HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE`14th, ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH J,ONE 17, Third Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. H • LY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 amr HOLY C MMUN1ON AN SERMON. Evening Service diacontinued until autumn. 'ft REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1956 SUNDAY SCHOOL, ANNUAL FLOWER SUNDAY. BIBLE STUDY. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Aainister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader, ETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE TEMPORARY LOCATION • MacKAY HALL - NORTH ST. SUNDAY 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. "If Jesus Came To Your House." FRODAY 8 p.m. YOUNG PEOPLES. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. PASTOR—R. J. GREEN. DOMINI 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HORSEY BRAND 48 OZ. TIN BLENDED JUICE MARGARINE—REGULAR GOOD LUCK REAL HOMEMADE SOUP He? MINUTES 1 LIPTON'S—SOUP MIX Chicken Moodie MEALFOR SALADS AND COOKING STSALAD OIL TIN °U VVRENCE _is TM. 31c SERVE PEACHES N CREAM!' QUEEN'S ROYAL STANDARD SLICED PEACHES 2 15 OZ. 290 TINS LIBBY'S—CHOICE MIXED DI*VALE—CHOICE LOMBARD legetabies 2 1rii.,zi 350 PLUMS 2 21V1:. 250 AYLMER—UNGRADED OR 4-5's CULVERHOUSE—CHOICE RED CHOICE PITTED PEAS 2 via. 290 CHERRIES Vlf. 180 DOLE—FANCY SLICED AYLMER—FANCY , PINEAPPLE 1713' 390 APPLESAUCE 140 • PAPER PICNIC SUPPLIES APPLEFORD FOOD SAVER DUCHESS—Contains 'Forks, Spoons, WAX PAPER MVO% 310 KITS Plates, Serviettes—PICNIC PKG* 25 pgravivanE-ralea HOT DRINKS 110 C UP S 2 Pol-G5s" 250 „ ..._ RAISIN COOKI BISCUIT FEATTE 1 STRAWBERRY CREAMS,.SWISS CHOCOLATE. TUTTI FRUITE COOKIES, OATMEAL -COOKIES. , . PARTY TREAT BISCUITS dab 330 1, FATHER'S DAY—SUNDAY, JUNE 17th MAKES AN IDEAL aim. IN ATTRACtIVE PLASTIC BOX SUPPER CLTJB—WHITE SERVIETTES al; WESTWOOD CIGARS ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES c1,31_032S0 980 • cARGT.Nor.1° 10.c. SAVIAQS AT_ ring OF guRcPC/CSE1 BLUE CHEER JUST A SPRINKLE mums Disarm rwrasaux NEW LOTION MILD—L/OUM DETERGENT PINK VEL GIANT 650 !MG. 120Z. 360 TIN MARGARINE—REGULAR MARGARINE—REGULAR MARGENE no SHORTENING—NEW DELICIOUS FRY'S TULIP gGB 31 DOMESTIC i1g3: 320 AYLMER BRAND TOMATO CATSUP BOTTLE 240 COCOA s oz. A70 TIN It Cloverleaf— Fancy Rod BeekeYe SALMON .71P0z. 410 SPECIAL oFrEni SA MOS AT PURCHAME1 RED ROSE --ORANGE PEKOE 690 39p $1.69 TEA BAGS BREAKFAST CLUB—WITH PECTIN RASPREIMY JAM THSI NEC '8V tar 1 • se -ala PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE PKG. or 20 24 OZ. JAR Onty WITH EVERY ilea of CASH PURCHASE , p •fltUI Sr neer/1E11Es _ FOR A COOL, REFRESHING DRINK SUNKIST LEMONS26's SIZED01z. GUARANTEED RIPE WATERMELONS22 IB. AVERAGE ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN GODERICH mail Closing Time Sat., June 15 DOMINI0/4 STORES LIMITED • - • *- 1.{k, rrniGODREICIT sIONAL:iTA2 ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS 14 Tender s Wanted SMD mum PRICE TENDERS will be received by the under- signed until 4 p.m., TUI:SDAY, JUNE 26, 1956 for the erection of ZION SCHOOL, Colborne Township School Area, near Goderich, Ontario. Plans and apecifieations may be secured by general contractors only at the office of the architects on deposit of a cheque for $25.04). Cheque be returned to the contractor upon submission of tender and return of plans and specifications in good order. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. • L. G. BRIDGIVIAN & R. 0. alacfrAVISH, Architects, Royal Bank Chambers, 24- London, Ontario. TENDERS FOR TRACTOR AND man to out weeds on Goderich Township roadsides, using either Ford or Ferguson tractor. Price per hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to be in by June 23, 1956. - R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. 24-265- 13. Personal FND OF JUNE IS CHECK -OFF j time for any Signal -Star sub- scription in arrears. Avoid inter- ruption in receiving your paper by renewing that subscription today. • -23-26 ATISS GODERICH, OR MISS Goderich District! Are you planning your wedding soon? Do you know you can get wedding in- vitations and announcements, printed napkins, place cards„thank you cards and other wedding sup- plies at the Signal -Star? And do you .know that •the prices are guaranteed to be as low as those you will obtain in Toronto, London br elsewliefe? Alicreliarthe style will be •of the very latest and the quality the finest? Come in and see far yourself! • -24-27 15. Cards of Thanks HILL.