HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 10THE GOIT ICH SIGNAL STAE MUSS CHIROPRACTIC /RECTORY Accept Tender For School Debentures IRT >3. SUCH, .C. Doctor of Chiropratie. O It ce fours: Mo ., Thurs.-9 a.m. to u p. ui,. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Weal. & Sat. -9 to 11:30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office–.-: oruer of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. AL :ERT SHORT POELOC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. COPPICE RESIDENCE 38 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PH JNE 975 South 47-13Mtf PH u NE 444 113111.4444,14,44 Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cvaenstor,'s) Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal $9,9 Goderich A. J. 'Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE PORE — AUTOMO`-{ILE — CASUALTY Get insured — Stay insured Rest Assured. ink of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Colborne Township Oouneil has accepted the .tender of Nesbitt, Thomson & Co. Ltd., of Toronto, for the issuing of $40,13110 one to 20 year serial debentures at the nate of 59.25 and bearing interest at to per cent. 'l'he debentures will' provide financing for the erec- tion of a new two room public school. Recision to accept the Toronto offer was made at a meet- ing in Carlow last week. `Phomas Wilson, who informed I couldn't stand it any longer. Council he has sold out and is Every day it kept growing. At moving to Goderich, was asked to of the first I tried to shut my eyes to it. carry on for the balani and relief utiicer. But when I tripped on one of those year as truant a The road superintendent was bad cracks in my sidewalk, I knew that wouldn't woi.,.; I tried going given authority to sign a certificate out the back door, but it was even approving location of underground `worse that way. telephone cable. ---.111101111.111. - G. B. CLANCY Optometrist—Optician (successor to • the late A. "Ili. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. .Y " OLID JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFO"TH P.O. Box 461 FIRAH.� .REID_ "RIFE--'>,ERW)IITTER y as�A h�•eaca ,iRl, surafce. Mutual Life Of Canada • Pleore 346 Church St. OUT ON A LIMB WIT I,ILL SMILEY 1R1 A resolution was passed request - I knew the neighbors were start- ing Burns Ross to act as municipal in to talk. Every time I'd try to engineer on the Cunningham drain ,dip out to the car with my fishing roil, all the lawnmowers in town would stop. All the ladies down on their knees with the grass clip- pers would stop clipping and lift their heads, like sheep scenting a wolf. As I jumped in the car, my over -sensitive ears would swear they heard a loud community snort. at the d•th concession. The Clerk was authorized to prepare,a by-law appointing Melvin Good as inspector under the Trench Excavators Protection Act. o CENSUS ENUME'' ATORS TO FINISH BY JUNE 30 C'ensus takers are now making ketd rimmed Mrs. Tait Clark ep Of West Huron Women's Institute Mrs. Tait Clark, of Car ow, vas place wig, wag signals at all level ca ssings. Belgrave branch request- ed that cheap tawdry programs be eliminated from radio and TV and that a committee be set up to report' offensive programs, that the findingg may be sent to radio and television stations. Miss Audrey Spencer, depart- mental speaker, explained fully the extension courses provided for the branches by the department and advised concerning the suitability of the course to the desires of the members. Mrs. J. D. Hossaek, federation director, outlined the duties of district directors. The following committee conven- ers were named: Mrs. W. Col - dough, Clinton; Mrs. L. M. Scrim- geoute Blyth; 1Virs. Stanley Cook, Brussels; Mrs. T. Bowers, Wing - ham; Mrs. E. W. Mice, Lucknow; Mrs. Waller Scott, ;Belgrave; Mrs. A. Wilkin, Goderich; district direc- tor, Mrs. Tait Clark; alternate, Mrs. S. Lyon, Landesboro; federation re- presentative, Mrs. Otto Popp, Dun- gannon, alternate, Mrs. W. S. 4. Holmes,Clinton. oEARLY WARDEN In connection with an article in last week's issue, it was Warden John Holmes, instead of Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, who headed the fight to prevent opponents tearing down the original Huron County Court House shortly after it was opened• ere -elected president of the West Huron Women's Institute at the annual meeting held in the Mem- the rounds in the town and district For a while I thought maybe I and. -should complete their work by could pretend I was letting it go, the end of June, says E. Snell, of so I could make dandelion wine. R.R, 1, Clinton, who is census But the other day, when the dande- commieioner for Huron riding. lions were so thick it would have Ile states there has been a very taken the entire facilities of Hiram good response to the special agri- Walker and his cousin Johnny to cultural questionnaire, which was handle them, I knew I had to cut mailed out before the census start- ed with instructions to have it com- pleted by the time the enumerator arrived. Enumerators for— •ch are Mrs. Mary Currell, Mrs.eriHelen Townsend and Mrs. Marjorie Young. 