HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 4fr 11 PA(E FOUR NORM ST., WIIS ELAS ASV B. C. lifIESSEONS Tile NUTS. of North Street Unit- e'd Cbraaala Met in the Sunday heal aeorra an Tuesday of last Week, IrR. Moorhead, convener at the resit ng group, oceupied ciiair and opened the meeting. ¶Lheri .tare lesson was read by M's. Mita Mrs. Howard Durniu of Gode- Tide, " 'Who spent 14 years teaching 24 Indian schools, mostly at Port Sini.peon but for eight years as S1fparintenden,t of a residential sehool at Kitimat --gave a review of the work done by the United Church '.•eissions on the B.C. coast. She also spoke of the work done by the mission boats, the John Pierce and the Thos. Crosby, on the coast line. At the close of the address an Indian prayer was read by Mrs. Moorehead. A solo was sung by Joanne Rapson. The president, Mrs. E. Dridham, oeeupled the chair for the business meeting. rt was decided to donate. five dollars to the flower fund. Mrs. Cloward Robertson, Christian stew- ardship secretary, read an excerpt - on Peace through Fellowship. 0 Canadian consumption consumption of ice cream is about two gallons per person per year. Township, Culvert Contract Awarded The contract to supply a culvert for the Telephone road, where the wash-out ocurred, has been awarded by Goderich Township Council to Rosco Metal and Roofing Products at a price of $2,5191. Meetir g at .Itolrnesville last week, Council chose this tender from ,,five which were submitted. The culvert will be 80 feet in length and seven feet in diameter, of the sectional plate design. Two tenders were received for the use of a power shovel needed in placing this culvert. The tender of G. F. Elliott, Clinton, was ac- cepted. A request from a ratepayer for an award re tile draining, was ac- cepted and ' referred to B. M. Ross, O.L.S., of Goderich, for inspection. Following accounts were present- ed and ordered paid: J. W. Elliott, land for Township dump, $300; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, 65c; Alex Wilson, fox bounty, $5; L. Westerhaut, fox bounty, $1; J. Merrier, fox bounty, $1; H. Mc- Cartney, Brucellossis inspector, $12.20; Reg Sturdy, livestock evalu- ator, $5; Peter Harrison, warble fly inspector, $65.30; Reg. Glenn, collecting arrears of taxes, $195.75; Peter Harrison, shooting one wild (1� N T A Good Short Terrn Investment It ENTU RES Issued for $100. and Upwards PER ANNUM - 5 Y • Per Annum el � 4 3 and 4 years ENQUIRIES WELCOMED TI4E ONTARIO LOAN & DEBENTURE CO. DUN, AS ST. AT MARKET LANE AND ON MARKET SQUARE LONDON • Assets Nearly $40,000,000 ONTARIO -24-5 H GODERICH SIGNAL,STAR MULSEANY, MINE 1.4th, 30 Q Peach blossoms in Ontario are just now making their appearance. Although two weeks later than usual, it is not expected that this will effect Ontario's annual crop of approximately 100,000,000 pounds of peaches. To mark the occasion of peach blossom time in Ontario, a blossom festival involving a big; parade was recently held in Niagara -on - the -Lake Representing the Ontario Peach Growers Association in the blossom festival was pretty, eighteen -year-old Jean Myers, U.S.A. National Peach Oueen from Kell, Illinois. dog, $5; Municipal World, supplies, $1.32; Stanley's Abattoir, relief ac- count, $67.33; A. H. Erskine, relief taxes, $30; Monteith & Monteith, audit, $250; Road Superintendent's pay roll No. 6, $113321.18. 0 0 0 To create one new job in Can- ada's primary steel industry re- quires an investment in plant and equipment of about $15,000. FIRST AID RENDERER TO ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes for all makes, and a complete stock of parts for Sparton TV. For instant service phone or call B. R. MUNDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf E1RAID SEE THE SENSATIONAL 2. Ire A SLEEPER -STROLLER Use hood if you wish. Mt remove footwell. Sock:est and footrest adjust to sitting or lying LOUB 6 -WAY CARRIAGE DESIGNED FOR THE AUTOMOBILE AGE • Solves the problems of travelling with bciby. 