HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 30 • FREE DELIVERY _IVI(JR: PAI', ATE. 1.4114 1.9b6 Goderieb Craftsmanship Draws Praise Of 3 Visiting European Pistributors Admiration' for the crr ,ftsmain- ship of Canadianris, and `IGoderich workers in particular, was express- ed by three much -travelled Europ- ean businessmen who visited here Monday as guests of Leon Black, president of W. A. Sheaffer 'Pen Co. of Canada Ltd. "In Europe, we all like the qual- ity of Canadian manufacturing," said John A. Dortmondr of Utrecht, The Netherlands. He is managing/ director of Jade -Drake Writin 1Vdatenials N.V. He,, added: "We are very favorably impressed with the working metho-ds of Mr. Black and the other Sheaffer people." Eric M. Loeb, president and gen- eral manager of Loeb & Cie S.A., of Paris, France, was also very impressed after a tour of the Gode- rich Sheaffer .plant, "1 have visit- ed many pen manufacturers in Europe," he stated, "but this is certainly the most modern." Max Hungerbu1ler, of St. Gall, SVvitzerland, pointed out, "Canada is well known in Switzerland as a country with a great future." Each of the visitors is a Sheaffer distributor in his own country and they expressed enthusiasm about the prospect of expanding sales. Sheaffer, they noted, is already, first in salesinn several countries, including Sweden anal Belgium. Mr. Dartmonid's, company is now an authorised manufacturing af- filiate of W. A. Shearer Pen Co. of Canada Ltd. and the Goderich plant is sup lying componezit parts for the operation. There will he a Sheer tesla at the International In4ustrleS Fair at Utrecht this fall and Mr. Dortmond looks forward to Mr. Black return- ing the visit at that time. As an item of interest, Mr. Loeb noted that the :Goderich plant man- ufactures special 18 carat gold pen points for shipment to France. The accepted standard in most other countries calls for 14 carat gold', ' but 'French regulations are different. Before leaving Goderich, the visiting businessmen were taken on a tour of the town iby Mr. Black. o----- o -------o LOCAL ISSUER The ,Departanent of Game and Fisheries has anonuneed the ap- pointment of Ken Pennington as issuer of fishing ° ,end hunting licenses. 110•••••••••••••0• aNM•ON•O••••ON••••••••• THE AT PARKTELEPHONE 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AiR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Now Playing—"THE RACERS' --Ins Cinemascope' and Techni- color --with Kirk Douglas. Filmed amidst the beautiful French Riviera. - . Mon., Tues. and wed.— Henry Fonda, James Cagney; William Powell and Jack Lemmon Warner Brothers Big Blue -Ribbon -winning comedy about a battered navy ship and its pompous ill-tempered captain. A picture YOU will remember! "MISTER ROBERTS" In Cinemascope and Color. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Abbott & Costello with. Marie Windsor and Peggy King A mummy—kept alive with a secret potion finds the clown princes of comedy in trouble in Egypt. "ABBOTT & COSTELLO Meet the Mummy" Next--"KISMET"—Scope and Color—Ann Blyth and Howard Keel. 000.004110.0000000000•0•11411000•1100•••0••••••••••••• 1 • • •• • • • • CIRCENQ EVAl For the geoidais O'lCa Of:I>lb- bations a,:d their activities, the Signal -Star keeps a book of Voznbag Events. in it are limed, as far as two and three months ahead, the date on which any organization plans to hold some event in Gode- rich. The purpose of this book is to aid in avoiding confliction in dates for organizations and their events. If your organiz- ation is planning some public event, say one, two or three months from now, phone in that date NOW to the Sigpal- Star in order that it might be listed in the Coming Events 'bark. If you are frying tq decide on some date, phone in to the Signal -Star and learn whetther same other event is already scheduled to take" place on the date you have in mind. This is a free Signal - Star service for the benefit of organizations. Make use of it. 0 HEAR WINNER Miss Joanne Rapson, winner of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., scholarship in the Huron County Music Festival, sang two numbers at the Chapter's meeting recently in the home