HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-06-07, Page 3Air Cadet News At the last cadet parade of the year, on May 22, drill tests were held and many cadets Were pro- moted as a result of these tests. LAC's :.i11 Queen andBill Lind - field were promoted to acting Corp- oral and acting Corporal Bob Pit- blado was promoted to the full rank of corporal. Opls. Mike Duke, Paul MeCreath, Jahn Sim- mons and Grant Townsend have become Sergeants and Ken Josling is now an acting Sergeant. Sgt. Don Stewart was promoted to the rank of acting Fhght Sergeant and Sgt. Maurice Loiselle was promoted to the full rank of Flight Sergeant. One officer, Pilot Meer Dennis Fincher, has also been promoted to Flying Officer. The annual wierier roast, the last social event of the year, was held at Pointe Farm the following Fri- day night. The highlights of the summer are various courses and caru,ps which are being attended by Gode- rich air cadets. W.O. 2 "Chuck" Townsend will attend the drill in- structor's course at Camp Borden. This course is of seven weeps dur- ation and -members of it will be chosen to make up the Canadian Air Cadet International Drill Team to compete for the Beau Trophy, symbol of international air ,cadet drill supremacy, with the American Civil Air Patrol Precision Squad in the International Drill competi- tions. W.O. 2 Townsend, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Townsend, is 18 and a grade 12 student at the Goderich Collegiate. He joined the squadron in 1951 and since then has attended a Junior N.C.O.'s Course, a Senior N.C.O.'s Caurse, and two summer camps. This year he was the squadron warrant officer. F. Sgt. Bob Wood will take the Senior Leaders' course which Ls another .seven weeks' course at Camp Borden. F. Sgt. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, first joined the squadron in 1951 and at 18 is a grade 13 student at the collegiate. He attended a Senior N.C.O.'s Cours4 last summer at Clinton and a summer camp before that. Two other cadets; F. Sgt. Maurice Loiselle and Sgt. Roy Reinhart, have been awarded the' Flying Trades Scholarship. This scholarship enables a cadet to take flying training and get his private pilot's license and Air Cadet wings. It is usually a four weeks' course at the Flying Club at Crumlin, Lon- don. F. Sgt. Loiselle a son of Mr: and Mrs. Albert Laiselle and is a grade 12 student. He has attend: ed a Senior N.C.O.'s Course and two summer camps. Sgt. Rein- hart is a grade 11 student at the local collegiate and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Reiataart. He has attended one summer 'map. :path cadets joined the squadron in 1952 and are 17 years old. W.O. 2 Fred Moss is to take a one month totir ,to the United States under the Overseas ]Ex- change Tours. In these tours, Cadets from Canada tour the Unit- ed -States, Britain and several other European countries while cadets from these countries tour Canada and the United States. W.O. 2 Moss joined the Goderich squadron in 1951. He has attended a Junior N.C.O.'s Course, two summer camps and the Senior Leader's Course last year where he got the third highest marks. He is 18„ a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moss, and has just graduated from the Stratford Teacher's College. While attending this school he was a member of the No. 19 Stratford Air Cadet Squadron and was their squadron warrant officer.. About 15 other cadets will at- tend summer camp which is to be helm again at RCAF Station, Clin- ton. The squadron would like to thank the local Kinsmen Club for its support of the squadron during the year. et would also like to thank the Kinette Club for their looking after the canteen. The writers of this column, F. Sgts. Maurice Loiselle and Bob Wood, thank all you loyal readers for faithfully reading this column all year. 0 1,241 VISITORS Huron County pioneer Museum was visited by 298 persons on Mon- day, bringing the total. number of visitors far the year to 1,241. Among those who viewed the ex- hibits on Monday were 213 stud- ents, representting 11 schools. N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t • AT ••-PARK 1150• • • TOP SCREEN - FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT • • Now—"THE YEARLING"—Margaret Kinnari Rawlings' Pulit- • • zer Prize story—with Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarman Jr.