'In G•Od.erich Township, the census takers are Mrs. Fred Vod- den, Douglas Stirling and Maitland Driver. Colborne Tow•n•ship enum erators are Ernest Bogie and Rus- sel Kernighan. DAtAlf.1411.0 IT'S NO EXAGGERATION THAT MILK FROM ANDREW PARRY WILL STRENGTHEN YOUR TEETH . l Chartered Accountant Office: House 343J 343W 39 West St. Goderich C. F. C i.; AP1NN General Insurance E'ir'e, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate Colborne- St., Goderioh Phai a 18w EDWA In W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate, arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. �4 �o Armstron OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appo>intmea4 SQUARE GODERWIll the lawn. After all, I'd made it to the first of June. That's not bad. Knowing that some people suffer heart at- tacks from mowing their lawns, I didn't just rush at the thing fool -hardily. I kind of studied up. :w First, I announced my intention. This, as I knew it would, brought a lot of advice from the Chief Engineer at our place. While this was being advanced, I had a beer, and thought -abase.- ik,.._some more. Then I sent. the kids out to pick up anything that might get in the way of the lawnmower. Kim won first prize for the biggest article. She found the toboggan. * 1 k orial Hall at Blyth last week. A public spirited leader in com- munity affairs for some years, Mrs. Clark, at the after- noon session, urged the support of the institutes in estab- lishing a scholarship to honor the mem- ory of Miss Agnes McPhail, who repre- sented a Grey Coun- ty constituency in the House of Commons for some, years. Other officers -elected were first vice-presidents, Mrs. Fred MacGregor, Goderich, and Mrs. W. Bradnock, Auburn; secretary -treas- urer, Mrs. Arthur E. Clark, Landes- boro; auditors, Mrs. J. Walpole and Mrs. S. Lansing. Miss Josephine Woodcock, presi- dent of Blyth branch, welcomed delegates and music was contribut- ed throughout the program by members from Goderich and Au- burn branches. Resolution convener, Mrs. A. Wilkin, Goderich, submitted the following resolutions. Goderich W.I. presented a resolution con- cerning a local problem of cleaning up Harbor Park and its facilities. From Blyth was the request for a resolution concerning a request to The early warden was the great- the Provincial Government ,,`��,r, make grandfather of Magistrate D. E. it ,compulsory for the raillvays to Holmes. In the meantime, I got the lawn- mower from beside the front steps and gave it a push or two. It roll- ed the grass quite flat. I told the Old Lady it would cut like any- thing, once I lowered the blades a bit. Turned it upside down. and looked it over carefully. There were some screws and things there for lowering the blades, but they looked pretty rusty. Anybody. would be a little rusty if he sat out in the snow all winter. - - AMMO A couple of minutes of this con• -Tinted me that this -the. I answer. I was getting pretty dis- .+.,sr+.•; r. • . • ing up over the lake, or Mar ilyn Monroe corning up the front walk,' it hit me. I remembered that ' beautiful little classified ad I'd read. "Power mowing. Phone so-and-so." 0))))) BRfCKfNR/DGFVA PLUMBER jusr CALL FOR OUR SHEET METAL CREW --AND SEE 11-+1E';�* SPLENDID WORK THEY DCa! �ISFACTION ))))) Eavestroughing need repairs? Don't delay- phone today . _t: L - RECKENRIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING #'2 CORNER SQUARE S. NORTH ST.• • • GODERICH • •• 41404135- 17- 135- 11' PAYS TO ``H/R,6 EXPERIENCE" ONLY "WOLVES" lsTOW1 One hundred years ago this week, according to old news files, an exking bear hunt took place in Gaderich. truin was discovered taking a lei- surely stroll in daylight through the town. After a three-hour chase he was driven to the lake where he was followed by boats and finally killed. Today, exactly a cen- tury later, the only "wild life" seen in Goderich are "wolves" of the two -legged variety, who usually blow into town in packs from nearby cities. They invariably head for the beach in antiquated, loud -exhaust "cars" but so far there have been no reports ot than being , driven into the lake and event- ually exterminated. On second thought, there has been real wild life about. About a year ago there was a deer in town and wolves have been shot not so long ago in Ashfield Town- ship. 0 - CARLOW self-irnpawd task of organWng ire -reit -RN neighbors to carry on with Mr. Doig's work. The en Johnson farm on the 8th concession, previpusly owned by MD' has now been bought by a Mr. Campbell, of lyth. We extend sympathy to Clifford and Douglas McNeil, and their families, on the death of their aunt, Mrs. Charlie McNeil, -of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, Gail and Doug, visited on Sunday with ILat3IDA Y, JUNE 14th, 1950 k` a i �' 2 Rar3Qs't Peck, og Varna. Mrs. Jennie 'MoGrattan sheat the week -end With Gordon and Bee McrGratten and visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Dungannon.. Mr. and Mrs. ;Meredith Yom and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jbhnsten visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Grratten