HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-14, Page 2a.�e tibtritil ' ivattar )£ URON COUNTY'S ) OREMOST WEEKLY et Astablished 1,8 +. its 109th year of publication. ABC, Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited' O �edrscription Rates --Canada and Great !:+ritain, $3.00 a year; to United �' Ott a. li►10 States, $4.00. StrictOy in advance. Advertising rates on request Telepho:. e 71. r,uthor}aed as second-class mail, Post O'hce Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Towns Representative: C.W.N.A. 237 'oy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 30000 --Largest circeeba$ion of any newspaper 'published an Herron County --Over 3,000 llliernber off Canadien- WcokOy Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. GEO. L. fdLLOS, Editor and Publisher. 0• THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1956 PIPELINE BILL PASSES AT OTTAWA The Trains -Canada pipeline bill has passed into law at Ottawa, after weeks of strong opposition amounting to. determined obstruc- tion. Thoughout its passage it had the solid support of the Government members and the Social Credit group, while in opposition the Conservatives and the C.C.F. members were almost as solidly allied., The ranks of the opposition parties were broken only by the defection of Mr. Nickle, one of the Conserva- tive members f -roan ('algary, who spoke effec- tively in support of the bill.. The Governmentt, is advancing large sums to the private company which is engaging to construct the pipeline and bring natural gas from the oil fields of Alberta to Ontario and Quebec, and the Ontario Ura-vernnrent is eon - EDIT tributing $35,000,000 to the heavy cost of putting the pipeline through the sparsely - set- tled territory of Northern Ontario. Alberta needs an outlet for its natural gas and is losing millions every year it is with- out one. Ontario is expected to provide the principal market in Central Canada. To es- tablish. the connection. between Alberta and Ontario is no small undertaking, and as Can- adian capital was not forthcoming the Govern- ment finally made the arrangement with Trans- Canada,, which has IT. S. capital behind it. If the company fails to live up to the terms of a stiff contract the Government is empowered to take over the pipeline and either lease it to another company or turn it over to a Crown company. R1AL NOTES A. drive through the Huron countryside shows quite a number of new orchards. The ravage caused in the apple orchards of this county by the great frost of 1934 may never be completely repaired, but it is gratifying to see these new -plantings which indicate that Huron may again be one of the great apple - growing counties. The teire1e _-of.: chestnuts on tile- Square whose eandlelike blossoms iu early June used to make -'a charming picture has disappeared as one of the changes in the park. However, when the grass grows again and the find; new THE GODE +`,ICH SIGNAL.STAR ,Clown Mernory's Lane Court house stands in the midst of the remain- ing trees, with a splendid. broadway surround- ing all, Goderich will have a centre almost unrivalled in Ontario. e The destruction of the power statism on the New York side of the Niagara River, with an estimated loss of $100,000,000, following the recent accident on the Ontario side which temporarily blacked out a considerable part of tltiy Province, points once more to the- depen- dence placed on things considered indestruc- tible which may unexpectedly fail. The lesson should not be lost on those tvlio are responsible for Ontario's power-..paliey. .._ ANNUAL AIR FORCE DAY i s•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HELD AT RCAF, CLINTON Many people from Goderich and district attended the annual, Air Foroe Day held at Clinton RCAF, on Saturday. Outstanding attraction was the roaring flights of jet aircraft. In addition there were parades, dis- plays of ta-chriical equipment and numerous interesting exhibits. Guests were greeted at the sta- tion by Group Captain H. C. Ash- - down, commanding officer. .tea- ing on behalf of the visitors Were .�a,,...,...� ani. -•a,- . M.P.P., and Mayor William Miller, of .Clinton. I is understood that Croup Captain Ashdown will be receiving a pro -motion, of a posting "Law and Order" at Ottawa in the near future. 