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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-07, Page 5
• THUFSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1956 ST GEORGE'S CHURCH Vit. JUNE 10, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ,"1 i + 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. ‹) Special Preacher—Rev. N. D. B. Larmonth, D.D. Junior Congregation and Nursery.' 7 p.m. Evensong, Rev. N. D. B. Larmonth, D.D. Monday, June 11, St. Barnabas o Holy. Communion in the Chapel, 10 a.m. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A„ D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster ittri° North Street United Church ' 'cy SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1956 '�,►�4' 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ;.w 11 a.m. SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE. RE -DEDICATION SUNDAY. 7 p.m.. BIBLE S1'UpY. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. �kTIIX liX£abutPTT2IYC (ThIiTCil Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H, Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) NO EVENING SERVICE 'DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 'MONTREAL S1 REET 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL—a class for every age. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Younger children taken care a during this service). 7 p.m. The Annual Church Parade of Victoria L.O.L. 182. Monday, 7.30 p.m. Choir and Young People's Union. Thursday and friday, 7 p.m. Explorers. Friday, June 8, 2 p.m. W.C.T.U. County Convention. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.CJN., Minister. Organist. Victoria Street United Church SUMMER HOURS IN THE CHURCHES BIBI,.E SCHOOL FOR ALL. ONE INCREASING FELLOWSHIP. Dedication of Communion Table, and Bible Marficere 10 a.m. Benmiller Church before Sunday School. 11 ra.m Union tan S vnda School with -Church at t, r.:Two-Eiders will be inducted at the Church Se vice. ,., _•,a .>-v�mw•,`8 '„'nom-:. . ;,. a w:. • ` ay0'a �.,.iLa*C>lv+y a+-�>:za. .lr:!w.c:i; v,1s"..•S•m- ...:u Miser—�v:Stantty A. Ni rote, 'b:A: "B:Ii. `- Ministry of Music—Mr. Bert. Kempster. • 10' a.m. 11 a.m. HEAR .. THOS. WYATT on Wings at Healing Every Sunday CKLW at 8:00 P.M. (DST) DETROIT — 800kc. 21-26 11 Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, JUNE 10 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. All are welcome to any or all of these services. Pastor, T. J. McMichael THE GCDI RICH SIGNAL -STAR . ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS 18. Births 11. Auction Sales Tiff PUBLIC TRUSTEE, AS AD- MINISTRATOR of the estate of Frank 'Wm. Berry, has instructed me to sell by public auction at lot 8, concession 2, Colborne Town. ship, on TUES PAY, JUNE 12 at 1.30.m. 1 hand seeder; 1 hand cultivator; wheelbarrow; Phileo table model TV set; Astral refrigerator; oil stove; table; cupboard; a. chairs; trunk; dresser; wood stove; electric washing machine. MMS --GASH. ESTATE OF FR A NIC WM. BERRY. 'HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. -23 AUCTION SALE IN VILLAGE of ayfie4d, on Saturday, June 16, at 2.30 p.m., of household ef- fects including glass cupboard, antique walnut bedroom suite, ntique clock, dishes, toilet sets, drop-leaf table, Quebec cook stove, Quebec heater, trunks, wardrobe, 'bureau, sideboard. Many other articles. Terms Cash. Estate of the late Elizabeth. Reid. MATT GAYNOR, 23.24- - Auctioneer. 12. Tenders Wanted 'MENDER'S WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to June 14th to supply one tractor, 21 to 26 horsepower, equipped with 10" or 11" tires, headlights, power take off, front end industrial loader in- dependently 'hydraulic controlled bucket, 9 cubic feet. Delivery to be made at once. The above tender is subject to a 1948 Ford tractor with front end loader attached to be figured as a trade-in. Please supply • full particulars and quote net cash difference on a sales tax free basis. _Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. S. H. BLAKE, 23- Town Clerk. 14.° In Memoriam CAREY. — To the memory of Charles Carey, who passed away on June 11, 1952. What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see; To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to me. —Ever remembered by his wife, Isabella. -23 13. Personal FND OF JUNE CLK-O time fir any Sigual +tar sub- scription in arrears. Avoid inter- .ruption in receiving your paper by renewing that subscription today. 