—Technicolor. • • Mon., Tues. and Wed. Adult Entertainment. • • HUMPHREY BOGART, MARTHA SCOTT and FREDRIC MARCH Exc P%call lntar tarnm entl Jasep ; 'ReY esj. .mss t seidin novel and sucessful stage hit comes to the screen as a forceful • L= _, anrr-lifte eb irg - aspeii'se "The DESPERATE HOURS" .w • • — In Vistavision — • Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— • Kirk Douglas, Beira Darui, Cesar Romero and Gilbert Roland 13 • A speed -track story told against beautiful scenic settings on • the French Riviera, in Italy and other European racing • centers. -� � - "The RACERS"• • • • 0 — In 'scope •and color — 0 • • Next—"MISTER ROBERTS"—In Cinemascope and Technicolor with James Cagney, Henry Fonda, William Powell and • Jack Lemmon. • ••••••••••e•••••••••s•••••••oa••••s••••••••••••• d UN5ALL\ Hensel). uses a suitable symbol to advertise its fiddlers' contest on June 8. MONEY LEFT TO TWO GODERICH CHURCHES The probation of two wills recently, revealed bequests to two Goderich churches. Miss Eva Smith left an amount ex- ceeding $2,000 to North Street United Chureh Sunday School in memory of her sister, Nellie Clarissa Allan. Mrs. Jeanette Ruth Mitchell left $1,000 to Knox Presbyterian Church. VICTORIA LODGE PLANS - SERVICE HERE JULY 12 A memorial service will be held by Victoria L.O.L., No. 182, on the Square on the evening of July 12. Town Council has granted permis- sion to erect a platform on the Square and detour traffic, on two streets. Plans of the lo.lge were explain- ed at last Friday's Council meeting by R. II.,leeishman and T. Gower. Mr. Leislan said that there will bee a short pJograrn of singing_ hymns, ym folowed by Some speakers and bands. NEW AND USED FURNITURE PIANOS (Large Stock) FREE DELIVERY — SCHUETT'S MILDMAY Furniture Showrooms • G. E. SCHUETT Mildmay and Mt. Forest 22-24 • At IVAN'SFRUIT MARKETu yo can depend on • • • c�nry4�. V S 'Oy y..t{�4 f. P i ',,I,� , died • a rr �1►fU► • -�+�.r.! _..tom. j • 1 ,Raimiligt11111111,-- eiltiO4%\,. i FRUITS fanif ETA LES ...0 1 BULK 'BANANAS at attractive price1s. 1 SHOP HERE AND SAVE ! ! • WE SPECIALIZE IN ROSE BUSHES, SHRUBS,' • CUT FLOW ERS, POT FLOWERS ., I'RI;E DELIVERY PHONE 1571 SUFFOLK -"DEMON" 19" Power Mower. Super Power ed 4 Cycle Engine, Centrimatic Clutch. No Belts to slip. Enclosed Chain free from all dust and dirt. Direct Drive gives more power. Longer lasting engine. SAVE TIME AND LABOR WITH LAWN KING Manufactured by CLEMMER WELDING Waterloo, Ont. Available With Either 2 1 8" Cut Rotary Power M - wer Every rotary mower should have this easy change lifting device for quick height adjust- ment Instantly by ratch- et lever 1" to 4" 4 -Cycle Motor. Sold in Goderich by S+. WORSELL HARDWARE .a¢cguneti NERCO SALES is ROOK STREET 22, 23 and 23 109th Year—No. 23 oberic t� �M#ilf�:rs- GODERICH, ONTARIO, -THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1956 Volunteer Labor To Build Church Workers . started to demolish Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Monday to make way for ,g new $30,1)00 church on the same site at the corner of Elgin avenue and Waterloo street. The new .building will be 36' by 68', of frame construction, covered by brick veneer. It will be erected chiefly by volunteer labor, Under the supervision of a contractor, states Pastor R. J. Green. The last tiwo services in the pre- sent building will be held on Sun- day, June 10, with Rev. H. G. Underhill, of Toronto, as guest preacher. The present property was secured about '20 years ago while he was pastor here. After June 10, services will be held in MacKay Hall for three months until the basement of the new church is ready for occupancy. It is hoped the building will be completed abaut December. Members of the building com- mittee are George Hutchins, Ted Gower and Tom Twamley. The contract for tearing down the pre- sent building has been given to James Keane, .of Dungannon. The congregation had sought title to that portion of a road allowance which lies inside the sidewalk in front of the church, but Town Council has decided not to grant this request. The Council has