of Mrs. H. Ford. Mrs. N. T. Ormandy was appointed to the local council of the Girl Guides, as the Chapter's representative. •00•••0.00••0••0000••00• BROWNIE'S With a telephone in the living room, a friendly call becomes a family visit Extend "telephone convenience" to any part of your home ! FOR EASY LIVING FOR, PRiVACY! Take the run out of running your home — have a telephone within easy` reach all over the house! rl Just $1.25 a month for each additional tele- phone ($1.00 in small centres). And where your telephone is part of the ddcor, there's a bright choice of red, green, beige or ivory. You can have your telephones installed in no time — merely call your Telephone Business Office. The charge for. installation is only $2 -- $12 more for color. P THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY F CA A A AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Off ce Opens at 8 p.m. (DST) First show at dusk. • 11.000••••••0•••••••••••• Thurs., Fri. June 14, 15 "PersaQnal -.Affair" Gene Tierney, Leo Genn:' TWO CARTOONS 11i••••••••••••••••••0••• Cnf_ i_1n �rac:t "TALL IN THE SADDLE John Wayne, Ella Raines - TWO CARTOONS 10000041160011•00000•000•0000 Tuesday, June 19 lS DOLLAR NITE You, your family, your friends can ALL see the show forw$1.O0. ONE •,OLLAR, ADMITS TFIE CAR LOAD Tues., Wed. June 19, 20 "ALASKA SEAS"` Robt. Ryan, Stan Stirling TWO CARTOONS 111•110••••0•••00•••••••••0• Thurs., Fri. June 21, 22 "WAR OF WORLDS" (Color) Gene arry, Anne Robinson TWO CARTOONS TWO shows nightly, , rain or clear. Children under 12 in cars free. -24 At IVAN'S FRUIT MARKET you can depeudon! •FRUflVbflABLES PLANTS TOMATO, CABBAGE, ETC, It will PLANTS payy©u later to plant these now. SHOP ERE AN' SATE ! ! WE SPECIALIZE IN ROSE BUSHES, $HRUBS, CUT FLOWERS, POT FLOWERS } HONE 1571. ODE:RIM SIGH Huge Quantities Grain Go By Rail Railways play a big part fn mov- ixrg grain nalazxd,{from Goderich, as well as the trucks, which confine their activities to ,abort hauls. y the end of June it is expected that More than 8,000,000 bushels of grain will have been moved from Goderich during tihe months of May and June by the two rail- ways—the ---the C.P.R., and the C,N.R. In May, the C.N.R. moved 1,500,000 bushels, or approximately 800 carloads. In June the C.N.R. expects to carry about 2,000,000 bushels inland.., This includes carrying grain for export to the ports of Montreal, . Quebec and Sorel. in May, the C.P.R. took from Goderich over 2,000,000 bushels, or approximately 1,000 carloads. In June, the C.P.R. counts on trans- porting nearly 3,000,000 bushels of grain from Goderich. Going Full Mast Building New Line The plants of Dominion Road Machinery Co., Ltd., are going .full blast to keep pace with orders for the completely re -designed line of Champion motor graders. Con. tractors have received the 1956 models with enthusiasm and orders have exceeded expectations. The company now employs over 125 men here. The new line, engineered 100 per cent by Canadians in Goderich, represents the results of the com- pany's 70 years of pioneering in its field. Though improvements have been made from year to year, this is the first major model change since 1948 when the 100 h.p. ma- chine was introduced. This year's new machines offer up to 134 h.p. with a new type of trans<tnission—torque-converter and power shift. There is neither a clutch pedal nor a conventional gear shift, but, as in the latest automobiles, the shifting is done at the touch of a lever, Cab of the machines has been re- designed to allow improved vision, and 'the firm has applied for pat- ents en" a new hydraulic mechanism for rotating the moldboard. Many contractors have expressed pleasure at the performance of the 1956 Champions, which are already in action from coast to coast in Canada. Cayley Hill„ sales man- ager, and Harold Rivers, service manager, are now away nn an in- speption tour, -calling on owners and operators of Champions in all parts of Canada. 0 In the first quarter of 1956 the value of foreign goods sold in Can- ada exceeded the value of Canadian exports by $225 million, compared with a trade deficit of $24 million in the same period of 1955. 