HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 111 1l TauItslaYp ROOS .W;414, 19,50 HOL E IIL4LJ ° HO SV .,LJ ^, June 11. -Mrs. Claude Fisher, Toronto, formerly Miss Bessie Pickard of this dis- trict, and her daughter from Al- aska, Mrs.. W. Rennie, of Toronto, and Ma's. K; Reesor, of Locust Hill, were recent guests of Mrs. W. Yeo and other relatives and friends.' Master David McCullough has returned to his home from the Minton Public Hospital where the was a patient for 'two weeks. Mr. and, Mrs. Grant Kechnle, Helen and Gordon, of Kitchener, were Neste en &nnaday of Mr. and Sg eelal, speaker for the Clay, win Mrs. Frank McCullough. lough. The teacher and pupils, of the Holniesville School, arranged a ve succeesfu1 bazaar on Friday ni t. The children were in charge of all the sales. Tickets were sold on a doll bed, which was won by Mrs. L. Morton: Teacher at the school is Miss C, Ann Shad- dock, of Clinton. Sunday, June 24 is to be Child- ren's Sunday at the Holmesville United Church. Mrs. H. Cudanore is in charge of the 'program and the MUSIC will be in charge of Mrs. W. Norman and Miss Helen Potter. i&e Mr. Ken Ashton, tit 'Nanton. PORTER'S III140 POR1p11z:'S , Jeune 11. --The Sunday School anniversary will be held this Sunday, June 17, with the Rev. Mervyn J. Love, Grand Rend, as guest speaker. Service is 9.45 a.m. and special rnusie is bei:' provided by the Sunday School. There's a special invitation for all to join, lit this worship erviee. 'Congratulations to Mr. • and Mrs. Ilonala Harris on the arrival of their baby daughter last week. THANK YOU The Huron County TB Association Mas X -Ray Survey is now com- pleted. Faisal figures, which appear elsewhere in this issue, reveal that the revense from one end of the County to the other was most encouraging. These results were possible only because of the whole -hearted support and effort which men and women throughout Huron by the hundreds con- tributed to the work of organizing the campaign. Without this support the results, of course, Would have been negligible. Because_ of the numbers involved, it is not possible to thank individually those who gave so freely of their time. Their thanks, however, will lie in their knowledge that by their efforts they have inade €i -major contribution to the war against tuberculosis. Huron County TB Association New$ of Dungannon DU '.GL JON, June 11. -Mrs. rs. Simon McKay, of Goderieh, spent the week -end with her son -in -law - and daughter, ,Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, and family. Mr. - and Mrs. Durnin Phillips have left on a :motor drip through the Northern States and will re- turn via Western Canada. They are accompanied by Miss Myrtle Phillips, of London, and Mrs. David Todd, of St. Helens. Mr. Bran Hallam, of Toronto, was a week -end guest of 'Miss L>j d'liaan Popp. • „ Nfr. and Mrs. Aubert Campbell, of Auburn, were guests on Sunday with Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardner. Master Grant Kilpatrick visited with his cousin, Billie Blake, Sat- urday. Census Enumerators. -Mrs. God- frey odfrey and Bob Simpson went their census taking rounds in the vil- lage this past week. A r. and Mrs. Kirk McDoii l of Brandon, Manitoba, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and Jack on Thursday. We are pleased. to report that the condition of Mrs. Prank Pent- land, who underwent an s ' eration in St. Joseph's Hospital, t tmien, on Tuesday, is somewhat improved. Large Attendances. ®- Mr. and Mrs. Herb 6stothers attended the Zion anniversary on Sunday. The 'church was attractively deeorated with flowers for the occasion and was filed to capacity more than half an hour before the commence- ment of both services. The guest speaker for the day was Rev. J. R. MacDonald. Special music whs provided by the male quartette, of Ashfield, and also a number from the home choir. Mrs. Duncan Simpson was organist. Rev. Dieki- son, pastor,of the church, extended a welcome to the visitors and ex- pressed 'appreciation to all who had helped to make it a memorable day. Dr. and Mrs. Yokes, of Toronto, spent the week -end at their cot- tage here. Mission Band. - Mission Band was 'held in the church basement during the church service with 39 present. Eleanor Alton gave the call to worship.. Mrs. McWhinney FREE HEARING CLINIC_. Have your hearing aid checked over by a fully trained Acoustician, service and batteries to all makes of hearing aids. AT BEDFORD -..HOTEL, .GO'DERMO$ -.