45 Years Ago After 19 years as rector of St. George's Church here, Rev. Marek Turnbull has left for a new field of service in Mexico. achieved 130 percent of its quota. Dr. Harold Taylor, who was overseas with the' Canadian Arany Medical Corps in the First World War, has again reported for ser- vice with the ROAMC. glurtvn County Council request • u the HEPC of Ontario to adopt a flat rate ter electric power in order to remove the present "discriminatory schedule which has retarded the industrial development of this sec- tion of the province." Fourteen truckloads of salvage Were eolleeted by the truckers who undertook the project in aid off the war effort. Two district men were fined one dollar each, plus costs, for violat- ing a town bylaw which prohibits the setting off of firecrackers with, in 100 yards of a building, 10 Years Ago Council decided to increase sal- aries of all town employees by 10 per cent. Three vessels are tied up here, unable to discharge their cargoes, due to the continuance of the seamen's strike. Archbishop Seager, metropolitan of Ontario, conducted, impressive confirmation and dedicatory ser- vices in St. George's Church in Goderich. Purity Flour Mills applied for a permit for repair and replacement of the salt plant building at an estimated cost of $80,000. Goderich Saddle Clvib announced plans for a big Dominion Day pro- gram, including running races, jumping competitions, a buggy race and wrestling on horseback. 0 0 -0 UNION Lawyers ol.ering their services iia the pages of The Signal in 1911 were M. O. Cameron, Charles Gar - row, M. 0. Johnston and the firm of W. Proudfoot, R, C. Hays and J. L. Killoran. A party of six Toronto and an - don men have purphased 66 lots at Menesetunig Park and have aomameneed work on a project to build cottages and otherwise de- velop the area. Rev. Alfred frown is to assume Uhet pastorate of North Street Methodist Church in July. He comes to Goderl h from St. Paul's Church, Toronto. Fourteen; coaches, carrying 1,,000 persons, made up the excursion train that arrived from Listowel and intervening points this week- ind. It was a union school outing. 25 Years Ago The Goderich Motorcycle Club has been formed by 14 local motor- cyclists. Prank Bowra is president, Bill Lumby, jr., is secretary -treas- urer and Bert is is road cap- tain. The club plans to hold hill climbs every Tuesday evening be- hind Saltford. Miss Jean Cowan has resigned from the Goderich Collegiate In- stitute staff to accept a position as secretary of the Girls' Work Board -Of the Presbyterian Church. The congregation of Knox Pres- byterian Church is considering im- provements to the basement, in- cluding a new steam heating plant, at a most of about $10,000. A new A & P Store opened at the corner of the Square and North street on June 24. Many Goderich and district people attended the annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto. The event, which was held at the CNE grounds, was fea- tured .by baseball matches between North and South Huron teams, 15 Years Ago Though there are still several days left iii the current Victory Loan campaign, Goderich - has SUNSET Drive- in Theatre 11/% MiteiJZast of Goaarich, on No. 8 Highway - Thursday—Friday TO RENT MODERN Service Station OOD GALLONAGE Immediate possession. APPLY D. KO hs L Phone Seaforth 385 24.x Ronald Regan, Dorothy Malone CARTOON HNN••••••••N•••iN••i THERE'S 4 f!G 1144 IN DAD'S EYE .... O Williams, Wallaceburg, a former pastor, as guest speaker. The children's choir under the direc- tion of Mrs. Austin Fuller, was ac- companied by Mrs. Thomas Wilson. The ehureh was appropriately de- corated with tulips and ferns by a , ouunittee convened by Mrs. Harvey Fuller. A large crowd attended in spite of the inclement weather. Gerald Orr and Maurice Mc- Ilwaiin were inducted as elders by Rev. Mr. Moote at last Sunday's service. ASHFIELD UNION, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, June 11.—Flower Sunday. -- The Sunday School held the an- nual Flower Sunday with Rev. Mr. Mr. and ivlrs. ',b ouglas Houston, of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. Colin MacGregor. Miss Mabel Macdonald, of Wind- sor, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Macdonald. The members of tithe W.M.S. were guests at the June meetingthe Kincardine Auxiliary, Tuesday es evening. Anniversary services will be held in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 17, with Rev. Wallace McClean, of Luck - now, as speaker at both services, in the morning at 11, and in the evening at 7.30. Rev, J. R. Macdonald preached at the anniversary services at Zion last Sunday and Rev. A. Dickison had charge of the services in Ash- field and Ripley. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector MacLean last week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Schillroth and children, and Miss Lois Mac- Lean, of Owen Sound. 