many months to pay 'the balance. You have a future supply of 'blue coal' in your basement—at lowest prices. 4. There' no red tape --easy as ABC! - Goderieh Phone 98. -, 'blue on12jj moderation jives it carni. the Pouse Men who Mint o l5s4 jean Pau(Ricker C.8 a► o $earam tomorrow pr,2cI/ce moderaho'' today i B 1 t 1. 1 1 tr , 1' o• r 52540 Car THE WORLD'S FINEST HARD COAL • 7.4 ;..gin .. ;•,a� fy t v` �yar+ •:Y•rncc: 5+:5t .••: ?+�3...+.;; .k..;.5:..hs;..,,:•:::•�x :K•••::::;;:{;c;>:�,A:.:{., <..YJ?k. �Si;r„� :,1:;,`•,;^.� ,r,.Stitt•:�:::..::..¢:.':�fr.r'.+:;i�,�.%}irfi?:�:•�:::••: �.>:�}.::�:Y::::.:::' +':r:.'�`..v5� :.,•. �::•i:: r : Y,.•.,;.; r,`,•:: tiry, ; y$:5; { Y! 5 .. .�'.b 0... 5�`5 •YY RE 4KLJDIS4NM.wSw♦.55h♦♦v.SM.WeM At a Price thatIopenYouriJeS Arnur.AMROAT — that's what they're calling this stunning Buick SPECIAL. And in all truth, it is a sight for starry eyes. But, if you think that owning•a Buick is just something to dream about, here's some happy news. Eye-catching, eight -catching as it is, this beauty is built for stirring action —and priced the same way. To sum it up quickly:' For only a few dollars more than you'd pay for the well-known smallercars— for even less than some models of those very same cars—you get all the big -car power and performance,, the pace i(nd the grace that are Buick for 1956. It's the taste and distinction of Buick styling. It's the walloping thrill of Buick power, surging from the new 322 -cubic -inch VS engine. Entoy 4 -Seaton Comfort Bo your now aukkt with ponuMe Fratmen rte CONDITIONING It's the level buoyancy of Buick's rider the finger-tip ease of its han- dling, the sheer luxury of its interior comfort and roominess. Here, too, if you want it, is Buick's advanced new Variable Pitch Dyna - flow.* With blazing getaway and amazing gas economy, it's the last and thriftiest word in modern transmissions. How about finding out for yourself what a• bargain this Buick SPECIAL is? What a joy' to command, what a sweetheart to drive. Come in this week—we'll be looking for you, to make your, dreams come true. *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dyna/low s the only Dyna/low Buick builds today. It is standard ora Ifoadvzaster, Svf er and Century --- omtional at modest extra cart on the S,ecial. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SAM S1 Kingaton and Victoria Sea, '56 OKI SPEUAEI �'s NEW in rhos of NV8 on©inO fl.9 t° NEW 322 -cubic -inch ie onhighet over far 1 compression ratio rd Series. this bedrock -price Grid Predslon arrive Froin° °n an now from NEW ted Ch sats, engineered d rnow from front to Tear for entry-Nd0 front 4o Deep - Lowly Ride._with Aloned a44 -coli aprtesgh'g ®il-C and trio toriiue.4tibe drive. NEW with choice of NW Sweep-Ahead weep' ' linga- 1or Harmony inside aid out. fashion Co kith Center- ' smartlyAction morias ' Podoi. Groove Linings end Suspended Etli 6lepped-Up Gots tlltioaae• and NEW tnte't qfe d Loops. �psSafety ches gofely-Al stBuick Fet • k 4 to -2056C WHOA BETTDI AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUIL© TIIEM Phone 844, Ood'orich