23-2e 15. Cards of Thanks Cl3;AlCI RD. --I wish to take this opportunity to thank my friends and relatives for their kindness to me while in hospital and for ' flowers, cards and letters which I reiceived 'while there. A special "Thank you" to Rev. G. Watt and Wendy who visited me. These are all deeply appreciated. MRS. W. J. CRAWF+ORD. 23 RYAN.—Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Dungannon, would like to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness and help dur- ing their illnesses. -23 BRERETON.—My grateful thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff at the Goderich hospital and also those who remembered me with greetings, flowers and gifts dur- ing my recent illness. 23x MABEL DRERETON. 16. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood, of Goderich, announce the engage, ment of their daughter, Norma Catherine, to Mr. John Lewis Alex- ander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alexander, Wingham. The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, July 7, at 2.30 p.m. at North Street United Church, Goderich. . 23x The engagement is announced of Ada June Crich, Sarnia, daughter of Mr. Nelson Crich, Qoderich, to A.B_A.O. William Walter Bell, R.C.N., Shearwater, Nova Scotia, son of Mr. R. W. Bell, Goderich, Ontario. The wedding will take place, Saturday, June 23, 1956, in Central United Church, Sarnia.' 23x Mrs. Ismay McLean wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Helen Esther, to Mr. Arthur Robert Semrnler, of Lon- don, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Semmler, Detroit, Michigan. The marriage will take place on Satur- day, June 30, 1956, at 3 p.m., at North Street United Church, Goderich. - 23x B 3THEL 'ENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE . o . .. ....... Cl Al ♦. sem. JUNE 10 — CLOSING SERVICES IN PRESENT BUILDING. — HEAR — REV. and MRS. H. J. UNDERHILL Former Pastors return to Goderich to preach last services in Church purchased under their leadership. Many friends will want to meet them again this Sunday at Bethel. The Underhills are returned Missionaries from India. 10 A.M. — SUNDAY SCHOOL, Mrs. Underhill. 11 A.M. — MORNING WORSHIP, Rev. H. J. Underhill 7.30 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE, Rev. H. J. Underhill. (Beginning June 17, temporary location, MacKay. Hall). "A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU." PASTOR—R. J. GREEN. JO N ON. ---tit Alexandra Has- pital, Goderich, on June 2, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Goelerieh, a daughter. .-}•,At the Oakville Trafalgar' Hospital, Oakville,..en Thursday, May 31, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald H: Ross, a daughter, (Janice Elizabeth). WH1T1daLY.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on June 3, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Whitely, R.R. 5,. Goderich, a daughter. 20.Public Notice -,THE ANNUAL PICNIJC OP' THE Ashfield Township schools will be on June 14, 1956, at Kintail Presbyterian Camp. Basket Lunch. Cups, plates, and drink provided. Everybody welcome. -22-23 %YOUNG MAN DRIVING TO Edmonton, Alta., Ieaving on June 10, would share expenses with two or three passengerts. Phone 213 between 6 and 7 p.m. 23x �LL MEMBERS OF VICTORIA L.O.L. No. 182, Goderich, and visiting brethren are requested to meet at the Lodge Hall, Hamilton street, on Sunday, June 10, at 6.30 p.m. for the purpose of attending divine service at the Baptist Church, Montreal street, Goderich. GORDON BOWERS, W.M. 3- 21. Business Notice . FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47tf FOR ALL . YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is - FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLO I Eli HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. -11tf Guaranteed ra,L I© spec. WIa. IREiNHART ELECTRIC, Fla =rr ton street, phone 460. -12 Ki ED IT AERIAL SERVIICE. 'Aerials installed as low as $49. Aerials moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year. HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, Bou(. street, Goderich, pone fi -34tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped ,and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given with- out obligation. LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone '42 ring 6, Brussels. 20-31x FOR YOUR AUTO, FIRE, LIA BJLITI'Y, accident and sickness insurance see GEO. 'IPUkt'FON, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone collect 179, Carlow. Co-operative Insurance representative. • -20tf mE WAN'T'ED To- TRAIN AS DRAFTSMEN In a few short months you can be cashing big pay cheques. There is a tremendous demand for drafts- men. We will train you at home in your spare time to be a drafts- man. No drafting background or previous training needed. All books and instructions for as little, as $1.50 a week or $6.00 a month. Established 1897 not for profit. Draftsmen are desperately needed by industry. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO PRE- PARE FOR BIG STEADY PAY AND A GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTSMAN. WRITE FOR FREE INFOR1fATION AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept. G., S.S. • 71 Lorne Crescent, Brantford, Ontario MAIL without any obligation com- plete information and 156 -page .book on over 50 good paying jobs, including — Draftsman. Name Age Address -22 FLOOR SANDING, OLD AND new floors sanded and finished. CREE COOK, phone HU. 2-3832, Clinton, or Bayfield 65 r 2. -23tf SID BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP now open for custom cabinet making, furniture repair_ Sharp- ening of all types of lawn mowers and cutting appliances, skill saw for rent. Money back guarantee on all work done. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 23-26x letXTER IOR AND INTERIOR painting during July _ and August. Apply GORD. FARLOW, 263 Cobourg street. Experienced and guaranteed workmanship. 23-25x 22. Lost and Found MacDONALD-,----0ASILEY A reception in the Rose Rooms the Granite Club, itoliowed'the nc.- riage of Wanda Jame Peasley, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Prank E. Beasley, Toronto, to Allan Ken- neth Ma D nald, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Filsinger, Gode- rich, in Yorkanixtster aptist Church, Toronto. Standards of white, gladioli a chrysanthemums Brined the set- ting for the ceremony performed by Rev. Dr. Emlyb Davies. The bride, given m marriage by .)ser father, wore a grace ul bouffant gown of taffeta -sized nylon cbaffon, styled with lace bodice, the new high boat neckline, and hip yoke ;of .frosty lace on the panelled gkirt which. featured a train. Her matching lace cap held her waist -length French il- lusion veil and she carried a cas- cade of white orchids, white carna- tions, and stephanotis. The attendants were Misses Dawn Steokley, of Oshawa, maid of honor, 'and Ann Johnston, Patricia Moss and Audrey Dennison, all ref Tor- onto. Their dresses of turquoise nylon chiffon had softly draped neck and hiplines, and very full skirts worn over hoops." All wore thatching open -crowned bonnets and carried cascades of French carnations and myrtle. Mr. Reface MacDonald, of Goderich, was groomsman, and the ushers were Messrs. Peter Lindsay, Warren Beasley, cousin of the bride, and David Robinson, cousin of the groom, all of Toronto. Miss Joan Lock sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love." Receiving,, the bride's mother wore a gown of champagne lace over ice pink taffeta, with a small hat of matching tulle" Her corsage was of pink orchids. The groom's mother assisted in an imported original gown of Venetian lace in blending tones of champagne and bronze- Her wide -brimmed hat was swathed in matching -toned organza and she carried a purse 'corsage of champagne and bronze orchids. Mr. Ross Workman, of Toronto, a life -fang friend -of. the .bride, was master of ceremonies. For their wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, Mrs. MacDonald chose a sandalwood suit with fur stole, matching accessories and ail orchid corsage, Following the wedding the bridal party went on to dance in �rezr�o- P.e!iG?MX 548, F. E. Beasley. (otder.uit ,gue:,t4 attending the 1Wrid1!ij We.0: Mr. and Mrs,.p 1 �Y .1'. ar:en, M . and Mrs. ,Tan ewlr a Pin $, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Don- nelly, Mr. and Mrs'. ° Roy Bri'eeken, ridge, Mr. and Mr3. Frank Curry, Air Vice lkxars ial and- Mot. J. A. Sally, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Sander- son, and Mr. and Mr, . G. L, Elly, Those entertaining for Miss Wanda junk Beasley before her mania - e to Mr. Allan Kenneth Mac+Dohald were Mrs. J. 'R. W. Johnston, Miss Ann Johnston, Mrs. Robert Lauder, Miss. Audrey Denni- son: b%. Archie Bath Miss Vivi Smith, Mrs.. W. IT. Jairvis, all ,til 1hronto• Mrs. Bruce MaeDonaid, Goderi.e ; Miss Elaine Richards and Miss Dawn Steekley, Of Oshawa; Miss Marion Pope and the 1955 graduation class of -St- Clementts School; ,office associates , of the. bride. Aims. •F. E. Beasley enter- tained ntertains d the bridal atte iiants at a luncheon at the Granite iClub. and Mr. and Mrs. George Filsinger entertained the bridal party at the Granite Club following tate rehearsal. a-----�---o NEW MUSIC SUPERVISOR COMES FRIM FORDWhC'R The new musk supervisor for Goderich Public School is Ron Klink, of Fordwich. At a special meeting of the board, he was chosen from six applicants to• tall the position left vacant by the death of Mrs. E. Wendort. Salary of the new supervisor will be $1,500 per year. For the past year, Mr. Klinek has been supervisor of music for Harriston Public School and for schools in McKillop Township and the St. Marys area. He is organist and choirmaster At Knox Presby- terian Church in Harriston and he also teaches piano classes for 20 students in Fordwich. In past years, he was organist at Palmer- ston Lions Arena. 