0 0 0 Canadians are spending annually about $1.2 'billion on new housing, about $1.7 billion on national de- fence, and mare -than $2' billion on state welfare and social security. ONE COAs COVERS MOST OLD PAINTED SURFACES CORNISH ELECTRIC WEST STREET PHONE 141 TIORSDAY, JUN1 ktb, 1950 • PETE McGILLEN Columnist, author... Pot, McGfilon knows Ontario • as tho spartsnares paradise FAR -AWAY FIELDS MAY LOOK GREENER "Far away fields only look greener to those who cannot see. Here in Ontario we have the `green fields' that are the envy of the world. In these green fields are everything that the vaca- tioner could possibly desire: mighty waters and quiet. oneo, rugged hills and peaceful valleys, history and progress, romance and rest, fish and feather, fur and flower. To Know ONTARIO Better is to find that it is best—and it's just outside your garden gate." PETE MCGILn.EN TO HOLIDAY in Ontario can be a rich, exciting experience for every family. How much do you really know about your own great Province? Here is family vacationland, abounding with interest and variety, and excellent accommo- dation even for an overnight trip. Cash in on the rich dividends of sight-seeing so amply spread across the countryside. Choose your pleasure ... be it lazin' in the sun, fishing, golf or sharing in the zest of a holiday resort. yes! "Know ONTARIO Better" could well be the theme for your family holiday this year! r FREE ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 400, 67 College St., Toronto, Ontario. Wo, at tho,Deportmonl of Travol & Publicity will wolcome your enquiries about Ontario BRYAN L. CATHCART, Mlnlstor Please send me free literature and road map of Ontario Name._ Address Post Office Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity, Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Mlnlster Before you buyy truck June 14-15 CARTOON Saturday—Monday COME X "The Great Dan Patch "bennie O'Keefe, Gail Russell June 16-18 CARTOON Tuesday—Wednesday COME Y "Belles h n Their Toes" Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain June 19-20 CARTOON i30X OFFOCE OPENS 8 P.M. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Children under 12 in cars free. PLAYGROUND - REFRESHMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _SPORTS _- CALENDAR 'THURSDAY, JUNE 14— Ladies/ FastbaOO Florence Chicks vs. Goderich Dodgers at Agricultural Park MONDAY, JPNE 18— Intermediate • Softball Ripley at Benmiller Lucknow at Port Alberti WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20— Ladies' Fastba00 Stratford vs. Goderich odgera at Agricultural Park JULY 1 to 15 - Goderich Jaycees Bass erby JUNE 24— inal day of Goderich Aqua Club Perth Derby. WH4 MPANY ,UMITED ALUMINUM AWNINGS i0 OR, OF YOU PREFER, CLOTH AWNINGS Ornamental pIron Railings Beautify your home with either or both of these. AND REMEMBER We make a special point o SERVICING WHAT WE SELL( — ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION. — JACKSON HOMES LIMITED SEAFORTH Ph®nb 3W During Day ear 3J in tee ring. u23ff Father's day is just a reminder that he's as smart and well- groomed as ant,Rfetbeepeupgater,s. The secret? He always relies up- on Goderich French Dry ,Cleaners to keep his clothes neat and like new. • GODERIM DRY CLEANERS WEST Sr. C•n+t� /2 2 C.R.LOWERY, P12OP. • • } • ••••••••••••••••••••••••t Brighter Stars for Drive in -Viewers Your favorite movie star's smile beams three times as clear and bright from an aluminum screen recently developed for outdoor theatres. The new screen has won the praise of both audiences and owners. Little wonder the latter like it: one operator found his receipts increased by $40,000 in two months after he replaced his conventional screen with the highly reflective, weather-proof aluminum job. Andno it goes ...Stilt another improved product, still another use for this versatile modern metal. The result: everybody 8ains by production from Cana- dian smelters that already ac- count for a quarter of the world's primary aluminum. ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANA " A, LTD. (ALCAN) ERCURY TRU(K NOIR - Most competitive PRICES' in history!. Whatever you haul, there's a Mercury Truck just right for your job—and at an eye- opening price. Now more than ever, Mercury Trues are big money -savers, from initial cost right throughout their long life. NOW -More POWER far your' dollar! Compare Mercury's short -stroke power, 6 or V-8, and Mercury prices and --you'll find more power for your money all down the line. Choice of eight engines up to the 212 Hp; "Power King" V-8 with 4 -barrel carburetor and dual exhausts. NOW -More VALUE whatever' you haul! Mercury Trucks are loaded with advanced features that cut operating costs and ensure tong and dependable service. Now, in all weight classes from 4,600 lbs. G.V.W. to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W. Mercury Trucks are your best buy. A call to your Mercury Truck dealer now will open your eyes. GET THE LATEST COMPETITIVE PRICES ON THE TRUCK FOR YOUR 101 Move it with mlICURY TRUCKS for less! VISIT—OR PHONE YOUR MERCURY TRUCK DEALER 1 SERHART'S GARAGE T. ANDREW'S STREET METEOR, MERCURY AND LINCOLN PHONE 625 OR A SAFE BUY USED RUCK SEE YOUR MERCURY TRUCK DEALER