-- FRIDAY; JUNE 15, 2 p.m. to o 6 p.m. SEE THE NEW EYE GLASS HEAR - LNG AID, also 7 other models $49 from $49.50 ACOUSTiCON, 225A FRONT ST, N., SARNIA, Phone DI -4-8708. -24 Gime itanlNCi and watch it take theMILI justa niidgsof your tie ..: and there's ... liVrT4:rL1i iltt lT EJXtRcOa'xz�'it•+ai„►v..i'-i'�vdre.6 .'afi.ci •. time to discover how the frisky new Chevrolet loves to travel, Drive the new Chevrolet and get ready to reach for your road maps. There's something about this car that starts you, dreaming of those exciting places that always seef>z tse eatrl=ciss-the. country from where you live. The fact is, Chevy's got an itch to travel -- and it's. catching. Nothing serious, you understand. You just want to pack your bags and start putting the miles behind you. Because Chevrolet covers the miles as only a truly great road car can: That's something you sense instantly in its hill - flattening horsepow&,'in its solid sure- ness of control on the tightest curves and, its rock -steadiness on the straight-away. TIIesekre- tf a things that give - and you -- ari urge to go places. And they; inake,,tlotdgoing sweeter and safer. But there's not the slightest need to take our word for all this; why not discover it for yourself? Your Chevrolet dealer will be happy to show you what a tall 'traveller this new Chevy is! Is your family all set for the fun? THE MOST MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN THE WORLD! oe- toe is 4ate.,akee4oearActie tietued; C -195ac ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC KINGSTON STREET rr' PHONE 165 led,inrayon and Lynn Finnigan r lvc�'tbe offering. XarenDaw- son gave a. reading. Sharon Park rr;ad the, Scripture. Mrs. nave LI talk on the study book. An instrumental twos given ihy 'Wayne ;:.rooks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy and so; of Strathroy, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy Over the week -end. Mrs. D. MsGratten, Mr. and Mrs. cordon McGratton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Johnston, of Goderich, visaed with Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan this past ~eels. Mr. Allan Reed took a bus load of school children and parents of the Cedar Valley School to O.A.C. at Guelph, on Tuesday. Cooking Lassies. The sixth meeting of Dungannon Cooking Lassies was held at Mrs. Omar Brooks' hotxie:;,', The roll call, was answered with a supper dish con- taining vegetables. Mies. Brooks' and Mrs: R. Kilpatrick demonstrat- ed ed the making of biscuits. Each girl is to make and serve them at the next meeting. Atkins Clan Ment. -Oar Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks and family were among the 200 clans at the Atkins reunion, which was held at Midhurst Park. They were guests of the Departrnent of Lands and Forests. Two loads of Dungannon Insti- tute ladies attended the district annual at Blyth this week. DUNGANNO'N, June 12. -Miss Eileen Sparks, R.N., of London, was a visitor Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Petrie and family. Miss Marjory Errington, -nurse- in-training at°"Wi}odstock General Hospital, on vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errin,gt.on_ Visitors on Sunday with Mr. - and Mrs. W. A. Culbert were. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood and family, of Carlow, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lepard, Guelph. Rev, G. D. Watt - preached an- niversary services at Whitechurch in exchange with Rev. R. A. Brook, Btlue' rt le: Mrs. Frank Pentland underwent ,a serious aeration at _Victoria Hospital, London, last week. We hear she is recovering fairly well as reported by relatives who drop down to see her. Dr. H. A. S. Vokes and Mrs Vokes, of Toronto, are this week at their summer home. .. Mr. Howard Culbert was chosen to sit on the jury at County -Court, Goderich, last week. Visitors with Mrs. Roibt. Fitz- gerald and Mrs. Richard Gardner on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Campbell, Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin, Belfast. Mrs., Donald Cameron and daugh- ter, Mary Jean, of Ottawa, are visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nellie Stew- art. The lady's husband is a Senator atOttawa and was men- tioned in Friday and Saturday's Globe',/and Mail with reference to the trans -Canada pipeline: Mrs. anieroei is -:seeing her aunt _flyr_t e. first time since she was a little ,rte• a _ _ ., _ . . The W.M.& meeting . of the 'Un- ited Church for June was held at the home of 1Vtrs. John Rivett. Mrs. Geo. Hodges, the president, opened the meeting, Mrs. Arthur Elliott led in the devotional ser- vice. Mrs. Harvey Anderson read Scriptures. Mrs. M. Shackleton led In prayer. Minutes Were read by the secretary, Mrs. Charles Fowler. A program explaining the W.M.S. finance policy was car- ried out by Mrs. M. Reed, Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs. G. Watt, Mrs. C. Blake and Mrs. J. Rivett. Mrs. Herb Finnigan read. a chapter in the study book It was decided to have a bale ready by July 6. PERSONAL MENTION Jack Hicks, on of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hicks, of R.R. 1, Goderich, has successfully passed his fir,5t year in the civil engineering course at University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott, of Tor- onto, are at,their-summer home on St. David's street. e • TRADES TRAINING OPP 'IRT18?1ITJES FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN Do you want to earn while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start- ing let June, the Canadian Army will accept a limited number of young men for training in 19 differ- ent trades. The training course lasts for two years and then the Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. Training starts in September. Under this plan the Apprentice receives y- e Half pay to the ago of 17 then full pay • 30 days paid holidays a year e Modica) and dental caro e Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- L`ation, and be able to meet Army physical standards. As only a limited -number of applic- ants can bo accepted inake your application early. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station 59 Albert Street, Ottmot , Ont. -'Tel 6-1807 Army Rdevuiting Station, 164 Wellington St, Kingston, Ont. - Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station SO Richmond St, W., Toronto, Ont. - Tel. eta. 6-0341 Loo. 276 tin. 7 Personnel Depot Wolseley Barracks, ,Oxford & Elizabeth to., London, Ont. Tel. 4-1601 Loo. 135 Array Recruiting Station. 230 Main St. W., !forth Day, Ont. -. Tel. 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. -e lel. 2 0700 dhow -o oa-4a Noma aced mo without rout or oblirla- tion tho booklet "Tho Wray to a Pion Futuro". Nome Addrocs__-. .� . City/town Prov. -AUBURN Nib Birthday. -5.r.. David Ham- ilton ee/ebrated 'hip 80th birthday at his home leai Sunday and was pleasantly surprised when all his children and their families arrived to help him celebrate the occasion. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton and was born in Colborne Township and attended school at S.S. 1\fl . , Col- borne. In December, 10011, he was married to Carmine. Church, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George W. 