—Our sincere appreciation is expressed to all friends and neighbors who gathered at our home to join with us in the pleasures of our 50th wedding anniversary. Their verbal, as well as their good wishes by gifts, were greatly appreciated. To one and all we express our sincere thanks end also our hope that they may be able to cele- brate their fiftieth wedding an- niversary, too. • Mat 'AND MRS: -HUGH HILL AND FAIvaLy, - • WATSON.—My grateful thanks to Dr. W. N. Watters, nurses and staff of Alexandra hospital and also my many friends and neigh- bors who sent me gifts, flowers and cards during my stay in the hospital. 24- MRS. DOROTHY WATSON. COX. — We wish to thank our neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness since the time oi our azeident, also for the lovely gifts, treats, cards and fiovvers. Sp-ecial thanks to all who helped in so many ways with the farm work. RAY AND ELVA COX AND FAMILY 24x McPHEE.—The thoughtfulness and sympathy eatended by fViends • and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a preeiqus memory. Our sincere thanks to all. • THE MoPHIEE FAMILY. 24x. McIWIL. — Mr. Chas. C. McNeil wishes to thank all those Who were so kind to him, especially the neighbors. He is grateful also to those who loaned cars, sent floral tributes and messages of sympathy. •-24 16, Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Proctor wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Beverley Anne, to Charles Gordon Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr, all of Goderich Township. The marriage 'to take place early in July. 24x 18. Births ALTON. In Wingharn General Hospital, on Sunday, June 10, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Alton, R.R. 7, Laeknow, a daughter. CULBFaT.--At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on June 8, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Culbert, Goderich, a son. HORTON.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on June 7, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horton, R.R. 3, Goderich, a daughter. RODGER. — At Hershburg, Ger- many, on -June 4, 1956, to. Mr. and Mrs. William Rodger, nee Joan Chapman, Goderich, a son, Warren Phillip. 4 19. Notice to Creditors A.LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS _against the estate of Robert Yohn Acheson, late of the Town Goderich, in the County of Huron, retired merchant, who died on or about the 29th. day of March, 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars with the.under- signed by the 23rd day of June, 1956, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderieh, this 9th day of May, 1956. C. HAYS, • Goderich, Ontario, 24k - 20. Public Notice TOWNSHIP OF ASITFIELD Notice is hereby given that Ash- field Township Council has set up dumping grounds in the following HEAR THOS. WYATT on WilSgS of Healing Every Sunday - • CKLW at8:00 P.M. (DST) DETROIT — 800kc. 21-26 Free Methodist Church S(JNDAY, JUNE 17 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. All are welcome to any or all of these services. Pastor, T. J. McMichael THE SALVATION ARMY WHERE YOU ARE A STRANGER ONLY ONCE Sunday -11.00 a.m., 2.30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. • Corps Cadets in charge of Services). Tuesday -8.00 p.m. Home Lague (Women's Group). COMAE AND BRING A FRIEND. -24ff tiox Vresthgttrizin (Church Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A,R.C.M. Minister Director of praise 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Sacrament of Infant Baptism). (Nursery and Junior Congregation). NO EVENING SERVICE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL S1REET 10 S.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL—a class for every age. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children taken care of during this service). 7 p.m. "GOD'S ANSWER FOR YOUR LIFE." Monday, 7.30 p.m. Choir and Young People's Union. Tuesday, 8.9 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Thursday and Friday, 7 p.m. Explorers. A friendly invitation to all. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. 49c Victoria Street United Church 99c Enter Now 1 DOMINION'S Famous Brands . Fortune Hunt t _ _ 10 a.m. BO FELLoWSHIP AWAITS YOU. LE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, Rev. J. R. lickinson, M.A., M.Th., Ashfield, preaching. 10 a.m.—BENMOLLER 11 a.m.—VICTORtA 3 p.m.-,-UN1ON Minh...ter—Rev. Stanley A. Mooto, B.A., B.D. Iciiinistry of Musk—Mr. Bert Kompster. Plae05: (1) Icot8, Concession 13, West Dien -Riohez1 Blanton, sideroad; ($) Lot 10, Concess/on Bast Dill/SIM, Mill road, II/1114M0.- -non; (3) Lot 1, Lake Range West Division on Melvin Dizon's pro- perty, Port Albert. Anyone dump - rug garbage on road allowances or other public property will be prose- cuted. (Signed) 'CECIL BLAKE, Reeve. 24-25- • .• 21. Business Notice CUSTOM,. , 'ATOM SPRAYING. Corn, grain crops, etc. Phone GORD BA.KTER at 1546 W 2 in moraiags and after 6.30 p.m. 24-277x MACHINE AN GENERAL, Rg_ PAIR. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. W. A. McAL- LISTER, Maitland, road. 24-35x FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost o new and late model used cars and trucks and new farin machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47t1 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANC °OVERAGE Whether it is . FIRE AUTO - LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION Or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 76 (anytime Easy Payment,. Plan for Premium with payments as low as $10.0 monthly. -11t ASINI13141) AS14011314), Julie 1.1.—Mr. and Mo. 4411 Norgard, -of We.sterie Springs, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. '319Ace MacDonald. Mrs. R. . Blauliona/d will return to Western Springs with them. The scholars of tKintail School and Hemlock City School took a bus trip to Niagara Falls on Friday. Those taking the Census of As.h- eld Township, Finlay MacDonald, Wilfrid Hackett, Joe O'Keefe and Robert Simpson, have completed their work. Complaining is the order of the day. Miss Louise MacDonalpl and her friend, Miss, Barry, an exchange teacher from England, but now teaching in Toronto, called on Ash- field friends. Mr. Alex McGregor, of Stettler, Alberta, is visiting with his bro- thers, Colin and Fred. Charles Stewart.—The death oc- curred of Charles Stewart, in Gode- rich, June 4, at the age of 93 years. He was the son of the late David Stewart and Mary MacLean who came from Scotland and settled on the farm: just north of Kintail in 1842. Here, in a family of nine E children, Charles was born and lived on the sante farm tlirough- out his whole life with the excep- tion of a few months in hospital and a' rest home. Throughout his life 'he enjoyed good health, full of vim and energy, a fine manly character with able judgment, wide intellect, gracious humor and wide- ly read. He had the interest of the Township of Ashfield at heart and took an active part in muni- cipal affairs. In politics he was a Liberal and in his early years an 6 active worker. He served as min - calor for several years and as s reeve in the years of the war, 1915 0 to 1917. As well as interest in civic affairs, he had the welfare of f the community and, church at heart. The funeral service was held from the home of his nephew, Archie MacMdrchy, at which Rev. J. R. MacDonald paid fitting trib- ute. Interinenc took place in Kin - tail cemetery. Pallbearers were: Colin MacGregor, •John MacKay, Hugh MacKenzie, Earl Howes, Gor- e don Drennan and Will Johnston: e He is survived by one sister, Mrs. - Olive Finlayson, of Toronto, who, n was present, with members of her 0 family: Also present were many - other friends and relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bain Stewart, Mrs. Rose, f of London, the Ferguson family, of Hamilton, the Dunbar family, of Ethel, Rev. W. Matheson and Mrs., Matheson, ot Chesley, Annie Mie-- 1Vturchy, of Goderich. The memory of Chas. Stewart will long remain in this community. FURNITURE REPAIR — RE- MODELLING — RE -FINISHING —RE -UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK, PIIONE 1200 OR 892. 23-26x FOR ARTIFigAL INSEMINA- TION information or servie from all breeds of cattle, phot the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinto HU 2-3441 between 7.34) and 9.3 a.m. We have all breeds avail able—top quality at low cost. -17t CARPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING and plumbing. Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc- IVIIGHAEL, Goderich, phone Gar - low 1108. -19tf MOVDIG—GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. -48t1 Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street. ,phone 466. 12 QKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE. ittw as Aerials moved — rentals. Work _fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, ete., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guarantee& Estimates given with- out obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring 6, Brussels. 20-31x FOR YOUR AUTO, FIRE, LIA- BILITY,' accident and sickness insurance see GEO. 'PURTON, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone collect 179, Carlow. Co-operative Insurance representative. -20tf FLOOR SANDrNG, OLD AND new floors sanded and finished. CRFJE COOK, phone HU. 2-3832, Clinton, or Bayfield 65 r 2. .-23tf CAD BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP now open for custom cabinet making, furniture repair. Sharp- ening of all types of lawn mowers and cutting appliances, skill saw for rent. Money back guarantee on all work done. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 23-26x EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR painting during July and August. Apply GORD. FARLOW, 263 Cobourg street. Experienced and guaranteed workmanship. 23-25x NEIN 111. 22. Lost and Found FOUND. — (SEWS TRICYCLE. Owner may have Arne by prov- ing property and paying for this ad. Phone 213. -24 TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S 'CORNER, June 12.— The June meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Jim Young last week with 16 mem- bers present. The hostesses were Mrs. Walter Hicks and Mrs. Ben Whitely. The July meeting will be held it the home of Miss Nina Walter. Many children of the community are sick with chicken pox and measles. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cutler, of Guelph, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sturdy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Powell and son, Larry, of Halton County, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson recently. Mrs. Irvine Oke visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Oke and son Stephen, at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs.- Albert Oke visited on Sunday with Mr. Ohe's brother, Mr. Stewart -Oke and Mrs. Oke, in Sarnia Mr. and Mrs, Chester McNeil and children, of Waterford, wffe week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miss Phyllis Glenn, of Goderich, is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNall. ,flongratulations ,to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horton, formerly Eva Prouse, of ,this community, on the birth of a daughter. 1 --")ORT — A)LBiR°T PORT ALBERT, June 12.—Visit- ors for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin were: Mrs. Page, Miss Dawn Edwards, Miss Bessie Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. IvanGrigg,' and Earl Martin, all of London. A party and supper was held at the_ 1Tathn on •at-egingiRins. of a bride -elect, Dawn Edwards. Sixty-eight friends and relatives attended: Euchre and contests were enjoyed by all. The bride then opened cher many lovely gifts and thanked everyone graciously. A lovely lunch concluded the evening. ngold HrMcGee and family have moved to their new home at Nile this week, formerly owned by Leslie Johnston. -o SHEPPARDTON SHEPPARDTON, June 12.—Mr. an4 Mrs. Claire Mitchell, of Drumbo, spent the week -end with Mr. and mrs. Leslie Johnston and friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were also celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Dougherty and Mr: and Mrs. Wm. McCann spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. E. •Pritchard, of Toronto, were visitors over the week -end at the home of Mr. R. Foster and family. SIG HAUL olieved To",i CPR officials to be tirotho ;,* px.441, trail over to. leave thb distr,xt,T-7.9 frojabt .eat3. 'were hauled ort h -y twin • diewla over the week -end. _Smote 01 the ears wore Picked • up. at McGaw, outside Gedevieh. 411 the min 110111111, QNt report 5 j Z*tr. loWstnolit of Godericii •every diy.1)y 0 ------ •0 Cauad'tan Esicit-na3, whc) numbcr, cdi 1Q53 than.10300 at the time of the 1.9a live in, FAU4i1 at'0.1W and have no dde,G, soldier, 4 was for =port. Meanwhile, tJte 1}0 eq svrv'cuL5. • • • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 • • WOekes Highest In Value Greatest in Prestige Custom -styled by Longines. Wittnauer, one of the world's great watchmakers 0 0 • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 • .• Father's Day Suggestions • • LIGHTERS AND C1GARET CASES LODGE, SIGNET STONE RINGS • WALLETS AND BILLFOLDS • EXPANSION BRACELETS • • TRAVEL AND DES It CLOCKS • PEN AND PENCIL SETS CUFF LINKS AND TIE BARS • ForDADor the GRADUATE you're sure • • selection priced to- fit every pocket book. • • m • • • N. Ormandy Jewellery • • 6 PHONE 835 THE SQUARE ip • N11.11111.11111111101111111.111111113111111111.; A. LONGINES. I4K gold case, available in yellow or white. 135.00 B. LONGINES. Self-winding. 10K Gold-filled. Waterproof; shock re- sistant; unbreakable mainspring. c$Cal.s4e5W,11:TrelloNwMoErRw'hitle°.KMaGtcutildin- $65.00 gfi lel es if. .pansion bracelet 0. WITTNAUER. 10K Gold-filled sc ai osne ;b au nn diq.ue alligator inlaid expan- S12.50 SEE THE OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF toughies Solid Gold Watches IN OUR WINDOW PRICED FROM 4.4 Aft. **all SOU OTHER FAMOUS WATCHES PRICED FROM $14.95. ELECTRIC SHAVERS KEY CHAINS JIGGERS BRUSH SETS AROMETERS ASH TRAYS 1 Po find find our wonderful • • • Make it a glad day for him with any o these gifts from THE MAJOR STORE. SHIRTS $3.95 UP a a TROPICAL SLACKS $6."up sox LEPROOF and leinitECTOR 4 SPORT SHIRTS Latest patterns, wide -selection BUY 1 -URE AND BANK TH5-111E,STO