1. IT'S A BABY CARRIAGE with all Lloyd Quality Features „ o Genuine "Uonide" English leather cloth. o Now—"Uoydlubs" permanently lubricated wheel bearings. • "Ad1usta-vers hood (patented), • Safety hood spreaders. • Close fitting "Clear -Vu" storm apron. • Lloyd safety stand and brake --patented. o Adlystable handle heights. • Super -easy, comped folding - 3. IT'S AN AUTO DEO • The Travel -Lloyd body is easily AneCt00em 4. IT'S AN AUTO SEAT Sturdy, safe and comfortable. removed from the carriage frame. • Two hangers supplied 'vith each Travel-Uoyd Carriage. Hangers have 4 notches to adjust to varying heights of auto -seat backs. • For tiny babies, raise the bodcrest and it carries os shown in "A." Leaves room for two passengers. • For older babies, place as shown 1p "d." Hood may be used if..desired. 5. IT'S A BASSINETTE Far home or tgovelling, use the . "Travel -Lloyd" body with special folding land (available ds an extra). 6. IT'S A HIGH CHAIR Most convenient when travelling. BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE "ON THE BROADWAY OF GODERICH" WEST STREET LOOK! McLEAN BROS. offer scores o1 44 HURON COUNTY FARM REPORT By G. W. Montgomery Despite intermittent showers last week, farmers made considerable progress with the seeding of corn and white beans. Some of the early seeded spring grants were - sprayed for chemical weed control during the -week. Warm weather during last week also resulted in much improved hay,' pasture, fall wheat and spring grain growth. Forty Holstein breeders from the County took part in the annual bus tour, this year to Kent County on June 6. CRUSADE RALLY AT SEAFORTH DRAWS 1800 St. James' Church, Seaforth, played host to 1,800 persons at ;Family Rosary Crusade held in con- junction,. with Centennial observ- ance of the establishment of the London Diocese. aa.rishes represented at tll,.e: rally included: St. Augustine, Lucknow, umlban, Clinton, BIy tdr, : lKings- bridge, Dublin, Goderich, St. Joseph, Wingham, 'Brussels and Seafort:h. The rally, under the patronage of the Most Rev. J. C. Cody, D.D., LLD, Bishop of London, heard an enthusiastic 'hddress by the Rev. Father Patrick Peyton, CSC, who has been conducting similar rallies throughout the diocese. A welcome was extended by Mayor (Dr.) E. A. McMaster, Sea - forth; the )Lev. E. P. Weber, local parish minister, and by P. D. Mc- Connell, rally chairman. 0 0- o OBITUARY MRS. C. C. MrcNEI7, The funeral of Mrs. C. C. McNeil, 75, who died at her home here Wednesday morning of last week, was held from St. George's Angli- can Church Friday afternoon. Rev. K. E. Taylor officiated and inter - meaty was made in Colborne ceme- tery. The former Alice Marie Haugh- ton, she was the daughter of the late Agar Haughton and Elizabeth Ranting. Though born in Innisfill Township, Simcoe County, she lived much of her early life in Colborne - Township and latera moved to Gode rich. She went to Toronto 32 years ago, but returned here six years ago. MTs. McNeil was a member of St. George's Anglican Church and 'belonged to the Wo- men's Association. Besides her husband, she is sur- vived 'by one brother, Charles Haughton, Toronto, and three sisters, Mrs. Edna Clement, Tor- onto; Mrs. Charles Asquith, Au- burn, and Mrs. Frank Rogerson, Blyth. Predeceasing her were a sister, Mrs. J. Williams (Katie), of Colborne Township, and two bro- thers, + Archdeacon (Edward J. Haughton, of Springfield, IllizYt9is, and Rev. Reginald Haughton, of Barrie, Pallbearers ifor the funeral were IT. M. Ford, Charles Empey, Mel- vin Bell, James Nafte , R. C. Hays and D. J. Allan: Arrange- ments were in charge of the Lodge funeral home. o--- 0 0 The combined gross earnings of Canada's two 'principal railway sys- tems in 1956 totalled $1,187 mil- lion, of whirr they retained $31 million after payment of all charges. Visiting Goderich, Dettliit Councilman Finds Town "Wide-awake and Pleasant With the under way, 99 tourist season getting roughly the size of Harbor Beach, Huron County Museum which had a population of 2,347 in is once again a popular spot for visitors from far and near. One of the recent visitors was James 11. Lincoln, a member of the Conon Council, of Detroit. Telling of his visit, Councilman Lincoln wrote to J. H. Neill, cur- ator of the Museum, as follows: "Just a word of appreciation for the courtesy shown the Lincoln family. The entire family enjoyed our. trip through the very fine museum. We were especially in- terested in the exhibition showing the different methods of sawing lumber. It certainly took a great deal of skill and patience to con- struct this remarkable exhibit. "I was