'Church. After their marriage, they lived until 1914 in Colborne Township and theca moved tn'Cliaa- ton where he was agent for the DeL' aval Separator and Edison Phonographs. In 1918they moved to their farms in West Wawanosh where they fanned successfully until they moved to Auburn in February, 1952. We wish Mr. Hamilton many more years of health and happiness. Those pre- sent we‘Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor ({ilia), and Mr. Reg. Ham- ilton, of a village; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Allison (Reta), of Park- hill and daughter; Mrs. Leslie Morley, Mr. Morley and family, of Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey An- drews (Viola), of Dungannon and daughter; Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mr. McDonald and family, of Gode- rich; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ham- iltop and family, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton and son John, of Toronto. Other guests were: Mrs. Hamilton's brother, Mr. Carman Church and Mrs. Church, of Kansas City, Missouri; and her sister, Mrs. Robet,,.:Me.1 steT,, of Gaderich, and friends, Mr. Prank Phalen, of Toronto, and Mr. Ben Johnston, of Goderich. Light -Bearer's Mission Band. - Betty Durnin presided for the June meeting of the Light Bearer's Mis- sinn of the United Church with June Mills acting as secre- tary. Jim Mills and Barry Millian received the offering. Two moth- ers were guests. The superintend - ii,AGIg =MO nt t-Dld the tom, "$t r,t3 for a Movie" from the study book, Discuss Picnic. - A ra'tepayerr, meeting 4-433 siaeld: on Monday;. even, tag of S.S. No. 9, IEnlletk, �u school zoom to di ii s puns or a picnic' which is to ht held icn gar"fit r ,Park on June 20. Mr- 'and ,Igrri. Archie Wilkie, :ot Goderielh, visited on Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allem. Mr. and Mfrs. F. Meljv cit returned home last week after visit with their sin, Holl and Mts. Mcil eeh and fa 'i ily, of Guelph. Mr. and MP. William n Corey at- tended. the Golden Wedding Bele. bratioaa of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh II,. Hill, of .Colbornesbip, las! • week. SELL IT THRU THE 0 WANT*DS 111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11; $1,500 IN PRIZES B4 N.G.O AT Seaforth Arena Thursday, June 21 - ADMISSiON- $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Lions Club in conjunction with Seaforth- Hockey Association and Arena Commis- sion. Proceeds in aid of Lions Pool and Sports generally. , SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE L1TTLE'S RIDING STATION (END OF SOUTH STREET) PHONE 1344M RE -.OPENING SUNDAY, JUNE 17 24 4 • Special Values and Reminders for this week. •lee I. - a • ^ orohm' • •I ar. tai now.. ., rarnnhonw,- Drugs and medicines are prepared, labelled and distributed for the treatment of disease and the conservation of health. You .can rely upon your drug store as the safe, logical and trust- worthy source of the drugs and medicines used by you and the members of your family. FATHER'S DAY REMEMBER "DAD" ON SUNDAY, JUNE 17 listed below are lust a few of the many gifts that can be found at your Drug Store. GILLETTE SUPER -SPEED RAZOR, KIT Light, Regular or Heavy. One has exactly the right edge angle, edge exposure, and weight to match your face for superb shaves. A gift ad will appareciate ort his day. OTHE GILLETTE 3.79, 5.00, CARTON OF 50 GI, BLADES OLD SPiCE by After Shave Lotion SroiF`fni Shave (ornb) Electric Shave Shaving Mug Latise, ,,,Shave Cream PIPES Mackenzie Filter Medico Filter Koolse oke Special 2.50 4.00 Others BILLFOL Value for Value for 1.29 AZOR KiTS 6.00 LLETTE BLUE 2.50 Shulton 1.35, 2.00 �1. 5 1.50 .75c s CAMERAS and FILMS 1.50 1.50 2.95 1.79 2.50 1.t o up Brownie Holiday Flash Outflt 11.45' Also availlabll© lit different - Plash Model 5.90 sixes and prices. • With Flasholdor 930 Verichrorne Pan Film rownie Hawkey() Flash Camera With Flasholder Pony 135 (Model C) 8.75 13.50 39,75 Kodaacoior Safety Color Fil vo Kodacolr r-8 exposure Kodachrome Movie Film Sylvania Flashbulbs SPECIALS on.I b'A• Brands TOOTH PASTE reg. 57c a tubo for 79 A.Q.S.&C., Tablets 19c c® stipation reg.3c Aromatic Cascara 3 02. 6 oz. reg. 35c reg. 65c 29c 49c Olive Oil 4 oz. 8 oz. 16 oz. reg. 35c reg. 55c tom. 98c 29c 44c 79c A.S.A. TABLETS Relieves headache neuralgic, toothache, and pain in general. • 100's 19c 300's 49c Tr3tindium Phosphc)to WASHING COMPOUND For walls, planted surfaces, etc, once pound carton 19c ®i ll®11*ll*641011.01r 4414.iMt4 0►Campbell, a.