11 .:NEW :AND ms -ED: PIANOS (Large Stock) FREE DELIVERY — SCHUETT'S 0 MILDMAY Furniture Showrooms G. E. SCHUETT Mildmay and Mt. Forest 22-24 CANADA ,Spend an exciting weekend in Toronto where lucre's alwayssome- thing to see and do—that's fun! With the Royal.York as your head- quarters, you'll ert{oy the last word in comfort and service ... superb meals preparod by master chefs and return home relaxed and refreshed. plan your weekend Howl •' EVENTS IN TORONTO_ June 23-24 # THOROUGHBRED RACING Now Woodbine Park - June 23 • BOAT ftA.CLNG. Royal Canadian Yacht Club Regatta --Toronto Island—June 23 • THEATRE Avenue Theatre—"Spring Thaw'` —Mune 23 Information and Reservations from: K. F. Wilkinson, be Canadian Pacific Railway Agent, rt, Goderich, Ontario. dis Ile du obit re ace rrit ( air h a s an chi IGu be A STAR K 'O BUY A ;'�IGZ ALr 1Or he aoi vwwi ee of Si ,- naI -Star re 4ei *o purchase their paper from geek to aures rather than by a yearly SLlhss.°ription through the mail, Vigaa 3Stnrs aro ;;old at the ,.. following Btazc(:, Cr+au ie's Tobacco Store Signal -Star OMce Goderich News • Stni ad (Formerly Wood's) un'lop's Drug Store A & P Store Lauder's Drug Store Dungannon-..Eedy'•s Store Auburn—Alf Rollinson Nile -,-Nile General Store Rolmesville ff. E. Gliddon ay�field Weston's ,r rug Store Saltford>—Tom Morris General Store. o o 0 In 1955 forest products were Can- ada's principal export commodity, making up more than a third of all foreign sales. to o.. 0 In the current year tax payments will cost an average of $2,000 per Canadian family. Many trick dogs accompanied the circus staged in Goderich last Thursday and sponsored by the Kinsmen Club. The dog shown above, valued at $400,- decided to go off on its own and look the town over. A frantic search was made for it all over town with the police and school children joining in the search. A reward was offered for its return. Just when circus officials had given the dog up for lost, it returned to Agricultural Park late Thursday evening. A clown here asks the dog why it was trying to leave the circus and , gets in return only a sheepish look as if to say, "I'll never do it again." Named Favorite Newspaper Corumn The Goderich Women's Institute met last Thursday hi MacKay Hall with the president, • Mrs. N. Clair- mont, presiding. The roll call was. answered with my favorite, newspaper column. During the, business session, plans were made for members to attend a picnic at Fanshawe Park on June 20, when Mrs. Berry, of Australia, president of Associated Country Women of the World will be pre- sent. A donation of $5.00 is to be given to Goderich Girl Guides. Plans were made for a bus trip to visit a sister institute at Sombre this summer. - . _ As the - Wes-; Huron Women's- 1aset re .di. disc a>anual....enr �e, 1p,e. was 'field' it IVMnmo1-IAT' rat• 17yth, on.June 6, the day ,before the Gode- rich W.I. meeting, the following members from Goderich attended, the first five as delegates: Mrs. N. Clairmont, Mrs: D. Riehl, Mrs. A. Straughan, 1VIrs. W. Price, Mrs. R. II. Wilson, Mrs. W. Kingswell, Mrs. A. Wilkin, Mrs. C. L. Bissett, Mrs. H. Montgomery, Mrs. J. Kernit;han, Mrs. Geo. Mathieson, Mrs. H. Tich- borne, Mrs. G. Inglis, Mrs. G. Proc- tor, Mrs. L. Bannister, Mrs. A. Allin, Mrs. E. Johnston, Mrs. It Chambers, Mrs. C McCabe. The reports of this meeting were given ,by Mrs. A. Straughan fur the morning session and Mrs. W. Price for the afternoon. Little Miss Judy Patterson favored us with the piano selection, Minuet by Gaoler, which won her the • Women's Insti- tute award at the Huron ('ounty r Music Festival, followed .by Son- atina. Miss Diane McConnell also sang a lovely vocal solo, "Road to i the Isles" accompanied by Mrs. J. Snider at the piano. A social hall hour was spent. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Butler, Mrs. C. L. Bis- sett, Mrs. J. McPhail, Mrs. J. Snider, Mrs. A. Farr, Mrs. A. AI]in and Mrs: W. Abell. e____e a---- __0 HONOR, GRANDDAUGHTER FORMER GODERICH � Miss Mary Louis Steinke, grand aughter of Mr. V.cfor Lauristen. f Chatham, and -for,nery of Goclt� ich, and Mrs. Lauriston, has been lected president •,f .t he 7\;at tuna; tudent Nurses A<,ociation of the nited States. She wa giver. itis onor at a recent c•envcnti in n Chicago. Miss Steink daughter of aptian and Mrs. F. A Steinke, of afayette, California, t latter .1 .aughter of Mr. and Jr: I ',uri'- )n, is a junior st ten.. at tin aiser Foundation Sc"riinl of Nur,- g in. Oakland!, ('alifo: nt:, She also presid t of Op, Student urses Association n( •'.rlif irni.t s national president, she u.i14 re resent student nurse of 'tic nited States at the Internatlon.il ongress of Nurses at Kome, Italy, ext spring. d a r e s h C •a tr K in is A p U n MOVE PC D. H. WHTT'IELD REPLACEMENT NOW HERE A member of .Goderich detach ment of Ontario Provincial Police for the past six years, Constable D. H. Whitfield has been trans- ferred to Guelph detachment. He is being replaced here by Con stable Alex Twaddle, formerly of Gu;lph. COnstahle Whitfield, who has en on the force for about eight ars, served in the Mount Forest trict before coming to Godcriefh. has already taken up his new ties with Guelph detachment, t his wife and two sons will main in Goderich until suitable ommodation is 'found in the Y. 'onstahle Twaddle, who is now ached to the (oderich office, been on the force about three i d a •half years llis wife and two ldren will be moving here from elph when b,t'ing tguariers can located. .. ♦f . n vs� "lrl the heart of downtown Toronto" A CANADIAN PACIFIC HOT t. Signal -Star classified ads bring results. P000•000004r00000.41411111H11•04 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND ANC!NC EVERY SATURDAY CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA IT'S ,NEWI IT'S SWEET AND SMOOTH! sl -22tf 000•11160.000•000450000•006 PAS TIMM �Z 00 MOON LOW *U Rev. V414 W. Wittiam,s retui-i*d to ''anion burets on the 3iavatiiti401 4 f the Sunday ; pa l to jr �•zt the a.>f ua°iitidie�, a Flower' Sre. vk0 ou. Surxday, Tune . Mr. llama tike on Grad's nt e -n axtd The `avelValed church was 'ary tistieally decorated with :,ring ftoWer . A. central .stir was trap,*, formed into an object of boauty' when, the yarutit choir deprtiteti doable narcissus bloen liobout The eholr anclt+:b.ea thea •zatig them processional chows, "Star 14 Bethlehem." Everett Mdilwa%n, the • S �rermn- tendont and.'Rev. Stapley Moots directed( the worship service. rke. The choir committee, was Mrs. Austin Fuller, Mrs. Gerald Orr and Mrs.. Thomas Wilson, the organist. The.; decoration committee included Mrs. Harvey Fuller, WS. Carl Stoddart and Mrs. Cart Sowerby. The �setnior u1d )u�ntor youth choirs sang tihree anthems and a duet was rendered by Patsy 'Mc - /twain and Joan Huekins.. The ushers were four boys from the school. WE STAND I ETW€EN ` r you AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 23d0 43A- West St. Goderich 7tf FOR GIFTS DADay. FATHER S DAY JUNE 17 SMOKES SPECIAL! Cigarets $2.99 Carton Choose from our wide selection of SMOKERS' SUPPLIES— cigars, cigarets, tobacco, pipes, lighters and wallets. We also have famous Remington and Ronson ELECTRIC RAZORS. GODERICH NEWSSTAND V1T rikr.AYAS°. 23-4 Q�CEt�E5T OR REfUJtp.0f4/0 4.Guaranteed by 1-, Good Housekeeping °IAS ADVERTISED iwt�E` Advertised in and .Guaranteed by Good Noiiseheepii g M agaxii1 e Made By A Serta Associate r , '�+..: Full or Twin Sure. Matching; Bou Spring Same Low Sale Price • Compare with othelr Ti pfted $ Mattresses Seising alp is - 95 Only now during this Ilmited'sale period can you pocket such generous cold cash savings on bedding of outstanding quality by one of America's leading makers! Remember: both the Good Housekeeping Seat and Seita's na- tional reputation are your assurance of value. SALE ENt1S SOON BUY AND SAVE NOW! ALL 4 OF THESE LUXURY AND HEALTH FEATURES INCLUDED: 1. Gorgeous long - Wearing Coverings Nationally famous for quality and beigty 2. Resilient, flocillrful Innerspring Hundreds of coils cushion you head to foot .Trade -Mork 0 1956 Sesta Astortatea, tar Makers o1 the Smooth Top Porters Steeper"® Mattr°ss 3. 'Extra thick insulation Arida -ort years to mattress life. 't. Pottcstly Mattc 1 CORS 3trg For matching comfort and marinas 1Iu ry! Price Suhfoct to C1icQipe without Notice.? Buy Now and Save LOD E FURNITUR WEST, STREET eie