turned down similar requests from other parties in the past. WEATHER FAILS TO STOP CLINTON SPRING SHOW Despite the inclement weather, the es,hibits._.aLthe_ Clinton .Spring Show on Saturday were more num- erous than ever before- Beef cat- tle and dairy cattle exhibitors came from as far away as Watford. Exhibitors of heavy and light horses . came from/ Chesley, Wood- stock, Em.bro, •• Milton, Grand Val- ley and other points. The show was of leially opened by Walter Patterson, livestock branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture. He was introduced by G. W. Montgomery, agricultural representative for Huron. - The Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band, led by Mayor J. E. Huckins, was a feature attraction. ••••••••••s••••••e•••••o CLARENCE WALKER, assistant general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, and a native of Goderich, who will be guest speaker at the Lions Club on Fri- day evening. 0 o 0 Ballet Draws Large Crowd (By A.B.T.) Goderich residents witnessed their first ballet recital Saturday night. Local students shared solo billing with top Toronto members of Maria de Kurtliy's Ballet Schools in the event, staged at the Public School Auditorium and attended by many. "Invitation to the Ballet," a Degas -like scene; introduced- s-tu dentis• from five 'to 'teens in brief, white frou-frou or black ball -et tights in behind -the -scenes "work- outs." At the conclusion, flowers Study Possibility Of New Bandstand Now under consideration is the erection of a new bandstand to replace the present 'building in Court. House Park. Council opin ion on the matter was sounded out by Mayor J. E. Huckins at last Fri- day's meeting. Said the mayor: "I've been asked to mention that the bandstand, as it now appears, is outdated and all out of proportion to its sur- roundings. "The Lions Club, with the con- sent and blessing of Council, and perhaps with the help of other individuals and service clubs, is interested in building a new shell bandstand." He added, "I know they would appreciate the viewpoint of Coun- cil on it. As for myself, I am in favor of it." On suggestion of Councillor James Donnelly, it was decided to discuss the subject at a future meeting. Since Court House Park is fenced off now while the grass is growing, it will likely be necessary to move the Sunday night band concerts to Harbor Park, said Mayor Huckins. He agreed with Rev. J. H. Gra- ham that the pavilion down at Harbor Park should be straighten- ed up. There is money available for that purpose, said the mayor. n 0 t a TIE AT BRIDGE Mrs. A. A. Nicol and Mrs. J. K. Hunter tied with Mrs. J. W. Craigie and Mr. F. Saunders for first place with 48 points at the Goderich Duplicate Bridge on Mon- day night. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dean were third with 4714 points and Mrs. H. Brennan and W. A. Oakes had 45x, points. FIRST AID RENDERER TO .e!LL SICK, TV'S. were presented by Miss Edith S. We carry the largest stock of tubes Crawford, senior ballet student, to for all makes, and a complete stock Mis de Kurth v of parts for Sparton TV. GODER$CH SHOOT SCQRgS Scores of the practice trap shoat held at Godericib Gun Club on Wednesday of last week were: out of 50 targets—Ashley Gilbert, 18 and 22; rill Luwsby, 19 and 21; Jack Gilbert, 18 and 21; Hedley 20th at 020 p.m. Prouse, 17 rind 20. Out of 25 target, (jlarLio Prouse, I1; Bill Zeck; 21; ,Ai1U i Graham', 14. Dbub'le$ -ill Lusby, 14 out o£ 24; Ashley Gilbert, 1. Next shoot will be held Jolie WE STAND BETWEEN YOU , AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 230 43A West t. Goderieh 7t1 0))))) BRfCKfNR/DGfVA PtuMBER WE REPAIR. AMID WE INSTALL, PRICE AMID SEQV CE SAME TD ALL:-/ The students were: grade one— For Lima Baechler, Jane Heath, Caro- lyrr Watters, Joan Curry, Wendy Mitchinson, Gail McInnis, Carol Graham. Wendy Schwantz Debby Sully, Susan Mclnnis, Jane Me Aulay; grade two --Sybil Bowra, t . tlLe.ne Jl��n, -G��d :�-'klrrn��:, 4464fy Holmes Nancy 'Watters, Ruth V4 el- i'txrC; three,—Laeeel aLotige, Karen -Muel- ler, Helen Pridham, Jane Duke,. Jane Ford:'. Costumed in period pink satin. Barbara Szimansky .and Margot Belling, a Toronto pair, bowed through a French Minuet-. Laurel