HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-21, Page 9. �?DA ,N'°a 1st9 if#541 Tenders Are To Be Called For New Hospital Wing Latter Part Of August Interest payments on the $125,000 which Gederich must bor- row for the construction of the new hospital wing will total $71,321. The total bill will there- fore come to $196,321, Town Coun- cil learned last Friday night as first and second readings were. given to a bylaw authorizing the issuing of 20 -year debentures. The debentures will bear interest" at the rate of 4% per cent. It is expected that the Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital Board 'will call for tenders for the new wing about August 20, with ,Sepbember 15 to be the deadline for submitting them. Co eleillor James ' ' Donnelly, chairman of finance, said that 'Council has been following a pay- as-you-go policy, where possible, to ctavoid interest charges, but it was not feasible, heesaid, to stick to the policy in the ease of such a large expenditure as the hos- pital project. The debenture bylaw calls for the town to repay the '$125,000 principle, plus $71,321 snterest, in annual amounts .varying from. $9,630 to $10,057. The town's total debenture debt at the end of 19551 was about $1,200,000. 0 ffffivapor ,SELL IT THRU THE wANra►os }IBEX TS WHERE .TO BUY A SIGN 8TA1t.. For the 00. veaienace of Sig-, nal -Star g- nzal-Star readers who purehas their paper from week to week rather than by a yearly subscription through the mall, Signal -Stars are sold at the following stands: Craigie's ¶obaeee Store SignaldStar 0 t ce Godericki News Stand (Parmerly Wood's) Dunlop's Drug Store A & P Store Lauder's Drug Store Dungannon--:Eedy% Store Auburn--A1f Rollinson Mile—Nile General Store Holmesville-.-D. E. Gliddon Bayfield---Weston's Drug Store Salttord—Tom orris General ,Store. Kingsbridge—G. F. McKenzie Store Port Albert — Roy Petrie's- Stom �Iintail — W. J. MacDonald's Store 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Johnston, of Essex, accompanied by Mrs. R. S. Malo=tt and her daughter, Mrs. T. Richardson, also of Essex, renewed acquaintances in town on Thurs- day last. OR, IF YO'1J PREFER, CLOTH AWN/NGS — ALSO — Ornamental- Iron Railings Beautify your home with either or both of these. -.- AND REMEMBER , ,._a We make a special point of SERVIC1NG WHAT WE SELL! — ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION. — JACKSON HOMES LIMITED SEAFORTH Phone 3W During Day or 3J in Evening. -23tf TUB GODERICII SIGNAT4 TA News of Dungannon DUNGA'1`NON, June lil. —leas. Will Irvin'was Brest of Alm. Irvine eary en Saturday. Percy Finnigan, of Toronto, visited old friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; Kidd ,and daughter Sheila, of Toronto, were ween -end guests of Mr. and Mas John Ryan. Sheila is remaining for a longer visit with her ,rand. - parents. ts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Squires and children, of Mitchell, were Sunday guests with Mar. and Mrs. Richard Park and family. Miss Pearl Caldwell, of Olinttm,s spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Vanstono and children were guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Park and farail'. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie visit- ed with Mrs. Irvine Henry on Sunday, Billie Hayden, of -Port Albert, is visiting with his uncles, Edgar and Harry Carr, and Aunt Ivy. Miss Marilyn Anderson has secured a position in Landon for the summer months. Sunday guests with Miss Betty Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill and Paul, of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stothers A Good Short Term Investment ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES Issued for $100. and Upwards PER ANNUM - 5 YEARS Per Annum 3 3/ 3 and 4 years ENQUIRIES WELCOMED THE ONTARIO LOAN oft DEBENTURE CO. DUNDAS ST. AT MARKET LANE AND ON MARKET SQUARE LONDON Assets Nearly $40,000,000 ONTARIO -24-5 'tis::i5i�=,''�•q�-''?5f�°r:.a�$.."�•� Sh�3!�sY'•' • e -e} exzj Sof} +.V.nh . Ztia2„v +,�^ • • neef V6✓ri }ti' The 4{ciijyrsSpJeidorod Splendor is everywhere in Oldsmobile. There's the splendor of distinctive Starfire styling—fresh, dignified, but so alive. There's the splendor of rich, custom-tailored interiors -luxurious, gracious and so com- fortable. And there's the splendor of mighty power, tamed to go quietly about its task of producing swift, smooth motion. And this Oldsmobile splendor 'is not a sometime thing. From the el 21 �sss iri ! r moment you proudly take posses- sion until that distant day when you decide to trade it in on an even more exciting Olds of the future, you'll keep discovering new splendors in this unusual car. And you'll keep reflecting all the while how wise you were in 1956 to step up from the ordinary into an Oldsmobile. r1�34ft8�r1 • .,vXIWJ✓Ntti ,(.Vryvwsw.wvwYi�•N., v y . , v. ::.,,. r ♦{?. r:vr • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • zi2�r aasaw L E , I%1 1 1_E ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC KIU(e'STON ST. PHONE 163 G DERICH .