0 0 —o SCOUTS WIN Goderich Third Troop earned the highest rating in efficiency tests conducted at tih -Bdy Scout "camp- e oree" at Forester's Bridge, on the Maitland River, last week -end. Despite the unfavorable weather, the camp attracted 106 boys from troops of Huron district. Troops came from Ailsa Craig, Clinton, Exeter, Blyth, Lucan, Zurich, Sea- orth, Centralia RCAF and Gode- the ballroom, guests of Mr. and. -rich. FURNITURE REPAIR RE- CK SPANIEL ,PUP - i FIA$, i B �M(?i1F�C n •. e ,...-ntV, 'rheratte a` License° last: j - R-iTPHOISTER�II�TG FANCY Phone ANDREW BOGIE, ' 19 r 4, 1 CABINS WORK. M. BLOK, Dungannon. Reward. 23x PHONE 1200 OR 892. 23.26x �OR AR'1°I>r'iCIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. -17tf CARPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING and plumbing. Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing- FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Car- low 1108, -19tf MOVING—GENERAL CARTAGE ED. JEFFREY. -48t1 LADY'S WATCH LOST. FINDER please phone 177. Reward. 23x TRAIN DRIVERS The driver training course will be revived at Goderich District Collegiate Institute, it was an- nounced at a meeting of the GDCI Board Tuesday. Fifty students .:have already applied for the course, said Principal A. R. Scott. A staff member, J. Stephens, will attend a supervisory course in driver training during July. RQUSC Auto Electric has offered to supply a car and instruction may start before the summer holidays are over. • TO&ILQPJG L -O -N -G LOOK a� 'tit-iA NEW 0 6 PASSENGER COMFORT BIG DOORS . EASY ACCESS Wide front and rear doors make getting in and out easy. Automatic entry light switch on all doors. Both front doors have key locks. NEW LARGE TRUNK This Targe trunk will hold luggage for the longest journey. Wide and deep, it accom- modates bulky parcels with ease. BEAUTIFUL INTERIORS Colour -harmonised with exteriors, upholstered in long wearing vynide. Wide centre arm rests En both front and roar seats. NEW HIGH TAIL LIGHTS Easily soon by following vehicles. dashing direction signals in amber colour. Also white reversing light. VANGUARD MK.D1 9t ka EVERYTHIiVG eoo4io«e apt... •STYLE •PERFORMANCE •COMFORT •ECONOMY You get the best of two worlds in this magnificent new VANGUARD MK. III ... the detailed perfection of British car engineering plus all the comfort, style and performance features which Canadians demand. You'll love Its look of speed and power, its eye entrancing colour schemes, its thoroughbred good looks. You'II thrill to its exhilarating performance on the open road, its good manners in city traffic. Best of -all you'll appreciate its good sonse economy, not only in low purchase price and upkeep, but its low, low gas mileage, up to 34 m.p.g. with overdrive. And ask your Vanguard dealer about all the "extras" that are standard equipment on the Vanguard MK. 111 at no extra cost. You'II be convinced that in style, in performance, in full time satisfaction, you can't beat a Vanguard. See Britain and the continent in•comfort this year. Take delivery of your Vanguard MK. III overseas. Yourdealer will arrange alI details. PRODUCTS OF THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. (CANADA) LTO. SALES, PARTS AND SERVICE FROM victhRIA, Q,C. to SST. JOIN'S, CIF[LD. r Th© world famous TRIUMPH TR sports car is manufactured by tko makers of tho :,VANGUARD MK- 9t1 Sutherland Motors, 572 King St., Port Colborne WE THINK IT'S SPRING ®, BUT WE'RE SURE IT'S TIME FOR T n yew ur and Curtains p,.. to h,„ The for all your window requirements is F. E. Hibbert San's IN GODERICH Come in and look over— ', THE NEW DRAPERIES. e NYLON AND O LON CURTAINS. COTTAGE SETS ANN, CAFE SETS. And, of course, all kinds of TRAVERSE WINDOW RODS, PLASTIC AND CLOTH BLINDS; also VENETIAN 5LINDS AT SPECIAL P"ICES. ° WE MEASURE, MAKE AND INSTALL YOUR WINDOW RODS AND CURTAINS. PHONE 86 OR, OF YOU PREFER, CLOTHAWN/NGS Ornamental Iron Railings Beautify your home with either or both of thec.,e. AND REMEMBER We make a speeial point e SERVICING WHAT WE SELL! -- ESTIMATES GIVEN WItl1 OUT A!)KATION. JACKSON HOMES LI �� ITED. SEAL OR` 1=1 Plot*