Lodge, in sheer Persian garb, weaved through "Anitra'., Dance" to sultry Eastern rhythm. "The Devil's Dance," a lively contrast, was cleverly portrayed by Edith S. Crawford, of Toronto. A "Vienna Waltz" lured Laurel Lodge, Helen Pridham, Jane Ford and Karen Mueller, in bouffant ballet costume, into a dance with Jane- Duke as soloist. After an intermission, Miss Duke soloed in "Faust." Susan Gyory, also of Toronto, with castanets in hand, whirled to a "Spanish Number." A comedy tap dance was per- formed by Allan Reid. Returning as Helen of Troy, in classic ballet style, Miss Crawford was greeted with loud applause. An "Oriental Scene," composed of dancers Sybil Bowra, Irene Hansen, Gail McInnis, Nancy Wat- ters, Holly Holmes, Ruth Wallace and Mary -Jayne McManus, starred Mi9S Gyory. A final "Ensemble" brought the entire cast to the stage amid warm applause for presentations of sugar hearts by Miss de Kurthy. At the conclusion of the recital lunch was served to the dancers and their parents and friends. A news story in last week's issue erroneously stated the ballet. was to be held at the Goderich Col- legiate Auditorium instead of the Public School Auditorium. An advertisement in the previous week's issue, however, carried cor- rect. details, Drive -In Limited v rrav, w.g� AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. (DST First show at dusk. ••••••••••••••••••••••;o Thurs., Fri. June 7-8 "Beachcomber" (COLOR) Robert Newton, Glynis Johns TWO CARTOONS ••••••e••••••••••••••e••a Sat., Mon. i June 9, 11 "Redheads From Seattle" (COLOR) Guy Mitchell, Teresa rewer Rhonda Fleming TWO CARTOONS ••••s•••••••••e•••••••ee Tuesday, June 12 IS DOLLAR NITE You, your family, your friends can ALL ace the show for `;i1.00. ONE DOLLAR ADMITS THIS ° CAR LOAD 1 'Fuer., Wed: .h ne 12, 13 "Tight Spot" Ginger Rogers, E. G. Robinson, Lorne Green TWO CARTOONS ••ee••••e•••••••••••••••( Thurs., Fri. June 14, 15 "Personal Affair" Gene Tierney, Leo Gonn TWO CARTOONS SOS00010414110.10104110.00.•004141 Two shows nightly, rain or clear, Children under 12 in car free. -23 e10e101019e0000010•eessaee10e41 instant service phone or call B. R. MUNDAY Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -t3tf Many Prizes From "Treasure Chest" Nearly a score of Goderich and district residents won several hun- dred dollars in valuable prizes (lur- ing the silver treasure hunt held at Filsinger's Jewelry and Gifts. Lucky keys were mailed out to people and if the key they receiv- ed opened the "Treasure ('hest" at Filsinger's they won a valuable prize. The treasure hunt ended on Saturday. Winner of a 34 piece set of Flair Flatware was Mrs. Dorothy Venus, of Goderich. Among the other lucky prize winners were the following; Miss Louise Chapman, Goderich, 4 -piece silver plated tea service; Mrs. Bruce: Faulkner, R.R. 2, Goderich, 21 -piece china tea service; Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, Goderich, silver plated ealving set; Mrs. ellen Gardiner, Goderieh, gent's wrist watch; Mrs. Ed. Hartney, Goderich, electric kitchen clock; Mrs. Doug. Vtti^e, Goderich, large china fruit bowl; Mrs. Jack Wilson, Goderich, brillium comport; Mrs Wm. Tigert, Port. Albert, china pedestal cclm- port.; Mrs. Hugill, Goderich, set of eight glasses; Mrs. Donald Baines, Auburn, large china ashtray; Mrs. R,obt. McClure,e R.R. 4, Goderich, large noirie pitcher; Mrs. Wm. 'Bagie, Goderich, gent's cufflinks; Miss Sylvia llu,llen, Gorl•eeich, neck- let -earring set; Mrs. Wm. Tebbutt, Goderich, Ronson lighter. )))))) Replacement Piping Made To Order In Our Own - Work ,shop: EBRE(KEN RIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING HEATING. #2 CORNER SQUARE S. NORTH ST.• • • GODERICH • •• 4 1 5 IT PAYS TO "H/R.E EXPERIENCE!!,- PLAY-BY-PLAY Coved,=, by KEN Sund June 10th9 215 Dodo, ��ol._"OTO lyetroit at , shingto 'CIHNIL CLpjjradio dja1 �.n 1111nu dannau :11 HURRY! This offer closes in just one more week. GOING.:.GOING... Poses••sass••••••••s••••siessessoes•ss•ssses•a Free Nylons with every pair of FAMOUS AN Dress Pumps 1 pair of Ladies' "Eternal' full-fashioned hosiery FREE with every pair of Famous HEEL HUGGER, STROLLER or GRACIA buck or blue DRESS PUMPS. ROSS SHOE S Phone 220 Ammonwpwomm • e doderi 23