>rtoutiied the Ashaeld aa,14u ivcr ary services on Sunday. Zlev. W. Mc- Clean, of Luc now and Dur annon Presbyterian elnerchcs, was guest speaker. Baptisms Serviee - Mr. and Mrs. .Will Ritchie, theigreatZrandllar- ents and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baynard, the grandparents, attend- ed the baptismal service of rj- 'orle Anent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray, in Erskine ;Presbyterian Church Sunday of last week. Mrs. Georg: looks has return- ed Iwilia to Lueknow after spend- ing a feu days With Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks and fancily: Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Bars. Otto Popp were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee and child - 'ren, of Goderieh; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and son, of Myth, and Mr. Brian Hallam, of Toronto. Attend Anniversary Services. — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers and Mrs. Fran'cis Henry 'attended the Blake's 'anniversary services on Sunday last. Rev. S. A. Moote, of Victoria Street United Church, O•oderich, was speaker for the day. Music was provided by the male quartette of Dungannon United Church, Carl Seivert, Tom Fowler, J. C. Durnin and Wilmer Erring- ton, with Miss Lillian Popp as accompanist. o n 0 HURON COUNTY FARM REPORT y G. W. Montgomery 1 The extreme dry, hot weather has resulted in poor germination of such crops as turnips and white beans. Considerable flea beetle damage has been reported on tur- nips and leaf hopper damage to white beans. The first irrigation system in Huron County was used last Mon- day by a Clinton farmer to irrigate sweet corn and turnips. The mak- ing of grass sileage started in the iCounty- during the past week. These farmers. -report- -twice- the acreage needed to fill the silos this year. COMING EVENTS! For the guidance of organ- izations and their activities, the Signal -Star keeps a book of Coming Events. In it are listed,as far as two and three monthsh.ead, the date on which any organization plans to hold some event in Gode- rich. The purpose of this book is to aid in avoiding confliction • in dates for organizations and their events. 11 your organiz- ation is planning some public event, say one, two or three months from now, phone in drat date NOW to the. Bi bra l - Star in order _Mat it might be listed -in the Coming -Even. bog If ,you are trying ng to • Yc�c -cttre Cttr -some ctffitt-i- 'bcrne'l/r to the Signal~ -Star .and learn whether some other event is already scheduled to take place on the date you dea.ve in mind. This is a free Signal - Star service for the benefit of organizations. Make use of it. 0 ----0 OFFICERS ARE NAMED FOR THE NEXT SEASON The final meeting for the .season of the Lions Club was held at the Bedford Hotel on Friday night last. Installation of new officers took place as follows: immediate past president, Mery Stephens; presi- dent, Andy Boutilier; 1st vice, president, Glen Gardiner; 2nd vice- president, Bill t umby, 3rd vice- president, Ebb Ross; secretary, A. Alexander; dues secretary, Bruce Armstrong; treasurer, Howard Heath; Lion tamer, Frank Curry; taiI twister, Bill Schaefer; assist- ant tail -twister, Leo Walzak; direc- tors, Art Waters, Darby Garland, Malcolm Mathers, Mat Ainslie. P o Fatalities from motor accidents in Canada (excluding Quebec) totalled 2,084 in 1955, compared to 1,960 in 1954. The number of traffic accidents averaged ' nearly 3,000 per week in 1955. NNN•••MNfiNM•MN•i A STEP INTO THE FUTURE .00M,.,.0....114+Ica Wo will keep those graduation suits and lovely dresses as smart as on the day they were first worn. Periodic cleaning is a sure method to well-groomed appear- ance always. ` GODERIC DRY CLEANERS WF'S T S'7: (7 ,46 /2 2 C,• . Lown Y, P(' P. oesmesemiirdDDeome ti 4.1 a•aXis OUT 1.11111 WITH BILL SMILEY Do you get utterly fed up with your rut, once in a while? We do, around our house. Suddenly we realize that ,somehow or other, we've got caught up in a round of work