on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Haycock, Carol and Melvin, of Goderich, and Mrs. Body, of London, England, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mrattem on Sunday. DOWN TI -le AiGi.E, AND ON HEIR P,e! A NAPPY SM/LE, SHE'LL F/NO OUT IN 70 SWOP Mrs. Bob Bean have purchased the property 'previously owned by the Thomas Wilson family and are busy renovating the house. Con.gratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Squires, who celebrated their silver wedding an- niversary on Sudsy: Donald and Doug Squires presented their par- ents with a chest of silverware. Mr. Stanley MoGratten ;Was doivn to Westminster Hospital an El -Way, then visited Hugh Poig, who is still in Victoria Hospital, but much improved. Through the past week Mr. Ribey has continued with his APPLIANCES .,./FRIGIDALRE „Zutkif.-- Don't think for a minute that I I just picked up the <phone and called so-and-so. I'm not that lazy, • that I'd hire somebody to power mow my lawn when I'rn perfectly capable of doing it myself. Nepe,-I sat right down there with pencil and._,paper and got busy. Here's the way it came out. Last year I mowed the lawn five times. O.K., in ten years that's fifty times. Now, the very cheapest power IMINIEIMINEMpaggsmomMalilir mower I could possibly buy would TELEVISION REPAIRS TO 'ALL MAKES. Con plete work. bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE - ANY MAKE, •.1p MacDonald ,,Electric 1 Goderich hone 235 38tf agesnatamiammin dierfdi le SELL i71`HRU THE . WiUlTAIDOS cost me $50. So that's a dollar a shot and I have to push it myself. :r• a Bu•t that's -not all.. I have a na- tural proclivity for wrecking ma- chinery. (In the last war, I reckon I destroyed about $200,000 worth of aircraft, all ours). My wife knows this. In other words, all things considered, my new power mower would be ;;hot in five years at, the outside. So, it's now costing me $2 every time I mow the lawn, and I'm still pushing it myself. e * * Even the Old Lady could see the logic of this. That's pretty expen- sive lawn mowing. '`I suppose" she said, albeit a trifle doubtfully, "there's no use throwing money away like that.." I protested, but gradually she swung me around .._— to her point of view. .. 4:* Approximately one and one-half seconds later, I was on the phone. The boy, one of those young cap- italists, did a nice job on the lawn. CEMETERY MEMORIALS T. 4 ryde EXETER Son Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone Buono" Features Fag, Friendly Farm Seruice EtEPAIOS — Horne, auto, tractor, SPRING PLANTING— Sprays. born, mochinery, etc. fertdiaer, ,r(1 PAINTING— House, form build- LIVESTOCK -- Poultry, cattle, * Pmsatal2 liken to Moire loam, to formerc. ("rich promptly: Bankable Gecttrity not required. Write lor loan entirely by mail! Or phone first for 1-vigit loan . . . Or come in today. Leona SSO to $1500 or more on Sinnatere, ffurrat”ro oil; Auto pi unle COMPANV WM IltIOC) 40 SAV VIZ" VI ONTARIO STRCET, STnATFORD v ria16,* IM? APPOINT/ARAI—Pi-IONE FOR VC -MING 1-100Q9 14 • TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE-1NSURED LOAN protects our family'setutite "We ewitched to Trans Canada Credit ,the minute we disariered we could get life insurance on our loan at no extra cost. It's such a relief to know fhat no matter what happens., our family security is protected,'" says a typical Canadian mother. Check now to see whether your present loan has thin important family protection feature. If not, call your nearby Trans Canada Credit manager right away. At Trans Canada Creatt, you can easily borrow the cash you need, at reasonable rates, and on repayment plant; errang,ed 5011 your butigh. Service 18 courteous and private, fast and dependable. And loans are life -insured to 32500. at eitra cost. So when you need a loan, for any worthy purpose, think 'first of elle all -Canadian company that thinks of your family's security. See yotir nearby Trans Canada Credit manager. THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAM COWAN)/ 148 THE SQUARE Telephone, Goderieh - 797 COT NE Order `blue coal' today at the year's lowest prices 4:luring the famous 'blue coal' Spring Sale—and have a full supply on hand when you needs it. But make sitire it's 'blue coal' you order. Famous `blue coal' is colour -m rked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction. Buy on easy budget terms—'a small down payment and many months,t pay the balance. EDWARDICOAL CO. Ett GODERICH PHONE 98 • lue 'blue cool° BUDGET PLAN GIVES YOU 4 ADVANTAGES 5. You get a big special discount . by ordering now. 2. You make only a small down payment tailored to your 3. Many months to pay the balance. You have a future supply of 'blue coal' in your basement at lowest prices. 4. There's° no red tape—it's as easy as ABC! c oar The world's finest hard coal 52542 A Prize of $50 Goes to the Angler Catching the ,Largest Perch in the Aqua Club's PERCH DERBY APRIL 15 to JUNE 24 .PROOEEDS FROM THE ENTRIES WILL tE USED BY THE AQUA CLU TO IM- PROVE RECREATION FACILITIES AT THE GO ERICH HARBOR. Space contributed in the service of the COMMUtiltY 'BY John Labatt Limited. • 4