raised on a farm four miles south of Harbor Beach, Michigan (this is Huron County, Michigan). Harbor Beach is direct- ly west across the lake from Gode- rich. As a boy, I 'heard, Goderich mentioned from time to time, and it had always been my intention to pay a visit to our neighbors across the lake. 1 have long since moved to Detroit. "Recently. I was looking at a map and noticed that Goderich was roughly 137 miles from Detroit. Mrs. Lincoln and myself decided it would make a nice day's outing, for ourselviss and four children. We were'- pleasantly surprised. I thought that Goderich would be Nursing Home Pleasant surroundings. Operated by Reg. Nurse. Properly balanced homy cooked meals. er Tray service. Mrs. 11. Earnshaw PHONE 1593' 53 NORTH STREET -4tf 1950. Goderich must have a popu- lation close to /six thousand. We quieklyr.,noticed that the lawns and houses were well -kept, which is a good recornmendation for the people of any town. "We visited the parks and beach, and noted that two ships were in port. All of these things, together 'with the new Court House and Museum, gave the appearance of a wide-awake and pleasant com- munity. The .people we spoke to were friendly and pleased, to an- swer our questions. "You may be interested in know- ing that the land directly across the lake from Goderich is very similar. It is good farm country. However, the bank leading up from the lake at Goderich is much steeper than the area around Har- bor Beach, which gives the area around Goderieh somewhat of a scenic advantage, as well as certain, drainage advantages. "Detroit has a population of nearly two million people. We, like it here very much or we would not have madtOtour home. HId>rrr- ever, because of the fact that '1 was raised in a comnmunity not unlilte Goderich, 11 still find a special enjoyment in visiting small communities. "We look forward to coming to Goderich, again, when we can stay longer. "Thank Yon, again;I£or Y01,' at- tention and courtesy." Of Canada's ten provinces, four --Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan --'have names of Its. dian origin. BINGO LEGION HALL GOAERIC1H Saturday, June 16 JACKPOT OF $85.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 59 CALLS. 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. EXCLUSIVE! 'VD@ g PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Saturday, June 16th, 3:00 p.m., D.S.T. Sunday, June 17th, 3:00 p.m., D.S.T. BOSTON AT DETROIT BOSTON AT DETROIT ad radio djal B.undun ca 980- YU: US: You: US: YOU: US: You: Car ads, car ads and more car ads. ° Yes .•.. everybody's interested in cars. But the paper's full of 'em, pages and pages. Well... what's wrong ur,i6that? Most of 'em vague ... not enough details. Doesn't apply to Pontiac. Where's the difference? trs: Pontiacs specific ... lots of information. You: That so? us: Sure. We give you all the facts. YOU: Like what? us: Go ahead ... ask me anything you'd like to know. You: OK ... how Many Pontiac series and models? us: 6 series and 31 bnodels ... more than any other make of car. You: Mm-liXnm ... now what's the story on engines? us: 5—more and better than any other car. You: How about color and upholstery combinations? Us: Literally hundreds ... more attractive than any other car. '45 Esq, Plain talk frog- us to you YOU: So far so goodl... tell'me about transmissions. us: 5 altogether ... away ahead of competition. You: How do these things affect economy? us: Penny-pinchingest car you ever drove! You: Sounds like there's more of everything. us: Yes, sir ... that's Pontiac all the way! You: No wonder you're so free with theAetails. us: Sure .... Pontiac offers more. We're proud to talk aboutit. You: Anything more I should know? us: Nothing Pontiac can't prove—just drive one and see. YOU: Now? us: No time like the present. You: Where do 1 go? Us: To any Authorized Pontiac Dealer ... he'll treat you right! r1 . . . ° . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ,, , . . , . . . . . . P 1256 o SAMIS MOTORS Kingston and Victoria Ste. 45 Phone 344, Goderich 4 CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE RANGE OF COLORS AND SIZES McLEAN Sport Shirts � Sox �° Hats � Belts Dress Shirts Ties � Tie Bars � Suits BROS. Cuff Links Sport Coats � Pyjamas Men's otbi Boys' peva ba°d vat elk" 4q'�p4 t5 f,