and play that is comparative- ly meaningless to us, and which would be the heat of idiocy to an unprejudiced observer. By some coincidence, bhis usual- ly occurs after the children have just had a particularly exhausting bath. For us. Slumped in chairs, bedraggled, my wife leafing through the latest about Grace Kelly on the Riviera, me reading about Frank Sinatra owing more in income tax than. I'll make in my next twelve • reincarnations, it comes to us that . Something Is Missing. We are not Living Life To The Full.' We are missing something that is Gay and Exciting. Now, don't get me wrong. We don't go haywire on such occasions, and wish we had a million dollars, so we could go around in a mad swirl of Fun. 9 It usually takes the same course. Somebody says: "Wouldn't It be wonderful to live in France?" Or Spain. Next thing you know, we're talking quite seriously about it: how we could make a living; what a grand thing it would be for the kids to grow up with several lan- guages; how much it would actu- ally cost to live a year in Paris. - Well, we were in oue .of these moods the other night, and had just about arrived at the usual stone wall, when my wife suddenly had an inspiration. A new res- taurant, operated by an European couple, had just opened in town, and that's what gave her the idea. 4, * * "Why," says she, "couldn't we go to France and open a truly Canadian restaurant? After all, French, Italian, German, Greek, Chinese and every other type of restaurant opens in Canada. They feature their native dishes and everybody .flocks into them." * r" * 3: "By the golly," I retort, "I think you've finally got something there. You're a good cook, and I worked as a bellhop years ago, so I'd make aegood_ waiter. One thing .L Jearriedr -was- to --bring the change ---from a bill on_ a_ silver tray ;map-1ppJ,.dtpe itt around for each coin. Tips are 'big=ger that way. =t: * * * "I think a Canadian restaurant in Paris might go over big. A lot of people think Canadian cooking is dull, but when you get right down to it, there's.*no better food in the world. We'd be doing a lot to spread the real Canadian culture in Europe, too. Most of those Parisians think the only thing' we can cook with is dollars. * * * "We'd give the place a distinctly Canadian flavor. Might call it Chez Howe, -for example. Better still, and even more truly Canadian, would be Chez When. "We'd line the interior with Canadian flags. Say, Canada doesn't have a flag, does it? Let's see now. I know. The beaver is Can- ada's national emblem. I think. So we'll line the place with beaver board. ****: "The kids can sing like any- thing, so we wouldn't have any worries in the entertainment line. Every evening, just before they went to bed, they could favor the customers with a couple of spirit- ual verses of Canada's national anthem. Say, what is Canada's national emblem? 4' * 4, 4, "And we'd serve nothing, abso- lutely nothing, but good old Can- adian national dishes. Like, uh, spaghetti and meatballs. No, that's Italian. Uh, Irish stew. No? How about Boston baked beans? Nope. French fries? Not in Paris. Fish and chips? Chile con carne? Yorkshire pudding? Say, what IS a good old Canadian dish, • any- way?" - - By the time we'd narrowed it down to the point where we had decided the only epicurean delight that is truly Canadian is a grilled cheese sandwich, it was time to go to bed. Which we did. o SEE BUILDING About 40 members of Huron County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association toured the new Curt House here Monday after- noon. They were on their annual outing, visiting different sections of the county. FAST RELIEF FOR ACHING MUSCLES GOOERICHI STORY 'vely . atErdny, Theronto Telet. ant rung a €e turn write;, up witra pieture..Q on rano On- tario n-tario tciwn .or villa e. Thi8 a%.nwday. Gszule.riola will he the subject of the feature. A Tele- gram xeporter Eventalanoat two dayo in town taking pic- tures a a collecting material for a story. Watch for bane story in SaaturdaY'r-, Tely. If Yon should happen to mnass it, the sazne pictures and story will he appearing in next week's Signal -Star. rAzit Si nai-Stear diked Wag rewitic f IRS.T MD RSNCti i1 TO AU. SICK TV1L We carry the horsiest stack of Who* for an makes, and * comploto stook of pars for Spsrton ' TV, For instant serf ice phone or cell B. R. 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THE A0.0. -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY RATION LIMITED 148 THE SQVAIOE Telephone, Goderich - 797 4_